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SCHUYLER FLOYD Calvert Iluililing;, Broadway at 4 1st Street Bryant Ol.lli: 8Ta?aa York City TWO DAYS MORE AND TIIHN T1IK THIRD SENSATIONAL EVENT THE FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" YVHICH TAKKS 1M.ACK SATURDAY, APRIL 26, AT HAVRE DE GRACE The importance of thin event cannot be overestimated. Kvtensivc preparations are now complete and extraordinary profitable returns are assured. Hvcry mentis of protection, the liest that human enterprise can produce, ! ".:ave heeu taken to safeguard the result against loss. The fores ig; Bf ,,f this office lias fully protected this investment, hut in order to assure our clients of adequate returns it is therefore hacked hy a PROMISE that investment must yield 1 0OP percent profit IO to 1. or next five hundred dollar "Still VI.EK I VKSTMKNT" at Jamaica. May 1. gratis. Never ii. the history of this organization have the executives voted favorably upon such a promise, but lieiuj; so confident of victory by a wide margin and at the above odds, they obligate themselves to the aforesaid statement. This office intends to release the information to its subscribers tvventy- fo:rr hours in advance of the race with the request that no investment he made earlier than fifteen minutes before post time. II y so doing they will he In a position to act effectively for the protection of their own Interests anil others concerned. A new code will lie forwarded to subscribers upon receipt of their , remittance. Therefore early subscriptions are necessary to facilitate matters. The only two Five Hundred Dollar "SCIII VI11K IWKSTMKXTS" offered this year 1!1!4|, were as follows: LISTEN DEARIE . . 0.10- WON BARN DOLLAR . . . .2.20- WON Saturday. April I J. at Bowie Tuesday. March 11. at Tijuana The hundred dollar "SCI11 I.KK IN V KST MKNTS" released since April 1 have paid as follows: MOON MAGIC 8.30- WON A. J. BUJA $ 6.30- WON HIDDEN JEWEL. ...3.30- WON FREEZY SNEEZY . .$ 5.20- WON WARNING 3.10- WON ith one losing horse, which was subjected to the non-controllable occurrence interference finishing second. This office holds the master key to this Important event. SATURDAY IT SSJIIX lBO hi THAT A IHOIKKI.Y 1HKPAKKI AND YVKI.I. KINANCKD 1-ltn POSITION IS CURTAIN TO KNJOY PHUSPEKITV TERMS: FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS in advance. This Investment ia the BEST OF TDK BUST and worthy of far , higher terms. The "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS are like I Sterling" cm Silver— the STAMP OF DISTINCTION