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GOLDEN COVERED PROGRAM Churchill Downs Book for Spring Meeting Beautiful and Artistic. LOUISVILLE. Ky.. April 19— The program hook for the Churchill Downs meeting has I been issued by the Kentucky Jockey Club, and as a publication is of unusual character. Ordinarily such issues are of the plain or j simple style of typography, hut the book foi . the coming meeting is both handsome and I art istic. Like the golden anniversary Derby book, which attracted so much attention, the ! cover is in gold, while a number of illustrations giving views of the course, etc., embellish its contents. It gives the conditions M the purses for the first seven days of i the meeting and a list of entries to aJl of j the stakes for the entire meeting, with condensed histories of the latter. The purses are unusually attractive in value, averaging ,150 each, while the racing commission rules require an average of hut ,200. An excellent program has been arranged by J. S. Wallace, the racing secretary, providing conditions for all classes of horses. Owners generally are much pleased with it-Entries to the overnight races will close at 10:30 a. m.. as formerly, while the horses will go to the post for the first race each day at t p. m.