untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-01


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HARVEY AMES Earle Bldg., Broadway at 52nd St. NEW YORK, N. Y. "Harvey Transaction" TODAY The efforts of this office to locate a winner at a good price for the opening day at Bowie, regard-lless of expense, we believe have been rewarded. Telegraph 00 early. Those subscribing for today must receive a winner or the next "Harvey Transaction" will be furnished without charge, as arrangements were perfected for two successive i transactions, coming through the same channel. We have been assured of success. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 Thousands of Dollars are already available and in Um band! t real smart people, wlio will make Unit in-tstment in several towns humlrtds of mHes away from tho Bowie race track In protect ill- price anil make sure of prices worth While on two horses that from receat workouts and preparation should win b MYeral 1* ntrtlis- eased up. First one rocs opening day at Bowk and the other on-- Roes the smi ?nl ila. This is a real opportunity for those interested to Kt some real money. The writer of tlws ad is an old-lime horse-I man who has been let in on this proposition for old times sake and wauls to assure roadi is of this paper thai he is on the square in every way and has the . K. on both of then horses and the assuranre thai both should win easilv and pa bit, prices. This is real information thai MOM of the saaartest horsemen in the baaiaen are investing thousands of dollars in. Another thins *r onlident is the writer of the result ,.f these two races that every dollar that comes in from this ad will be iarestcel on these two horses also. Names of then horses and the names of iookeys who ride are now on tile with DAILY RACING FORM and will be wind the night before each race w all sabseribers. Terms for both horses. ."» in advance. Absolutely no propositions. Kemit fee with address by telegraph to J V.MKS J. US N IS 227 fourth Aie. l.ouN» illr, Ky. JJT $ 149391493914939 1493914939 $ jjpr 1and PREDETERMINED j£ TURF PROFITS • The MIRACLE SVSTEM Is onllonally «9 known as - :is - for la rr — hard for bya." lias stood ISO Afll TEST for ** tf many years. We could not spend ninny v, thousands of dollars per annum adtrr-™* tisiiiR water as eough syrup — :ind con- ** tinue ia business. Sold on installment p« merits paid from your profits. Abso- ** v latflv EREE. lOOnage racing manual. / «0 review. aKorn testimonats. etc. Intcsti tate today and make your Bookie obty. v Public Relation* Manager a «Sf S. E. ARTHIR X| Box 111 It. . Tonson. Mil. /Jv

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924040101/drf1924040101_7_4
Local Identifier: drf1924040101_7_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800