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i I , I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 l . 1 1 , Qr.fl DA PC "*" Mil** M-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Claini-01 II nMUL ing. Sept. 4, 1SU5 1:12 5 105. BEAU OF THE WEST, ch. c, 3 103 By Calgary— Belle Mahone, by Ypsilanti II. Trainer. W. H. Brin?loe. Owner, Seagram Stable. Breeder, Seagram Stable. 79746 Connght lm70y 1:49 mud 17 110 5 7 7 714 J Grusen 7 Drummond. Stonewall. St Germn 79603 Connght lm70y 1 : 46% fast 6-5 101 3 1 l2 l2 T Wilson f» Pelf, King Wave, Jacquerie 79314 Woodne 1 1:43 fast 51 100 4 4 4» 11 T Wilson 7 Maypole. Pelf, Rebus 79103 Woodne 1 1-8 l:57*sfast 7-5 109 10 13 124 11s0 T Wilson 15 MaternalPride, Thndyke. Mpole 72867 Kenilwh 5 8 1:00 fast 14f 101 8 10 10 10s2 J Douglas 10 Energy, Deronda, Sir Glen FLAMING WIRE, b. f, 3 100 By Lovetie — Dazzling Ray, by Giganteum. Trainer, F. Regan. Owner, Mrs. L. A. Livinerston. Breeder. Mrs. L. A. Livingston. 79710 Connght 1 l:40ftfast 3 98 5 2 32 3 F Lee 6 Wed. Prince. El.Iesmar. W.Tank 79557 Connght 1 l:42%fa.«t 1 99 4 2 21 21 T Wilson 6 Carry Or, Tiger Tim. Rebus 79448 Connght lm70y l:46%fast 17 94 5 3 3" 22 L Mclver 6 Isoletta, El.Iesmar, War Tank 79147 Woodne 1 1-16 l:51slow 18 100 7 6 7 711 J Chlmers 7 .limson, QuickTime. Bluemndale 74178 Woodne 3-4 l:15slop 9-5 94 5 1 14 lh J Mclver 5 Shue, McTab. Hearts of Rock 74067 Woodne 3-4 l:13%fast 61 102 10 9 82 611 F Stevens 10 Hermidale. Turnberry. Pali .2469 Hamton 51 f l:07-fast 75 105 8 8 8 8" J Chalmers 8 Vrana. Ombrage, StrutM. Lizzie WAR TANK, b. g, 6 109 By Inferno— Galicia. by Gaiatm. Trainer, J. G. Gorman. Owner. M. Gorman. feeder. J. E. Seagram. 79710 Connght 1 l:40fefast 21-5 107 1 4 43 4» E Scobie « Weil. Prime. KMesmar, Fl.Wire 79655 Connght lm70yl:4G fast 25 97 2 4 2» 3!J J Judy 6 Flowerful. El .lesmar. Chloris 79448 Connght lm70y l:46%fast 5 107 2 2 2h 4» E Scobie 6 Isoletta. FlamingWire, Kl.lsmar 79274 Worune 3-4 1:15 fast 5 117 2 6 52 3i D Young 11 Leasidc, Bord Marcus. Algonquin 74525 Thcliffe lm70y l:44%fast 25 96 4 7 7° 6«1 J Woods 8 P.-ocyon, Hoyi IVisitor, PushPin 74375 Thcliffe 3-4 1:14 Vast 12 108 8 8 5 2i J Woods 12 Bengore, Ardella, Beljoy 74216 Woodne lm70y 1 :45%slov 10 103 I 2 3 6"iJ F Stevens 9 Baby Mine. Leasidc. Brynthona 74120 Woodne lm70y 1 :45V4fast 7 113 1 4 41 4« D Stirling 10 Persistence. PuffBall. EUesmar 74072 Woodne 3-4 1:12%fast 17 108 5 6 6 681 F Stevens I Kings Court, Chloris, Diadema 73769 Dorval lm70y 1:43 Vast 31-10 111 3 1 31 4« J Rowan 6 EUesmar. JuneFly, Myrt. Crown CARRY ON, ch. m, 8 99 By Stanley Fay— Skipper, by Courtown. Trainer, J. H. Smith. Owner, Riverdale Stable. Breeder. W. P. Frazer. 79655 Connght lm70y 1 :4C fast 17 92 4 5 6 613 J Mclver 6 Flowerful. El .lesmar. WarTank 79557 Connght 1 l:42Vsfast 11-5 102 3 1 l1 l1 R Romelli 6 FlamingWire, Tiger Tim. Rebus 79187 Woodne lm70y l:48Vigood 19 100 1 2 4* 67 F Sharpe 6 Bonnie Lady. June Fly, Leaside 74965 Stamford lm20y 1:51 fast 16-5 Hu 22 W Pmrose 8 Regiopolis, Assume, Col. Matt 74921 Stamford 3-4 1 :19%fast 9-10 108 1« W Pmrose 6 P. Moody. Lilac Time. Shue 74884 Stamfrd 3-4 1 :18%fast 9-10 111 1" W Pmrose 7 Jamima, Wheel In. FlyingFord 74375 Thcliffe 3-4l:14%fast £7 105 9 4 31 521 R Romelli 12 Bengore, WarTank. Ardella 74120 Woodne lm70y l:45Vast 4f 106 2 8 81 8" R RomellilO Persistence, PuffBall, EUesmar TROUBLER. b. g, 5 104 By Marathon— Pesky, by Broomstick. Trainer, S. H. Monteith. Owner, A. Monteith. Breeder, J. K. L. Ross. 79677 Kempton »ifl:12%fast 6 114 11 W Hinphy H Gold Coast, Doiienne. Antiphon 79372 Mt. Royal 3-4 1:22 slop 8 110 6" C Jackson I D? Bonero. Whiprwill. J. Shrine 79196 Mt. Royal 54 f 1:12 slow 71 111 341 W Hinphy 6 AinberFly, Gazinta, Dependence 79121 Mt. Royal 5-8 1:11 hvy 7 117 47 W Hinphy 6 Gazinta, Amtx r Fly, Dorantue BRIAR SWEET, b. f , 3 90 By Marathon— Briar Path, by Marta Santa. Trainer. L. G. Bed well. Ownsr. Kenton Stable. Breeder. H. G. Bed well. 79653 Connght H t l:07%fast 26 90 3 7 7 7 O Boursa 7 Beau Nash, Curland. Mercury 79554 Connght 3-4 1:14%fast 86 106 3 I 71 7» J Grusen 9 LadyChoco. Sligo, Polly Leighton 79278 M.Hghts 51 f l:06%fast 20 103 2 2 21 21 J Grusen 9 P.T.Barnum. Lit.Andv, Malvern 79191 M.Hghts 3-4 l:16*slow 31 10413 6 6 6«1 J Grusen 6 GordnShaw, Full o Fun. Kttahe 79109 Map.Hts 54 f 1 :09 slow 17 107 2 3 51 7*1 J Grusen 11 No Lady. F. Rowena. Pret.Mally 78886 Colmbus 3-4 1 61 106 21 J Grusen 8 LnstingLcvc. UandalsRl. Veh-t 78846 Colmbus 54 f l:10%fast 28 105 43 F WdstklO Las.Wte, BtDensn, RdalsRl HONEY DEAR, ch. f, 3 95 By Hearts of Oak— My Honey, by Yo El Rey. Trainer. H. Giddings. Jr. Owner. H. Giddings. Breeder, H. Giddincs. 79314 Woodne 11:43 fast 17-5 98 2 5 5 510 J Mclver 7 Beau of the West, Maypole. Pelt 79103 Woodne 1 1-8 1 :57%fast 4 112 6 8 9" 921 J Chlmers 15 MaternalPride, Thndyke. Mpole 74376 Thcliffe : 4 f 1 :08%fast 47 105 5 6 8 5»i R Romelli 1! Sarko. Ombrage, Senator Norria 74150 Woodne 51 f 1:08 fast 64 107 4 2 24 31 R RomeIlil2 Atlantida. Isoletta, Catamaran 74069 AVoodne 3-4 l:13Vast 10 115 1 8 8 S° R Romelli 8 Fast Mack. Vrana. Atlantida 72595 FortErie 54 f l:07%fast 12 971 3 7 7= 710 W Fronk 8 S.M.Lizzie, Ombrage, Ddybrusb. LORD MARCUS, b. c, 4 M 116 By Anmer— Alice K.. by Prince Hamburg. Owner, R. H. New. Breeder, T. A. Crow. 7974 2 Connght 1 1:49 mud 4 1094 6 6 6 6=8 L Morris 6 Tiger Tim. Pelf. Honeys Jewel 79603 Connght lm7«y 1 :46%fast 7 98 6 5 54 51* J Mclver 6 B of theWest. Pelf, King Wave 79274 Woi.dne 3-4 1:15 fast 12f 105 5 1 l1 2-* J Maran 11 Lecside WarTank, Algonquin PEGGIE S., b. f, 4 105 By Fitzwilliam— Polly J., by Waterboy. Trainer, W, Wak»h. Owner. W. T. Trenholme. Breeder. J. K. L. Ross, 79325 Mt. Royal 54 f 1:1 fast 74 112 44 C OMahy 0 Broadview. Aln irante. Gazinta 79243 Mt. Royal 54 f l:08%good and 109 Wheeled. C Forrest 7 Alniirante, Broadview, Antiphon 74925 Stamford 1 l:lS%fast 11 107 2« J Maiben 7 Puff Ball. Bona Fide. War Fox DORANTUE. b. h, 5 M 104 By Dorante— Maryora. by Isidor. Owner, Beacon Stable. Breeder, S. Nesbitt. 79285 Mt. Royal 5-8 l:04%fast 9-5 118 48 M Simmns 5 Dependence. HighBrow. Dorienne 79121 Mt. Royal 5-8 1:11 hvy 16 117 35 W Simns 6 Gazinta. Amber Fly. Troubler 73324 B.Bnnets 1 1-4 2:13 mud 41 123 7 7 7 V* J Maiben 7 King Wave. BonaFide, Dorienne