Widener Donates Stallion: Donates Maintenant to Breeding Bureau of Jockey Club--Now at Mamaroneck Farm., Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-24


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! : i j , j I I | ■ , ! | I I WIDENER DONATES STALLION I Donates Maintenant to Breeding Bureau of Jockey Club — Now at Mamaroneck Farm. NEW YORK. N. T.. April 23- Joseph E Widcner of Philadelphia, who has already j been generous in his benefactions to racing j and breeding has presented the fine big French horse Maintenant, now at his Kl- | mendorf stud near Lexington, Ky., to the ; Breeding Bureau of the Jockey Club. Chairman Frank K. Sturgis of the bureau will probably send the horse to Hillandale farm near Mamaroneck. this state, where he will be in the charge of the State constabulary. Maintenant is a son of the renowned French horse Maintenon, for many years the premier sire at Harasdu Quesnay. the palatial stud of the late William K. Vaster-bilt but now the property of A. K. Macomber. [The dam of Maintenant was Martha Cor-: man. by Sir Dixon— Sallie McClellan. She; was bred in this country and is a sister to Audience, the dam of Whisk Broom 11. and other celebrities. Mr. Widener sent her to France a number of years ago and she is among his most highly prized matrons. Maintenant was agood race horse, but broke down early. He is one of the biggest thoroughbreds in the country, standing aJ- | most seventeen hands. Inlike most big horses he is full of juality and is a sire of many winners, among the number b.-ing Chest Luck, I«tlly, Modesty. Anonymous and Whirligig. Being possessed of great bone and suhstai.ee. Maintenant is an unusually good type of horse to improve the general purpose breed in this state. The hunter breeds of Westchester county. this state, and Fairfield county, Conn, will, give him a warm welcome. if he noes to Hlllandalo he will ! •• the third thoroughbred sin- under the care of Sergeant Botce of the , state police, whose lmrse-hi ceding activities were tranaf* rred to that point after the destruction of the barracks of Gedney farms some six t be ag , Spearpolnt. by Spearmint, recently donated by William Wo .dward of the Befaair Stud, and Cock S* the North, arhich was presented to the Breedlsg Bureau by M:s Payne Whitney, are the horses that will ahsre stud honors with Maint- nant in his new home. i

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924042401/drf1924042401_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1924042401_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800