Latest Training Gallops, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-05

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Latest Training Gallops 139 LATONIA, Ky., June 4.— Todays training gallops here included the following: LATONIA. Weather clear ; track muddy — Throe -Eighths Mile. 130 Asaph 38 136 John nager ...37% 127-Begonia 37% 120-Little Gipay -.37% 135 Every Day 37% Lucerne 37% 132 Floating On ..87% 136 -Muldraugh 37% 131-Flower Shop ..37% 128-Noraeland 39% 136 False Face 38% 132-Sammys Pride 37% High Water ..38% 136-Shining Gold ..37% Half Kile. 128 Bam ra 52% 130-Seths Treasnre 52% 136 Lieut Colonel 51% 120-Yoong Adam .52% Five-Eighths Mile. 136-Little Visitor 1:02% 134 -Rosa Greener 1:08% U5 Mcintosh 1:06% 133-Tender Seth .1:05% Three -Quarter* Mile. 137-Braedalbane .1:21 132-Piekpocket ..1:18 136 Bush Buck ..1:18% 133-President 1:21% 133Breakft Bell 1:21% 133 Raider 1:22 135-Leopardess ..1:18 137-Nauty Niaba 1:22% 135-McAuliffe ...1:19 137-Ten-Lec 1:19% One Mile. 133 Ballot Brush 1:47 130-Pcquot 1:53% 133-Giblon 1:53% Pickpocket and Leopardess worked together easily. Little Visitor did an excellent work. NEW YORK, N. Y.. June 4. — Todays training gallops here included the following: AQUEDUCT. Weather clear ; track fast — Three -Eighths Mile. 121-Bear Grasa ...37% White Wash ..37% 135-Invictus 36% 130-Wax Lady ---37% Half Mile. 89-Debadon 50% 136-Sixtn Poppies. 48% 134-Mitau 51% Five -Eighths Mile. 137-Rejection ...1:03 136-Serenader ...1:01% Three -Quarters Mile. 135-Day Trap ..1:15% 137-Sunny Sal -.1:23% 136 Scotsh ChielU:16 130-Westwick ...1:20% Seven-Eighths Mile. 137-Black Wand. 1:31 137-Bonnie 0mar.l:33% One Kile. 137 -Bluffer 1:48% 137-Sun Rajah ..1:49 133-Prinee Jamesl:49% Mile and an Eighth. 128-Prima Donna. 2:01 133 Samaritan ..1:57% JA3IAICA. Weather clear; track fast — Three -Eighths Mile. 138-CaptainThpton 41 137-Master Billy ..37 134-Dave Goldie ..36% 135 -Old Broadway .37 134-Fearnaught ...37 135-Sayit 40 137-High Hand ...36% 138-SweepingAway 41 131 -Horologe 36% Half Mile. 129 -Apprehension .40% 131-Roseate II. ..49 108-Bonfire 51% 13tt-Sumniertinie ..49 136-Canyon 54 % 138-Sola Mai 51% 122-Honfleur 53% 138-SiIent Fncess 51% 137-Lester Doctor .49% 136-Vivandiere 49% 136-MargaretSLL 48% 95-Whalebone 57 137-Nicholas 51% Five-Eighths Mile. 136-Avisack 1:02% 136-MylandBelle 1:03% 137-Beaver 1:03 129-Wynnewood .1:10% 135-Bright Lights 1:06% Three-Quarters Mile. 138-B. Buchanan 1:16 133-Goldmawr ..1:16 40 Oostigan 1:17 138 Sue Donovan 1:17 133-Caligula 1:15% 371 Sam Smith ..1:18 137-Comic. Song.. 1:21% One Mile. 135-Brainstorm ..1:42% 137-Old Welbne 1:43% 137-Belle Artiste 1:43% 136-Pilgrira 1:42% 137-Gladys V. ...1:44% 137 Tuxedo 1:44% 138 -Ma reel line ..1:42% 117- Washington .1:45 137-My Play 1:39 Mile and an Eighth, 137-Superbum ...2:00% Avisack was under restraint. Caligula galloped easily. Sue Donovan and Costigan worked on even terms. Brainstorm was under restraint. Eelle Artiste and Old Welbourne worked together. Pilgrim is near racing condition. Washington had an easy gallop. BELMONT PABK. Main track. - . _ Weather clear ; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 137 Blind Play ...30 135 Madame Beach. 36 135 Clavichord 36 Sweet Grass .. .39 Charlie Andern37% 137 -St. James 38 Chanting 35 The Bat 35 135 Jedburgh Abbey35% 135 Villager 36% 134-Lady Jeanette.35% Whoa Emma ..39 137-Marbler 36 137-Zephyretta ...35% Half Mile. 135-Cimerlan 50% 135-Modest 47% 137-Campanulla ...50 137-Momentilla ...53 Cross Wise ...48% 125-Nina 48 128-Dorius 48% 137-Orageuse 50 127-Despot 50% 135-Orphelin 48% Deuce 49 ISO-Prince Hamlet. 47% 133-Dukedom 5t 137-Prudentla 48% 137-Don Jack 48 403-Purlty 49% 137 Fluvanna 49% 128-Play Hour 50 137 Kra neon ia 39 Rodeo 50 133-Hilary 51 1S1 Rialto 50 135-K. ONeill II... 47% 137-Uival 47% 138-K. Solns Seal. 47% 135-Saffron 48 132-Lyrea 48% 135-Silk Tassel ...47% 129 I*ady Diana ...49 136-Sarazen 52% Laison 48 Volante 54 Five-Eighths Mile. 137 Equable 1:04 i 32-Master Crumpl:02 li 0-Flying Cometl:01% 135-Nocturne 1:03 Gaffney Lassl :04 137-Sanana 1:01% 128-Pepp 1:04 li5-Winrock 1:03% Polyanthus ..1:04 Three -Quarters Mile. 1S7-Enchantment 1:14 131-Lanius 1:19% 137-Initiate 1:14 Soven-Eighths Mile. 136-Ormesvale ..1:30% One Mile. 132-Braeadale ...1:44% 128-Jessamine ...1:41% 133 Diagram 1:51% 1:66-Jaunebar 1:50% 137-Dinna Care .1:45 121-KIt 1:41 137 Dunlin 1:47% 137-Polo Ground. .1:41% 137-GaUeon 1:56 Mile and a Quarter. 135-Klondyke ...2:08 132-Mad Play ...2:07% Initiate and Enchantment worked together. Klondyke ran welL Kit worked fast. Bracadale had an easy gallop. Mad Play was not fully extended. Dinna Care galloped an easy mite. Rival has his speed. Modest and King ONeill II. worked together.

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Local Identifier: drf1924060501_16_4
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