untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-17


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HARVEY AMES EARLE BLDG. BROADWAY AT 52ND STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. The result of yesterdays, Fridays, "Harvey Transaction" is urv-! known at this writing owing to the fact that WAPITI, which was the 1 only horse advised, started in the seventh race at Louisville. Mr. Ames, over the long distance, notified this office that a well prepared horse, at a good price, will start as a "Harvey Transaction" Today— Saturday Subscription, 00, must be telegraphed promptly to obtain service. No attention is paid to telegrams unless correct street is known to this office or included with remittance from news subscribers, as no open telegram is sent to anyone to avoid same going into wrong channels. The fact that 50 investment on each "Harvey Transaction," I from April 14th, exclusive of yesterday as Fridays result is unknown at this writing, shows a profit of $ 1 3,000 after the cost of the information and losses have been deducted, speaks for the value of this service. Mr. Ames is personally in charge of affairs in Louisville, and in direct communication with this office. TELEPHONES— CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 8 =? .00 ONE DAY— 0.00 SIX DAYS ARGO SERVICE ltt WEST 41ST STBEET PHOXE BRYANT 7»34 NEW IOEK, S. Y. YESTERDAYS HOHSE COBWEB 8.30- WON May 15th: May 7th: THE REAPER 7 20*2 Won WESSIE B. G.10- Won Bay 14th: May 6th: GREAT JAZ 1.20- Won SETHS FLOWER $ andJ0-S2 Won May 13th: May 5 th: SB. CHARLES WELLS. . .$ S.40-S2 2nd WORTHMORE 4J0- Won May 12th: May 3rd: LEATHERWOOD Lost MINUS $ C.10-12 Won May 10th: May 2nd: CHILHOWEE $ S.10-S2 Won LB YIGNEMALE .40- Won May 9th: May 1st: FLYING FUR .S0- Won BARBARA FRIETCHIE..S 9.40- Won May 8th: April 30th: EXCUSE ME 1.10-92 Won RECnABITE 2.30-52 Won NET PBOFIT ON 0.00 PLAY ATTEB DEDUCTING COST OF THE SERVICE, from April 30, ,625.00. If yon are looking for a live one each day, -wire your subscription for one week and we -will pot you on our preferred list. A LIVE BIRD GOES FOR US TODAY! And ire advise you to rash your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. DONT FORGET THIS IS OUR LONG SHOT DAY! This advertisement will not appear every day. One horse daily. 0.00 Weekly; .00 Daily. j i Fed BRADLEY 1819 BROADWAY, GOTHAM BANK BLDG. NEW YORK CITY Again Yesterdays Horse: 00 LA LA 1.20-; 1.40- 2nd My record to date — 22 winners, 7 seconds in last 31 days. Absolutely only one horse a day. BIG SPECIAL ON TAP TODAY— SHOULD PAY 15-1 FREE!! FREE!! My selection for the Derby — CHILHOWEE 00 FLAT BET OVER 2,000 WINNER My fee, 5 daily, in advance. No propositions. Wire sub- I scription by Western Union or Postal Money Order. t si OH, BOYS, LOOK ! ! This system is still picking the long shots. Here are a few — Grass Maid . .. 9 60- Full o Fan . . . 1.80- She Devil 7.60- Kirklevington 2.10-$: Winnie Davis . .4.20- Lierre 5.60- Kumonin 12-1 Panl Micou 7.10- Contentment 6-1 Dandzzler 8.20- Flying Fur 1.80- Buckhora EL ..9.60- GuVnor 2.60- Worthmore - and a large number of others. SYSTEM HO. t This wonderful system only had 9 losers in the last meetings at Lexington, Louisville and Bowie combined. The first 9 days at Jamaica and Fimlico combined only had 11 losers, including the best bets. In one week at the different tracks same system only had 11 losers out of 86 bets. The best bet only had 1 loser. Get these systems and pick your own winners. Can be played at or away from the track. Price in full for both only 0.00. Then, after you ret them and if they have not done just as I advertise, I will gladly return your money. J. H. CROSMAN BOX 2» PALMYRA, IND. 10-1— PARLAY BY MAIL— ld-1 Goes May 26th. Price . Should win and pay 10-1 or more or you get four weeks subscription to Gallops Weekly and Gallops Mail Specials for June 2nd Free. Dont miss this parlay. GALLOPS, 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. LOUISVILLE RACES COL.J.J.SCHREINER AMEHICA S PREMIER CLOCKER Thirty years experience as trainer -decker. YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOB YOU 5 FOR ANY TEN DAYS. Bush your subscription. Dont fail to send yeur address. From me you get track conditions and no scratched horses, but fit horses. My many clients will vouch for my marvelous success at Kentucky tracks. Consult a specialist of the game. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 oclock. Telegraph remittances or remit by express order in letter. Propositions not considered. Strictly cash only. TYLER HOTEL LOUISVILLE, KY. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. «A1 PLYMOUTH COURT U CHICAGO, ILL. ==i Opportunities Make Fortunes So Do Reliable Race Horses Many men would be wealthy today if they had enjoyed the same opportunities that more fortunata ones secured. The same reasoning is applicable to race horses. How many times have yoa seen a hers* which had changed hands, either by the claiming route or in direct sale, come out on the track and wt» pulled up from horses that he couldnt keep close to under his former colors? The horse always had tk in him, but had never had the opportunity to show it, being raced distances and ridden to instructlaeat which were not suited to him. His true worMi was shewn In his new environment, when, with better understanding by his trainer, be was permitted to show without handicap just what he always had h him. The above description is that of a horse which should win at Churchill Downs, Thursday. May 22 While this horse has won some races In his career, he shoojd show a performance Thursday that win substantiate fully every claim that I make for bim. I am asserting right here that he is so much better than anything els-e eligible to the race, that it will net be a contest and the price will be far. far better than it should. The horse should win so Impressively THURSDAY that the next time he starts in the same kind of company his price will be at odds-on instead of the liberal odds paid in the mutuels before the world knows of bis present form. If you want a slice in a real old Kentucky "melon cutting, *• here Is yonr opportunity. A chance like this docs not come every day or every week. I do not have many plays, two or possibly three a week. Knowing wbat a "lock" we have on THURSDAY, I am reducing" my terms to the lowest possible level so that everyone can afford to be in on this good thing. Bet tea dollars for me THURSDAY and telegraph me the results of same after the horse wins. Absolutely a* money in advance. After Thursdays horse has won and yoa have seen the tnqthfulneas of my statements in this advertisement, as well as enjoyed the thrill of collecting: your bet at a nice price, I shall expect you to bet fifteen dollars for me on my next good thing. After the second horse has won, say terms for the third and all future winners will be the winnings of a twenty-five dollar bet this Is tha amount all my old clients are betting for me with the following clause for your protecticn: Any thaw I send yen a loser, your next bet for me will be ten dollars only, even though I have sent you fosar or five straight winners. Yoa now have before yon one of the most worthy, valuable and honest propositions that was ever presented to yoa. The undersigned requests only such treatment at your bands as you will receive frasa him. He knows what he is doing and if you heed opportunitys call, yon will have made connection* second to none. Plans for another winner, starting Saturday, May 24, are now in process of development with every assurance of success. Telegraph me immediately if you are willing to bet 0.00 for ma THURSDAY and want inside information on Kentucky good things, which I will have from time to Unas, Be sure to include your correct street address, when you wire acceptance of my proposition. GUY C. ONEIL 202 REPUBLIC BLDG., LOUISVILLE, KY. AL GERNS The man who made The Sporting- Leader famous flO SPECIAL AND 91 SPECIAL FOR * 1 .OO For aale at all newsstands everywhere. YESTERDAYS BIG SPECIAL NEW BEAUTY SCRATCHED And again we clean up BIG TODAY Al Gems 0 Special FREE At Louisville I have been watching; this bird for the past month and KNOW they expect " Win With Him at 10-1 TODAY ! Under no consideration fall to get this one before yon go to Cbnrehlll Downs today. AL UERNS SPECIALS are for sale at all newsstands everyn hrrs and In LOUISVILLE at EILER * GOODMAN, 227 Fourth Street. DETROIT at TRIANGLE NEWS, irisnold and Lafayette Bird. DETROIT at FAMILY THEATRE NEWSSTAND, Cadillac Square. SCHUYLER FLOYD CALYERT BUILDING BROADWAY AT 41ST STREET NEW YORK CITY TELEPHONE— BRYANT 6338 Schuyler Service Spells Safety It Is the Only Safe Course Turf investments are among the safest in the world. Yet without experienced knowledge they are full of danger. They are like hidden reefs in the entrance to a fine, fair harbor. When a ship cornea in, what will happen to it? This office knows the channel. Successful pilots for a number of years. When we advise an investment, a client knows that same is hacked by unlimited financial resources and beyond peradventure. The next "BCHUYLEB INVEST* KrlT" takes place today Saturday in an extraordinary event at Canada. Terms: One Hundred Dollars In Advance BY TELEGRAPH OR IN PERSON THE "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" are like "8TEBLING" OH STLVEB— THE STAKE OF DISTINCTION ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. all PLYMOUTH C0UEX a CHICAGO, tt.t., EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO Win the Derby 10 TO 1 OB BETTER An offer giving yon a chance to play the American classic. This year the greatest of all. THE GOLDEN JUBILEE DERBY SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1924 This horse has been carefully prepared and la working sensationally. Backed by a group of the smartest men in the business. This INFORMATION IS UNQUESTIONABLE Flay when the conditions are rierht and with confidence. If you want to be IN on a reliable proposition, DONT DELAY. This horse should win. TERMS— ONE RUNDRED DOLLARS la advance by Western Union or Postal. Care of Western Union or Fostal. JUDS0N SMITH LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY NOTE — All subscriptions must be on hand not later than 10 oclock mornin? of the race and will be filed in order of receiving. Wires sent oat accordingly. I reserve the right to refund money account of over-subscription of territory. SIMPLICITY of A?vlnca tuc riDric I !*.*— lilt, UKlLc i Leatb« C. 0. D. I Bound NOTHING FANTASTIC. NO BUNK. NO TIPS The greatest and most successful handicap ever offered the public is why the wise men are buying it. Reduces your chances on ths horses to a minimum; also list of "classed* horses. BELLE MEADE PUBLISHING CO. P. 0. Box 731 Nashville. Tenn. "The Thorobreds Home" VOLUME II. OF Annual Racing form for 1923 NOW ON SALE Ml PLYMOUTH C0UET a CHICAGO, ILL.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924051701/drf1924051701_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1924051701_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800