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SATURDAYS SUPER SPECIAL: Spot Cash .1.90- Won Filed by U. S. mail to Racing Form and sent to all followers in good standing. WIRE NAME AT ONCE FOR BIG PLAY WEDNESDAY TERMS, WINNINGS 0 Yours truly, JOHN L SULLIVAN 1031 Clay St. San Francisco. Calif. 44 West 60th How York, N. Y. ORIGINAL FRANK WILSON 27 WEST FAYETTE ST. RITTLEMOSER BLDG. BALTIMORE. MD. .00 DAILY— 0.00 WEEKLY 8** WONAGAIN 9*- WON AGAIN Yesterdays one horse — Lord Wrack, .40-, Won 11 Winners, 2 thirds. 2 losers in 15 days. Postively only one horse daily. Dont miss Mondays long shot. Safest proposition I ever handled. Should be 10 to 1. Positively only one horse daily. Specially prepared for this race, and the spot waited for. If you need money, you wont be disappointed. Remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Baltimore clients call at office. Hours. 10:30 l| 1. You all know my wonderful record of winners, so subscribe and rtop losing and get in touch with my many clients who are reaping a golden harvest. Wilson information speaks for itself. BEWARE OF IMITATORS. Get the genuine. Before spending money for a system, find out WHY it is SOLD and not PLAYED hv th3 seller. Thats good advice. The F0REWAY i; a New York business mans idea, used by him literally for years. Useless in Colorado. Simple, logical, offective, because of correct business principles. Flat plays only — does not require U. S. Treasury to operate at or away from track. Worth many, many times its price. 5. Send now iyoxi can safely do so or write in confidence. FOREWAY METHOD, 3905 Zonobia St., Denver, Colo. I j I Cfhc BUGLE « f A FU I VAMP JUMHBUBBW t% ~~~ fr— TIB Ifll If I VI I HIV THE MAN WHO CAN MAKE YOl WLN ] WKuglemP JAUV LI UNO uiMin i IJuJuu Hk.1 EVE** •** ilUnr - Columbus Circle New York City Htf ¥1 Y Sold All Newsstands— and "SPECIALS" IS_ FEATURING TAIUr DCTTTD ■**"! T0LD Y0U S0" TPric EVERY DAY IjUlPlU DC 1 ILK Yesterday, STABLE TIP SPECIAL V557 Agop pvFRY Llll I nAY 1/1*1 Lord Wrack .. .20- Won "SPECIAL" ALSO WON: Yesterdays CpppI A I Apni 19 Freezy Sneezy .20- Won YESTERDAYS GRAND SPECIAL: . _ . «~«V ** ~w«j *fw t , Lord Wrack 40-S2 Won Yankee Princess And jack field advised to -plunge, wih 0NLY on B0TH of ■"■ yesterday BF Mi"fiijiii %M .30- Won Read and Listen to This Adv. Apr„ is Are You Convinced Now That Jack Field "Can Make You Win" ? a i D...n ClQQnfcO klnn Hero is a record that never will he equaled ty A. J. DUJ9 . . 5| I 0.yU" Pfc WON anyone for a long time: How can T0U LOSE when YOU get such "BIG- April U PRICED WINNERS" following which JACK as A.i inni ■ AOOOn frO lAI/*r% LALIGULA . ...$.oU-$/i Won PalinnlA Ual,gu,a **"** 2 80- ** Won won field gave to win only: • FLINT STONE .9.40- Won " — nda ~2*VZ CniOTn frO OH frO A/nn 1 April 16 HUMBOLDT 2.00-WON tUlOlU O.OU-£ WUll, THE FOREIGNER 00- WON CK_* Ct««« frIO Af frO lAI/ « BILL WINFREY 80- Won Hint btone -and£ won sea-wolf hjmiin TONY BEAU . . . !!40- Won | *** » 5SS the wizard ": ZZY.Z SS won ARENDAL .00- Won! Effort Left at post ebony belle .oo-woh A. J. BUJA .30- Won! ! APrn h *»* many mor* ing priced winners m LITTLE AMMIE ..40- Won A. J. Buja. . ..30- Won :"ZT£™. JACK FIELD e™ OLD FAITHFUL ..50- Won i . . .. ***** sensational, but consistent. u Monday Another un. Clean ..„ Up marri f frAn in fr.9 A/nn IVIHnDLCL **rV. lU-*£. ¥»UII vhen you deal with me yon are deal- Golden Billows . ..30- Won m* *m, a man *„., i,as had amen Jr„ZZV Ts mZ.*mm ° "TSS ■uaikMiBMk *!- -- X— ... . . . . , . UP MONDAY, then YOU may as well "QUIT WARNING WOn earS 0btaInlDg Feal 3.10- "E*"" PLAYING EM." Rush to your newsdealer and HUMBOLDT "* 2 00-S2 WOn b°na fidC inf0rmati"n- Set "JACK FIELD both and "SPECIALS." Be YOU get BOTH and "SPECIAL, a. rnVI C frVlvin frO IMnn nillfj T M Urill T sure lUlLt 5 H-.*HJ-5 WOll BOTH come from same STABLE. RilHAnn DUUMUU .£U 2fl- $£. Won VVUII Subscribe Immediately. JACK FIELD copy SOLD TODAY. SUNDAY." HIDDEN JEWEL 3.30- WOn $,° i1111 0R *30 FOR 6 DAYS for MONDAY on all newsstands: also MAILED TO ANTIQUITY . . .2.20- WOn Hush Your Order Today ™- —— J*— * fecials,. tMWWWkkWkkkWkkJKkWkWkkkkkWkWkWkWMl 39 W. Adams St. Chicago. I1L m ,r,„„r ,T„„ „.„., ■■■ " We give only THREE HORSES DAILY. The above are the winners we gave you in the last r TTT=Trr,r-,,== — r,-.™,-— a winning combination THE ADMIRAL SYSTEM Our r9cord on last eleven Specials is: _ .-— — CALIGULA ....2.80- WON W • f* The Employed Mans Sheet-Anchor FLINT STONE. 9. 40- WON Y O f*f*l lf* 1 € WON ,300.00 **** * 1V1 X#« in 1923 on a 0 Straight Flat Bet Hidden Jewel. .3.30- WON A. J. BUJA .30- WON 0.00 Weekly; .00 Daily WON 90.00 OLD FAITHFUL. . 50- WON 1H assau Street raW YORK CITY at Bowie This Spring on 0 Capital Golden Billows.. .. 30- WON f~* *«»* «ii t a. m. to 3 ,. «. WON ,024.00 HUMBOLDT WON ...2.00- MTTin Companjr put 0Ter Saturday: at Current Tijuana Meeting ARENDAL . . . .5.80- 2ND 00.00 CERTIFIED FREE SPECIAL: a fl** *•• «» the nose system. No progression. Requires amazingly small capital. Not an index "RT ATTVP « A 7A « O XTfr OliUllIift %.IV-Z WU« Crpp7V CnPA7V . R 9fl 9 U/nn «uii system. Not necessary to obtain odds or result* ricc/:* oiiccz:y .*u.£.u-* . WARNING .40- 2ND race ty race pUyed in the books Every nATr. . -w--r-r **.-rr ... j «. system horse is a positive factor before race time ~ ROYAL DUCK Scratched A ™°er 6Very day Past Week- every day. THE FINEST AND SAFEST SYSTEM! EVER DEVISED BY HUMAN INGENUITY. For These are positively only HUNDRED DOLLAR ThOUSSildS 3l Sl3KG MODCldy full particulars and tabulated actual past result* SPECIALS SENT OUT THE LAST ELEVEN DAYS. address How can you beat this KIND OF INFORMATION. . . _ ._ ,,. -.,. . - «p%.-,«., -.-_, One of our company at Havre de Grace taking THE ADMIRAL P0MPANY care of everythins and there with the bank ro11 t0 |aF*EVERYBODY LISTEN*T» 303 steward building Baltimore, mo. give the amount of money wanted to cover our end. __ THE BUGLE CALLS YOTT _______________________ Mondays Free Long Shot -«-— ~ 3 sPECiAL-e Money Horse Monday ilAPK HFFHAN comes from the same connections that sent us r» ■!.• I r- 1 t*rr rf lai I I UllUIV W I I k b I I fl II " Thursday s long shot: Positively Free to 0.00 Weekly J;om Tmi * *ZiZl JT ".". CALIGULA 2.80- ▼ Won Clients ■• my record at bowiE: 12 WINNERS OUT OF 11 RACING DAYS We asked you in Thursdays advertisement not Among Winters Were. SPECIAL Aatn WC BE° Y0XJ t0 GET M0NDAY S OPERATE ON BARRIERS MONEY HORSE SWEEPSTAKES SI3.I0-S2 WON MONDAY AND LOOK FOR AT LEAST 10 TO 1 TONY BEAU .40- WON ___ NORMAL .10-52 WON UN SALE eAT_, m/VT .TT TODAY Past 12 racing days— 10 winning days for Barrier OLD FAITHFUL .50- WON Sunday for monday ciients eager::::::::" :$£££ wSK SP* IN THESE LEADING CITIES ~*JkW TeleaPh a telegraphic moMy order Western GOLDEN BiLLOWS * . . .1U*fl WON Union or Postal. Local clients call 9 a. m. to 3 AND OTHFR F ■ •■ p m- 200° weekly; ?500 daily. Connections advise Havre de Grace and -____X JCirOlL /P*PnT ____________________ Pimhco meetings look even more promising. O One or two horses wired daily : never more. for sale at this stand only Will With WvilllP wire subscripion "»r?? wR v. wiw IjAOrlCV ll6wrSSirlHir1 0ne and only iorse sent Monday. April 14, was: — — — - — . —— _. A. J. BUJA .30- WON wwmmmrvL ivinmn«; system n Cor. tit a * ** * WOOdWard and Monroe AveS. A cool, conservative method wherein success is as- in front Of Wil1 h-e f0Ur ™«"* h°«" " ** Ha- - wiargeomrap" iTgUT flw SS Grace this week. Terms: Wire |15.00 in advance plays each week. Won big icorey on a straight flat P m M for all winning Be sure and send your Pl*y- Stood the acid test with Wonderful Success oagley Monument •*■* -*--• •• — • ssr SL»1KZS= *ives many andoodpriced CLEVELAND-For Sale WYNMF WHQON SPEEDBALL. 3.80 CHARLIE SUMMY, 3.40 at: W I W N C V¥ I LOUN SILENCE. 1.80 NORMAL. O. C. Schroeder 212 East Superior Ave. 0.50 ST. LOUIS— For Sale at: SECOND ELOOR RLDDLEMOSER BLDG. ASK JESSIE, 1.00 CHROME. 2.40 Wm StreCt MAKSDALE *10 A. J. BUJA. 3.90 Un«r;WM,V; * ?1J ,Market 21 WEST EAYETTE ST. BALTIMORE, —wax., MD. m.u. |f CINCINNATI— For Sale at: H WAEEEN j1080 SUPPLIANT. 1.50. Ray Pierce Corner Fifth and Vine Streets =============== Small payment down, balance as you win. Facts LOUISVILLE — For Sale at: , , _ regarding systems that will open vour eyes FREE. Triangle News 409 South Fifth Street ¥7* LJ M M _. .. KANSAS CITY-For Sale at: P f P. W. * % ** WATSftVinnvvn Rick»ecker-s Cigar Store.oth and Walnut St.. "gS Ml w. 45th st., Room YORK CITY DAYTON— For sale at: CCPDCTC f|C P HI D Euphrafs 123 South Jefferson Street OLOllLlO Ur U-ll-n — Also is for sale in other cities where the Racing . Evef7°"e twho loTes the thoroughbred sport and "™™™""Mi™ Foimissold- ittandStandZStJZiSiSZl Yankee Princess ..30- _ . can find. i ,„ QPCpiAl WnTIOC s TesterQy s Long Shot Winner «:■ Ufl« WUMUt Me year Correct Name and Address BEST RAN THIKD A a d- Big Chicaao Commission Horse I 6 on our and „ .et.m i M man u v0U my **. 0t. wmnmSa bIstabseT12 "S» *• wired WEDNESDAY NOON TREE 0? which contains valuable information on Kentucky! CHARGE to all who subscribe for the BUGLE horses which are fit and readv. you We want absolutely an honefi givoonlv L Lri two ,hA«/ a dav If 1 * * TWO WEEKS, .00. SEND . Write now to Jn Z ADDRESS the market tne OK. I 1 Tl 1 1* 1 • f* r hi RnPCDQ — Daily at All Newsstands— Bugle Publishing Co. ... R0GEBL„.,. ». ~s~! Suite 1711 Great Northern Bldg WffBWTWFA ? IffffffBHfffi Chicago, 111. ITS ultdc: HERE ! ! BiLflllSlillgK/Ak/JllklgllJIIitg ..... ... Details concerning a discovery that will open the -»-MMBHBBBBBlBlB and We Will mail yOU, OVemignt, eyes of system players will be sent without charge 411 BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO. ILL. . . . , , , or obligation. Those interested in systems will in a plain Sealed, envelope the find it to their advantage to address ~ " : BUGLE for TWO WEEKS, and L K. MARTIN FoSS VJIV jmJSS d,lbU fll«5n TVirP Wlie vnil YOU W"P.nNT?C!nAVCi WLDJJILDUfll O 52 EAST 34TH STEEET NEW YORK CITY wee last Saturdays XX Specials. Don t miss noxt Saturdays two live ones. All they cost is commission hoese free. | Subscribe for DaHy Racing Form "KSfiSfi ***?*and. SjrU