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I , i i i . — , Entries and Past Performances MAPLE HEIGHTS TUESDAY, MAY 20 WEATHER CLOUDY: TItACK MUDDY. i i 1 t i 1 t , a r * a 1 1 s „ I, ■ ■ ■ * r j n p » The figures u-.der tha heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1. 1922, no matter wh«rs it finished. In cases whero record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations saow track con ditions. 7GJG0 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1924. 78688 IS THE FIRST INDEX OF MAT. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicugo tine. 2:15. ® Superior mini runner. X liuod mini iiimihi. !: Fair mud runner. i.M Maidens. *.ppreiiiica illowiiiice. I, Itlinkers. The following abbrevations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made : Aqueduct Aq. Jefferson Park JP Aurora Au KenilwortU Ki Belmont Park BP Kcmpton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowie Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington Li Connaugh; Park CP Mapla Heights MH Conncaut LaU : CL Marlboro Mb Dado Park DP Mobile Mo Davonrhiro Da Kcuc; Royal MR Dorval Do Oir.aha Om Duf f erin Du Pimlico Pm Empirs Em Reno Re Fair Grou-ds FG Saratoga Si Fort Erie FE Tanfora-i T Hamilton Hm Thcrnellffe Th Havre do Grace HG Tijuar.a Ti Hawthorno Hw Toledj To Havana Hv Windsor Wi Huntington Hu Woodbine Wo Jamaica Ja First Race — 1-2 Mile, lurse fSOi. 2-jear-clds. tluiniing. Track leeord: May 5, 1923 — 15—2-112. Todays Ind llire. Wt. Kee. A.MI.lhn 77198 Wraekanna 102x7l7 79107 «Kosita Ilv 109 :4K% 11 :71 79107 Itenili Hu 112 :4S% HC..T15 78817 Iardner Jev -lllli 102 :4J 110.. 710 79107 •Winnie Davis Ml II" 114 -Mf% 103 TI.", 7888 s Ihiia 1 ulz i.Miilii 191 :4!» 101. .710 79107 Ocean Mist Mll.o 113 :53s 107. 710 78817 Little Kose iMlllu 111 :49% !»7..7 r, 79144 Te t of Tiim- l.M . 107.. 705 79148 Wis. Dill Ml.Lx 101 :53h 100.. 700 Second Race— 3-4 Mile. lurse . 3 ear olds. Claiming. Track record: May 28, 1923 1 :111i— 4 -109. 79113 •Shu f- Ilv H l:13*r. 107. .725 78793 »Gieat Northern .Jl 115 1:1575 110x720 78520- •Southein Pacific M I-a 115 1:14% 104.715 78739 Miss Kita Hu 99 1:1514 105. .715 78819 Mike Murnssev M Uu 101 1:15 106.715 79109- Fair Rowena M Ixi 101 1:14, 1 4 . . 71 1 78319 Jean Melville ..Ti HK l:lS%h 105 710 78886 »Victor M. M.PQ 104 1:16 101.. 705 786G2 Keny Girl M.. 104. .705 78820 Melvina Co 109 1:19 110. .70f 78S73 S: indale M 101.. 700 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-vear-oIds and upward. Claiming. record: May 2S, 1923 1:11% — 4—109. 75112- •Full o FuTi...FG 96 1:14% 4 112x725 78458a Gordoii Shaw .Hw 111 1:12% 4 110x720 79112 Stamp La 102 1:13 5 108X715 78£55 Humble HG 89 1:13% 8 101. .710 78368 F.ttahe Bo 105 1:14 9 103x705. 79109 Uiiar Sweet . . .Th 107 1:17% 3 101.. 70« Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Iu-se 90M, 4-year-olds anil upward. Claiming-. Track ucord: July IS, 1923— 1:05%— 3 — 108. 78482" Little Florencellu 95 1:09 5 93x725 79153 «My Valet 4 104x720 78794 bDelhimar Mil 111 1:0S 5 109x715 78599 Rach;l I Hv 109 l:07Sih 4 101-710 75K1 Puzzle To 113 1:08% 6 104*710 78822 hArdito Ha lift 1:09% 7 107X710 78867 Nizam Ti 110 1:08% 7 100X705 79153 Lilac Time Hv 104 1:08% 4 103x705 70828 Lady Patricia |M 5 9S. .700 Fifth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Tnrse 00. 4-year-ohs an I upward. Claiming. Track reeoid: July Is, 1923-1:05% — S— MB. 7SM12 MACO HO 109 1:0S ~. 8 10S®725 78791 Hacambo La 10S l:07i 8 100x715 78221 Lieutenant Per- l-in Hu 11S 1:08% 7 104X715 784S8 Dig Sipp Hu 113 LOTU 4 tIMXW 79153 bKlizabeth P.eanMH 97 1 :0C 4 111X710 73029 Whisper, n; ..MH 104 l:0i!f. I 9S..705 78653 *nowTsi«iit Ja 10S 1:07% 4 101X705 78870 Little Andy . . Ke 112 1 :0S% 4 106 705 78885 Iron Boy Co 104 1:12% 8 100X7M 75G3C» l!o;»ful Mil 110 1:09 8 100X703 f.xth Race — 1 Mile ard 70 Yards. Turs- 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: July 25, 1923 1:41% — 4 10:i. 79111- Jewell V. D...HG KM. 1:43% I 106x725 79110 LFamiie I.ean ..Ke 90 1:43% 5 106x720 178951 Wnxl My Ho 104 1:49 3 99. .715 78780- Attiiia FG M 1:41% I 99.710 79112* luamia Li 103 1:43% 5 106X705 Sevoith Race — 7-8 Mile. lurse 00. 4-vesir-olds and upward. Claiming. I Truck record: tg- 17, 1923-1:25 — 5-112 70:0: Irfolossus . . »-I 95 1:27% 5 103x725 7S061 arnarven . . .* . i 112 1 :28% 7 1070720 78S20 ltlar Fist Kl- 111 1:27% 7 113X715 78869 Gay Hoy II 4 111. 715 78540 Antilles Mil 104 1:25% 6 112x710 78S4* • Yorick 4 99 X 710 7911C3 USt. Donar.l Ho 112 1:23 6 104x710 79111 lMiinbfc. under 5 107x710 77631 Search Light III.. 8 101x705 75517 Friz T 1UJHMI 79153 •bTulane 5 99 X 700 784»3i *lroceeds 4 100. . 700