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QAIljr RACING FORM I HAVRE DE GRACE Copyright, 1924, by Daily Racing Form Publishing Company. HAVRE DE GRACE, MD., WEDNESDAY. APRIL 23. 1924. One Mile. Seventh day. Harford Agri-ciliural and l r. dors Association. Spring Meeting of 13 days. Weather clear. Steward repres. nt ing Maryland Bactag Commission Ooorge Iirown, Jr. Delegate at Iirge, Carlos BL de Oarnirndia. Stewards, George Itrown. Jr., Itaker Waters and II. P. Conkling. Judges. H. J. Morris. Joseph Mclennan and J. P. Turner. Starter, James Milton. Racing Secretary, Joseph McLennan. ltacing starts at I 30 p. m. thicngo time, 1:30 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, 11 blinkers. Figure* in parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and v light carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance. rTQrT QQ FIRST KACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. April 27. 1921— 63%— 2— 119. Purse *1,200. 2-year -4 O0O«7 olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % /j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt t1SSMSOMBBJC w 110 7 1 1« 1» 1» P J H Burke J ■ Cosden T160-100 f 7K401 IBDI8TO w 113 1 3 31 44 2 L McAtee Li S Thompson 60-100 7H470 BOTfOn w 110 S 5 4"* 3» 31 3» J Shanks It Parr t 7H470 SKAMAN w 109 6 C 6* 5J 5| 41 E Ambrse W Stockton 9000-100 i»WAH w 111 3 7 7 7 7 5* P Madeira W M Sheedy 1:830-100 JOHN F. KL/VER w 108 4 2 5 6 S 6 i G Corey J H Shreve 9715-100 7X4 4 7 TANGO w 105 5 4 2l 3» 3» 7 J Wallace It T Wilson 4250-100 "Coupled as J. S. Cosden and R. Parr entry. Time. 23%. 48, 54. Track fast. mntuels paid— J. S. Cosden and K. Parr entry, .-0 straight, .10 place, 20 show; Edisto. 10 place. 10 show. Equivalent tio-.king odds — J. R. Cosden nnd R. Parr entry, 160 to 100 straight, 3 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Kdisto, I to 100 pla -e. I to 100 show. W iincr- II. f. by Crimper- Sackcloth, by Stalwart trained by W. Garth; bred by Mr. W. Garth. Went to !x st at 2:31. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BOMBBB, away fast, raced luto a long lead at once and won in a canter. KDISTO suffered from early interference, hut came fast through the last eighth and easily passed liOTHER. The latter, ran well and had no mishaps. TANGO showed speed. Seiatched- i 7S447 Swinging. 110; 7S447 = Kejectcd. 105. Overweight Seaman, 1 pound. rQtr b fl SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 16. 1921— l:ll«i— 5— 130. Purse ,200. 3-yaar-i 0«3"~4vr olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt »i Vi *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77972*SAi;.MOKK wb 7 107 6 14 ll1 6* P P G Rose Mrs H Acker 2745-100 7H402" AUKNDAL. w 4 106 4 4 lJ 1| 1 2« W Milner O W Campbell 255-100 75531 •COIUI AM w 3 93 2 2 5» 3* 5» 3» S Wliams I.ongTidge Stable 775-100 7*449 MAHHI.i: w 5 108 14 13 9* 7* Gi 4a W Marer A E Alexandra 253-100 78310 WHALKISONE WB 8 110 12 8 7 5Mi 5 L, Morris T ■ Crist 945-100 7S4.J9 PIKROS w 3 DS 3 6 21 21 2" 6» T Wilson W V Dwyer tlOS5-100 9Mlt*MTRT. BtLSOM w I 96 1 7 3* 81 g 71 J Dawson Mrs H A Colvin 33710-100 7*402SKASTAKK w3 25 7 12 10» 10 7» 8« L I-anff T Quinham - t 783r»«i THBS8ALY wb 4 105 5 5 S1 ll1 101 9- P Walls S Eouis t 7«0fi7 ERA WILSON w 7 112 13 I 6* 9" 9* 10» E Hitman F J Royle t 780I5«IR. CM. WEI.I.S wb fi 1% 9 10 13* 121 12t 11» H Shillick W 8 Murray t 7836 7 C .1. GICMII.K wb 7 110 8 11 14 14 14 12* E Scobie W E Matthews 2955-100 78402 BRIGHT LHTS wb 8 110 10 1 4« 4» ll1 13| R Romlli J J McCauley 1050-100 78366 » ANTILLES w 6 105 H 9 125 13- 131 It J Wallace R L Hanna 2330-100 tMutucl held. Time. 24. 49, 1:14%. Track fast. mntuels paid -SagamTe, 0 90 straight, S.40 place, 3 50 show; Arendal. .00 place, .40 show; Cobham, .20 show. Equivalent Ixoking odds- Sagamore, 2745 to 100 straight, 820 lo 100 place, 575 to 100 show; Arendal, 130 to 100 place, 70 lo 100 show: Cohliam, 100 to 100 BBMT. Winner Ill. g. by Uncle— I.ydia II., by Luke Rlackburn trained by J. L. Donovan; bred by Mr. Hal Trice Hcadley. Went to post at. 3 05. At prst 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same SAGAMOIJK liegan slowly but closed I big gap and. coming witli a rush through the last eighth, oiittinished AKKNIlAL in the closing strides. The latter set a good pace and saved ground when possible. COBHAM finished gamely anil outstayed MAKIil.K. The latter losed a big gap. Scratched 70441 Peter Piper. 110; 7S055 Parvenu, 103; 75730Ticaeey, 110; 78471 Sea-Wolf, 113; in Hani Ones* 110; 75224 Carajo, 93. Overweights — Sagamore. t% pounds; Myrtle Itilson, 3; Thessaly, 2; Ira Wilson, 2; Dr. Charles Wells. 1. •fCRT A "g THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 16, 1981— 1:11%— 5— 130. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds 4 Oty~M A and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % 4 % Str Fin Jocheys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78426 CALIGULA w 6 108 1 1 1 1* l1 1 J H Burke P H Sims 185-100 78426 LION DOR wb 8 117 3 5 6"* 2* 2» 2» P Walls J K L Ross 245-100 7847»3«IiroN PINE wb 2 104 4 6 4" 3» 3» 3* J Shanks Mrs J A Coburn 715-100 78164 CfjOUOHJORDAN w I 105 5 2 6« 6« 4* 4» J WaLace Mrs J Phillips 725-100 tMWOOOD TIMRS w 5 117 7 P 5«* 5«* 5* A Schger S Judge 680-100 7S149«SKTHS LKMON w 4 97 2 4 3» 4" 6» 61 H Church Kenton Stnble 2900-100 73809REJKCTION wi 4 110 6 7 7 7 7 7 J Dawson F A Herold 7215-100 Time. 23%. 47. 1:13%. Track faat. mntuels paid Caligula, .70 straight, .50 place, .50 show; Lien dOr, .00 place, .00 fchow; Hiion Pine. .20 show. Equivalent boekmg odds- Caligula. 185 to 1K straight, 75 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Lion dOr, 1X» to KM place, 50 to 100 show , Hucti Pine. 00 to 100 show. Winner H. g, by Wrack Continue, by Orlando .trained by A. S. WfodlitTe; bred by Mr. Edward V V»-nt to post at 3:41. At post 4 minute*. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third dr.ving. AL1 ;1I*A t.iok the lead at the start and, making the pace fast, shook off LION DOR in the stretch and won in a canter. The latter tired after making a game challenge when entering the stretch. ■DOM PINE saved ground on the turns, but the leaders held him safe. The others were outpaced. Scratched 7S449?Hidden Jewel. 103: 7S513-Leatherwood, 103; 77871 Honor Man, 105; 7S3SO Sweep -Makes. 10.3; 7S513 Invi.tus. 100; 7S427M.eonard C. . 95. fTQCT 4 0 FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Sept. 18. 1920—1:44% — 3 — 138. Bayview Purse. 4 0*J~£t Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 000 second. 00; third, 50; fourth. 0. Index Horse* AWtPPSt % Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78450 IIKIR-AT-LAW w 3 87 1 6 JJ l| 1! 1* 1» S Wliams W J Salmon 845-100 78383 PI FF RANG wb 7 105 6 5 4» 3 21 2« 2*« P Walls W Livingston 370-100 78514 THIMBU WB 6 104 3 2 6 51 4» 4 3» C Allen R J Murphv 650-100 75779 HELL GATE w 4 103 5 4 5l 6 6 5» 4i F Stevens A C Bostwick "10-100 71493 ItlMI.LT JESTER w 7 100 I 1 11 2 3» 3» 5» T Wilson Seagram Stable 340-100 78515 A. J. Bl JA w 3 97 4 3 3» 4l 5»k 6 6 L Lang J P Welch 1695-100 Time, 24, 4A*. 1:13%, 1:40. 1:46%. Track fast. mntuels paid neir-at Ijw, 8.90 straight, .20 place, .00 show; Rift Bang, .70 place, 10 show; Thimble. .50 show. Equivalent btoking odd*— Heir at-Lnw. S45 to 100 straight. 310 to 100 place, 150 to 100 show; Biff Bang. 135 to 100 place. 60 to 100 show; Thimble. 75 to 100 show. Winner— Blk. c. by Son-in Ijiw -Lady Portland, by Bill of Portland trained by T. J. Healey; bred in England by Sir Abe Bailey. Went lo p"st at 4 10. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same HKIU AT LAW raced BRILLIANT JESTER into defeat in the early running and won uiHlcr restraint. BIKK BANG sufTen d fr m early interference and closed a big gap when clear, but tired in the last sixteenth. THIMBLE finished with a belated rush. HELL GATE was repeatedly pui. ed up while racing n the inside. . Scratched 7H514 Bedstone, 103. Overweights Ueir-at-Law, 2 pounds: Biff Bang, 5. rTQCT/iQ FIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Sept. 27, 1919— 1: 50— 5— 126. Purse . 4 - year - olds 4 00"iO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third, 00. Index Horse*; AWtlTSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78405 BOTJkla DLCK wb 7 114 3 5 6» 5 21 2» 1» L McAtee Mrs A Swenke HO-100 77872- 1TA.M1N w 0 110 1 2 21 21 3» 31 21 J Wallace F T Miller MMM 785l2»I olGII.rT wb 5 J05 7 7 1« 1J 1«* ll 3J W M:trer Mrs A B Alexandra MMM 78453MMYAL CKOWN w 4 105 2 1 52 4" 4s 43 4* C Allen H B Murdock 770-100 77887 MMtVl.i BKLI.K w 5 111 4 4 31 P* 5« 5« 5" E Ambrse J A Coburn BB-M 78314,AS1ILANU WB 5 106 6 6 41 6» 6-° 6-J 6:» J Shanks .1 McMilIen 1230-100 78336GOL l.MAND ws 8 lfi 5 3 7 7 7 7 7 J Dawson Mrs J Phillips 1590-100 Time. 24. 49. 1 15. 1 41%. 1:54. Track last. mntuels paid Royal Duck, .su straight, .50 place, ?J M show; Vitamin, .50 place, .70 show: Doughnut. .20 show. ■ quivab tit booking o lds Royal Duck. 190 to 10 1 straight, 75 to 100 ;i!jri , 45 to 100 show; Vitamin, 75 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show. Doughnut. 110 lo 100 how. Winner Br. g, by Royal Realm Dukshot. by Galliuule trained by A. Swenke; bred by Mr G D Wideii.-n. Went to post at 4 46. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. ROYAL DICK m ved up steadily in the last quarter and outtin:sI:ed VITAMIN in the linal ilr ve. ilie I.Ot.r wi«i a forward lontender I liMHighutit ami. Iiiii hing fa-t, would have won in another siride. DO! i. UNIT was much used in setting the pan and tired when challenged. ROYAL CROWN Implied gamely. fTOPr A .4 SIXTH RACE— 1 MUe and 70 Yards. Sept. 28 1918— 1 .42%— 4—132. j Purse ,200. 4 OtjA:~3z 3-year-olds, Claiming. Net value to w.nner 00. seoend, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AVVtlISt ; -, Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 7 7080 TROPICAL WAT R wb M7 9 4 11 l1 V V 11 P Walls J B Skinker 300-100 78517 FROSTY BOY M 107 2 1 7»* 7» t.l 41 2* ■ Anibrse O Peterson :i75-H i 78453 ■•ylKK TIME w fS 3 7 5l 61 41 PIP J shanks EKDryson ;tii-100 7SMODANCING l x L w UJ | 5 :; 3" :;i : 4« M BckwU D L Rico MB Ml 78471 WARREN LYNCH w it Ml 0 2 2i P| t| 5» 51 J Chlmers W V Cascv ;:155-1J0 78307 »g M.MlN W 96 1 !• s:J.n»7J 7« 6 W Marer Mrs A ■ Alexandra H9J-100 78i49Ti:il!. AH w 91 S 6 4 41 a «ii 7« L Ling D L Rich.irda 520-100 MMtlAMA w l» 7 8 C1 s ■• P« 84 Ss V Milner W B Gapra lltlu-luo 78305 THOMASINB w H»5 4 :i 9 9 9 9 9 G C.iey J 1 s-hreve 15650-100 Time, 24, 48%. 1 14%. 1:41. 1 45. Track fast. mntuels paid TMpVwl Water. .00 tr:ushl, 50 plac, .00 show, Fro.sly Bov, 10 place, ..!i» show, gunk Time, .JO show Lquivaleiit tMxjkmg «m|.1s Tropical Water. 300 to P0 straight, 175 to 100 place, SO to 100 show, Fr sty B«.y. 255 to 100 njace. 105 to 100 show . Juii k Time. «r lo 1»«J sliow. W.nner Br. c. t»y Rapid Water Maria C, by Yankee Gun trained bv W. A. Burt tsehell, bred bj Mr. G. W. J. Bisselll. Went to post at 5:10. At post 2 minntes. Start good and slow Won driving; second and third the same. TROPICAL WATER took the lead in the early running and held it gamely in the final drive. FROSTY BOY closed up steadily in the stretch, but tired in the final stride*. QUICK. TIME ran well and was weakly ridden. DANCING FOOL tired. WARREN LYNCH ran well to the stretch. Scratched 77934 Byron, 110. Overweights— Quick Time, 5 pounds; Dancing Fool. 1; Thonmsine. 3. rTOCT /| rT SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sept. 28. 1918— 1:42% 4— 132. Purse ,200. 4 Oil -*t_J 0-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78517-SKTHS FLOWER w 108 4 5 61 61 61 3» l«k E Ambrse J P Polk 70-100 7M29DANDYBRUSH wb 112 2 2 P 1* 2 2» 2» J Chlmers J Magnus KK-M I 78471 »AGATING PAPA w 107 5 6 5* 4 pt p* 31 W Milner W Fenwick 460-100 78309 NORMANA w 105 6 4 4"k 6l 4l 4» 4« P Walls W Q Raines 340-100 7M1«**BRB TIDE w 98 1 1 2* P] 5» 5 1 5J J Shanks K W Whitney .J-lOO 77813KIRK DRESS w 97 7 7 71 71 71 6»k 6» J Dawson H S Lippman . 6.S45-100 78453*ANTIQ1TTY w9633 3»213»*7»7«S Wliams W M Sheedy 120-100 78243 GOLUMAltK wi 102 I S S 8 S 8 8 W Marer Mrs E I Shew bridge 5330-100 Time, 24, 49, 1:15, 1:41, 1:44. Track fast. mntuels paid Seths Flower. .10 straight, .50 place, 90 show; Daudybri-sh, 3.20 pla. ■••, show; Aggravating Papa. .70 show. Equivalent txxiking odds— Seths Flower, 370 to 100 straight, 175 to 100 place, 95 to 100 show; Dandybrush, 500 to 100 place, 245 to 100 show; Aggravating Papa, S3 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. f, by Seth Tender Bloom, by Sir Dixon trained by J. P. Polk; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jones. Went to post at 5:52. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third t he same. SKTHS FI.OWKR came fast through the final quarter and outgamed DANDYBRISH in the tiual drive. The latter saved ground on the turns and ran a goid race. AGGRAVATING PAIA tired after taking the lead in the stretch. Scratched — 7S516 Blue Streak, 109. Overweights— Norraana, 3 pounds; Ebb Tide, 1.