untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-20


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~ * _ giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM j [1 A 1 Vk V A n/i k IrTTLu cky g«pp|| 11 1 S l L I ft HI L J SJfefflM JERRy nflRDII1fiJ|,y | EARLE BLDG., BROADWAY AT 52ND STREET iiiS NEW YORK, N. Y. 1452 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY Changed track conditions made it advisable yesterday for our con- .00 DAILY — 0.00 WEEKLY nections to defer operations, and in consequence no "Harvey Trans7 action" was advised — that means, nothing was given out. This office l/f J J f ¥ ¥ never guesses, and while instructions to our people are to the effect lVAOllClcLY S V/llC JTaOi SC *-° procure winners regardless of expense, it is absolutely necessary tnat a11 must be known and favorable before action is advised— namely, has not won a race in a long time, but I have the final O. K. that fitness of intentions and track condition. tomorrow is the day and my advice is to let the "B. R." ride. I norse anticipate a very liberal price. The value of "Harvey Transactions" is proved by the fact that During the past twelve racing days, I have given ten winners, last week five "Harvey Transactions" were advised, with the result one scratch and one third horse. The reason for my wonderful that FIVE WON. percentage of winners is that I aim to get the very best informa- guch winners as ihe following are not guesswork or accidents, tion that and I attention to details money can buy, pay particular but the result of abfflty and plenty of money spent in the rigM chan- so as to avoid any mishaps. My motto is "Safety first, regardless nejs- " of cost, and a winner, no matter what the price." I do everything * -- — -— , . , ., r Mondays "Harvey Transaction," „... WESSIE -«„..- n B .30- WON in my power to make every transaction I handle as safe as pos- * J ... 3 ,. . * . . iL.1+ Tuesdays "Harvey Transaction," SWEEPSTAKES _,..___«_.„_« 3.10- *..„..« *„ ...-rN.. WON «.„.. m ~ x u * J netted followers — about sible. A 5 flat play past two weeks my J J J K J K - «•■*»■■ Wednesdays "Harvey Transaction," FLINT STONE . .9.40- WON Jg f» CS/ Thursdays "Harvey Transaction," CALIGULA 2.80- WON $•4 X »tQ /,0U Fridays "Harvey Transaction," A. J. BUJA 3.90- WON which should convince even the most skeptical that I am a pro- Saturday— Nothing advised. ducer. Every single solitary horse was filed in advance with this A 50 investment on each of the five "Harvey Transactions" newspaper. showed a clear profit of YESTERDAYS HORSE Bernice Harrar, 6.00-, Won 457 897 If you are following turf information, you should take into j * consideration the fact that I have been before the public perhaps after the cost of the information had been deducted, longer than any one else in this business. I have been a success and I have operated under my own name for years. My clients Several "Harvey Transactions" now in preparation simply await* stick. Of course I have losers occasionally. I dont pretend to be ing favorable starting conditions. Next will doubtless start tomorrow infallible, but compare my record with that of any other turf MONDAY. bureau. Who has the greatest percentage of good-priced winners? Subscription, 00, must be telegraphed early to avoid oversub- My chief docker at Havre de Grace has informed me that Mon- scription, as all "Harvey Transactions" are limited to territory, and days horse has been burning up the track and he expects him to only in this manner are we assured of good prices. I be about This office recognizes no competition. Imitators are not competi- «— » E g 1 HTifm W fWWfMAT *M torS- We welcome and challenge competition. * -* *** * * -r A M. Iwl m. V ▼▼ Through all the ages the activities of imitators has never relaxed Start the week right and let me put you on my winning list. and aside from any purpose which the imitation is designed to serve All weekly subscribers will receive an extra 0.00 Special Free of jt always accentuates the real worth of the individual, as in the case of Charge, scheduled to go some time next week. Wire your sub- "Harvey Transactions." scription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 — - — JJ ED BRADLEY FACTS!! xhrand specials axxx Gotham Bank Building 1819 Broadway, New York City *» ******** GEL**" For the week ending Friday, April the ISth IHI ■■■AT, APKII. 21 . . This horse has had a careful preparation and is rrn • • ■•■ «,.., r My army Of followers IS growing daily. Still room for more. Saturdays results unknown as this was np to a winning race; is trained by one of tha shrewdest men on the turf and one of the beat WHY NOT YOU? written Saturday morning, "The Ross Rule" riders in the country will be in the Eaddle. X advise a plunge bet to win on my first GRAND SATURDAYS HORSE had 39 piays- special. BERNICE HARRAR, 6.00-.00 WON *f iit " ,*SWBS»J5E»£ — . , , W W Information on both horses ccmes from the umt Friday S u HOrSe L L ■ Ull #■1 #■■ fh. Tiaa 1 source and I may add my connections have been . _._.... ■ ■ I ■ 111 I producing wonderful results lately. — ..... a a **.**. «*s* FLYING DEVIL .60- WON %3%3 I f UII x *m rsonally at the *?% daily and tvmT «_, j » 11 expense to give my many followers winners. My Thursday S HOrSe services are in greater demand than ever befora and my oiieT suould appeal to all. nmnvnniipn fl»o ~?f fl o lainai DANDY BRUSH 7.7U- WON £% W m wire me the winnings of a straight Wednesdays Horse Lost f I /vpf bStikW0™11"0, care WESTERN UNI0H» Tuesdays HOrSe il I .111 WIEE cr "RITE at once for service on the tw» •* ■ W lillfjll above specials and others to follow. w ******* WOOD LADY .40- WON R HAYNES Mondays Horse at Bowie, and at Havre de Grace for the week KERNANS HOTEL BALTIMORE, MD. LISTEN DEARIE .50- WON ■ nad " plays and on,jr onc ,ost- ====== 00 flat bet over ,000 winner after deducting cost of informa- At Huntington it had 12 piays and an won. tion and losers. Mondays horse should pay 15 to 1. My fee, 5 daily At Tijuana it had 16 piays. in advance. To avoid delay wire subscription by Western Union or 1 am personally following "The Ross Rule" l-g T*fc T TT W7* Postal Telegraph Money Order. wlth positive success and to reliable persons 1* M*3 KJJJm-J n j — whose M ord Is eood "" f0,,0W,DS 7|ii!BUGLE ttandL ® ™™mh; and ™r,T"A™ SPECIAL TERMS lr* """ to the de- / rice ■ *-*% * * week popular This only, owing J™ kn.»n »s :,sv for „la»er-har,i for Americas lremier locher. F „ " SUtr fcS no"uSLn r ThlFty e,,S elPerienCe - t!Kker mauds, terms wi„ be $.5 in advance and 5 I fjO J rnl ** „ mSJSTii SrirtSSXS. Y0U TWSSfS tt°fnwovsfoe you . .. xrjy FREE •» *15 F0R ANY TEN DAYS. from earnings within — -" « addlUonal, payable Using »aicr •- couith s.vrui— and con- QPFPIAI tli.ur in business. Sold on installment Rush vour subEcripUon. Dont fail to send your . , 3l E*llALi pa ments paid from your proflfs. Abso- address. Erom me you get track conditions. Mo thirty days after operations begin. •» lutHy Vm, lOOpaxe racinn manual, v scratched horses, but fit horees. My many clients •» review, huoin IculimonaU. rtc. Invest! will vouch for my marvelous success at Kentucky Above are facts proven through the bach QDD nnr oH/Drt icomnnt ln norm 11 today and make Bookir w OCC UUI dUVCl UOClllCllL Ull I I Sate vour obey. tracks. Consult a specialist r,f the game. I wire UdlJC Public KHutionn Manager 4r one or two horses daily at 11 oclock. Telegraph charts of the Racing Form. fgy S. E. AKTIIlK I remittances or remit by express order in letter. sp* B..I0 im.to«,.„. Md. /iSSSaxwwna!* M " JmoToir IS Address rcra,t,anc,s to this paper. Something Extra Big. — SCOTTS FLAT BET SYSTEM f_ A _ IxCJOO ahpaii/ Pay From Your Profits sPiectS the Piays from the entries without anv »° A # m -* mm Din nin iiiiinr UAl/Ut V PL PI A I . hindicapping. Flayed successfully at or awav ... Illll II U ■ fl I ■ 1 1 I I 1 1 il I „«.«.«. The Master Key Fystem of playing the races trom the trark. An plays made before scratcbes ROOM CI., UIU I I fl 1 1 1 U VI sWUIflla will be unless mailed ,t you shows for one weeks triaK No of | Gua.rantecd to bo as represented or money re- |P-. IC4 «M AI»«AT ni»« A ii W A V FW EW TAR1T YORK CITY HTT Expecting somothing extra good next Thursday, charge an average profit lunded. Soid t sponsible individuals on ea,y iTTing accid«nU this horse should win at a good at least 110 a day on the %3 scale of play. tcrmm. Wrte at once for FREE INFORMATION. ____5!___ price. Cn.ts nothing in advance. Juat remit Win- For particular, mail this ..d with y.ur name iing, of »10 after horse win.. Writ, quick for thia *n 2*25 Thirtieth Bt. £a»T Beach Fla. 0* SCOTT p EXlKA BFECIAX and other good ones to follow? ,„ ia SxaalsssVMI m axexei amBSBBSM ■ 1312 Van Burea Street KOKTH TOPEKA, HAS. SUDSCriDe TOT USlly RaCIDQ rOriTI 8T/FEBI0R SERVICE, Box 133, Dayton, Ohio, J

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924042001/drf1924042001_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1924042001_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800