6th Race [6th Maple Heights, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-17

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C4-U DA PC 5 -3 Furlongs. 3-year-old* and upward. Claiming. July 18, Uin nAUt 1923 1:05 1-5 3 108. FULL 0 FXTN. b. g. 4 103 By Jack Atkin— St. Theresa, by Marathon. Trainer, R. J. Howell. Owner, R, J. Howell. Breeder. C. T. Worthineton. 78927 Cor minis 3-4 l:15%fast 8 113 !• T P.onham 6 Jago, MandeHarvey, Ch. Sponsor 78820 Colmbus 3-4 117%slow 71 112 21 H Farland 8 Jago. Balefull. John Joseph 78684 Colmbus 64 f l:25=H;Slop 10 105 1! II Farlnd 6 Stamp, Delhimar. Times Dp 78551 Colmbus 3-4 l:16%fast 13-5 U0 8* C C/Mahyll Delhimar. Mateeldol, Ossaleen 78431 Hunfton 51 f 1:07 fast 71 108 2* W Martin 0 Zorro. thar.Summy, Stone Age JAGO. b. g. 8 103 By Marathon — Somersault, by Handspring, Trainer, B. Creech. Owner B. Creech. Bleeder. J. B. Rescess. 78927 Colmbus 3-4 1:1E%£m* 6 110 2n H Paden 6 Full oFun. Mdellvey, C.Spsor 78820 Colmbus 3-4 1 :17s;slow 61 114 ll H Paden 8 Full o Fun, Balefull, JohnJph 787S8 Colmbus 3-4 l:16feslow 21-10 110 2" H Paden 9 Arrowhead, toft—. Camge II. 78683 Colmbus 5-S 1:01 slop 21-10 107 1" H Paden 8 P.T.Bnum, B.Blkwell, Pquana 78534 Colmbus 51 f l:12 5slow 31-10 118 3* W Martin 9 I pper Tea, Roma, Glenn JOLLY, br. g. 4 103 By Transvaal— Tickle, by Filigrane. Trainer, W. R. Padgett. Owner, Padgett and Baugherty. Breeder. Morris and Walden. 78713 Colmbus 3-4 1:20 mud 8-5 109 1* W Smith 0 Balefull, GrtNorthern, Devonite 78458 Hunfton Rj f 1 :09 mud 12-6 108 2i W Smith I ColbiaTenn. GoinSlciw, Cacbo 78387 Hunfton 5J t l:07sfast 13 108 2 W Smith 12 Big Sapp, Pearl Boots, Sam Reh 78297 Hunfton 3-4 1.13%fast 32 106 3»J M Burger 8 OldSiur, GdonShaw, Mat. Idol 78237 Hunton 5 1-2 f l:0S*tfast 9-5 109 7« N Burger 12 G. Shaw, L. Floicnee.Futurette BTAMP, b. g, 5 100 By Ormondale — Post Mark, by Star Shoot. Trainer. A. G. Woodman. Owner. T. W. Hemingway. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 1S847 Colmbus 3-4 l:13%fast 6 108 21 D McAffe 8 Sun Brae. S; ringVale, M. Harvey 78684 Colmbus 61 f 1:25- slop 19-10 U0 2* T MoCork 6 Full o" Fun, Delhimar, TimesOp T8578 Colmbus 51 f LOSfast 4 113 21 H Farland 9 PepperTea, Avispa, Pawnbroker 78487 Colmbus 3-4 lilShvy 3-2 110 1* H Farland 5 Far East, Colossus, Smart Alex 77911 Jefferson 5J f l.lVandiivr 6 110 1 1 11 3| L McDottl5 Lit. Flower, Lieut. Farrell, O.Sinr BATTLE SHOT. b. f. 3 97 By War Shot — Countess Joan, by High Order. Trainer, G. W. Atkinson. Owner, G. W. Atkinson. Breeder. S. Chris tenson. 98505 Tiiuana 3-4 1:12 fast 61 99 6 3 4J 5=i K H* gland 7 Keegan. Freebooter, Rondelle 784 64 Tijuina 41 t 61?andfast 26 94 2 4 4« 3l K Hgland 5 LadyGorham, BillMeCloy, Keegn 78363 Tijuana 3-4 l:13%fast 33-10 96 8 6 41 2J G Ellis 10 Stroller. First Call, Yalta XOUANNA, b. m, 5 100 Ey Luke McLuke — Aunt Josie. by Ogden. Trainer. J. J. Dngjran. Owner, C. B. Shafer. Breeder. J. O. Sc G H. Keen* 78700 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:51%hvy 81 102 3 1 21 2* D Jones 6 Quesada, Lady Inez, Repeater 78611 Lexgton S-4 l:18?slivy 16 105 2 4 3* 2» D Mergler 9 IaulMicou. Napoo, Day of Peace 78587 Lexgton lm70yl:4S mud 9 101 4 I 4* 6J D Mergler 10 Quesada, Permarco, Kinburn 78105 Tijuana 1 1-8 l:5T4mud 6 92 J 3 31 3J D Jones I V.Patrick, Ilaleakala, Virginias 78090 Tijuana 1 1-16 1:47 fast 21 106 1 3 51 6« M Frey 8 Singapore, PiinceK., Neb. Lad THE ULSTER, h. g, 4 108 By The Curragh — Isirose, by Isidor. Trainer, J. Gass. Owner, A. S. Eastman. Breeder. J. banord. V8482 Hunfton 3-4 116%mud 17 10 115 ll J Pevic C Bristi 0. L Florence, LilacTime 78459 Hunfton 3-4 l:17%mud 3-10 115 1« J Pevlo 1 Lcra, Fayel.e, Keel Foot 78410 Hunfton 51 f 1 :06f ast 10 104 4*1 J Pevio 7 Mar.de Harvey. Theo. Mat. Idol 78387 Hunfton 5i f l:07andfast 61 104 51 J Pevic 13 Big Sapp, Jolly, Pearl Boots 1TR BECK, ch. g, 4 98 By Theo. Cook — Bay of Pleasure, by Kingston. Trainer. F. Grace. Owner. A. O. Buffy. Breeder. T. Piatt. 78030 Colmbs lm70y 1 49l5fast 15 107 5»1 T McCickll Hercules, Forewarn, Tulss 78869 Colmbus 61 f l:24V5fast 14 107 4»1 O AtweU 8 Gay Boy IL, Ossaleen, Redwood 78795 Colmbs lmTdy 1:57 good 61 107 6* H Paden 11 Drummond, Lubeck. Fgned Zeal

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924051701/drf1924051701_14_1
Local Identifier: drf1924051701_14_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800