untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-20


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SCHUYLER FLOYD I Calvert Hid",., Broadway at 41st St. Bryant 6333 ew York City Saturday, April 12tb. at Bowie THE BLAZONED FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" Listen Dearie 0.10- Won I his continuous profrreKN followed THE FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" Barn Dollar 2.20- Won March I I t It at Tijuana These two l-ive Hundred Dollar "Sehpyler Invest mentis" are tests of Safety. Follow the Trail Blazed by Old Experienced Turf Operators a trail that shows the sure way to safety, good prolits and freedom front anxiety. The inexperienced investor can now seenre. throned this office, exactly the same type of investments that these experienced torf operators have been making l urine, the last twenty-live years investments which have, without exception, proved to he IOO percent safe. Seldom in the entire realm of tnrf history has a more significant occurrence heen awaited than the next FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" for the DESIGNERS HAVE HOPED FOR IT CREATORS HAVE DREAMED OF IT CAPITALISTS HAVE SPENT FORTUNES TO PRODUCE IT These veteran tnrf financiers demand strict requirements for safety, lint once these requirements are met. these uen t lemeii true to their reputation will hack a sound enterprise to the limit. FOR SOME TIME IT HAS BEEN A HOPED FOR EVENT-WHEN THE RACE IS OVER IT WILL PROVE TO BE A PROFITABLE, DEFINITE REALITY THIS GREAT EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY IS SAFEGUARDED LIKE THE EAGLE SAFEGUARDS ITS YOUNG This office declares with confidence that the next I-Mve Hundred Dollar "St HI VI. Kit 1WKST1IKNT" is one of the safest exer advised and the hest that human enterprise can produce. It is, therefore, hacked by a GUARANTEE that investment must yield IOOO percent profit IO to 1 or next Five Hundred Hollar •SC1UYI.KB 1 V I0ST MKT" at Jamaica. lay 1»t. gratis. ever in the history of this organization have the executives voted favorably upon such a guarantee, but heinu so confident of victory by a wide margin and at the above odds, they obligate themselves to the aforesaid statement. This office intends to release the information to its subscribers twenty-four hours in advance of the race, xvith the request that no investment be made earlier than fifteen minutes before post time. By no loiiin they xvill be in a position hr act effectively for the protection of their own interests and others concerned. A nexv code will be forxvarded to subscribers upon receipt of their remittance, therefore early subscriptions are necessary to facilitate matters. To an Individual who possesses fifteen hundred ■ l..~,OO.00 dollars, the directors ask this question: CAN YOU USE 0,000? If so, trend toward that xvhich presents the ultimate in safety, xvith the maximum in return by subscribing tor the next FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" WHICH TAKES PLACE, AND WILL BE A HUGE SUCCESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 26th, AT HAVRE DE GRACE This office susfKcsts this is an ideal time for prudent investors to insure themselves against the rainy day of misfortune. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS In advance. This investment is the BKST OF THF. BKST and xvorthy of far hifrher terms. THF "SCHIYLKH U V FST *I FNTS" A K ■ 1.IKF "Sterling" on Silver— THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION SCHUYLER FLOYD alx-ert Building. Broadway at 41st Street Bryant »3:!:5 Nexv York tity Yesterdays ••Schuyler Inx estnient" Freezy Sneezy, .20-, Won Heres Convincing Evidence of the supremacy, that the t inie-testeil -St HI I.FIt I . F.ST M l-: TS*» enjoy and below is their proxen record of safety. The following were the only "S HI VI. Fit I V FST I i:rs" so far for the month of April: Thursday. April .1: Saturday. April 12: a ,,° *«"""«««"«» !«*«* Hundred Hollar MOON ™vx/v»t TurAmn MAGIC 8.30- *ioon»o tit Won •stm vi.fr i.n vfstmf*t": LISTEN DEARIE . . 0.10- Won Tuesday. April S: Monday. April II: HIDDEN JEWEL . . 3.30- Won A. J. BUJA .30- Won when Triple Sprint;* Farm Stable Thursday, April IO: owned the above. WARNING 3.10- Won FREEZY SNEEZY ...J0-J| Won xxith one losing horse, which xxas sulijecfed to the non-controllable occurrence Interference finishiui; second. THF MAT ••Stlllll.FH IVM.STMIAT" TAKFS PI.ACF THIS COMING SATURDAY. APRIL 26th, AT HAVRE DE GRACE I Fit MS: FTVE HUNDRED DOLLARS in adxanee. This inxcstmciit Is the BFST tIF I II I : B1-:ST and xvorthy of far higher terms. Tilt: ••stm I.FU l IISTMFNTS" ABF 1.IKF "Sterling" on Silver— THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM Subscribe for Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924042001/drf1924042001_8_4
Local Identifier: drf1924042001_8_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800