Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-21


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Entries and Past Performances ; LA TON I A ■ SATURDAY, JUNE 21 "WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Eec." in the entries below show the best time of each, horse at the distance since January 1. 1922. no matter where it finished. In case whero record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. - _____ . mmm _ 764G0 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1984. 79C8C IS FIRST NUMBER OF JUNE. Bating starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00. ® Superior mini runner. X Good mud runner. :£ Fair mud runner. M Maidens. •Apprentice allowance, b Itlinkers. The following abbreviations are nsed to designate tracks at winch time records shown in entries ■were us ado: Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Park JP Aurora An Kenilworth Ke Belmont Park BP Kempton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Kl Bowie Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connaught Park CP Maple Heights MH Conr.eaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire Do Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Dufferin Du Pimlico Pm Empire Em Reno Re Fair Gour.ds FG Saratoga Sa Fort Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Th Havre de Grace HG Tijuana Ti Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv Windsor Wi Huntington Hu Woodbine Wo Jamaica J a First Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Purse fl.400. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: June 14, 1924— 1:43— * -114. Todays Ind. ITorseandPostPos. Wt. Rpe. A.Wt.IIan. 80318s Annie Lyle. 13. CD 101 1 :47% 98.. 72.". 80264s Peter Malonev, 7 108.. 720 801812 *La Planche de Briante M, 9. La 105 1:45% 98.715 79841 Dye Bye, 11. ..CD MB 1:48% 103X71:. 80220* Devil Girl, 3.. CD 99.1:48 103x715 80181 Over FUv M, 5. La 110 1:46% 108.. 710 80117 Swift Water M, 1 98.. 705 80220 ITence, S 105.. 705 80214 Florence W. M. 2 CD 10311:50% 103.. 700 79935 Rolling Wave, 4. La 10611:53%m 103.. 700 79382 Mainspring M, 6 108. .700 79935 Telescopp, 10 .La 105 1:54 %m 116. .700 77966 Provident M, 12 108. .TOO 80220 Cypreme M, 14. Ti 101 1 :4S% 108. .700 Second Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse ,400. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Allowan es. Track record: July 2, 1923—1:10—3—100. 80285* Magic Wand, 16. La 98 1:11% 3 110.. 725 80184 Beginners Luck, 17 La 101 1:12% 3 105. .720 80217 Gorget, 8 La 98 1:13% 3 110. .715 79630* Elusive, 10 ...CD 103 1:14 3 105.715 80250 Climax, 9 La 111*1:14% 3 110.710 80141 Aroma, 18 La 113 1:14 5 110. .710 78748 Our Option, 15. La 104 1:14% 3 105.. 710 i 79630 Kittie Jim, 7. .CD 108 1:15 3 105. .705 I 80286 John Hager, 1 .La 115 1:15% 3 110. .700 I 80181 Krishna, 3 La 115 1:15% 3 110x700 I 78827 Mon Iere, 4. .Lx 112 1:15% 4 115.. 700 I 80220 Grudge, 5 . . . La 112 l:21h 8 105.700 80282 Pablo. 6 La 112 1:18% 3 110. .700 80142 Kenown, 13 ...La 102 1:15 3 110.. 700 74280 Bean King, 14... 3 110. .700 San San, 2 3 110 Nell Jo, 11 3 105 Billy Gardner, 12. 5 115 Third Raco — 1 1-8 Miles. Purse ,400. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 20, 1914— 1:50%— 3— 105. 80248 Jonett, 13 La 106 1:52 7 106x750 80186 •bRamkin, 10 .. .La 107 1:52% 6 95.. 745 80186s *Sway, 12 La 102 1:51% 8 103X745 80186- Blowing Bubbles,2 Li 108 1 :51% 6 108x745 80186 *bQnesada, 15 ...La 107 1:53% 5 9SX745 79938 Grass Tree, 17MH 102 1:52% 5 93x745 802and4 Flying Prince, 6. Mil 100 1:52% 5 93.745 79987 MacbMh, 5 4 97x74. 79987 Jupiter, 7 4 93x740 80254 Smuts, 8 I_i 110 1:54% 5 97x740 80186 Sea Court, 11 Mil 110 1:51 « 93x740 80216s Naughty Nisba.Hi 5 106. .740 80116s Westwood, 18 .FG 102 1:55 7 98*740 80116 Miss Mazie, 3 4 92®735 80141 Alard. 14 FG 103 1:54 4 99.. 735 80254 Doughoregan, 1 . 4 101x730 79938* Pequot, 4 La 110 1:53% 4 112x730 1 79553 bYoung Adam, 9CD 107 1:54% 8 9SX725 Fourth Race — ?-4 Mile. Point Breeze Purse. Purse ,800. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Tiack record: July 2, 1923—1:10—3—100. 80251 DUDLEY, 1 ...La 105 1:10% 3 110. .750 80252* bdune Grass, 5.1m 110 1:12 5 114.. 740 80217* Rocket, G Sa 120 1:11 5 IK?. .740 80184 Bobs Mary. 7. La 102 1:11% 3 105. .735 80251* Dusty Mary, 3. La 90 1:11% 3 8NX735 66518 Granite Ware, 8. 5 108X730 78752s Wida, 2 Hv 105 1:12% 4 114X730 80184 Humorette, 4 BP 114 1:12% 3 91X730 80142 Leopardess, 9 .La 97 1:13 3 100.. 725 Fifth Race — 5-8 Mile. Forty-Second Running Harold Stakes. ,000 Added. 2-venr-olds. Colts and Geldings. Allowances. Tiack record: June 23, 1923—59—2—110. 80185 Buttin In, 6.. La 111 l:04%h 114.. 750 801852 Reputation, 5 .La 122 l:03%h 127.. 745 80185s Step Along, 4.. La 107 :59% 119X745 80249 Annihilator, 2 Lu 118 1:00 114.740 80219s Pas Seul, 7 La 120 1:00% 117.. 735 89036 Knblai Khan, ■_. 115 l:02%m 114x730 80249 Brave Bob M, 3 La 118 1:00% 110. .730 79791 Bill Strap M, 1 La 113 l:02%s 110.725 Sixth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Buckeye Purse. Purse ,500. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Track record: June 7, 1909— 1:05%— 3— 93. 80115 Little Visitor, 1. 115.. 725 79891 Kitty Pat, 8 118x720 801442 Rural Route, 5.. 115X715 80215 Deeming M, 2.. 105x715 80115 Frances Victoria,3 105.. 710 79586 Maximanth, 9 .. 107x705 Dangerillo, 4 107 Oh Sasanna, 0... 105 Snakebite, 7 .... 105 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Nov. 3, 1917— 1:41%— 3— 126. 80216 Banner Bearer, 5 4 116x725 80285 Fancy Free, 2. La 101 1:44 5 110x720 8018a2 Pretty Politician, 1 La 95 1:42% 3 102x715 80078 Sua Spot, 4 La 92 1:44% 3 105X715 80284 King Tut, 3. . .La 102 1:44% 3 107x710 80248 bSiropleton, 6 ..La 112 1:45 7 112® 705 75493 bTippo Sahib, 7MH 106 1:44% 9 112x700

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Local Identifier: drf1924062101_4_1
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