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C4U DAOC 6 I-2 Forlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. IHaidens. Special Dill MAUL Weights. Sept. 25, 1922 1:17 2-5 4 121. PRINCE LEOPOLD, ch. c, S M 110 By King James — Epinglette. by Sardanapale. Trainer, R. O. Miller. Owner, D. Gideon. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 80299 Aqueduct 7-8 l:24Vsfast 8 101 3 3 31 3« J Callahn 6 Bontaud, Prieemaker, Wampee 79805 Btlmnt J-4 MC l:14Vsmud 30 112 7 7 7 7i J Callahan 7 Worthmore, Roland, Peter King 72241 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 41 112 10 3 3s 3* G Babin 12 Noon Fire, Gold Bug, Modest 72120 Empire 5* f 1:07 fast 7 106 7 5 44 S G Babin 12 Laurano. Flax, Cano 72021 Empire 5-8 l:00%fast 7 114 13 7 7* 9= G Babin 14 Bontaud, Noon Fire, Gold Bug 71341 Aqueduct 5-8 1:00 fast 13-5 115 9 4 41 4* A Johnsonl4 Pickpocket, Check, Sunspero 71124 Aqueduct 5-8 1:01 fast 16-5 115 8 6 41 3« C Fbtherll B. Buchanan. Goldmawr. HnPine WESTWICK, b. c, 3 M 110 By Ultimus — Madame Curie, by Radium. Trainer, H. Hughes. Owner, Sacford Stud Farm. Breeder, J. Sanford. 80229 Aqueduct 61 f 1:18 fast 50 106 3 4 82 711 E Barnes 9 Blind Play, Sherman. Lanius 80044 Belmont 1 1:38 fast 50 106 4 9 103 9" E Barnes 11 AbuBcnAhdein. PlghBoy, Rland SUBURBAN, b. c, 3 M 110 By Vindez — Rural, by Moharib Trainer, J. A. Murphy. Owner, J. T. Heady. Breeder. F. W. Armstrong. 79895 Belmont 11:40 good 30 105 3 1 9 3" J Callahn 9 Spyllead, P. Minister, P. Hamlet 79736 Belmont 1 l:38Vstast 100 9S 6 7 8 8! H Richds S Plough Boy, Eaglet, Maclean 74514 Laurel 3-4 l:15Vsfast 29 100 10 10 8! 84 M Simon 14 La Drole, Without, Vehement 74416 Iaurel 3-4 l:137sfast 124 103 9 9 91 9T1 M Simon 10 Jimson, Suppliant, Rosa Yeta 74320 Laurel 51 f lsfast 13 113 8 8 8 812 E Ambrose 8 Modest, Suppliant, Jimson 73103 Saratoga 51 f l:06Vifast 50 105 10 8 6* 8;i Jl Simon 11 Ormesvale, llr Grass, R.andRye 72672 Saratoga oj I l:06Vsfast 100 115 17 14 14s 14IT M Simon IS Klondyke, Sun Flag, Fly By 72554 Saratoga 5-8 LOOTifast 100 102 15 15 15 15,s M Simon 10 Passport. B. and Red, R.andRye UPSAL, b. b, 3 M 110 By Trompe la Mort— Phsnicia, by Troutbcck. Trainer, J. Creevy. Owner, G. D. Widener. Breeder. G. D. Widener. 79691 Belmont 1 l:39?sfast 5 115 6 4 4i 2n L McAtee 14 Pep to Peep. Ix ng Ioint, Flames 79310 Belmnt 3-4 MC 1:13 fast 10 114 14 7 8* 7"! T McTagtlO Polycarp, Starbeck, Long Point 78784 Jamaica 3-4 l:12-ifast 20 107 7 5 51 55i E Legere B Ially, Buck Pond, Wildnike 78662 Jamaica 5 f LOOVlslop 6 112 10 9 9l 8,s E Leeere 12 WildAster. Honor. PrimeMinter LADY LONGRIDGE, br. f, 3 M 105 By Sweep — Lady Thistle, by Knight of the Thistle. Trainer. W. Perkins. Owner, Longridge Stable. Breeder. Mrs. W. V. Thraves. 75088 I-itonia 1 l:44%hvy 4 112 5 7 71 l*J J D Mneyl2 SunSpot, DevilGirl, Phyl. Louise tttUUtwia 3-4 1:13 fa:st 6 112 8 8 8l 8«S E Pool UNewGold, Dudley, Muldniuga 74687 I-atonia 3-4 l:13*fast 3 U2 5 5 61 5 E Martin 12 P.Maloney, NewGold, N.McChord 74204 Iitonia 51 f l:07 *fast 31 115 2 5 3» 21 E Pool 12 Pearl Mesta. Medina. Waukulla 71712 Latonia 3-4 lLTrihvy 3 112 2 2 21 2s R Doyle 8 Freelland, Phyl. Louise, Corinth EXIT, ch. f, 3 M 105 By Escoba— Teresa J., by Helmet. Trainer, W. V. Walsh. Owner. J. S. Ward. Breeder, J. H. Morris. 80232 Aqueduct 1 l:39*sfast 20 98 8 3 4» 7" C Kurtse:13 Trappean. Bowman. Jessamine 79070 Jamaica 3-4 l:127sfast 15 99 9 8 7" 7" C Kurtserltt ExaltedKuler, ByLane, LyBoss 78915 Jamaica 3-4 1 :15»sslow 20 102 3 3 2i 3,1 C Hurts er ■ Protocol. Hands lp, Cue-Ilaek ■J5531 Churchill 3-4 1:14 fast 22 104 7 5 5 51 B Harvey 11 Buck. Wkiilla. LaP.dcBriante 95431 Churchill 3-4 l:13Vkfast 30 115 6 4 9* 8» B Harvey 15 N.Lhorne. N.McChord, An.Lyie 95391 Churchill 3-4 l:14islow 11 115 4 3 6 6*1 B Harvey 15 Medina. Bona Vera. P.aldine 90348 Churchill 41 f 54Vtmud 19 115 8 9 «■ 6,J E Fator 8 B. Addie. Paloma. Pr. Politician HANDS UP, b. g, 3 M 110 By Fair Play— Hour Hand, by Ethelbert. Trainer, N. L. Byer. Owner. E. H. Garrison. Breeder. Nursery Stud. 80046 Belmont 3-4 MC l:127andfast 50 107 10 9 9" 10« A McLlinH ExdUulfT, P. Hamlet, M.Dmino 79073 Jamaica 3-4 l:12%fast 41 lo6 9 9 73 5= F listings . Radiancy, Tiday, Repartee 78986 Jamaica 3-4 ItSffevVy 4 105 5 3 31 31 J Callahn 9 OldWelbrre, ShineOn. AllinAll 78915 Jamaica 3-4 l:15%slow 12-5 112 7 5 » 2"JC Ralls S Protocol, I-?xit. Cue-Back 78858 Jamaica 51 f l:06Vsfast CO 117 4 and 5« E» C Kails 8 Honrmore, Sledge, Ilonfletir 78663 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 slop 20 106 7 8 8» 8" M Fator 9 Kiedriektovvn. Bueklond. Pa than 75729 Bowie 7-8 l:20%fast 5 104 6 3 4» 3= R Pierce 12 yckiime. War. Lynch, G. Mount DAT TRAP. b. c, 3 M 110 By Trap Rock— Daytoria, by Peep oDay. Trainer. W. S. Home. Owner, W. S. House . Breeder. C. T. Grayson. 80046 Belmont 3-4 MC l:12%fast 30 11711 8 SlH"! J Butwell 14 ExdRulir, P. Hamlet, M.Dmino 79310 Belmnt 3-4 MC 1:13 fast 50 114 10 10 121 1215 F Collettil6 Polycarp, Starbeck, Long Point 78789 Jamaica 5-i f l:035ifast 100 115 9- 11 101 917 J Butwell 13 Honor. Samaritan. LVs. Desmond 74885 Empire Ab 3-4 LlOfast 50 116 5 Fell. C Kummer 9 Feyi-un, Runningwild, Wunipee 74550 Jamaica 5-8 l:01Vs-ast 20 115 12 14 11 14:" C Kummerll Missilanla. 11. Streak, Parvenu CONCEAL, b. f, 3 M 105 By Transvaal— Incognita, by Disguise. Trainer, R. Harrington. Owner. W. H. Snyder. Breeders. Morris and Walden. 78877 Pimlico 3-4 l:15%slop 25 97 0 6 51 5" J Dawson 10 Capt.Costigan, Guvnor, Arendal 78807 1 l:41%fast C7 10117 1 2» ««1 F Hstings 11 SethsFwer, Woodl.y, Altissimo 78734 Pimlico 3-4 21 38 6 6 7« 5« J Wallace 9 Floating On. Elemental, Arendal 78365 Bowie 51 f l:C9fast 12 111 4 11 101 12" J Wallace tl Just, llaughlv Ijidy, Conscript 78228 Bowie 61 f l:22%slow 17f 111 2 2 6« 7:J J Chalmi -13 Go Foin. Altissimo, Just 75068 Laurel 51 f 1:11 slow 29 112 14 11 14 11« J ChalraersH La Vague, Stevens. Ionard G. 72S09 Empire 51 f l:08Vsfast 20 111 4 8 9* 873 R Carter 12 Simeon. M rvAgnes, Lit.ThistU 52283 Empire 51 f l:08Vigood 15 102 8 S 8 92 J CorcornL2 Hilarity, Attention. Without ST. GERARD, b. c. 3 M 110 By Pebbles— Sunno, by Solitaire LT. Trainer, S. Taylor. Owner, T. A. Sean. Breeder. A. Johnson. 78177 Bowie 6 1-2 f l:22%fast 12 100 7 8 91 8" J Chlmers13 Warning, Trapstick. Protocol 77888 Jefferson 3-4 1 :16Vsmud 12 105 8 6 7l 6*1 II Stutts 15 Medd.Mattie. Mcintosh. Isaman 77494 F.Grnda 3-4 LloVigood 8 101 4 3 3l 4-1 D Mergler 14 Sea-Wolf, B. Black, Beth. Steel REPARTEE, blk. f, 3 M 105 By Hessian— Puff, by Ballot. Owner, J. Sitsen. Breeder. T. F. Ryan. 79310 Belmnt 3-1 MC 1:13 fast 7 109 4 6 71 8»J H Thurberl6 Polycarp. Starbeck, Long Point 79228 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 mud 5 1111 4 2 41 5" C Tu- nt;- 10 Suncar, Honfleur, Vexation 79073 Jamaica 3-4 1:1234 fast 15 105 2 2 3» 3» J Callahn 9 Radiancy, Tiday, Cue Back J3410 Belmont 5-8 st 59 fast 60 108111 11 ll8 ll1* A Collins 13 JanetBlair. MissDomino. Fly By DOLOMITE, b. g. 3 M 110 By Trap Bock— Limerick Lass, by Celt. Trainer. J. Fitzsimmons. Owner, Dosoris Stable. Breeder, H. W. Maxwell. 80044 Belmont 1 1:38 fast 25 105i 1 3 6nk 7tT q Fields 11 AbuBcnAhdein. PlghBoy, Rland 79855 Belmont 1 l:40%good 4 112 5 I 31 23 J Maiben 14 Kit, Filomar, Gladys V. 79641 Belmont 1 1:40 fast 30 102 7 9 9* 9" G Fields 11 TopSergt, I Harum, Washgton 79223 Jamaica 3-1 l:14Vsmud 10 115 I 3 3» 351 G Fields 9 Faenza. Magic Call, Louverne REDSKIN, b. c, 3 M 110 By George Smith— Sadaquada, by Bockton. Owner. Mrs. R. Baker. Breeder, J. Sanford. 79310 Belmnt 3-4 MO 1:13 tmmt 12 111 1 2 43 4*1 L Simons 16 Polycarp, Starbeck, Long Point MOMS BOY, b. c, 3 M 110 By Troutbeck or Von Tromp — Mammy, by Sempronius Trainer, J. Lowe. Owner, J. Lowe Breeder. E. Cobrian. 79895 Belmont 1 1:40 good 12 1061 9 9 8i 6« L Fator 9 Spyllead. P. Minister. Suburban 79691 Belmont 1 l:39%fast 15 115 12 9 9 6* F Smith 14 Pep to Peep. Ipsal. I-ong Point 75552 Chunhill 7-8 l:26Vsfast 10 112 8 4 5l 5» M Fator 14 C. Artist. K.ONll II.. W.t.Wizd 75452 Churchill 1 1 :39*4fast 5 114 9 6 5* 51J J D Mneyl3 Dudley, Graen.e. W. the Wizard 75371 Churchill 7-8 l:28%tivy 6 115 4 6 4s 6«1 E Scobie 11 Corinth. W.theWizard, TheRunt CORN PRODUCTS, b. c. 3 M 110 By Peter Pan— Paintbrush, by Broomstick. Trainer, S. J. Lawler. Owner, E. Arlington. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 80264 Aqueduct 61 f l:19%fast 100 Itfjtl 15 151 15=5 W Obert 18 Reprisal, Muskallonge. IdleThts 80194 Aqueduct 61 f l:19%fast 100 106 7 6 6* C3 A McBlin 8 Delnior, St. Allan, Homestar 79899 Belmont 7-8 1:27 good 100 113U". 14 14 14=° It Kaliski 11 Belphriza. Eagerness. B. Artiste 79310 Belmnt 3-4 MC 1:13 fast 50 114 i 16 18 16=° C Lang 10 Polycarp, Starbeck, Long Point VEXATION, b. c, 3 M 110 By Trap Bock— Annoyance, by Meddler. Trainer. J. Wilson. Owner. J. Man-one. Breeder, P. M. Walker. 79691 Belmont 1 l:39%fast 20 115 14 13 ll1 10» F Herdezll Pep to Peep Ipsal. Long Point 79228 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 mud 12 113 7 3 33 3*1 L Faior 10 Suncar. Honfleur, Tiday LEISCH, ch. c. 3 M 110 By Bard of Hope — Sweet Alyssum, by Ballot. Trainer, W. L. Oliver. Owner, E. W. Price. Breeder, P. M. Walker. 70074 Jamaica 5-8 l:01VssIop 6 112 3 5 5» 4" J Frey 8 Anne. Apology. Lee Adrin 09900 Jamaica 5-8 1:02 slow 100 116 2 4 91 9» J Frey 13 Sheridan, Nemesis, Thorndale MEDITATOR, br. c. 3 M 110 By Mentor— Hattie C, by Marathon. Trainer, C. Williams. Owner, F. Williams. Breeder, W. Beattie. 79228 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 mud 50 115 9 5 51 7,s E Legere 10 Suncar. Houfleur, Vexation KIRKCALDY, b. c. 4 M 115 By Sundridge — La Cagoule, by Chcri. Trainer, A. Vogt. Owner, A. Vogt. Bred in France by M. J. Sanford. 80229 Aqueduct 61 f 1:18 fast 100 108 5 8 9 9" E Vogt 9 Blind Play. Sherman. Lanius 63743 Empire 51 f 1:10 mud 60 114 7 13 14s 14" J MerimeelS P.Shay. Dustabout. Am. Patriae GOV. SMITH, br. g. 3 M 110 By Kin? James— Cadeau. by Golden Maxim. Trainer, M. Bernard. Owner, M. Bernard . Breeder, H. T. Oxnard. 80298 Aqueduct 61 f l:17%fast 100 109 5 5 6 6lT D Connlly fi Misionary, IndianTrail. Maclean 79855 Belmont 1 l:40%good 1S-5 112 1 1 1* 5» D Connllyll Kit. Dolomite. Filomar 79641 Belmont 11:40 fast 50 105 1 3 6"k 77 F Smith 11 TopSergt, D.Harum, Washgton GASPER, ch. h, 5 M 115 By Cigar— Doubtful, by Jaquemart. Trainer, F. W. White. Owner, Laurel Park Stud Stable. Bred ia England by Mrs. Hey- bourae. 80044 Belmont 1 1:38 fast 12 105 7 4 4» 4«i H Thurberll AbuBenAhdem. PPghBoy. Rland 79313 Woodne 3-4 1:14 fast 21 118 5 5 5» 531 J Ctrimers 9 JoySmoke, T.DwarelL, Trapnet 78450 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:51%slop 56 109 5 6 6 6" Et Barnes 6 A. J. Buja, Shauirk. Redstone First start fcr the following: SIXTEEN POPPIES, b. f, 3 M 105 By Superman— Australina, by Montana. Trainer. E. M. Brown. Owner, E. M. Brown. Breeder, H. T. Oxnard. RELIABLE, b. c, 3 M 110 By AU Gold— Wendy, l y Peter Pan. Owner, Log Cabin Stud. Breeder, H. P. Whitney.