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t t _ _ e ■ i _ . .0 , n it ic |n 1 :e rt m t , U 1 e M ig - re M ?h m je m .r DA PC ■ Mile and TO Yards. 3-year-oldN and upward. Claiming. Oct. Olll HAUL. 3, 1022 1:41 4-5 S 12t». ROYAL CHARLIE, b. g, 5 113 By Charles OMalley— Captive Princess, by Captiva-e Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner. A. Swenke. tion. Bred in England by W. A. Wa;lis 78788 Jamj.ica lm70y l:t3Vast 5 113 6 6 5h »- J Shanks lit Aladdin. Mom. Water Cirl 78589 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:4t Vast 30 102 4 2 2 11 J Shanks 9 FrostvBoy. Vacuum. V.-Chrman 78369 Bowie 11-8 1:58 fast 8 112 3 5 6 72« F Lee 7 Normal. Majority. lord Wrack 78265 Bowie 61 f l:22%good 71 113 3 6 4 1 610 J McTagtl.! Bucado. Fifty -Fifty, TeassssM 78197 Bowie lm70y 1 :49/sfast 7 112 3 1 1* l3 C Bang 10 Our Birthday. Servitor. Antilles 78161 Bowie 6ifl:2:l mud 21 111 S 10 ]03 109 C Lang 13 BiffBang, Timeslp, Agg.Papa 77653 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :4SVast U-5 108 7 5 5 .V I Parke 12 La Orb. Pete Fey. Roval C.orge 77499 F.Grnds 11-10 1:19 good 6 113 4 1 1 52 I Parke 9 KiedKinney. Widgeon, F.Embry 77347 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49V»goo l 41 110 8 3 35 r L McDottll Normal. Majority. St. Paul 77197 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47%good 8 111 5 2 4 4* 1 Farke 8 Cm. Normal. Kirklevington APOLOGY, blk. f, 3 93 By Huon — Ossabar. by Ossary. Trainer. E. Hodgson. Owner, J. L. Holland. Breeder. T. W. OBrien. 79044 Jamaica lm70y 1 :42.%fast 5 90 I 4 3* 4« G Cooper 5 Despair, Tancerine. Olynthus 78985 Jamaica 3-4 1:14%hvy 20 96 8 7 31 3J G Cooper 9 BelleArtte, Exaltedltuler, Anns 78785 Jamj.ica lm70y l:44Vast 3 1021 6 2 V- 4" J Shanks 7 Normal. Dan Boiling. Bonfire 77213 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 7 104 11 2 3 21 J Heupel 13 Barleycorn. Tight. Troutwick 76922 FGrnds 3-4 1:15 slow 8 102 11 8 91 Z» D Merglor 12 Peggy .. Vultilla, Belle K. 76684 F.Grnds lm70y 1:48 Vnud 6 102 3 5 61 63 F Lee 10 Payman, Our Star. Fehrah 76504 F.Grnds 3-4 1:16 mud 3-2 106 4 6 3» 3i I Parke 9 Tambon, Col.lmark, Attilla 76386 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 good 16-5 107 4 8 7 713 T Burns 10 Welcome, Bigwig, MissFortoas IRENE SWEENEY, ch. f. 4 108 By Great Britain— Lauretta, by Marco. Trainer, H. McDonald. Owner, J. Wormser. Breeder. Xalapa Farm. 78842 Jamaica lm7.y l:44Vast 30 107 3 2 5* 57J T W Dyle S Comedy. Delysia. Cladvs V. 78746 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast 50 108 11 10 91 9,:l T W IVyleU Batata dOro, JynH-e. liespair 78665 Jamaica lm70y 1:47 slop 30 107 4 8 8 8" T W Dyle I Normal. Water Ciil. Dan Boiling 75055 Empire 1 1:43 Vivy 21 10S1 2 3 21 1 F Colletti ■ Tikeli, High Commander. Soviet 74888 Empire 11-4 2:09 fast 12 9815 4 42 4» A Hunt I Potentilla, BstlaBl 1 1 1 . Warlike 74726 Jamaica lm70y 1 :4 .Vast 10 105 3 5 610 6«i G W Croll 7 S.andPretty. Oraa, Scare Crew 74684 Jamaica lm70y 1 4.",Vast 18-5 97 2 3 32 :.- W Milner 7 Big. Still. Oran. Dr. Whitehurst 74452 Jamaica lm70y 1:46 fast 10 103 5 13= ::l G Lavine 7 Potentilla. HighCliief. MissBelle 74246 Aqueduct H f 1 : 20 Vast 20 104UO 6 4 3s G Lavine 11 S. Spring, Plentycs. H.Comnder GLADYS V., b. f, 3 M 88 By Black Toney— Katrine, by Disguise. Trainer. H. Randolph. Owner, W. H. Fizer. Bieeder. H. P. Headley. 78842 Jamaica lm70y l:44Vast 7 97 7 5 3i 3J B Brning 8 Comedy, Delysia. Juno 78263 Bowio lm7-y 21 103 10 ■ 8 8" J Wallace 14 Dane. Fool. Beth. SCI, Pol. Lgton 78177 Bowio 6 1 2 f 1 :22Vast 7 90 12 10 10 5J .1 Dawson 13 Warning. Trapstick, Protocol 7 7890 Jefterscn 1 1-lfi 1:53 mud 3 94 8 7 72 6*1 D Jonea 10 Quinham. Creat Northern. Bugler 77781 Jefferson 1 1:42 fast 10 93 8 6 6" 63i H Hay 15 Omnipotent, Servitor. Mr. Beck WATER GIRL, b. f. 4 103 By Rapid Water— Maria C, by Yankee Gun. Trainer. E. Brewster. Own;r, E. Brewster. Breeder. G. W. J. Bissell. 78862 Jamaica 1 l-M l:45Vast 6 97 4 5 7s 7" B Brning 9 Stone Jug. Insulate. Normal 78788 Jamaica lm70y l:43Vast 3 103 7 4 4" 3*1 C. BrninglO Aladdin, Mom, Babbling 78665 Jamaica lm70y 1:47 slop K 102 2 11 2 B Brening S Normal. Dan Boiling, Mom 77937 Jeffe.-son 1 1-16 l:51%hvy 41 105 3 3 51 4" B Mrinelli 13 Al Stebler. El Jesinar, Smarty 77850 Jfferson 1 1-16 1:50 fast 2 109 10 2 V 4*1 J Corcoranll Westwood. Lit Ammie. Tay.Hay 77784 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 15 105 6 1 21 31 B MrinellilL Dumbfounder. Repeater. Insulate 77721 F.Grnds 1 1 -16 l:4SVast 4 93 4 1 8" 7J L Lang 12 Rupee, Bendita, Insulate ANNIVERSARY, b. g. 7 108 By Celt— Discipline, by Greenas. D. Barziby. Owner, Mrs. M. L. Davis. Breeder. J. N. Camion. 79098 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:45Vast 80 105 6 6 6" 4*1 F listings S David Haruin Insulate, Sword 79012 Jamaica lm70y l:45%fast 60 104 7 6 6J 6»1 H Thomasll Mom. Siipeibum. Bendita 78785 Jamaica lm70y 1:44 Vast 60 108 6 6 6» 5* It Mthews 7 Norma!. Dan Boiling. Bonfire 78476 H.d~Gce 1 1-4 2:09V»vy 17 109 4 6 6 6*1 P Walls 6 Fr /vSn/.y. ElJmar. Lit. Ammie 78336 Bowie 1 12 2:41Vast 84 102 2 6 «• 6** J Chlmers 7 Old Faithful. Hickory, Tody 78291 Bowio 1 3-16 2:07%fast 61 106 9 9 » 8*1 C Allen 9 Super bum, Col. Waals, Bowsprit 78244 Bowie 1 1-4 2:17 slow 85 106 3 8 7 6* J Wallace 8 Fl Jesmar. Owasco. Atty Mnlr. 78180 Bowie lmTOy l:49Vast 99 106 Bj j 9 9 C Allen 11 TluPciuv u. Noriual. L d Wrack JAMAICA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCE Continued from eleventh page. SHINE ON, b. f, 3 101 By Sweep On— Cisalpine, by Monsieur de LOra*- Trainer. O. Peterson. Owner. G. Petersoa. Breeder. N. R. Dickerson. g 79070 Jamaica 3-4 l:12%fast 15 17 I 4 4» 4" O ThomnlO KxaltedRuler, ByLane, LyBoss 78986 Jamaica 3-4 l:15%hvy 20 101 1 1 li 21 O Thomn 9 OldWelbne, Handslp, AlltnAll j 78916 Jamaica 3-4 l:15%alow 60 101 1 1 V 1" Q ThomnlO HighComder, Wnton, IVyGfny 78858 Jamaica £.» f 1 :06Vfcfast 100 107 t 6 71* »" G Thomn 8 Hounnore, Sledge, Honf leur 78365 Howio 6J f 1 :09%faBt 23f 111 13 13 13 13«» G Tboson 18 Just, Haughty Lady, Conscript 78226 Howie «| f l:22slow GS lii ii 12 13 13" Q ThpsenlS Go Foin. Altissimo, Just 78177 Bowio € 1 2 f 1 :22%t ast 9f 101 6 7 4l 6» O Thomn 13 Warning, Trapstick, Protocol 77933 Jefferson 3-4 l:15%hvy 100 106 13 13 15 15** G Thomn 15 Levoy, Benigna, Jim Kenney ANTERIOR, eh. g. 5 113 By Frlax Bock— Antella, by Planndes. Trainer, C. K. Moore. Owner, A. . Content©. Breeder. 3. E. Madden. 79012 Jamaica ]m7lry l:45%fast 15 107 8 7 «» 6»« T Burns 11 Mom, Superbum, Bendita 7h842 Jamaica 3m70y 1 :44*4fast 6 117 1 7 7* 7" T Burns 8 Comedy, Delysia, Gladys V. *8692 Jamaica lm70y 1 46imud 60 115 1 7 7* 7" T Burns 8 Top Sergeant, Tangerine, Anne j 78607 Un. Hunts 3-4 l:12Sfast SO 110 2 8 9* 7" R Mthewsll Forest Flower. Cue-Rack. Venn» 75120 Empire 11-4 2:99 fast 12 108 Left at post. T Burns 10 Owasco, SirGalahadll.. K.sBclle « 74996 Empire lm70y l:47%mud 7 112 5 5 5 551 F Collettl 5 Rekab, Antilles, Grandson 74848 Empire lmTOy l:46%tast 20 117 Left at post. T Burns 6 WaterGirl, Warlike, B.Leighlon 74554 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:48fast SO 111 7 C 6* C,lT Burns 7 Bravo, S.andPretly, Bersagliere FELICITOUS, ch. g, 4 108 By Ultimatum— Felicitation, by Delhi. Trainer, G. C. Winfrey. Owner. G. C. Winfrey. 3reeder. S. Ross. | 79015 Jamaica 3-4 1 : 13«ifast 12 112 10 9 6h 61 J Maiben 14 Relcross, Kge. DanRolling 78811 Jamaica 3-il:13%fast 8 112 14 13 14 14 * L Fator 14 ExedRuler. BabyLne, St.Mtins 78227 Howie 7-8 1:30 mud 6 113 6 2 8» 10" H Scobie 12 Antiqty, HklebyFnn, Bleycn 77218 K.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :494fast 16-5 108 10 2 2» 7" I Parke 12 B. fr.Home, Secrcty. JakeBerger . 77212 F.Grnds 31 f «%fast 12 118 7 6 63J L McDottl3 Parolell., Confluente, HolcGard I 76986 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13%hvy 15 110 7 6 4» iE Pool 10 Guvnor, Cnre Free, Sequel | MONT MAJELLA, ch. h. 6 M 111 By Bonspiel JX— Marjolette, by Henry the First. Trainer, E. G. Haider. Owner, Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Breeder, J. Jariel. 79012 Jamaica lm70y l:45? 6 100 12 4* 4kl L McAtee 11 Mom, Superbuui, Bendita 786413 Un. Hunts 1 l:39fcfast 7 104 7 6 6" »• A Hunt 9 Normal. Ralco, Simeon JAUNEBAR, ch. g. 5 106 By Sandbar— Hannah Louise, by Yellow Tail. Trainer. J. Diggins. Owner. 3. Digging. Breeder, Mrs. E. T. Fairfax. 79072 Jamaica 51 f 1 Otfefast 100 106 6 6 8;o 6" F Catrone ! SunAudience. Aragon, Bonaprte 79015 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 »fef ast 60 109 12 6 7* 7* F Catronel4 Belcross. Ege, Dan Boiling 69979 Jamaica 3-4 7 U0 6 6 6» 5B R Kaliska I Aiken, SunnyGirl, Miriair.Cooper 64879 Belmont 1 l:38-slow 12 112 6 3 4» 3=2 B Mrinelli 7 South. Cross, PirateGold, Y.Star 64209 Saratoga 1 ISMKCM* 40 93 7 8 8 8" E Bell 8 Exodus, Frigate, Thunderclap 63884 Empire lmTOy J :44%iast 7 93 1 1 1» l1 E Bell 6 Dan Boiling. Bonus, Zealot 63788 Empire Ab 3-4 1:12 mud 40 105 7 1 2s 2s C Studer 12 NorthcliXf, D. Boiling. Pir. Gold DAN BOLLING. b. g. 5 113 By Sea King— Coat, by Ogden. j Trainer, F. J. Kearns. Owner, S. Gooch. Breeder, J. E*. Madden. 79015 Jamaica 3-4 1 :13V,fast 4 112 1 3 3J 33 F H stings 14 Behro-s, Ege. Daydue 78785 Jamaica lm70y 1 :44andfast 6 113 2 1 21 2J A Accardy 7 Normal, Bonfire, Apology 78665 Jamaica lmTOy 1:47 slop 41 112 1 2 3» 37 A Accardy 8 Normal, Water Girl. Mom I 78568 H.deGre 3-4 l:OKCMi 6 113 9 2 2s 2i A Accardyll Tidings, Round Robin, Sea Saner- j 78512 H.dfHJi-e 3-4 1 :13Migood 15f 110 13 4 5s B* E Barnes 13 Tidings, Humble, Dmo.t. Valley ] 77911 Jefferson 6Jfl:10%hvy 31 113 14 13 11» 9»j H Rtutts 15 L. Florence, Lieut.Farrell, Stamp 77840 Jefferson 5 f l:0b%good 18-5 120 10 6 61 31 H Stutts 15 Sister, Stamp, Vacuum PRIMA DONNA, br. f. 4 108 By Delhi— Prism, by Trap Rock. Trainer, F. Coleman. Owner, Cass el Stable. Breeder, T. Piatt. "1785 Empire lmTOy 1:47 fast 18 5 105 4 8 71 7° E Boll 9 Ghost, Irish Pat, Haidee 71635 Aqueduct 1 1 :40fatt 6 95 4 5 5 6* R Pierce 17 Ballot Mark, Delcadia, Super 71391 Aqueduct ll:40Hfast 20 102 6 6 61 4=3 E Bell 6 High Prince, Sequel, WaterGirl • 71061 Aqueduct 1 1-16 1 :4..«%fast 20 95 3 10 10 954 J tallahanlO Sunsini, Dartmoor, Wynnewood 70236 Belmnt 3-4 MC lllfast 80 117 1 8 8 815 C Turner 8 Snu Quest. Kippy, Solisa I f.6089 Jamaica I I I lt%gssl 18-5 110 2 4 4« 4»2 G W Croll 6 Ben Wood. Raffles, Avalanche 66023 Jamaica 3-4 1 :i:;slop 6 107 3 4 41 4*1 H Thomas C Ambler. Virgin! us, Rock Salt THE FENIAN, ch. g, 3 M 98 By Trcmpe U Mort— The Bansbee II., by Hi Majesty. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, D. S. Murphy. Breeder, Q. D. Widener. 79135 Nee todays chart. 78842 Jamaica lm70y l:44%fast 30 104 8 8 8 8-* H Thomas 8 Comedy, Delysia, Gladys V. 787J»8 Jamaica lmTOy I IHtfait 30 99j 9 9 8»* 9* H ThomaslO Aladdin. Mom, Water Gtrl 77581 F.Hrnds 1 1-IC 1 :,.lmiul 7 90 7 5 41 3» a Cooper 9 Tex, Yorick, CharlesJ.Craigmile 77363 K.Gr nds lin70y l:45fcfast 10 1 12 8 5 4= 3» G Fields IS Quivero, Troutwick, Gladys V. 77191 F.Grnds lmTOy 1 :46%good 12 104 12 12 S 9" G Fields 14 Telescope, Amity Claim, Juno 7~099 F.Gr nds 3-4 1:14 fast 6 10* 11 10 8" 710 G Fields 13 Brookdale. Benignn, Antiquity 76679 F.Grnds 3 4 l:15mud 10 1 JS 11 8 8« 8" G Fields 11 B. Manager, Antiquity, Bugler BRIGHT LIGHTS, ch. g, 8 111 By Peter Quince— Blaze o Gold, by St. Floriaa. Trainer. F. A. Alexander. Owner, 3. F. McCauley. Breeder, W. S. Throlkeld. 79015 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fa t 60 114 Lost rider. T Connllyl-J Belcross, Kge, Dan Boiling 78811 Jamaica 3-4 1:13%fast 20 114 2 8 10 13" G Fields H ExedRuler, BabyLne, St.Mtins 78540 H.deGVe 3-4 1 10 110 1 4 11» 13- H Komellil-t Sagamore, Arendal, CoUiam 78402 H.deGce 3-4 nTfcfast 4f 108 6 8 91 H" R Romellil4 Mabel K., Vacuum. Arendal 78310 Bowie 61 f l:21*,last 14f 108 8 10 SilO10 A Accardyll Marble, Bu -ado. Fifty Fifty 78265 Howie 61 f l:22%good 30f 110 4 12 11 13:« A Ac cardylO Bucado, Fifty-Fifty, Venlxelos ; 78178 Howie 7-8 1:31 fast 7f 110 9 12 ll1 10" B Romellil3 C.Costigan, M. Jumbo, D.of t.Vy DELYSIA. blk. f. 3 103 By Spur— Elysia, by Voter. Trainer, 3. Johnson. Owner, 3. Butler. Breeder. 3. Butler. 78842 Jamaica lm7oy l:44~ifaHt 4i 105 5 3 21 2 * C Ralls 8 Comedy, tiladys V., Juno 78746 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast 30 101 7 9 63 G"t C Ralls 14 Escoba dOro, Jyntee, Despair 75178 Emi-ire 5i f 1 : « fast 12 108 6 7 7* 7* H Stutts 10 Lady Argos. Impossible, Mitau 7 2829 Saratoga 5i f 1:07 fast 8 114 7 8 81 V E Sanclc 14 Convent, Mitau, Apology 72396 Empire 61 f 1:08 good 6 109 S 3 3» 31 L McAtee 7 Kilbowie, Lee Adrin, Our Star r 72283 Empire 51 f LOSftgood 6 115 6 7 V C3J L Lyke 12 Hilarity, Attention, Without BENDITA. b. f, 4 110 By Ormondnle— Lady Vincent, by St. Bialie. Trainer. A. Zimmer. Owner, G. Long. Breeder. C. E. McCarthy. 79012 Jamaica lm70y l:45?sfast 8 105 4 3 2 * 3S1 II Thurberll Mom. Superbum, Mont Majella 78862 Jamaica 1 1-lf. 1:45%fast 30 102 6 6 P 6» J Shanks 9 Stone Jug, Insulate. Normal 78559 H dcGce 1 1-16 liSHfast 81 IOC 13 13 13 13" II Wakoffl3 SouthBreeze, DukeJohn. Leaslde 77937 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :51hvy 41 105 10 9 9fc 8" I Parke 13 Al Stebler, El Jesrnnr, Suiarty 77784 letter— 1 1-1G l:4S* 7-5 103 10 7 101 10" I Parke 12 Dumbfnder, Repeater. Wat. Girl | 77721 F.Gr nds 1 1 -16 1 4SVsfast 9-5 106 6 4 2 2* I Parke 12 Rupee, Insulate, Dr.Whitehurst 77389 F.Grnds 1 1 1C 1.47%fast 11-5 100 6 S 21 2 1 Tarke 10 Sands of Pleasure. Rork. Rupee WARLIKE, ch. g. 7 108 By Ivan the Terrible— Rebellion, by Star Shoot. Trainer, A. Fennell. Owner. Mrs. R. Cook. Breeder. H. P. Headlay. 79012 Jamaica lmTOy l:45%fast 30 105 8 8 81* 8» F Herdezll Mom. Superbum, Bendita 757 13 Howie 1 "-1G 2:06%fast 173 105 11 11 11 11" T Finn 11 Dellahro. WhoCares, T.Foreigner 75634 Howie 1 3-16 Lfast vf 107 9 13 13s 13" T Finn 14 Anapris.i, Bonfire, Old Faithful j 75181 Empire 1 1 4 J:07fast 30 105 7 4 51 7" F Herndez 9 T.Sergeant, Ramkin, RGaldll. 75154 Empire lmTOy 1 :45fast 40 110 6 3 45 4»i F Herndez K Ruddy, TheAliuoner. S.andPretty 75120 Empire 1 i-4 2:09 fast 6 111 8 8 81 6" A Accardyld Owasco. SirGalahadll., • Empire lmTOy l:46fast 30 110 3 7 t* 431 W 7 Bevcrnyck, Driftwd, WaterGirl MITAU. ch c. 3 103 By All Gold— Rose of Dawn, by Hamburg. Trainer. E. D. Springer. Owner. R. Lur!e. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 79095 Jamaica lmTOy 30 106 6 10 95 9" H WakofflO Flax, Anne, Gay Ben 75178 Empire 5J f 1:08 fast 3 111 3 5 I- 33 L Fator 10 LyArgos, Impossible. B. Gershel i 75121 Empire Ab 3-4 1 m*t,fast 10 108 8 6 61 5» F Bryson 11 Sea stake. Black Wand, L. Thistle ? 75059 Empire b f 1 :0 hvy 16-5 111 2 4 4= oJ L Fator 7 EbonyBelle, Handslp, Babbling : 7 4 845 Empire 5£ f 1 : Tfast 13-5 116 3 2 21 21 T McTagt 12 IidyArgcx. Babbling. Ramo 74762 Jamaica 51 f 1 :0C"» fast 11-5 115 4 3 3» 3"W E Sande 8 FirstL.Hding, Parvenu, R.Mis* 74630 Jamaica 61 f IM fast 6 113 7 7 61 4J E Saiide 10 Hilarity, Aggrav.Papa, Belcross ! SCOTTISH CHIEF, ch. g. 6 113 By Light Brigade — Santa Susanna, by Top Gallant. Trainer. R. Stegraaior. Ownsr. R. Stegmaier. Breeder. A. W. Young. 79098 Jamaica 1 1-lti 1 45 sfast 10 108 8 8 8 V* G Mein 8 David Hnrura Insulate, Sword 79012 Jamaica Jm70y 1 45-ifast 30 113 5 6 7s 7" G Mein 11 Mom. Superbum. Bendita 73314 Freehold ikVlJ|Ml I 116 471 C Watson 6 St. Isidore, W.Hphrey, Heleront , 72086 Empire ImTuy l:46.fatt 60 114 15 17 15» 15" C Ponce 17 WatertJirl, JkFrman, Sea-Wolf r 71942 Empire lm70y 1 :4ti fast SO 110 9 » 9 9" G Habin 9 Super. Rock Salt, Trite 70031 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:4Skfast 30 114 7 T 6= 6" G Babin 7 S.andlretty, Z.Lissie, Cor. Reef 6!i980 Jamaica I 1-16 1 :4914fast 15 118 7 6 61 6" G Babin 7 8atana. LittlePatsy. SrviceStar 69718 Jamaica lmTOy 1:46 fa?! 60 110 10 9 95 and:: G Babin 12 So It Goes. Tulsa. Purl MANNA, ch. g. 5 113 By Zeus — Fantam Bala, bv Clambala. Trairer. J. F. Richardson. Owner, E. M. Krulewitch. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 75339 I Hunts 1 139%fast 20 19 56 L Simon 5 Beverwk, S.Galahadll., CkElm 75215 Empire 1 1-16 1 :50%siow 8 105 4 6 71 7" H Stutts 10 ThcAlmoner, Soviet. Bigcer Stil 75084 Empire 1 1-16 1 4Sgood 30 106 3 6 6 6" W Andson 6 Zealot. The Almoner. Diversity 75023 Empire lm7iy 1:48 hvy 20 107 4 6 6 6" W Andson 6 Bon Wood. Rekab. Dau Boiling s 70619 i:«Imt 6 f M 1 :i.0Vsfast 7 114 8 8 10 11" T Rice 14 Picnic. Bill Block, lhbadou 69628 Jamaica 1 1-16 , :49*hfast 7 10S 2 1 1« T" A Accardy 8 Scourgeman, Copyright, Tulaa MEADCW LAWN blk. f, 3 83 By Short Grass— Erla Lee. by Hindoo. Trainer. W. V. Walsh. Owner, 3. S. Ward. Breeder. Short Grass Stud. 79095 Jamaica lmTOy l:44Vandfast SO 981 J 9 81 S" C KurtserlO Flax, Anne. Gay Ben 79015 Is —If t 1 ITflfsrt SO 99 13 12 12 11" C Kurtsei 14 Belcross, Ege, DanBolling 74814 Uitonia 3-4 1:13 fast 16 105 8 8 61 6" I Park* S Sanola, M.Liwrenee, Delectable e 73240 HI Grass E-8 1:0ufast 5 109 6: W Kelsay 10 Juail, Pleasing, Paulina 72315 Hawthne 51 f 1 07%fast «-5 104 3 S 21 1" W Fronk ■ IlevcrSeth. RyllaGirl, FlorceW. 72121 Hawlhne 6-8 1:01 fast 1-6 107 4 4 4» 43 G W7alls 7 Brandeis, Shin. Gold, CieverSctb J 72022 Hawthne 5-8 l:00%fast 41 110 9 6 61 4J1 G Walls 12 UreatNortiicn, Seastuke. Arabia