untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-17


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THE SPORTING LEADER New Edition for Sale Now TODAYS FREE CODE: Louisville — Memphis— Flora-Might-Canal-Human And right now, let me tell you that this one should be the DERBY WINNER TODAY Rush right now and get THE SPORTING LEADER at your newsdealer, only 25 cents. THE SPORTING LEADER IS THE ONLY NEWSPAPER THAT GIVES THE Automatic Long Shot Selector— A HUGE SUCCESS From COAST to COAST they are talking about the AUTOMATIC LONG SHOT SELECTOR. The greatest invention THE SPORTING LEADER ever put over. Plainly explained on Page 3. WINNERS SINCE IT WAS INAUGURATED: Prime Minister 10-1 Won Normana 2.50- Won Nose Dive 6-1 Won St. James 6-1 Won Belpre 2.50- Won Paul Micou 7.10- Won New Beauty $ 6.70- Won Guest of Honor.. $ 8.40- Won John Hoshor .. . .$ 7.10- 2nd Peddler 7-1 Won Gray Gables $ 5.90- Won John Hoshor .. . .1.50- 2nd Mexican Tea 2.20- Won NOTE — Automatic Changes: Kentucky LG 90— R 93— H 106— A 93— Y 102 Basically it is founded on plain common sense logically applied to a horses form. NOW— FOR DERBY WINNER TODAY— LOOK UP FREE CODE LOLTSYILLE— FOR SALE: Eiler and Goodman 227 4th Street DETROIT— FOR SALE ONLY BY: Triangle Newsstand Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. Family Theatre Newsstand Cadillac Square Gars Weekly 35 Cents at All Newsstands The GREATEST WEEKLY FOR GIVING WINNERS. TODAYS FREE CODE: Louisville — Vermont -Purple- Sea-River Under no consideration fail to get this FREE COL E TODAY. Breechloader, 6.60- Won That rap the JUICY MELON that the CHIEF uncovered for you this week. Did you get it? If not. better get in line and GET GAR S WEEKLY. A WINNER EVERY DAY Yesterdays Big Special: Star Girl .90- Won Thursdays Big Special: Reputation .40- Won Wednesdays Big Special: Fanny De Coury 4.50- Won Tuesdays Big Special: Black Gold .40- Won Mondays Big Special: Pequot .10- Won Saturdays Big Special: Chilhowee .40- Won No use talking, if you -want "WINNERS, you must get GARS DAIRY. Remember, each one of these were given on GARS DALLY. TODAY DERBY WINNER I tell you I havent left a stone unturned to get you this winner. For weeks I have been on the ground early and late and what I Int know about this race isnt worth printing. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE EVERY MAN WANTS THIS WINNER For this Derby winner rush right now to your newsdealer and ask for GARS DAILY 60 Cents at AM Newsstands Mailed 2 weeks, . Remit to GAR PUB CO. 438 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, III. LOUISVILLE— FOR SALE: Eiler and Goodman 227 4th Street DETROIT— FOR SALE: Triangle Newwstand Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. Family Theatre Newsstand. .Cadillac Square Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. Ko charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad , with your name and address to J. X. WILLIS tZh Thirtieth St. Miami Beach. Fla. FIVE WINNERS ont of last 6 STARTERS on our Free Code Specials. TODAY S CODE SPECIAL: October-Pc£Lr-13-16-41-47-entry. Get BOOK on sale now containing Code, rood for next week: alo gives you line on horses that are ready to win. Get the best. 35 cents at all newsstands. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, Z» W. Quincy Street Chicago, m. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM cit* BUGLE . #°VEj£| £Tg EVERY Otf MS£ H FEATURING -WT EVERY DAY A 10° -Sft 1 y FREE SPECIAL FOR THE Kentucky Derby Winner Ge right now to your newsdealer and gat the BUGLE. Only 50 cents. WE HAVE THE FINAL O. X. ! Everything is ready and, believe us, the horse that boats us out in this famous race today will have to fly. W LOUISVILLE PLAYERS, ATTENTION Dont go to Churchill Downs today before you stop at ELLER and GOODMAN, 227 Fourth. Ave., and i get your copy of the Bugle. DETROIT— Tor sale at EAGLET NEWSSTAND, corner Woodward and Monroe Avenues. CINCINNATI— For sale at RAT PIERCES, corner Fifth and Vine Streets. ST. LOUIS— For sale at WM. LASERS, 711 Market St.; FOSTER BOOK, 410 Washington St DAYTON— For sale at EUPHRATS, 129 South Jefferson St. You can get the Bugle mailed to you for two I weeks, . Send to Bugle Publishing Co. Suite 1711 Great Northern Bldg. Chicago, III. 9** CLEVELAND PLAYERS, ATTENTION We have a Big Opening Special going at Maple Heights. For this Special go to O. C. SCHROEDER, 212 East Superior Ave., and get the copy of tht : Bugle. Only 50 cents. GEORGE B. CLARK 211 MAIN ST. BPRLNGFLELD, MASS. I I have just made new arrangements with the same people that I did business with at Pimlioo, Md., to send me their information FROM CANADIAN TRACKS These are the same people who sent me. among other winners, the following Ions shots during the i recent Iimlico meeting: Guvnor 2.60- Won Wessie B 5.20- Won Extreme 4.30- Won Those •winners and others were all registered in advance with this publication and Western Union Telegraph Co.. and can aUo he verified by my clients. I pay a lot of money to get winning satisfaction and I want to do business with a few good men in order to defray part of my heavy expenses. Here is my proposition, and a very liberal one: Information will consist of 3 or 4 plays each week and I will send sama tD clients by prepaid telegTam in ample time before race. Terms — .00 in advance for telegraph charges and you promise to remit to me the winnings of a 0.00 play on each wi-.ner — no other propositions. Remit at once with correct street address. Positively no wire will be sent in care of telegraph company. GEORGE B. CLARK 4U MAIN STREET gpSJNGFXEXD, KMssV a — -* g«i!MMMagKBIIilli MllllllllJMg j [ JERRV HflRDmlG I 1452 BROADWAY NEW YORK, W. Y. 0.00 DAILY— 0.00 WEEKLY. COSTS MOKE— WORTH IT I wish to call the attention of my readers to the fact that yesterdays horse made mr 4 STRAIGHT WINNERS *W for "Lucky Jerry" and his gang, and all good prices, too. The only horse advised yesterday was: COBWEB 8.30- WON and all my followers were advised to go the limit, straight only, j on above horse, as I had personally made all arrangements for yesterdays big win. I believe that a small amount of capita! invested on my horse today should net my followers about W ,000 TODAY *Wm as the horse that I am advising for today has received a very long and careful preparation for todays race and I have concluded arrangements with my connections to handle this big proposition today in order to have a real big thing for Derby day as a special , treat for those of my followers who are going to the Downs to I witness the Derby. And, what is more, I expect todays proposition to pay the limit. Do not allow yourself to be switched today. I pay thousands of dollars to make every proposition that I handle j as safe as possible. The mere fact that I have operated under my own name for twenty-seven years should convince even the j most skeptical that I am on the level. My terms: 0.00 daily or 0.00 weekly If my terms appeared as .00 a day yesterday, It was throutrh an error. I consider my information cheap at ten times what you pay me for it. Wire jour subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. p. S. — It Is advisable to subscribe for a week as I expect one of the biggest propositions I have ever handled to start any day now. v J SOLD ON "NEvvSSTANDS" AND "SPECIAL" WHO WILL WIN THE DERBY 9*- DO YOU KNOW? Dont try to guess. You know horees dont ran on "Dope" or "Guess" at them. You better stop playing em if you expect to beat this game by "Doping" or " Guessing-" them. W The Probable Derby Winner Wm* THIS IS A "BLACK HORSE" Dont worry. I am not givinsr any Black Gold or any "hot" choices, hot a "Dark Herse" that I believe will win. Remember last Derby I gave Zev, Won 0.00, For Bet Ask any Jack Field follower how they "cleaned np" on last years Derby winner, Zev, wtsn, 20-1. A "Big Jubilee" for Jack Field Followers Everybody that will follow Jack Field "today" will have a big jubilee after the Derby is over j today as they should all clean up a fortune on this "long shot" today. WT FREE TODAY ■T* DERBY WINNER Just to show everybody that I believe I have the winner of the Derby I am giving this Free . today. Read all about this on my sheet today. You never will have another such chance of cleaning up a fortune as you have today, so rush to your newsdealer and get "Jack Fields" copy and read about my "Free Derby Special I am giving today. Do You Know Why Jack Field 8*" Can Make You Win? Because Jack Field is always at the track getting the "best" of information money can buy. W" JACK FIELD, OWNER ANDJ TRAINER Mr. Field owned and trained horses himself for a number of years. Now he is giving his knowledge of the game to his numerous followers. 9*- HOW CAN YOU LOSE? Following such "info" as this is when you get it from a man who owned and trained horses for a number of years. Why, if you only knew the , value of this "info," you would be willing to pay 100 times the price. SW Stop Losing Your Money Following every Tom. Dick and Harry and trying to dope em out yourself. It cant be done. You must get the "real stuff" and Jack Field is the man who rets the "Real Stuff" day after day, week after week. 9*" A "Flat Play" Every Day on Jack Field, both and "Special" will make you a big winner. Try this for a few weeks and see for yourself. NOTICE — Jack Field sold everywhere. Also mailed to you a week or .5 weekly for both |1 and Specials. U* Chicago Readers, Attention! Call at our office from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. and read our "WIRES" that we get direct from the track daily from JACK FIELD, who is always at | tho track. "EVERYBODY IS WELCOME" [ FIELD PUB. CO., Room 32 phone Harrison 0248 J 39 W. Adam3 St., Chicago. 111. LOUISVILLE READERS. ATTENTION! Dont go to the track today without first stopping at EILER and GOODMANS store. 227 S. 4th, and ! get JACK FIELD SPECIALS every day. SOLD ALL OTHER CITIES ALSO. TWO LIVE ONES TODAY Remember, we give only 2 a day, received direct from tho track. 50c — Daily at All Newsstands — 50c No bunk, just the roal goods from experts. Dont fail to get yours today. NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER 411 BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO, TT.T. Turf Editors Weekly •0 CTS. AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY Get the NEW ISSUE right now and tun. to 1W Page Seven and read what our Chief Editor lias to say about the KENTUCKY DERBY Our experts have been on the grounds for the last six weeks ; they have a complete line. Dont try to guess tlie winner. Get th# OPINION of an EXPERT. W We Have the Probable Winner This weeks issue is a BIGGER and BETTER issue. We have the greatest weekly that was ever published. We give you four big FREE CODfl Specials, which are found in the Racing Form on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. TODAY TWO REAL GOOD THINGS GO FOR THE MONEY on the TITRF EDITORS DAILY Price , at all leading newssands. W Louisville Players, Attention! Before going to the track stop at EILER. A GOODMAN, 227 FOURTH ATE, and other principal newsstands and get the TURF EDITORS DAILY It Is only and it is worth 0. You can get It in ail other leading cities, or mailed to you overnight for ONE WEEK, . Send $." to TURF EDITORS PUB. CO. 20 WEST JACKSON ST. CHICAGO, ILL. "Cleveland Players. AttentionI Two Opening Long Shot Specials go MAPLE HEIGHTS Dont co to the track without first stopping at O. C. SCHROEDER, 212 E. Superior Ave. and obtain our Two Horse Wire ; it is only ffl. B9* Chicago Players, Attention! The Turf Editors Weekly and Daily can now bo bought at all Loop newstands. Daily for sale night before for next days races in Chicago. Rush to any leading loop newsdealer and get the Turf Editor. jar % 149391493914939 I $ $ | | m isP PREDETERMINED j£» TURF PROFITS m • . The MIRACLE SYSTEM la nationally «• known as "easy for player — hard for layer."* Has stood lite ACID TEST for .** y many years. We could not spend many «* thousands of dollars per annum adter-** tising water as rough syruj — and con- ■•» tlnue in business. Mold on Installment payments paid from your profits. Abso- ** «0 lutely FREE. lOO page racing manual, ejaj ••» review, sworn testimonals. etc. Invest!-Vi gate today and make your Bookie obey. ** Public Relations Manager ♦» mm fj. K. ARTIIlR __, /N| Bex 40 R. W. Tow son, Md. ST «$ | $ i i i $ t $ 1 1 $ V ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924051701/drf1924051701_13_1
Local Identifier: drf1924051701_13_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800