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TIJUANA RACING FIGURES ♦ Total of 00,835 Distributed During 126 Days of Racing. ♦ A. B. Spreckels Largest Winner Amonp the Owners — Konslnr Tops the Horses — ODonnell Hiding Star. * The long winter meeting- at Tijuana finally came to an end with the racing ol Sunday. April 20. It began last Thanksgiving- I ay and continued for 126 racing- days, during which time 1 .040 races were run and 1924.sh0.S:;5 distributed in stakes and purses, the daily average distribution amounting to . .".." ." . A. 1.. Spreckcls. the well-known California breeder and turfman, was the largest money winner during the meeting, chiefly due to filmstars success in the Coffroth Handicap. The Spreckels horses won ten races and 849.888. Other big winners were . B. Irwin with $.19,870. R. 1,. T.aker. 7. MO. .!. K. I* Ross. 4 .?.?. . and I. 1?. Humphrey. 2.f.G0. Runstars great triuni|ih in the valuable Cr.ffnth Handicap placed him at the head of the money winning horses that raced at the Mexican track during the winter. Kittle Chtof was one of the outstanding stars and n-et with marked success, earning for his I « wner 8. .190. Deep Thought won the Tijuana Derby and four other ra —s. enriching the stable coffers to the extent of .110. isprey was another that figured prominently with seven victories and 0..t?0 to his credit. Th - training honors again fell t . C B. Irwin, who. though failing to head the winning owners* list, as he did for th-- last three years, sent the largest number of winners to the post, saddling lifty-f..ur that proved successful. S. Ol onncll. who fell from grace near Um end of the moting. was the riding star with! M winning MWKl to his eredit. The chief winners among the owners fol- ! lows : •Hmer. 1st. 2.1. M. a it. j ! KfireckeK A. R M B 7 11. !» ! Irwin. C. B 7.4 70 ill 88.8781 j Baker. It. I, 84 47 a 37.SM ! Itoss. .?. K. 1, 1* 7 7 34 .330 1 j Hun ph-cys. I B 13 c, 11 33.889 lirnnihcllcr. Q 21 20 18 18.838 1 ; ll«.!le..t« k. It. M 38 IK IS 1.T4HO Daniel. W 4 r, I 13.100 Itancho Wikiup M 10 4 13.M« ; International Stable s U io 12486 AVcint. W. a 39 1! 1L.4r.o . M. k BSeBat 14 !t K 12 4:i| 1-slie Stable 11 K .-, 1J.J70 I Applejiati-. W. I Ill 11! 11 tS.388 Inel.lo ■tales 13 a 11* I Knelielkamp. V. K 13 14 M MM Muse. W. 1 14 I 4 s.S7» I Sawyer. 13 13 19 S.:.3o | Nan Piece Stable IS 10 M 8,888 1 I Shafer. B 11 M 11 7 7«0 | Bronx Stable H S ■ 7.888] Spreckels. It 14 1: 13 7.3X0 I llurkee. J 2 7 13 7.210 j California Stakes ! 14 7 7 ll.xii I I Wilbur. IS 11! 11 3 C..K70 I H|MT. II |2 10 !l 1: 7*0 j Whitel.ill. I. T 11 9 H 1.750 Mini Monte Kami Slabl ■ !t 10 !l 8.781 W.i Iker. W S IS L"2 8.798 k it 9 m IS 8 .888 j j ! 1""K. I« 2 2 ■ MS* Williams. M K 10 7 3 CSTM lloffler. T.. Kstate of 9 8 S 1.270 Brown Stasia Kami Stable . . . . 10 10 13 6JN9 1 I Baroni. A 9 12 lo 8.189 .M.bott. C. II 9 9 14 B,879| ; Neal and Bartholomew 11 4 ;i 5.710 j Kell.j. I. .1 s 10 13 :. 570, Co-mII. k. W. C 8 7 11 8.888 i Barm- II Sf pi 4 7. 8.86 1 J ll..,iii|.S [i. C. K 1. 1; 7 4.!IS| Synfy. M S i 8 4. 9oO j Johnson. A 7 3 1 4.S90 1 Tallin, II s 1 7 4.888 1 vTefMM Males 9 7 3 4.S00 I Brent. A 9 8 4 4.888 1 Buxton. C .-. O 0 8,888 .1. S . | | 4. 000 I Sunbeam Stable 4 S 11°. 4.878 : ltcnvcr Stable 5 9 9 4 BM I.lackwcll .1 A i 14 7 8,828 Hi rn. 1; K 8 13 8 4 I •» Millard. W I» 7 9 I 4..-.1C MeCotin.-ll. II. C S i, t; 4.4SO Allen • Wilkersjn . lo S 4.200 Polk. S 7 7 I 4.188 Crippen. Mr- C. 1 7 I 3 4.0fiO Cobb-ii tote Stable 7 1 3 tmi 1 Manlibank. .1 W ." I 14 3.930 I McKay. .1 C 4 3 4 MJKtO Jenkins. Sf. C 7 5 J 8,189 lleatli. I. I! 8 8 3 3.700 Nancolas Br «* ....» S 9 8.888 Xorlh and Bowe ■ I 3 3.4Mt K -IMI. II B 7 3 3.3SHI Slanfield. V. L 7 2 3 3.3H AikiiiHon. C V 4 *. S 3.3Kt Suhr and BeatM .1 7 I 8*289 llodire. T r. 7 4 3 ISO : W..!fe. If. I ■ 2 7. 3.170 Maualc. J S .". 7 3. CM Williams, p. 4 3 2 3 IMI li.meri. .1 .. 3 8 3 0-Ki Vail. C I Pi | 8.888 Ciluore. J .. 4 4 L.9IMt j Arlington. 1 4 2 3 2.MKI Pay ton. A. V 4 4 .". 2 ss0 lln etj il it- stable :. B 3 2J8H jtoce. t. s ■ I s Stable 4 4 5 2.188 1 «ls 8 Peeler 5 I 3 2,188 Watson K K 4 3s 2 71o l:r wn. It. 8* 4 4 .". "J.7i4» Hunter. W I 4 .. 0 2 Ci 1j wij A. III. mas 3 9 4 2. .".SO T 3 i IL 2.8N8 livin. P J 8 12 3 BH Co no 1 . 3 N 4 2.4MI Bra I 7 r. 2.430 C.II.r r.n.s 4 B 2 2.410 Strile ,x Vale:iiine 4 B 3 3,488 While, K. i: 4 2 8 33M Carroll. V r. 1 l 2.388 ox. Mrs. II. 0 4 2 c. 2.2 i Bo twlek. A. C 3 .. 4 2250 ll.irtwell C A 3 4 2 3.188 .1 It 4 1 4 I. ISO Ciowell. II II B 8 1 L.l«4» stanfiei.i .v Immm 3 7 0 2,148 II III J ■•§■! Stable 3 7. 4 2.128 Kaataar, C 4 3 3 2.1M lrbv. C 4 2 3 2 1K o|M-r. J XI 3 4 4 3 888 B.rnanl. J 4 3 0 2.0441 Btactotaa, J 4 I 1 2.040 The BOnW-a !c -li account* d for Sl.Oliu or inure each follow : Mors*. tot. 2d. 31 Amt Bimstar 2 1 8 844.Sand8 Ijittle Cliu-f «i 2 2 l-.IWi Deep llioiiclil T, 3 1 1.-..110 Oapnf • i i 10970 M:.sler Cliarhe 2 8 8 B 790 Bear Sle.t 7 2 1 7.9 Ml Better Buck 3 2 2 7 30.. atoraf Isaa - ~ 8 sja «.rcal-u k 7 3 2 ..230 Kpreid l-T.itle 7 3 1 4.kwo Abidane I 2 s 8J88 Sum l..n.l 4 i 3 4.7K0 Tangerine B 8 0 4.090 The alilall « 3 2 8 3881 M Bexerie 8 2 I 4.200 Freebooter 4 « B 3 930 Mu r-dale B 3 2 3.7*J Blunder S 1 4 B.aa The Falconer I 0 2 3,030 j ! ! j ! 1 j 1 ; ; . I I I | 1 I | I j I I I j j j ! 1 I ; j J i j 1 1 I 1 I : 1 I : j Horse. ■ 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt IXirioa 5 5 3 3.020 Judge Pryor 4 7 2 3.500 Navarit 0 2 1 3.500 Kver Bold 0 I 3 3.490 The Almoner 0 I 2 8.488 Cmineut 5 2 2 3,370 Clieiokee I e 1 8 • 2 3.370 Bitorlty « 2 3 3.370 bats Corham I 3 2 3.210 .cur de I/ioii 4 4 ."• 3.100 Trusty -. 0 2 0 3.17.0 U«lv Inez I 0 1 3.140 Frank S 0 4 2 3.120 Blarney Stone 2 8 4 3.110 ! Frank Fogaity 0 2 I 3.090 j Uidy Astor 1 2 B 8.888 Buster Kenton 3 1 2 2 9*0 OjBBM Catherine 4 10 1 2.900 alitor Cop I I 0 3.820 j Sp.-cdball 0 3 0 29 0 Xl I laddv 3 2 S IJ88 I 4 0 2 3.888 Fevlanee 4 2 8 2.S20 j I UM 4 0 4 2.S20 1 Billy Slar 2 ■ 2 2.S0O A. Ixster I 1 2 2.70O | Wild Heather 3 3 7 2.700 ! ! Nebraska Bad 5 2 3 2.740 Virginius 2 4 0 2.720 Lady l.e Band 4 7 3 2.701 Join: S. Keardon 2 0 2 2.70O IMpli 5 3 1 2.030 June Fly 4 4 4 2.030 W-dding Piince 4 4 0 2.030 Utile Clair B 3 0 2.020 Van Patrick 3 2 3 2.7.90 Jack Bauer B 4 1 2.590 Pick Terpin 4 0 3 2.5SO | I Miss Claire 5 2 2 2.540 Iterator Sou B 3 o 2.7.30 Keegan 3 3 3 2.7.30 •officii! 4 2 2 2 490 Fort Chun hill B 2 2 2.4V.0 Itill OFlynn 3 3 0 2.420 rater 4 3 B 2.420 A 4 I 1 2.410 Notenougli 2 4 2 2.410 Ten Ball— a 3 4 2 2.400 Br.-oze 4 I I 2 40o Paula Shay 2 I 4 2.390 Ciiizeru 3 3 1 2.350 II. Warrei 4 4 2 2.350 Harry D 4 5 1 2,3.50 Ixmis 5 2 8 2.340 Marcclla Boy 3 3 5 2.320 Nan McKinney 5 0 4 2.340 I Sallon 5 1 2 2.340 1 | , Ocean Current 5 2 0 2.340 1 Uaetta 4 3 4 2.300I Madge F 4 4 2 2.280 1 | Tikeh 4 4 1 2.270 |«;ail Ford 4 3 3 2.250 K nigh thood 3 3 0 2.27.0 ■odd Betfe 3 7 2 2.240 Helen Cook 3 7 2 2.240 New- Beauty 4 1 0 2.230 Peter Pierson 3 0 4 2.220 Valla 3 4 3 2.220 Piince K 4 1 3 2.220 ;Fair Orient 4 1 5 2.220 Onyeea 4 3 3 2.220 Dan Hogan 3 5 0 2.220 Plunger 4 3 2 2.210 Wviiiii -wood 4 0 2 2,200 jCingcr 4 2 4 2. ISO Dainty Let* 3 ■ 5 2.180 ■etha Alibi 4 2 4 2 1H0 Sophia Coldman 4 3 2 2.170 Bill M.-Clcy I 7 8 2.140 .Miss Naniura 4 1 4 2.130 l-ady I.ilhan 3 I 2 2.120 War Winner 4 1 B 2,110 Chippendale .3 4 0 2.100 Plow Steel 8 4 0 2.100 Polly Wale 3 3 2 2.100 ■Prince Direct 3 5 4 2,100 Little Thtolla 4 2 2 2.888 Bed legs 4 2 2 2.040 .Postillion 3 2 1 2.030 Valor 3 1 1 2.010 Kelman 4 2 0 1 .990 fajelto 4 l 3 i.9 0 Tom Craven 4 2 1 1.9S0 Mart Bunch 3 5 2 1.980 l.idv Tiptoe 4 2 1 1 9MI It. sh 4 0 0 1.900 llildur 3 8 0 1.900 The Pictntor 4 i 1 1.9T.0 l.Kfiarc I 0 4 1.93a Harrigans Heir 4 1 2 1.930 Bedazzle 3 B 1 1 .920 lo.-k Sto.-king 4 1 2 1.920 111 Koble 4 1 2 I 920 Over Shot 3 3 4 1.920 S 111 H. dron 3 4 3 1 .920 /illah 4 2 0 1.920 Zea lot 3 2 I 1 .!«KI Wylie 3 3 4 1 .890 Snigrado * 4 1 1 1.8S0 Ten Can 3 3 3 1.880 B-ncstcdt I 3 4 Ma ISetha Mctrory 3 3 4 1.800 Faithful Cirl 3 3 4 1,800 Battle Shot 3 3 3 1.850 Mind Baggag,- 3 2 2 1.830 Pert., de Oro 3 1 1 1.830 Ihiv.i 1 1 8 1.820 Darter 0rb.1t I 3 2 1.820 Turbulent 3 1 3 1.820 Icon 4 1 0 1.800 Sloivocnard 3 1 1 1.800 Deiiiinii|lie 3 1 1 1.780 lighting Peak 8 1 4 1 700 Baa IMuaido 3 4 8 1740 Bxterminator 1 8 0 1.740 Top a* the Morning 3 3 2 1.740 Werthaeaa 4 0 1 1,148 Clarkaea 3 2 4 1.74i jCunsiglt 3 3 0 1.730 Bun.lar 2 1 1 1.70O Ske.zix 1 1 1 1.700 Nellie A 3 3 1 1.700 rartoaa Bill 8 3 1 l.oso iLaweare -Manning 2 ." 4 1.08 1 W.H.di. Mi. ng. m cry 2 0 2 1.888 Qatare Qacaea 2 2 l 1.050 I. lack Shasta 3 3 0 1,888 l lltoa •. 3 2 2 1 020 Ma i Prosper 3 2 2 MM Kondelle 2 4 2 1.010 I Caveat lluplor 2 4 4 I .AM I little Hope 2 1 4 1..-8C San toahel 2 4 4 1.500 •Stroller 3 2 1 1.500 jBtoea child I 1 3 1,888 l. Man 3 2 1 1.500 Braaaa 3 2 1 1.500 IB] Kight 2 4 4 1 7.00 Parncll 3 1 3 1.7.00 Bosa tkin I 8 3 1.7.00 Be Frank 2 1 2 1 .530 Ask Jessie 3 2 0 1.7.20 Zing 3 0 4 1.510 l.ralian 3 2 0 1.888 Herder 3 1 2 1.7.00 Car 3 1 2 I.SM ! Picnic 3 1 2 1.7.00 the I. tui 3 2 0 i Tt* Wit 1 7 1 1.490 Bell.- of niaiito Ittoaa l 3 r. 1.41a Hltraaxp 3 1 1 11 7.0 Ja. k beat 2 4 2 1.440 I Al Hat teal 2 2 4 1.440 Bills Buck 3 1 1 1440 , lt * 1111 rang 1 7 3 1410 I Itereareaet 3 1 1 1.440 Ilv.ast 3 1 1 1440 Honest C.-.rge 2 2 0 1.440 Mannikin II 3 1 1 1.440 Socrate. 1 1 I 1.420 in!.- 2 4 1 v.-oiio. 3 0 o i.aa All Over 0 5 1 1.888 Swe.t and Lea 2 2 5 1.39U N.M.tgolil 2 0 2 1.390 la t Bej 2 3 2 1 .390 j N0..11 •ilidc 3 1 0 1.380 I Arctic K.i.g 3 0 "2 1.380 ! edi 11 2 2 5 1 a8 Ftai Btortoaaa 2 4 1 1.388 ! Havana Kle. trie 2 3 3 1 3H0 IteM Bryan 1 7 2 1.IMI Qarereeh 2 1 2 1.350 I h. ol. I fill 1 4 5 1.340 I 01 d A I len 3 1 3 1 330 ■ Norfield 3 0 1 1 .::; First all 2 3 2 1 33 1 Lrteea Beth 1 0 3 1828 M«r Contrary 3 0 1 1 .320 Star] Jane Baker 1 5 5 1 .320 Miss Kiniiia Q 2 2 4 1.320 Full iluou 3 0 1 1.320 I j I 1 | ! ! | I I 1 | , 1 1 | Horse. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. Joe Tajf 2 2 4 1 .320 I Doe Horn 2 W 1 1 .290 I Billy Jibson 2 2 2 1.270 | Iiuis A 1 3 0 1.200 Norford Honey 2 1 5 1.260 Convent 2 2 3 1.389 Snooksie Bradley 2 0 2 1.250 M.zanna 1 I 3 1.240 assius 2 2 1 1 .220 Leraat lieaves 2 1 2 1.210 Plurality 2 2 2 1.210 Summer Sigh 2 2 1 1.210 1 Virginia B 2 1 4 1.210 Base Ruth 2 1 3 1.210 Mayor House 2 2 2 1.200 Sweep lp II 2 3 0 1.200 Tenni lee 1 4 7. 1 .200 , Betay Allen 2 2 2 1.200 .lav KoboMs 2 2 2 1.200 Hartaate 2 2 2 1.200 ! Kirkwood 2 3 0 1.200 Apricot 2 2 2 1.180 Whiff 2 2 1 1.150: Contusion 2 1 3 1.140 Fullanti 2 2 1 1.140 Ohrl Scoot 2 2 1 1.140 Poacher 2 2 1 1,140* Shasta Kxpiess 2 1 3 1.140 1 Spear Phot 2 2 1 1.140 Virgo 2 2 1 1.140 ! Kdmon 2 2 0 1.120 Wild Thoughts 1 4 2 1.120 j Parvenu 2 1 2 1.110 Niagara 1 4 2 1.100 ! Bayonet 1 4 8 1.090 Amackassin 2 2 8 1.0S0 a r.ny UMj 2 8 4 1 .0*0 Hereafter 2 2 0 1.0SO Josephine Newell 2 2 I 1.080 I.ivinia 2 2 0 l.oso Melehoir 2 1 2 1.080 Morro Castle 2 0 4 1 .080 Scottish 1 4 3 1 .080 Vera Rita 3 S 8 1.8B8 Salvo 1 2 4 1.070 Cavalcadour II 1 8 3 1.88 Mokihana 1 2 1 1.040! Miss Fryer 1 4 2 1.030 1 Ramo 2 1 1 1.030 1 Senator Dunlan I 1 1 1.030 Dell Evans 1 3 4 1 .020 j Dickie Dix 2 1 1 1 .020 i Hillsdale 1 4 2 1.888 Little Bess 2 1 1 1.020 Colonel Bit 1 4 2 I.SB8 Publicity 2 1 1 1.020 j Ravenwing 2 1 1 1.020 j Mission Peak 2 1 1 1.02.1; Missouri Boy 2 1 1 1 .020 Olympiad 2 1 1 1.020 Beaeaa l I o 1020 Silent Pardner 2 1 1 1.020 SiKrrtsman 1 4 0 1.010 Some good horsemanship was shown in the course of the meeting. The new star. S. ODonnel, made quite an impression and lead the riders in mounts won, as well as recording a creditable percentage. The records of the jockeys who guided one or more winnets home were : Joekev. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. 1np. PC ODonnell. S 384 84 69 59 172 .22 Woods, J 386 68 54 4 7 217 .18 Walls, P 309 59 43 34 173 .19 KUis. U 347 52 51 39 205 .15 Barnes, ■ 288 02 35 35 160 .18 lark. 0 304 39 30 34 195 .13 Mein. G 197 34 30 21 112 .10 Maiben, J 233 31 30 32 140 .13 Wilson. T 216 30 20 20 140 .14 Abel, G 249 27 20 25 177 .11 Hum. P 176 26 22 22 100 .17. Baker, F. J 27.2 25 27 37 163 .10 Jones. I 112 24 14 20 54 .21 Sn ith. J 258 23 23 33 179 .09 Iaine, G 120 22 11 21 66 .18 Kennedy, B 175 21 31 20 103 .12 Horn. F 238 21 22 30 165 .09 Kriekson. K 19.S 19 24 24 131 .10 Fator. K 221 19 18 30 154 .09 Connelly. D 116 19 14 12 71 .10 Claver, A 127 18 11 13 87. .14 Collins, A 182 17 26 21 US .OS Francesco, A 146 17 21 17 91 .12 Prey, M 224 16 25 21 102 .07 Watrous F. 115 15 16 11 73 .13 Neal. K 132 15 8 11 98 .11 Martinei, P 245 14 27 31 173 .00 Cantrell, F 170 14 16 29 111 .OS It gere. K 97 14 6 17. 02 .14 oo| cr. G US 13 21 19 82 .11 Ralls. C 80 13 8 14 45 .18 Boganowski, W 101 12 23 18 108 .08 Ccrrity, J 137. 12 13 18 92 .09 Creerv. U, 119 10 11 3 83 M Molters. W 158 9 14 25 110 .0J Doyle. R 107 8 14 13 72 .07 Hoagland. K 122 7 16 13 80 .00 farhett, c MS 7 14 14 12:. .M M.Knight, W 110 7 14 12 83 .03 Sharp. R 45 7 12 5 21 .10 Werner. F 59 7 10 10 32 .12 Chiavetta. F 39 7 4 1 27 .18 Ridenour, W 49 7 2 5 37. .14 Berg. J 143 6 18 7 It3 .04 Carter. R 62 6 11 7 38 .10 l/ong. ■ 47 6 6 5 30 .13 Johnson A 35 8 4 7 18 .10 Jockey. Mts. lit. 2d. 3d. Pnp. V.C. C.lass. J 42 5 4 6 27 .12 Denny. K 32 5 3 2 22 .16 Btitwell. J 15 4 5 0 0 .27 Stevens, F 75 3 7 11 M .04 Sntton. G 50 3 7 6 35 .00 Roberts. J 57 | 3 8 43 .05 Johnson, J. J 29 3 2 4 20 .10 Singleton, J 29 3 2 2 22 .10 Huntamer, J 22 3 2 0 17 .14 Pool, Sff 40 | 1 5 37 .07 OBrien. J 41 2 6 2 31 .05 M Hugh. R 44 2 4 2 30 .04 S. heffel, II 38 2 3 4 29 .06 Metcalf. J 10 | 3 1 4 .20 B 8 2 2 2 2 .25 Mooncy, J. I 6 2 I 11 .33 Sluder. C 12 I 2 1 7 .17 Jones. II. | 20 2 2 -0 10 .10 Brea, W 32 210 29 «• Klynn. R 13 2 0 1 10 .15 Deferi, J 19 l 3 4 il o*. Armstrong. B 23 1 2 2 IS .04 Thurb.r. II 13 1 2 1 9 .04 Rae. T 28 T 1 2 25 .04 /.ucehini. R 22 1 0 3 18 .0", Robbins. | 4 1 0 o 3 .25 Cormley, J 7.3 1 0 3 49 .02 The trainers who saddled one or more winners follow: Trainer. Wins. Trainer. Wins. Irwin. C. B 51 Judge. S 4 Kirsi hbailtn, C 35 Bean. F. B 3 Arviu. G 27 Franzer. C. II 3 Van Basra, c 20 teery, J. T 3 Ilollcnbeck. R. M. .2. Sawyer. C 3 Cannon. D. F 21 Simond. II 3 Cnna. If 20 Smith. C. C 3 Weant. W. C 20 Bowers. J. A 3 McDanicl. II 19 Watkius. M 3 Neal. A 17 Briggs. A. B 3 Wright. BL F 17 offey. J 3 Sims. W 10 Cornwall. P. A 3 llodge. T 10 Cummings, T. E. ... 3 Anderson. W. T 10 Eckert. J 3 Carroll. C. W 15 Koster. J 3 lrby. C 17. cjvhiis, J. V, 3 Buxton. C 14 Kane. J 3 Snyder. K. 1 14 Iwry. J A 3 Cr.ffin, H. T 11 |x,tt. H. A 3 Brent. A II Neil. H 3 Finnegan. W. B 14 Ogle. T. J 3 .loplin. W. 0 13 ormes. W 3 Stanfield. W. K ...13 Stokes. A. 17 3 Veoman. A. P 12 While. C 2 Cooper. II 12 See, W 2 Whitchill. 1.. T 11 Bitscli. F. W. .. 2 Walker. W 11 Palmquist. C. 1 2 Millard. W. P 11 Pi,.r,-o. I., t; 2 I.innell. E 11 OConn. II. K. J 2 Puggan. J. J 11 OBii.n. W. J 2 Polk. S 10 Jones, R 2 Carter. W. A 10 McCoolc. J. 11 2 Patterson, K 10 ll„Bau. P. F 3 Hill. J 10 Jood. II 2 ltoyle. F. R 9 Fox. K. W 2 Couse. h. c 9 iteihtoaa J. T 2 Heard. J. D 9 Davis. II. E 2 Hoag. II. W 9 Condon. J. C 2 Sebum, B. C 9 Calwell. II. E 2 Tullelt. H 8 Ballinger. S. A 2 McConnell. 11. C. ... 8 Bredin. N 2 Manale, J 8 shinn. F 2 Kecfc. M. C 8 Stewart. II. R 2 Coll. W 8 I,,. Duke. A 2 Mulrenan. E 8 Modrell. W 2 Forsting. F. W 7 H.sseltine. S 2 Crippen. C. W 7 Traeey. S. S 2 Donohue. W. J 7 Hussci . J. G 2 Cray, A. M 7 Charles. J 1 John. B 7 1,,-wis. Sff 1 Smith. M 7 Oliver. Sff, B 1 Van Meter, C. C. ... 7 Bay. B 1 Wickham. A 6 Farrell. II 1 Walker. 1 6 Bi, hards. S. Sff 1 Howe. R 6 Sherman. ;. 1 1 Nancolas. H 0 Keilly. E. F 1 Mayberry, Q 6 Van Corden. C. M. . 1 Hum, a. F 6 Austin. A. B 1 B-eds, W 0 Broadfoot. 0 1 Koerner. C 6 Carney. J 1 Howell, D 0 Brumbaugh. G 1 Fuller. B. S 6 Buchanan. E. E 1 Allen. B. 1 6 Campbell. P 1 Allen. R. 1! 6 Coffey. T 1 iasser. E. F 0 Coo|kt. R 1 Reed. C. 0 5 Craig. J 1 Biak.iy. a. c 5 Clyster, T 1 Hayes. M. J 5 |... Bolt. W. II 1 lructt. C 5 Blander. P. V 1 Suhr. B 5 Fletcher. T 1 Tryon, L, II 5 Jroves. B 1 Cilmore, J 7. Hankins B 1 White. A 4 How land. F 1 Wallhauser. F 4 Malcolm. II 1 Watson. E. E 4 Marmet. F. C 1 Strite. J. T 4 Muhaliv. A 1 Sharkey. J. J 4 Reese. J. E 1 Pelter, J 4 Riplev. R 1 Miller. J. J 4 Rose, J 1 Markham. E. M 4 Smith. F. B 1 Hunter, J. W 4 Synfy. M 1 Dayton. A. F 4 Tully, M 1 Barnett. R 4 Yogel. E 1 Bernard. J 4 Wells. T. II 1 Alkinson. 0. W 4 Williams. M. F 1 White. E. E 4 Continued on tenth page. TIJUANA RACING FIGURES i Continued from ninth page. The stake rac-fs of the meeting were headed i by the valuable Coffroth Handicap, which i netted its winner. Hunstar. J43.6C0. The record the stake races run is: Stakes. Date. Winner. Value. New Years Jan. 1: Tangerine. . . .$ 1.400 j Owners Handicap. Jan. M; little Chief 1.0.V i S»oi d Handicap. 17; Better Iick 5.475 [ Juvenile Stake-, March H; Hear Shot 4.790 Tijuana Derby. March Hi: IV. p Thought .. 12.000 I Tijuana Futurity. March 23: Master Charlie.. 9.370 I offroth Handicap. March :W; ltuusUr 43,650 Coffroth Consolation Handicap, April C; Little Chief 2.100 l Tijuana Cup Handicap. April 13; Little Chief. 11,600 The percentage of winning favorites was about normal, as shown in the subjoined tabulation : N u m l er of da ys K? j Number of races 1.049 Winning first choices 418 I Winning second choices 211 Winning outsiders 420 » Winning at odds on 122 ! Defeated at odds on 81 Percentage of winning choices i 40 1 The Tijuana track does not rank among the really fast ones, but a number of excellent race horses were in action there last winter. The result was a number of new records in the creation of which the fleet, hardy and staying Little Chief, played a prominent part with his mile in 1 SJTVs, mile and an eighth in 1 :52. mile and a quarter in 2:0l4£ and two miles in 3 :21. He is a capital race horse anywhere and in any company. In all. twelve new records were substituted for those previously existing, the two speedy sprinters Osprey and Better Luck sharing honors in sotting up a new mark in running throe-quarters in 1:114. So much money is now given the horses at Tijuana that other good horses will assemble there in the future. With the passage of time the course will probably become faster and present records will bo effaced. At present they stand as fellows : Dist. Horse. A.Wt. Date. Time. 1-4 Nellie A. ..2 115 Jan. 12. 1924 32% 3 8 I. Eduardo..2 118 Jan. 19. 1924 :3J7i 3 1-2 f Bun. Keaton2 115 Feb. IS, 1923 :41% 1-2 ltollin I.aird.2 123 May 12. 191C -ATM, Hear Shot... 2 115 March 9. 1924 :47% t 1 2 f Mas. Charles? 1 IS March 23. 1924... :Xi Kondelle ...3 92 April IS, 1921 :53-, 5 3 Phne Ward.4 107 May 20, 1920 :59 i 1-2 Bl OFlynn.4 108 Jan. 19. 1924 1:04and 3 4 Osprey 4 128 Feb. 22. 1924 1:116 Hotter Ijick.4 119 March 8. 1924 1:11 j G 12 f S-mpsilla ..7 111 Jan. 9. 1916 l:20!i 7-8 Hank 3 115 Nor. 16, 1916 1:25 1 Little Chief. 5 90 Jan. 20. 1924 1:37and lm40y Abadane ...8 110 March 10. 1923.. .1:39* lin50y The Desert.. 5 97 April 5. 1921 1:43* linTUy Krewer 6 113 March 10, 1923. . .1 :42% I 1-16 Hlanc Scing 3 11G March 11. 1923. . .1 rlt ll-S War Mask.. 5 117 March 27. 1921.. .1:52 Ten HuttonsS 104 Feb. 21, 1923 1:52 Hastiile 5 95 March 14, 192."... 1:52 little Chief.5 125 March 2. 1924 152 1 3 16 T.S Not Pass4 107 Jan. 1. 1921 2:00% 1 14 Uttle Chief 5 120 April i. 1924 2 04 1 3-8 Hrbon Grn.6 108 March 4, 1922 2:1S% 11-2 Loula 4101 April 14, 1921 2:33 1 3-4 ltouen 6 115 March 18. 1922... 3:02% 2 Iattle Chief. 0 125 April 13, 1924 3:24