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YOUNGSTOWN ENTRIES The figures under the heading "Rec." -.n the entries below sbow the best time of etch horse at the distance since January 1, 1922, no matter wbere it finished. In case whero record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 781C0 IS FTTtST IXDEX OF 1924. 7968C IS FIRST NUMBER OF JUNE. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 2:15. ®Superior mud runner. XOood mud runner. :!:I-"air mud runner. M Maidens. •Apprentice allowance. bBlitiKers. The following abhreviatiens are used to designate tracks at which, time records shown in entries were made: Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Park IP Aurora An Kenilworth Ke Belmont Park BP Kempton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowie Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connanght Park CP Maple Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dade Park.... DP Mobile Mo Devonshire Da Mount Royal MH Dorval Do Omaha Om Dufferin Dn Pimlico Pm Empire Em Reno Re Fair Gronnds FG Saratoga Sa Fort Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Tb Havre do Grace HG Tijuana Ti Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv Windsor Wi Hnntington Hn Woodbine Wo Jamaica Ja First Race — About 5-8 Mile. Juvenile Purse. Purse |4C0. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Todays Ind. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 79781 Black Sand 109.. 725 79781 Cantores 112x720 79968* McCadden 109x715 79969 Margarettc Martin 109.. 715 799S9 Rookomar M 105x710 79969 Capt. Doane M. 105. .710 79969 Martbarose M . 105.. 700 79976 Ruby Marsh M 105. .700 Cbef-dOeuvre, b. c. by Cameron — Manitoba, by G. W. Johnson 105 Second Race— About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 80166 Flip 0 110. .725 80070 Loch Leven 6 110x720 80136 Hello Parduer ... 7 107x715 80167 Hysteria 5 105x715 801052 bWar Map 7 112*715 79667 bFleer 7 107 X 715 83166 Star Time 5 112. .70." 78478 Oneida 3 98x705 71563 Picker and Stealer 7 105. .705 80131 hThe Muleskinncr. . 4 107x700 73973 bMargaret Loretta M 4 100.. 700 75265 bSquire Charley M 7 107. .700 80166 Virgo 10 100x700 66628* bPostlude M 5 107. .700 Pentex-ost8 Last. ch. m, by Pentecost — Cassie Bright, by Cast 110 Third Race — 6 1-2 Farlongs. Pnrse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 79386 *bWater Willow ... 8 93x725 70131 »bLegacy 8 109x720 80023 Herron Du 113 1:27% 7 109. .715 801333 Miss Rankin 6 103x715 70337 Bristow 6 108x715 L01673 Califa 5 111x710 80100 Straight Shot 5 104.. 710 I 79524 nartelle 4 108. .710 78561 Bush 7 Htt..7a5 77326 Gypsy Blair 11 103x700 79818 bCaesar ■ 108. .700 79871 Gold Bank M... ■ 105. .700 70131 Voltage M 7 105.. 700 Fourth Race— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 79815 OMEGA 3 100x725 793641 Lura Co 105 1 :26 £ 6 KWX715 80134 Jacobean Coll2 1:23y3 6 109*715 79979 bPeter Pierson 4 106x715 £0132- Cicerouian 5 106x715 " 80110s Nig 5 109X715 80069 bBurgoyne Co 115 1:25, 7 1013x710 80168 Ballynew Du 109 1 :204i 6 105. .710 80133 Wre.ker 6 117X710 80023 Eclman 5 109.705 73297* bOld Pop CL 112 1:25 11 105X700 79979 Dan Hogan 4 106x700 79870 bPaula V 9 103x700 Fifth Race— About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. 79870 Tom Norris C 107X725 80103 3 Chow G 102X720 78844 Get Em 6 102X715 79368 bJosephine 0 4 110x715 80167 Mary G 6 105x715 79867 Kendall 4 112. .715 80018 Watereo 0 107. .715 80133 Anita K 4 105x710 80128 Henry S 3 100X705 C01661 Lady Harrigan .. 7 105.. 705 80132 W. P. Montgomery 7 112. .700 £0107 Play Girl M 3 98.. 700 78713 Roma M 4 105. .700 80033 Thirty Seven 11 107X700 75075 Coat of Arms M 4 102. .700 Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. Idle Hour Purse. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 80074 Spring Vale ...nv 109 1:12% 7 105X725 80171 Glenn Hv 107 1:12% 8 102x720 80026 bRed Legs Ti 106 1:14% 6 99x715 80169* bGeorge Starr ..Hn 115 1:14% 9 104*715 80168 bKnot Grass ...FG 121 1:13% 5 107X715 80024 Quanah Wi 105 1:12% 5 107. .710 801712 The Plainsman. La 107 1:15% 4 102.. 710 79871 Bright Trash 97 1:14% 5 102*705 80C33 bJohn Jr 11 US 1:13% 111C4X705 80170 The HibernianM Pm 115 1:15% 3 92. .705 79565 bDantaic JP 101 1:15 6 102x700 80138 Rock Court .. .Co 105 1:19% 3 92. .700 74907 King B Hv 107 1:15% 6 104. .700 Seventh Race— About 5-8 Mile. Inaugural Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 80108* Noon Glide 4 107x725 80135* Fair Rowena 3 95.. 720 80135 Crestwood Boy ... I 101..715 79362 klando 5 104X715 79783* Trafalgar 3 97X715 79525 Faber 4 104. .715 801731 Recommedation .. 4 112x710 80135 bZorro | 106.. 710 79783 Somerby 3 103X710 78848 bTopnngo 4 104 . .710 79882 The Dictator 5 107 705 80021 Lady Trilby M. 3 83.. 700 78764 Sister Susie 11 102x700 Eighth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 79821 Tomahot CD 101 1:46 5 114x725 80137* Walter TurnbowCo 102 1:46% 9 109X720 79917 Happy Moments.1 P 100 2:01%h 4 102. .715 79790 Puzzle MH 110 1:46% 6 112*715 80137 bWaukeag Ti 109 1:50% 10 109X715 80137 bTimbrel MH 103 1:47 5 109x715 I 80109 Newport Co 102 1:51% 4 107x710 80103* Fictile Hv 112 1:49% 5 104X710 80022 Bob Baker Lx 108 1:47% 8 1090710 79614i*bKtcruity FG 111 1:47% 6 109x705 80136 Illustrator 3 97 700 79816 Yankee Boy ..Hv 107 1:48% i 109. 700 79932 Plurality Ti 107 1:50% 5 109x700 794922 Bojul CD 105 1:48 5 114. .700 80109* Josie M 4 107x700