untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-05


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FREE I How a telegraph operator discovered I I the secret of making money on the races. I For details, mail this ad. with a two- I cent stamp to ■ J. E WILLIS B 225 30th St., Miami Beach, Florida 9 Gars Free Code KEHTT/CKY— Vermont— Brown— Dark— Red. I I RIALTO Service ROOM 411, GAIETY BLD6. 1547 BROADWAY, CORHER 46TH ST. HEW YORE CITY 0.00 OHE WINNER 0.00 SIX WINHERS Obtain our information through this office only. 1 BIG HORSE DAILY— SOME DAYS 2— NEVER MORE. Latonia — Canada — Belmont 21 WINNERS IH 26 RACING DAYS were released by us last month May. List of same can be obtained on application. BIG FEATURE SPECIAL TODAY We have many surprises that we will release from day to day. We operate daily except Sunday. Wire your subscription now and get in on our private specials. We have two that will start in the next few days. 0.00— PAYS FOR ONE WINNER— 0.00 0.00— PAYS FOB SIX WINNERS— 0.00 This 0.00 subscription includes private specials. One or two weekly. They go to 0.00 subscribers only — FREE. Wednesdays Big Special was: Mary Rose .60- Won Tuesdays Big Special ONE HORSE, was: Drummond 7.10- Won You have plenty of time. Telegraph your subscription now and get todays big special. Our Special Offer This Month June— 5 Wire money to RIALTO SERVICE 1547 BROADWAY HEW YORK CITY RALPH KEENE THE WINNING WONDER 8$ East 11th Street .:. .,. Few ONE HORSE A DAY YESTERDAYS HORSE: DONNA SANTA .90- WON Is this not enough proof to yon that I handle nothing hit real live information* This is no surprise to any of my elients beeanse they have been receiving this kind of Information since the opening of the Kentucky meeting. When every angle is well protected the result should never be in doubt. Stop losing your good money ! Get in with one who knows! Monday, no racing at Kentucky; therefore no horse released from my office. TUESDAYS HORSE: WRANGLER 0.70- WON SATURDAYS HORSE: DUTCH GIRL 1.10- WON . FRIDAY S HORSE: SUNNY DUCROW 9.50- WON THURSDAY S HORSE: FLYATIT 6.40- WON WEDNESDAY S HORSE WINDING THROUGH 2.60- WON i . TUESDAYS HORSE: PRINCESS DOREEN $ 9.40- WON MONDAYS HORSE: BUSTER 0.90- WON SATURDAY S HORSE: OFF SPRING 0.20- WON FRIDAYS HORSE: , JAKIE HAY 1.70- WON J The above winners should convince the most skeptical player that this Is no guesswork, I no handicapping or stabbing with a pin, but real, live information is what I release. I The reason why 1 can produce winners: I operate with caution. I do all my business through private channels. All horses are sent out from Kentucky personally by me through my New York office. I release horses that are properly placed. I do not deal with favorites J as they are public property and they are best when left alone. MY TERMS— 0.00 FOR ONE WEEKS SUBSCRIPTION NO OTHER PROPOSITIONS WILL BE ACCEPTER j HARVEY AMES EARLE BUILDING BROADWAY AT S2D STREET. NEW TORK CITY Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction," and the only horse advised, was 6 to 1 and finished second. How well this matter was intended, although the horse did not win, is attested by the fact that over 0,000 was placed through the West fifteen minutes before post time in order not to affect the market at Belmont Park, thereby making return commissions impossible. A terrific rain storm raged at Belmont Park during and after the third race, and it was not positive, at the writing of this advertisement, if the influence of track conditions would make any difference to the "Harvey Transaction" starting. TODAY, in all probability, it will start, as arrangements were completed at noon yesterday Wednesday for the "Harvey Transaction" starting both TODAY AND TOMORROW. Subscription, 00, must be telegraphed early for TODAY or 00 for TODAY and TOMORROW, as positively no service to any one unless subscriptions are received here. Every transaction is a separate proposition on account of the enormous expense involved to make them a success. Prompt compliance in this respect is necessary. A 50 investment on each of the nine "Harvey Transactions," after cost of information has been deducted and losses, shows a net profit of I ,900 j Money, and plenty of it, is behind every "Harvey Transaction" endeavoring to make same a success, and the outlook for both TODAY AND TOMORROW is MOST PROMISING. TELEPHONES— CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 Milton Makin and Company St. Dennis Bldg., Corner Broadway and 11th St. NF.W YORK ITT EASTERN AGENTS FOR A CONNECTION OPERATING AT KENTCCKY ONLY TWO OR THREE TIMES A WEEK Cannot tell exact day until 10:30 a. m. on account of changes in track conditions. ATTENTION! Ten transactions in month of May and all successful. We expect something very btar on June 6th or 7th, so advise you to enroll at onee If you want real information. Transactions in May, 0.00 FLAT PLAY SHOWS NET PROFIT OF ,907.00. May 10th: May 20th: Dobson 3.10- Won Seths Treasure ..3.50- Won May 12th: May 22nd: Pequot .10- Won Brother John 3.80- Won May 13th: May 23rd: Dobson .50- Won Bourbon Boy 6.70- Won May 15th: May 27th: The Reaper 7.20- Won Napoo 2.30- Won May 17th: May 31st: Parader .20- Won Brotherly Love . . .80- Won First Release at Latonia June 4th: DONNA SANTA .90- WON Rush your subscription for one winning wire Frdiay or Saturday. Get in the "inning line and be happy. TERMS: 0.00 FOR EACH WINNER OR 0.00 FOR SIX WINNERS MILTON MAKIN and COMPANY . i , J I I J BOBBY ALLEN OHLY OHE HORSE DALLY .00 DAILY— 0.00 WEEKLY Yesterdays Star Money Horse: Rkld Prs 4.80-.40- 2nd Yesterdays .00 Occasional Horse withdrawn. Todays Occasional will be given FREE to all who subscribed to yesterdays Occasional. 1 Tuesdays .00 Ocacsional: Wrangler 0.70- Won This is the horse I advised you to ret down strong- on. Those that did are wearing- a smile today. Remember, I am personally at the scene of action. Mondays Occasional: C. J. Craigmile. .1.60- Won Saturdays .00 Occasional: Beau Nash . . . .7.95- Won Fridays .00 Occasional: Sunny Ducrow .9.50- Won Thursday s .00 Occasional: Llewellyn 6.90- Won Wednesdays .00 Occasional. Abstract 2.20- Won A 0.00 flat play on the above winners WON ,367.00 Six straight winning .00 Occasional* the past six days. My seventh .00 Occasional starts today. Another winning BIG .00 OCCASIONAL GOES TODAY And it comes from the same winning source as SUNNY DUCROW, 9 50-. WOH. Mr. Flayer, if you oan stand prosperity, then get my big 00 Occasional today and know what it means to WIN. TERMS: AND HO PROPOSITIONS STAR MONEY HORSE GOES TODAY This one goes for a group of shrewd turf manipulators. Remember, this kind does not go every day. and I advise all Bobby Allen followers that have cleaned up on my one horse daily .00 Oooi-sionals to get my big star money horse today and plunge. Terms, .00. Call at office or wire. BOBBY ALLEN 23 Duane St., Room 605 HEW YORK CITY j ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM 1 1 Every Saturday Direct from Track our chief clocker wires 2 Specials. Yours for . MADE GOOD 89 OUT PAST 116 Also wires two going Monday. Mailed you for . Daily, his best is sent to clients on Daily One Horse Service, for 6 starters. 15 WINNERS Three seconds, 2 thirds, 1 loser, record April I to June 2. Our Supreme Service, winnings 0 wager, last winner ALICE BLUE GOWN, 325-100. WORKOUTS AT LATONIA Fastest 2-year-olds, three-eighths 34; oldet ones, mile 1:39%. A full page showing horses at top form ready to win. Remember, nowhere els* can you get these. Latest Reporter, all newsstand*, 35 cents; mailed, 3 weeks, . — x THE TURF REPORTER gfiMgi 22 W. Quincy St., CHICAGO. ILL. V €S*9 Established 1904. **pO Originator and Oldest Publication in "£— Existence. PRINCESS DOREEN 2.80- WOH Was Our Last Saturdays 0.00 GETAWAY SPECIAL Our Hext Big Special Goes Saturday ALICE BLUE GOWH .90- WOH and a third were last Saturdays .00 XX Specials. Our manager has just returned from Louisville and has some good ones that are to be given on above service next Saturday. City clients call. GET YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS IH EARLY Seventeen years doing business under the same name. Get the best. TODAYS CODE SPECIAL: March-Banana-20-18 -65-33 STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. ftuincy St. Chicago, 111. 00 it PER WEEK net profit easily made with small capital by operating the STAR SYSTEM. Averages about two plays daily— every play is TO WIN ONLY on the ncse. Small payment down; balance from winnings. Write STAR SYSTEM 32 Union Square Room 602 New York City 1 TURF EDITORS WEEKLY TODAYS FREE CODES: Latonia: Dirk-One- I he- Arc Bine Bonnet*: Fraak-of -Turf-Regularly

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924060501/drf1924060501_15_2
Local Identifier: drf1924060501_15_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800