Columbus, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-24

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COLUMBUS C0LUMBDS. Ohio. Wednesday, April 23. 1924. — Beulah Park one mile. Fourth day. Capital City j Racing Association. Spring meeting of 19 days. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. Joseph A. Murphy. Presiding Judge. W. R. Norvcll. Racing Secretary. W. U. Norvell. Assistant Racing Secretary, C. Stands. ■ Starter, Lester Dean. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 1:15. 78546 FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Aug. 21. 1923 —1:02 2 108. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 78010 Lustre 113 1« C Taylor 1000-100 7 7944 Carrie Moore 108 2* C Frost 470-100 j 71428 llojul 110 3» A Roach 1200-100 j 77854*Humorist 105 4l C Hooper 170-100 704933»Lloyd Georgel05 51 H Farland 2990-100 77824 Ethel II. 108 6l W Martin 1220-100 j 78027 Scurry 110 7l D Froggtte 1050-100 1 78485 Consort 113 8» J Uyrne 1770-100 j 78479 Due de Guise 110 9« C Greenw.l 610-10C 78315 Dinty Moore 110 10 W Franklin 5160-100 Time. 1:04. Track fast. mntuels paid Lustre. 2.00 straight. 3.40 place, .00 show; Carrie Moore, .00 place, .80 show; Rojul, .00 show. ■■Bivalent booking odds- Lustre, 1000 to 100 straight, 570 to 100 place, 250 to 100 show; Carrie I Moore, ISO to 100 place, 140 to 100 show; Bojul, 280 to 100 show. Winner— W. C. Daly. Jr.s b. h, 5, by Luke Mc-Luke-Fine Arts II. . by Songcraft trained by W. C. Daly Jr.; bred by Messrs. J. O. and G. II. Keene. Went to post at 2:14. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and thud Oie same. Scratched- 7S4S0» Ijttle Pointer. 103: 77932 Tu- I lane, MB; 74783 Frenchy, 110; 78519 Milda, 10M. 78 5 47 SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. Aug. 21, iuu-xi 1923—1:02—2—108. Purse 00. 4-; year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. Eq. Oddi Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight, j 784S2:P. T. Barnum 110 1 1 O Atwell 190-100 | 78485 -Jack Pot U0 2» F Seremba 220-100 1 78485JBabylonian 110 31 W Martin 510-100 I 78029 Ruth Wehle 104 41 H Farland 2320-100 1 753302Lucky Pearl HI 51 C Casey 2400-100 1 76728Pokey Jane 108 6* C Greenwd 5760-100 | 77390 The Muleskr 110 71 J Byrne 1S60-100 I 705123Legacy HO 8 V Hunt 2160-100 | 71554 Eddie Tranter 112 P.up.W Organ S400-100 j 78025Aunt Deda 110L.rid.W Mders 900-100 Time, 1:02%. Track fast. mutuels paifl— P. T. Barnum. . SO straight;! .00 place. .10 show; Jack Pol, .40 place, .00 show ; Babylonian, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds — P. T. Barnum, 190 to 100 straight. 80 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Jack i Pot. 70 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Babylonian, j Bl to 100 show. Winner -E. E. Majors ch. g. 6, by Judge Wright l — Dicks Pet, by Batts trained by J. Hisar; bred: by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard. Went to post at 2:44. At post 1 minute. Start good aud slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 75479 Elizabeth Bean, 10S; 7S4S9 Mary G., 103; 78521 Sky Man, 110; 73045 Pinaquana, 108. 78 5 48 THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 30, IOU-XO 1923—1:14—0—112. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 78520 Sparkplug 109 1» W Frnklin tl010-100 73993 Melvina 109 2» A Roach 164O-1O0 78456 -Rock Court 106 P H Hay 3710-100 76729* Dowry 108 4» C Greenwd t 78520 My Error 107 5» F Lux 1110-100 78413 Rndals Royalll2 61 C Gross 260-100 78486 Without 112 7* J Byrne 1070-100 78374 Miss Etta 110 81 W Martin 550-100 78520* Barberry 105 9 H Farland 670-100 78520 Rylla Girl 110 I.up.D Frogte 4180-100 78456 *Star Red 110 Fell. B Zucchini 420-100 77080 Victor M. 109 Fell T Cameron f ♦Mutuel field. Time. 1:18%. Track fast. mutuels paid Sparkplug, field, 2.20 straight 1 40 place. .t!0 show; Melvina, 4 20 place. 3.20 show; Rock Court. 0 40 show. Equivalent booking odds Sparkplug, field. 1010 to 100 straight. 470 to 100 place, 230 to 100 show; Melvina. 1110 to 100 place, 500 to 100 show; Rock Court. 420 to 100 show. Winner -T. M. Irwins ch. e, by Peter Quince — Pecpaway, by Peep oDay .irained by J. H. Babbs: bred by Mr. II. Coombs. Went to post at 3:14. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Seratched -t 735201 Fncle Abe, 107; 777S8 Thor. 112; 77901 Jean Melville. 105. Overweights Sparkplug. 2 pounds; Melvina, 4; Dowry, 1; Victor M., 2. 7 I 8 OUT 5 4Q if FOURTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 23, 1923— 1:05%— 7— 104. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50, second, 00; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 78216 C. o t. Roost 111 l1 W Smith UMVM4 78519 • Fleer 103 21 DRan.lell 1170-100 i78042li:usv i:.,b 113 3» J Majestic f410-100 78489 Spring Vale 111 41 O Atwell 110-100 78487,Colossus M 5* J Byrne liii0-100 72942 Gypsy Light 111 6 It Carter 7270-100 78434 Char. Summy 111 71 J Smallwood BB-MJ 77937Smuit Guy 108 X* D M. AuM 24JO-IOO 78485 Loyalty MS 91 C Greenwd SHW-100 77900 BUSK. Jewell M 101 C Iro*t 410-100 73837 Ray Atkin 108 11 B llolloway t 77067 Dulton 112 12 W Organ t tMutucl field. Time. 1:11. Track fast. mutiels paid Cock o the Roo ,t, 8.20 -traight. 2 4i pl.i. e. show; Kleer, 0.20 place, .00 show, Busy Bob, field, .20 show. —i Equivalent booking odds- Cock o the Roost. 1310 to 100 straight. 520 to 100 place. 210 to MB show; Kleer, 410 to 10O place. ISO to 100 show; Busy Bob, field, 00 to 100 show. Winner G. Stewarts b. g. 7. by Cock o the Walk Uda Flush, by Roval Flush III trained by H. R Stewart; bred by Mr. K. Johnson I. Went to post at 3:17. At post 3 minutes. Start fair and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 7S458 Cacambo. 113; 7S45S* Jolly. 113; 78479 Kvening Stories, 101; 7S519 Punctual, 100. Overweights -Charlie Summy, 5 pounds. 78550 fTTra RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Aug. 21. 1923—1:48 — 6—115. Desh-ler Hotel Handicap. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 25; second 75-third, 00. ■_. _ Kq. Odds Ind norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 8 188 Wildcat 91 li o Atwell SrtO-100 -«to8,n°r" I!u,kn *r M»J 2i D Frogtte 510-100 84883Vennie 100 P W Taylor 110-100 8, 22Cl.iymore 108 41 W ManJers U.TO-lOO .8.i23 Jack FairmnllO 5l L Aron 300-100 8486 -Aunt Jane !W S D Randell 1480-100 8486 -Fast Boy 100 Pup W Martin U70-100 841_ Kent L. 107 Left W Smith 600-100 Time. 1:48%. Track fast. mntnels paid Wildcat. 9.20 straight 40 £-£ f060 sh w: Doro*hJr Puckner, .00 place. *. . 0 show; Vennie. .0 show. Biuivalent lx»king odds Wildcat, 860 to 100 S!!?""rh.t .:° ,a i;0 v]ac - ,S0 •» ]"« show; Dorothy Buckner. 2S0 to 100 place, 150 to 100 show Vennie. 110 to 100 show Winner W. Metzgars b. c. 4, by Polymelian-atacomb II., by Iidas trained by J. by Mr. W. R. Coe. Went to post at 4:18. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but Kent L. Won handily; second and third driving. Overweights Wildcat. 1 pound: Dorothy Buckner 1; Uaymore, 5; Aunt Jane, 1; Kent L. 2. 78551 SIXTH RACE-3-4 Mile. April 30. 1923—1:14—6-112. Purse 00. 3-*W-JJ-"J aad upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Evj. Odds t„ „ rJSSL Wt Fin" ,ocke»- Strai«ht. Mta* 8297 Delhimar 114 i« W Smith 1*70-100 78410Matinee Idol 111 21 W Martin 470-100 ,,.., °ssaln 104 ?,n L Aron 1830-100 ..81 Fncle Velo 113 4 D McAuffe WO-lOO -i,I!?*,;llmeUo 109 5 C Greenwd 1500-100 JZiZl. ,rPat I*aly m ,;1 C Gro3» 1160-100 .8300-* Mary Maxim 108 71 H Hay t550-100 .8434 -Full ., Fun 110 SJ C OMahney 460-100 ..84 1 John Joseph 112 9* H Zander 330-100 .8.87 Jex 107 M A Kroger f 75094 Zack Terrell 114 Left.A Roach 1710-100 tMutucl field. Time, 1:16%. Track fast mutuels paid Delhimar, 3.10 straight, ,110 pla.-e, .00 show; Matinee Idol, place Si show; Ossalecn, 1 20 show. Equivalent booking odds Delhimar. 1070 to 100 stra.ght. 380 to K» place. J5 to 101 show; Malmee Idol, 210 to 100 plact . 190 to 100 show; Ussalcen RH to 100 show. Winner Padgett A Doughertys ch s. 5 by Delhi Marion Rose II.. by Bearcatcher .trained by W R. Padgett; bred by ilr. 3. H. Velie. Went to post at 4:54. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow for all but Zack Terrell. Woa handily, second and third driving. Scratched -TMPJ Times lp, 100; 77970 Al Stehler 112; 7S117 Dcvomte. l io; 74908 Rony Bxpress 112: HBM Patsy Howe, 102. Overweights-Mary Maxim. 1 pound; Gex. 1. 78552 SEVEHTH RACE— 1 Rile and 70 Yards. Aug. 21. 1923—1:48—6—115. Pnrs« 1924.sh00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Jnd. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 7848.VJohn Morrill 108 1* W Smith 2S0-10O 78490 ? Pirate McGee 103 2» W Martin 450-100 78524 *Scissors 98 it K KM -750-100 78522 JArdella 110 4» H Farland :.-i0-10f 78490B. l"r. Home 114 5» L Aron 711-100 78460 Jou Jou 112 6 C Gross 250-100 Time, 1:48%. Track fast. mntnels paid John Morrill, 00 straight. .40 place. SO show; Pirate McGee, .00 pla.e, $.1.00 show: Scissors, $;!. 40 show. Equivalent iwioking odds John Morrill. 2 0 to MB straight. 70 to 100 place. 40 to 100 •.h.»w; Iirate Mctjee. l.JO f» 100 place. 50 to 10O show : Scissors. 70 to 100 show. Winner- BL E. Majors b. g. 5. by Fayette -Aerophane. by Arizona trained by J. Hizar; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard I. Went to post at 5:27. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving.

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