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BOWIES RACING FIGURES • ■ Total of 03,490 Distributed During Eleven Racing Days. * A. K. Alexandra Takes I.ion Share of lrizrs Thorndale Tops the Horses L. Lang the Jockeys. • ■ A total of 0". 490 was distributed by the Southern Maryland Agricultural and Fair Association during; the first of the 1024 spring meeting;* in Maryland. which beSaa at Bowie April :*. and cum to end April IS. The meeting was originally scheduled to open on April 1. but an unprecedented snow storm halted proceedings for two days. There were eleven days of racing; and seventy-seven races run. the daily average distribution amounting to ,408. A. K. Alexander was the most successful of Um owners participating in the meeting. horses, from his stable winning seven races and .M . C. W. Wingfklds Nevada Stock Farm Stable also figured prominently with four rtetoriea and IC5M to its credit. Benjamin Kloek likewise fared well with ,660 in stable earnings. ThoriKlal made amends for bis disappointing showing in the Louisiana Derby by winning the Capitol and Prince George Handicaps, two of the feature attractions at Bowie. His sue. -ess in these two races placed him at the top of the money winning horses at the meeting with $~ .4" 0 to his credit. General Thatcher. Normal and Golden Billows were other good winners among the horses. A. F. Alexandra carried off the training honors and 1.. Fang rode the greatest number of winners. Owner. 1st. 2d. 3 1. Amt. Alexandra. A . K 7 1 4 7.1K Nevada gtacft Farm Stable.. 4 12 f..." H0 Meefc. H • 1 0 ."..UK Arthur. J 2 4 3 4.12."j Caalca, I. s 3 3 4 MM ■ ■!■ !. Mrv. A 3 2 j 3.77". hMK, K. A 3 0 0 2.770 I.rjMju. K. K 2 3 2 MM Skink.r. J It 2 4 0 2.600 Winfrey. ;. ! 2 2 3 2,."i00 » •«ylf. C. A 1 1 1 2.475 Kn hards I». L 2 2 2 2.400 Kieh.irdon. J. V 2 2 0 2.2T.0 Sehaiik. J 1 1 0 2.17* I,iviiiBsi,»n. W 2 1 1 2.100 Mrs K 2 1 0 2.000 « ollins. J. M 2 1 0 2.000 lloltiuin, S. M 1 4 2 1.97." ]: viis. II. S 2 0 1 1.900 Sinitloti. C. 2 0 0 J.S00 HegBaa, . H 2 0 0 l.SOO Mel Milieu. J 1 3 3 1.S00 SUrk, If 1 3 0 1.7."0 I».n:s. I ■ 10 1 l.."0 Mum, ii r l 2 l 1.4.V Phillips. Mrs. J 1 2 1 1.400 Triple Spiincs Kami Stable... 112 1.32". Campbell. «.. V 1 2 0 1.300 Tending. It 1 1 0 1.2H0 Hertz. J. J 1 1 1 1.200 Parr, It 1 1 1 1.200 Salt. K. J 1 1 1 1,200 Scherer, It 1 1 0 1.100 Whitney. ]|. ]• 110 1.100 May berry. J. 1" 1 1 0 1,100 tinffith. J. K 1 0 1 1.000 Wlfcaaa, K. 1 1 0 1 1.000 « lydf. F 1 0 1 1.000 llean. J. W 1 0 0 975 Ohbv, W. V 1 o o two Karrell, .1. .1.. Jr 1 0 ttW llaskos. T 1 0 0 900 Kearns. J. W 1 0 0 900 Mot t. T 1 I 0 !tOO Prussian. M:-. S. W 1 0 0 900 ltiee. 1. 1 1 0 0 900 Sheedy. W. M 1 o 0 800 Tendler, M 1 0 0 900 The horses which accounted for 00 or more each follow : Horse. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. TbiHirdale 2 0 0 K.ggt Oaaatal fWteaai 1 o o B.4M Normal | 2 0 3,100 e l:. ti ltill.tws 3 0 0 2.775 Kama 1 1 l 2.475 Tony It.-mi 1 1 o 2.225 lord i. -suit- 2 1 0 2175 ■ ff Baag 2 1 1 L.lOO Wafaiag 2 1 1 2.100 Sea Sand 2 1 0 2.000 Ml Wml" rev 2 1 0 2.000 Anne 2 0 1 1.900 Sw-i-epstakes 2 0 0 1,800 Sombre ■ o 0 1.800 Listen Itearie 2 0 0 1.S0IJ Humboldt 2 0 0 1.800 8* loin 2 0 0 1.SO0 aoiam Oeatigaa 2 0 0 1.800 Itruaratiou 1 0 1 1.500 iood Times I 2 I 1.425 Afeadal 1 I o 1.300 *•»*■ 1 2 0 1.300 Nijjfit Kaid.-r 1 2 0 1.300 ■WCt 1 1 I ] .250 Barak* Harm 1 1 1 1,200 "oth.r 1 1 1 1 joo Fifty Fifty i i i j jqq Our Itirthday i i i 1.200 Wood lady l 1 i 1.200 Harney t..»,,-|.. i i 0 ] 100 1:" -• I 1 g 1.100 I.ord W ra.k 1 o 2 1.100 Hajari** l l • i.ioo Mi/.ar 1 i o 1.100 ■awe Magic 1 i o 1.100 Orertak* 1 i o j p* Hid l.u Jewel 1 n 1 1.7j Hay I,illy 1 | i i no, J"= t 1 0 1 1.000 ■aaaaaaai l o 1 1.000 Beaaghea l n agg itojai Charlie l o o 900 Baptl 1 n oyj ataxic Loot l i o ioo awiagilaag l u o :ioo The Permian 1 g g Hr Trajeaea 1 o o yoo •Teaaa It i o ii gag »ld Kailhful 1 g a;M Night Shade 1 i g 9W Marble 1 0 0 t*IH little Aniline 1 o g gggl KUbaarie 1 o i joo I.i.iil.-iiant Karrell l j o .jo« j Jewell . p ! | t oo«j j Jo. k S. „t .-. i o | 1HJ0 ,;l L-niir 1 o 0 !H0 Baadag Pad l o o ».io AiiMquily 1 o 0 900 A. J. Ituja 1 o 0 9 JO I The following are the jockeys who rode one or more winners ; larttajr. Mts. Is- 2d. 3.1. Unp. I.C i Laag, L -»n 9 io 7 23 .la Wallace, J r.t 7 ■ 9 25 .14 *•• ■ 43 »i 2 I 30 .14 Mirn.lli. It ;tj ■ « 2 19 1« M liner. W 50 | | 7 33 jp Howard 11. 34 | 4 4 g |« Merxler I» 42 4 8 2 2* .10 I«inc. « 13 4 0 2 7 .31 Stirling. I H .1 I 1 3 23 Kariand. II Si 3 2 3 15 .13 Dawson. J 2 1 | 2 2 17 .12 Marrta, L 7 I 2 1 2 .29 Baaa, ; 14 2 2 1 9 .14 toltiletti. K |g 1 1 4 9 .12 Kobiiison. " 5 2 1 1 1 .40 luil mors. J 22 2 1 1 IS .08 Marriner. W 4 2 0 1 1 .50 Allen. C 11 2 0 0 9 IS Ambrose, ■ M 1 4 1 4 ,M 1 Uider. Hti. lit. 2d. 8d. Unp.P.C. Shanks, J 11 1 I 2 6 .06 Murphy. ¥ 17 1 2 2 12 .06 Abel. A 15 1 1 3 10 .07 Shillick. H 9 1 1 0 7 .11 If rT anil. 1 4 1 0 2 1 .25 HcTaggart, J is 1 o 2 is .06 Kislier. A 2 1 0 0 1 .50 Atkinson. E 17 1 0 0 16 M The following are the jockeys who finished second or third with one or more of their mounts but did not ride a winner: Jockey. Mts. 2d. 3d.T"np. I.reimini;. P. 23 2 3 IS HarvcT. W 19 2 3 14 Wakoff. II 2 2 0 0 Walls. G I 1 1 ■ A.vardy. A 7 1 0 ■ Barnes. K 1 1 0 0 Kanclell. I 6 1 0 •" Seobie. E 11 ■ 2 9 Callahan. II 6 0 I I I land. J ■ 0 1 I Williams, tl 2 0 1 1 The following are the jockeys who finished unplaced with all their mounts : Jockey. Mts. Jockey. Mta, Conley. J 1 Sharp". F 2 Kaulstich, E 1 Stevens, F 2 Khag, G 1 Madeira. P I IMi -11011, L I Komanelli, R I Rodney. T 1 Thompson, C. 3 Schwartz, M 1 Woodstock, F 3 P.ell, E 2 Corey. G I Finn. T 2 Holmes. II 5 Hileman, E 2 Sehaeffer. L. I Jordan. W I Pond, G 9 Nicholson, 0 2 The trainers who saddled one or more winners follow : Trainer. Wins. Trainer. Wins. Alexandra. A. E. ..7 Casey. W. V 1 Arthur, J I Chapman. B. E 1 Garth, W 4 Donohue. T. J 1 Burch, P. M 4 Fizer. W. II 1 Shannon, T. J 3 Gaignard, A 1 Sw.nke. A 3 Hamilton, A 1 T.insor. F. A I Hopkins. F 1 Brenton. tl. C 2 Kearns. J. W 1 Bryson, G. It 2 louder, P 1 Burlew. F 2 Martin, W. M 1 Burttschell. W. A... 2 Murphy. M. J 1 Lurman, E. J 2 Phillips, J 1 Holnian, f 2 Pryce, J 1 Livingston. W 2 Kites. H 1 Beuter. P 2 Sheedy, W. M 1 Kiehardson. J. F. ... 2 Smith. II 1 Trueman, E 2 Smith. J. P 1 Winfrey, G. C 2 Weston. A. G 1 Zeicler, G 2 White. R. 1 1 Bauer. L. T 1 Wilkinson, E 1 Boden, J 1 Campbell, G. W 1 Brady, if 1 The following stakes were decided : Inaugural Handicap. April 3; General Thatclier.4s0 Capitol Handicap. Aptil 5; Thorndale 1.S30 Prince George Handicap, April 12; Thorndali. 2.280 The percentage of winning favorites was below normal, as shown in the subjoined tabulation : Niimtier of days 11 Number of races 77 Winning first choices 32 Winning sci-ond choices 24 Winning outsiders 21 Winning ::t odds on 9 Defeated at odds on 7 1erci ntage of winning ehoices 42