7th Race [7th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-17

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J . j • • J i ; 1 j . i 1 j I ] , . . , . , 7*1% DA PC 3-4 Mile. Bloomfleld Porte. 3-yesu--oldn and upward. Allow III nMUC aneei. May 24, 1021 1:11 9 128. ANGLTJM MAID, bDx. m, 6 105 By Dick FinneU— Poky OMalley.by Charles OMalley. Trainer. E. Trotter. Owner. E. Trotter. Breeder. W. K. Harrington. 78944 Churchill 1 1:8 hvy S 18 8 7 51 4* J WalUce 8 Pequot, Allie Ochs, Ruby 72819 Kenilwh lm70y 1:44 Vast 8-10 8J S 5 4» ll J WalUce 8 Chloris, Tycoon. Moss Pox II. 72529 FortErie 61 f 1.D6 fast U 84 6 5 4* 4*1 J Wallace 8 Bestl-oic, Lilt, James F. OHara 72456 Hamton lm70y 1:45 Vast Sl-10 18 S 4 V 8*1 J Wallace 7 Mercutio, Wilkes Barre, Bgrado : 72326 Hamton 1 1-8 1:53 Vast 2 100 S S 1** 2« J Wallace f Fan. Bean, F.ofTrce. Highspeed 72064 Kenilwh lmTOy l:43%faat 17 18 S 4 8 1» J Wallace 10 Slake Up, Sailing B., LsnetU ; 70989 latonia lm70y 1 :44 Vast 8-2 88 1 4 4 IU Wallace 12 Koldgold, Lot.Ixiraiue. IJtUeAnn 70741 Latonia, lm70y l:43%fast 4 106 8 6 7» S" J WalUce 12 LadyMyra, Wapiti. K Mountain | ATTORNEY, b. g. 6 119 By Strephoa— Haversack, by Martinet. Trainer, R. McGarrey. Owner. Mrs. R. McGarroy. Breeder. S. Rots. 79963 See todays chart. 78776 Lexgton 11-4 2:8 fast 23-10 85 6 S P *» ■ PUher 7 Kirkl. vgton. Timbrel, Counteas 78673 Lexgton 1 1-M 12%sIop 14 Ul 1 4 4* 4*» H Btutts 7 Pennarco. KirkleTgton. Locldos 77872 Jefferson 11-8 1:66 fast 8 197 8 8 7* 81 H Btutts 9 Majority, Vitamin. Walnut Hall 77806 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:4»Vast 4 US 10 6 » 9 H Stutts 15 Trooper, Rep. Day Lilly 77763 Jefferson 1 HI !«Vut 7 89 S 4 8 S«J H 8tutts 12 BuddieKean. Bowsprit. EUesmar 77522 F.Grnds 11-16 1:8 fast • 197 1 S T» 6* G W Crolll2 Hboldt, WaterC.irl, Klrklevtoa 77412 F.Grnds 11-8 1:8 last 8 87111 S 81 ST1 L McDottl3 Cash, Fos.erEmbry, Waywasmo, 77239 F.Grnds 1 1-4 2:OS%fast 7 107 4 S 21 3« L McDottll Hickory. Dustproof. Irish Pat ! 77061 F.Grnds 1 1-8 1:55 fast 6 18 1 8 4* 4*1 J Corcoranll Bendita, Kimpalong. San.Docrow 77019 F.Grnds 1 1-8 1 M hvy a 112 6 4 4* 6* L McDott 8 Rupee, Royal Crown. BUckolia MISS MrTTSE, b. f, 4 109 By Ormondalo— Margaret Meise. by SUr Shoot. Trainer, R. L. Rogers. Owner, H. L. Crais. Breeder. M. Jones. 77711 F.Grnds lm70y 1:44 Vast 17-10 » 1 4 2» 21 J Wallace 6 Dustsbout, Isosceles, Llewellyn 77674 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:48 Vast 7-6 8 11 ll ll J Wallace 7 K. Arrow, Shamrock, Win. takeAU 77388 F.Grnds ll-8 1:53Vast 21 104 1 2 2» 21 I Parke 4 Romany, Ramkin, Brunell 77217 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:53Vaat SI UO 2 2 2* 2» I Parke 7 Ramkin. Roy;il Duck, Tan Son 76773 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49Vsgood 1 103 4 6 3» 1" I Parke 9 Pequot, Neddam, PastoralSwain 76465 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:48 fast 4 107 8 6 61 3* F Lee 11 Fr.Sneezy, Highspeed. Fan.Beaa MISTRESS MART, ch. f, 4 110 By Manager Waite— Lady Anne, by Kinley Mack. Trainer. L. Jones. Owner, Harned Bros. and Jones. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 79038 Churchill 1 l:»2/6good 5 10314 2 2* 2 W Fronk 9 Auntie May, Johnlloshor, M.Crel 75533 Churchill 1 1:8 Vast 21-10 114 5 21 2* D Jones 10 R p gMary, P.G.Brn, Larehmt 75417 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46Hgood 6 104 2 4 8* 2* W Lancet 8 Great Luck, MissMeise. TenSixty | 74979 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46Vast 44 104 2 S Sl 2* R Chtham 7 Irec.Lula, T.S.th, R.Mountaio 74770 Latonia lm70y l:44Vaat 11 106 2 2 1* 2* J Howard 11 Untried. Hoy. Blue Stone 74688 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast U 109 4 S 71 7" J Howard 12 Bosh, Wild Life, Little Hope WHO KNOWS ME, br. g, 4 105 By Sir John Johnson— Fantail. by Ogden. Trainer, W. Perkins. OwneT, M. C. Moore. Breeder, T. Piatt. 79061 See todays chart. 78897 Churchill 7-S l:27%mud Uf 109 4 4 41 4*1 R Hartonll Queseda. Ruby, Ronquol 78612 Lexgton 1 l:45Vivy 8 80 4 6 S* 6" T Barker 6 ERcarpolette, Planet, Llewellyn 75517 Churchill 11-8 1:64 fast 2 101 1 1 6l 9" J Heupel 9 Oo La La, Bobbie Shea, Randel 75067 Latonia 11-16 1.-50 hvy 7 87 4 2 6« 7" F H stings 8 PostHaste, PlusCltra, Ten Seth 74774 Latonia 1 1-14 l:46Vast 8 8 2 1 14 1 I Parke 4 Rest. Time. G. Billows. TenSixt7 74691 Latonia 1 1-16 1:44 Vast 8 8 4 4 S 8" D Jones 8 Dr mMaker. LadvAstor. MakeLo 74603 Latonia lm70y l:44Vast 27-8 95 6 2 31 3» F Hstings 7 HoldMe. Tip. Sahib. BetterLuck ESCARPOLETTE, b. m. 7 110 By Fitz Herbert— Balancoire, by Meddler. Trainer. T. F. Devereaux. Owner. T. F. Devereaux. Bred in Franca bv C. H. Mackay. 78944 Churchill 1 1:42 hvy 7 83 1 4 7* 44J R Fisher 8 Pequot, Allie Ochs, Ruby 78903 Churchill 11-16 1:49 mud 4-6 87 4 6 6 6" R Fisher 6 Dobson, Allie Ochs, Firetoma 78754 Lexgton 1 1-16 1:47 Vast 4 105 4 5 4« 3*1 S Griffin 6 Neddam, John Hoshor. Kinbnm 78612 Lexgton 1 l:45Vivy 7 97 2 S 2l 1 F Thdyke 6 Planet, Llewellyn, Rib Grass 77840 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:49Vast 7-6 109 6 4 41 61 D Mergler 8 Our Star, Juno. Three Square 77803 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:48 fast 10 104 12 S 71 2 D Jones 13 Tan Son. Royal Dnok, Rlcheliea 77742 Jefferson 1 1-1S 1:8 fast IS Ul 1 1 U 11 J CorcoranlO Tody, Richelieu. Stump 77586 F.Grnds 1 1-1$ 1:50 hvy IS 106 6 S 4* 44 H Kaiser 8 G. Billows. F.Sneezy, Marg.Waro THE ARCHER, b. g, 7 110 By Uncle — Busy Lass, by Meddler. Trainer. J. Moore. Owirr, R. A. Mason. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 77630 F.Grnds 1 3-1S 2:01*4good 3 106 2 1 1 2* B Brenlngll Huonec. Gondolier, InsuUte 77410 F.Grnds lmTOy 1:44 Vast SO Ul! 7 8 7* 6«1 J H Burke 8 Thimble, RoseatelL. RkBottora 77324 F.Grnds 1 1-1S l:491fcslow 8 109 4 S 6 6J» J H Burke 6 Pequot, Raffles. Freezy Sneesy 76883 F.Grnds 1 1-8 1:53%b1ow 15 108 3 6 6" L Smith 6 FreezySneezy. Pequot. E.Indian 76650 F.Grnds lmTOy 1 :44 Vas v 8 IK 2 S 4« 410 J McCov 5 Romany, T.UollCall, TonyBeau 76099 Jefferson 1 1-8 l«*4slow SO 113 6 6 416*=JD Mney 7 Tony Beau, Richelieu. Kent L. 75996 Jefferson S-4 l:16*4slow 8 107 7 T 7 7*-* L Smith 7 John Finn. Roseate 11.. Brunell 74056 H.deGce 61 f l:05Vast 8 1U 1 7 7 7" W Lilley 7 Comixa, Wellfinder, Sun Quest 72253 Kenilwh 1 1-16 l:50«4slow IS 115 5 4 41 6" J Rowan 5 MakeUp, BgoneDays. Brilliance

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924051701/drf1924051701_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1924051701_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800