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Entries and Past Performances JAMAICA TUESDAY, MAY 20 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST. The figures u-.der the heading "Sec." in the entries below slow the best time of ! each horse at the distance since January 1, 1922, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. I 7C160 IS FIRST IXDEX OF 1824. 78CSS IS FIKST INDEX OF MAY. Raring starts at 2 30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. ® Superior mini runner. X Good mud runner. sj: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. I Tlie following abbreviations are used to desifrnntrt tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Park. JP Aurora An Kenilworth So Belmont Park BP Kempton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowie Bo La ton i a La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connaught Park CP Maple Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire De Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Dufferin Du Pimlico Pm Empire Em Reno Re Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Fert Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Em Thorncliffa Th Havre do Grace HG Tijuana Ti Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv Windsor Wi Huntington Ha Woodbine Wo Jamaica J a First Rice — 3-4 Mile. Purse ,000. 3 -year olds and upward. Claiming Track record: Oct. 5, 1922— 1 :11 %— 2— 117: Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 78784 bDeadlock CD 10411:11% 5 112. .725 78746 Jynte- BP 120 1:12% 8 109x720 ! 79015 •hlfciyjue Aq 100 1:12% 8 112x710 ■ 77801 bMusksllonge ...Ja 113 1:12 0 114x7lr | 78986 »St. Martin; M Ja 9G 1:14 3 82. .715 70778 liMawrrorron . . .Bl* 115 1 :13 5 110X715 j 79070- Baby Lane Ja 89 1 :12% 3 90x715 I : 788S9 Slony Point MUa 112 1:12% 4 108x710 79015 Kge BP 104 1:1:;% 4 103x710 79013 Killy BP 115 1:11% ■ 120X710 «7232« Cydonia Ja 103 1:12% 5 110X710 79015 Bright Lights. . .Ja 117 1:12% 8 110X710 74652 Little Smoke ..15P 104 1:13% 4 112.. 710 78657 Rosa Yeta BP 109 1:12% 4 107.710 78811 bLKdair Ja 118 1:13% 0 110. .705 79015 •liesie Lcigliton Bl* 104 1:13% 4 102X705 75541 Krenan BP 106 1 :13% 4 112. .705 79073 Hands Ip M Ja 106 1:14% 3 97X700: 79012 Trite Ja 108 1:13% 9 110x700 79070 •Anticipation ...Ja 97 1:14% 3 91..700J 78986 "Idle Thoughts .JP 96 1:13% 3 94X700 73725 Bear Crass 3 96. 709 I 70157 Pensive M Ja 10711:18 4 10H..70o! 78715 Houri FC. 100 1:15 3 96.700 79015 Director Ja 106 1:15% 3 101.. 700 i 79072 Jaunt bar Aq 101 1:14% 5 98 700 | ! 78989 Spontaneous MJa 102 l:16%h 3 92. .7001 i 74308 Hoyal Airman M ! Aq 105 1:16%s 3 97.7001 | 79098 Cork Kim sa 108 1:10% 4 110X700 | 78616 Thessaly BP 106 1:12% 4 1O5..7O0| 72347 Confetti M 3 92 700 T9070 Barion M Ja 105 1:14% 3 97..70ol ! I ! ■ j : I I i | ! i ! | | Second Race — 1 Mile and 70 Tarda. Chatham Handicap. ,200 Added. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 3, 1922 1:41%— 5— 120 79046 Mission-try ...111116 1:44% 9 110X750 78840 bNose Dive Ja 105 1:42% 5 112.745 78988 Horologe Km 114 1:44% 5 118x745 76651 Episode FG 10411:44% 6 101x740 78632 High Prince ..Km 112 1:44% 4 106. .740 78912 bRed Wingfield CD 104 1:44 5 103x735 78859 Masquerado JalOSl:44% 5 98x730 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances Track record: Oct. 5, 1022— 1:11%— 2— 117. 79048 Noon Fire .la 112 1:11% 124.. 750 79047 Lady Belle ...Pm 107 1:11% 111.. 745 79047 Margin HO 105 1:13 111x745 79014 Swingalong . . .Sa 115 1 :12% 116x745 78634 Eaglet Ja 106 1:12% 116.740 79072 Bonaparte Aq 119 1:13% 112.735 79099 Billy Warren . BP 112 1:12 104..7:J0 78732 Batsman BP 102 1:12% 112X7:U 78786 Prince Hamlet. Ja 104*1:13 107 X 730 79072 Maxie BP 116 1:14% 104. .725 79072 The World Aq 115 1:13 112. .725 Fourth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Sixteenth Running Southampton Handicap. ,500 Added. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: May 19, 1923-1:43 — 4— 116i. 79045 LADKIN 117. .750 79014 Sherman 105x740 r.9097 Ordinance 124. 740: 79014 I.aurano 10SX735 J 79014 Samaritan M... 105. .735 79099 Aga Khan M.. 105X72O Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,000. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 3, 1922 — 1:41% — 5 — 120. 78788 Royal Charlie Ja 113 1:47% 5 113x725 "i9044 "Apology Ja 90 1:44% 3 93X720 78842 Irene Sweeney Ja 107 1:45% 4 108X715 78842s Gladys V. M .Ja 97 1:44% 3 88x715 788S2 WtiH Ctrl Ja 103 1:44% 4 103. .715 19098 Anniversary ...Ja 108 1:45% 7 108x715 ■59070 Shine On 3 101 . .710 19012 Anterior Km 107 1:46% 5 113.7101 ! 79015 *bFclieitous Lx 111 1:45% 4 108x710 19012 Mont Majella M Ja 106H:47 6 111. .710 79072 Jaunebar Km 93 1:44% 5 106x710 19015 Dan Boiling . .Ja 113 1:44% 5 113x710 71785 Prima Donna Km 105 1:48% 4 108x705 79135* The Fenian .Ml FG 112 1:47% 3 98.705 79015 Bright Lights 8 111x705 18842 Delysia Ja 115 1:44% 3 103. .705 79012 Bendita Ja 105 1:46 4 110x705 79012 «bWarlike Km 110 1:40% 7 103X700 I 79095 Mitau 3 103 . . 700 79098 Scottish Chief Ja 110 1:45% 6 113. .700 75339 Manna Kml07 1:53%h 5 113x700 79095 Meadow Lawn .. 3 98.. 700 Sixth Race— 5-8 Mile. Purse ,000. 2 year-olds. Maidens. Filliea. Special Weights. Track record: May 16, 1923-58%— 2— 111. 78818 Nedana Ja 112 1:02 114x725 19094 Cad Ja 112 1:00% 114X720 18987 Longing Ja 114 1:00% 114X715 79043 Grace Troxler Ja 99 1:02% 114.. 710 78906 Wiser 114.. 705 78747 Clavichord Ja 114 1:03 114. .705 Buena Vista .... 114 Equable 114 Gertrude I ill Canister 114