untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-24


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HARVEY AMES EARLE BLDG., BROADWAY AT 52ND STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. YESTERDAYS HARVEY TRANSACTION: Caligula, .70-, Won Above was the only horse advised yesterday, filed with Daily Racing Form hours in advance of the race. CALIGULA, 2.80-, WON, was the "Harvey Transaction" last Thursday and the shorter price yesterday was due to the fact that seven horses were withdrawn. The result would have been the same under all conditions. Attention is drawn to the fact that during eight days eight "Harvey Transactions" were advised, strictly one horse, and seven out of the eight WON. The only loss that occurred was on Monday, when three horses collided with the "Harvey Transaction." A 50 investment on each of the "Harvey Transactions," after deduction of the one loss and the cost of the information, shows a clear profit of ,821 | A record such as the above speaks for itself and needs no further commendation. It is the result of the best of connections, who have instructions to procure winners, regardless of expense. Several "Harvey Transactions" now in preparation simply awaiting favorable starting conditions. This office was assured after CALIGULA won yesterday that another "Harvey Transaction" would start today. Subscription, 00, must be telegraphed early to avoid oversubscription, as all "Harvey Transactions" are limited to territory. Every precaution is taken to keep "Harvey Transactions" from those considered undesirable, and the only way to be assured of receiving the genuine is to subscribe directly to this office. SPECIAL TERMS SATURDAY The Anniversay Special "Harvey Transaction" will be released Saturday. Strictly one horse at reduced terms to give those a chance to partake of same who up to now have been denied this privilege on account of the advance fee involved, which is necessary on account of great expense at all times. Subscription, 5, for Saturday should be telegraphed before 11 oclock Friday night to be assured of proper listing, and it is agreed by those who subscribe that they will forward 5 additional on Monday if the horse WINS at 8 to 1 or better. If a winner at less than 8 to 1, nothing further need be remitted. Special attention is directed to the fact that subscriptions received here without correct street address of the sender will be ignored by this office and returned to the sender by the telegraph company at our request. The aim of this office will be to continue to prove that it has imitators, but no competitors. TELEPHONES— CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 Sold all Newsstands— *and and "SPECIALS" U"l TOLD YOU SO" AND AGAIN WE CLEANED UP Yesterdays "Adv." "SPECIAL" was ROYAL DUCK . . .80- WON And JACK FIELD advised to Plunge. Win Only." Tuesdays "SPECIAL" WON ALSO Day after day JACK FIELD S army of followers are getting: Richer and Richer" IF YOU PAID ,000 A DAY You couldnt get any Better "INFO" than JACK FIELD gives you "Every Day" "Do You Know Why" Jack Field Can Make You a Winner$ Because Mr. Field is always at the track gat-ting the beat of "Info" possible. Mr. Field owned and trained horses for 15 years. Now he is get-tng "Info" for his army of followers. g-YOU CAN WIN 00 TODAY A 5 flat play today on both and "Specials" will easily M-MAKE YOU WIN 00 "TODAY" Rush to your Newstandnd and get "Jack Field" and "Specials." Be sure you get both of these "Specials" today and have "flat play" on both and 3Y0U WILL "CLEAN UP" JACK FIELD sold everywhere — Alse mailed to you 15 weekly for both Specials." FIELD PUB. CO. 39 W. ADAMS ST. CHICAGO. ILL. NEWSDEALERS WANTED— BIG PROFITS MADE ED BRADLEY Gotham Bank Building 1M9 Broadway ■rSW YOKK CITY My Army of Followers Is Growing Dairy STILL ROOM FOR MORE WHY NOT YOU? Wednesdays Horse: Heir-At-Law ..8.90- WON Tuesdays Horse: Old Faithful ...6.50 1.40- 2ND Mondays Horse: CL0UDLAND ..1.10- WON 5 Winners last week. 4 Winners week before. 3 Winners week before that. 00 flat bet over ,900 winner after deducting cost of information and losers. lOtol Today Results are what count and I guess I have shown some results. My fee. 5 daily in advance. To avoid delay wire subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph money order. BIG .00 Opening Day Special at Lexington We feel so sure of getting this one over Saturday, that in case it does not win, we will give you our DAILY Oil HOBSK HIRE FRKK for one nreL. SEVEN WINNERS out of la*t nine are whit we had on eur DAILY ONE HORSE WIRE. Terms for this service: SS.OO I OK U DAYS Why pay 0 cr 00 per day when you can get lnformaticn like the above for stS.OO FOR G DAYS SETHS FLOWER. . . .40- Won was yesterdays Code Special. Todays Code Special: .1 ii n»-- »•«■««• h-1 aV4i-SS-M Get Book on sale now. 35 cents at all newsstands. Mailed direct, 3 copies for .00. 403, 22 W. QTJINCY ST. CHICAGO, ILL. NOTICE— MONDAY I wMI release a proposition calculated to bring joy to my friends. Wire names. JOE MC CARTY SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YORK erne BUGLE *, ■ FEATURING Pa EVERY DAY Wl A 00 Cy FREE SPECIAL What a Cleanup ! YESTERDAYS ADY. LONG SHOT SPECIAL SAGAMORE 6.90- WON I told you that today was the day to get down strong. Who else gave this one a look -in? w I HAD THE GOODS Our thousands of followers knocked the layers out for a clean knockout. TUESDAY S GRAND SPECIAL ATTIUA, .60-, WON Every day the Bugle has winners. Never more than three Specials daily. TODAYS FREE SPECIAL Comes to me RED HOT Here is the best thing of the Year." Here ia your chance to clean up. psTMr. Player, dont miss our *hn t today. Rush to onr a treats and nay the Kutrle, only 50 cents, or send .99 to the Bugle Publishing Co. Suite 1711 Great Northern Bldg. Chicago, 111. and we will mail you, overnight, in a plain sealed envelope the BUGLE for TWO WEEKS, and ON SALE 3«r IN THESE LEADING CITIES **m Detroit Agent for sale at this stand only Bagley Newsstand Cor. Woodward and Monroe Aves. in front of Bagley Monument CLEVELAND— For Sale at: O. C. Schroeder 212 East Superior Ave. ST. LOUIS— For Sale at: Wm. Laser 711 Market Street CINCINNATI— For Sale at: Ray Pierce Corner Fifth and Vine Streets LOUISVILLE— For Sale at: Eiler P. Goodman 227 Fourth Ave And All Leading Newsstands. KANSAS CITY— For Sale at: Rickseckers Cigar Store. 9th and Walnut Sts. DAYTON— For sale at: Euphrats 129 South Jefferson Street Also is for sale in other cities where the Racing Form is sold. jnr$ 149391493914939 1493914939 | ml 4P PREDETERMINED j£ TURF PROFITS *• . The MIRACLE SYSTEM H nationally «• I g-. known as "easy for player— hard for I layer." Has stood the. ACID TKST for ** I •* many years. W rould not spend many M thousand* of dollars per annum adter-•* tising water as rough syrup — ami con- V* ea, tlnuc in bu«iuess. Sold on installment payment* paid from jour profits. Abso-•9 lutrly FREE. lOO page racing manual. -e/» *" review, sworn teetimonale. etc. InrMi gate today and make your Bookie ob«y. ** Public Relations Manager v» jm S. E. AKTHl K /fT* Box II 1. J-. Ton son, Md. yWL ,-_. Jbst tin Itttti tJj£» Pay From Your Profits The Master Key System of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 910 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad. with your nam* and address to J. K. WILLIS. 225 Thirtieth St., Miami Beacb, Fla. HAVRE DE GRACE SPECIAL I wish to get in touch with a few responsible people to share the expeaae with aae. This horse goes April t9. Telegraph *0 early to avoid oversubscription. So callers. WALTER GEHM I 214 West 34th St., Room IS. New Terk City

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924042401/drf1924042401_11_3
Local Identifier: drf1924042401_11_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800