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i Entries and Past Performances BELMONT PARK THURSDAY, JUNE 5 — WKATHKR CLOlDYi TRACK MIDDY. I e h e ■ ,, ,. J _ ■ r h y e r [ ,j . U ■ p * II r 1 f ;l ■e i.i 11 *r •r The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1921. no matter where it finished. In case where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. ■ 7C160 IS FIRST IXPKX OF 1924. 79«8« IS FIRST NUMBER OF ,1U "E. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30. ® Stiiierior mini runner X Good, mud runner. :: Pair mud runner. M Maidens. •-Ipprciitic* illownure. b III Inkers. The following abbreviations are used to designate traelts at which time records shown in entries were made: Aqueduct Aq. Jefferson Park JP Aurora An Kenilworth Ke Belmont Park BP Kemptoi Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowie Bo Latonia La j Churchill Downs CD Laurel La Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connaught Park CP Maple Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo | Devonshire Do Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om ; Dufferin Du Pimlico Pm j Empire Em Reno Re i Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Fort Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Th Havre de Grace HG Tijuana Ti ; Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana H» Windsor Wi | Huntington Hu Woodbine Wo , Ja maica J* First Race — 5-8 Mile Straight Course. White Bud Purse. Purse 000. U-year-olda. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 12, 191S «%— 2 110.1 Todays Ind. Ilorse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Hin. 79430- »Maser Billy ..Bl* 97 :59 99X725 796S6 Gad BP 110 :59 MftXTM 79430* White Wash . BP 1091 :59 11». . 715 T9305 Hidnlso 107.. 7L5 78990 Candy Stick 110x715 79642; •Fearnauglit Ml.. BP 110 1:02 M 93. .710 79686 Jedbiigh Abb.-y.. Mi BP 108 1:01 110.710 79227 Mervinia 107.. 710 79642 iMl ..BP 107 1:03*4 M..7H 78787 Julie iM 113.. 700 79688s Charlie Andcr on Ml 101. 700 79686 T.iilteann Mi BP 108 1:02 im. .700 78720 Seaman M 113.. 700 Hay ward li*7 Ranock 107 Hot Dog 101 llopaloug 101 Second Race — About 2 Miles. Adjidaumo Steeplechase. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming.- 79687- bPeccant 7 139X700 79687 Decisive 9 14SX695 78425 *bVerlMiten s 130x690 78979 Wisest Fool B "JSX PP 79265 Ixiuppy M 7 139..»M»0 79265 Shining Bachelor Ml C, 13li. .G90 74137 Melun ill .5 135..68T. 7V347 Rampage M I1K..4K 78832 Rummel M B IM. .4*08 79475 Blue Pearl iM.. K 145. .680. 78856 •Clybridge M ... .5 131.680 Brother Bill 5 143 Third Race — 1 Mile. Roaiuer l*nrse. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track mni: Sept. 3, 1923 1 andand% -3—113 79592- RIGEL CDJ13 1:3S 4 111x750 79431 Ten Minutes . .Sa 109 1:37 "i 4 107.740 79736- P.aglet : . . : 3 97 . . 735 79390 Billy Warren BP 1 10 1 :3.S-3 3 101 .730 79535" Rejection Sa 107 1:39 4 111x725 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile Main Course. Freeport Handicap. ,200 Added. 3 year olds. Track reconl: Sept. 4, 1923 1:10-—4—122.1 79267 Iiurano Ja 109 1:13 126x750 78860 Rival Ja 104 1:11% 114x74". 78591 l.idk n Jal28 1:ll-v 120. .745 78861 Finn Ixig Ja 110 1:12:-. 120. .745 79637 liidy Diana . .BP IM 111-, 107.745 79349- Wortiimore Ja 126 1:11* 123K745 79429- Noon Fire . . .BP 134 1 :11 % IIS. .7441 79592 Peter King Ja 117 1:11V. 114. .735 78591 Infinite BPll2 1:ll«i 110.730 79429 Oypsy King ...BP 102 1:13% 100. .725 75366; Bliad Play Sa 110 1:15 107.725 72241s Prince I.eopoldM 112.. 725 79429 Roland BP124 113I-, 100.725 74931 Resolution BP 11.5 VJ3% 110. 725 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. Amateur Cup Hi-avvwciglit Handicap. ,200 Added. 3 year olds and upward. , Track record: Scot. 3. 1923 — 1:3.5% 3 113. 79669 High lrince ..BP 96 1:38«-5 4 149.725 79388 Bar Gold Ml | 145. .720 79478 War Victor ...BP 109 1:42% S 140. .71* 79478 Arlington M ... 7 143. .713. Sixth Race— 5-8 Mile Straight Course. Scramble Pursp. Purse ,000. 2 year old-i. Maidens. Special Weights. Track record: Sept. 12. 1918- 55%- 2 110. 79739 Silver Fox 1 12 .. 725 79539 Imagination . ..BP 111 l:02ui 109x720 79734 Miss Babe 109. .715 79588- Pixola 112. 715 79738s Highbinder . . .BP 115 1 :03%s 112.. 715 79739 tiueens Token ... ] i9..71u 79739 Swope 112..710 79269 Waratah 109.. 705 78724 Seaman 112.. 70 » 79639 Pol Rogers BP 114 lOlm 112 7m [,, Gus R 112 *.