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"Lucky" Johnny Lyons AMERICAS ritEMIEIi TURF WIZARD 5 Columbus Circle, Room 217 -:- -:- New York City Ky information on file with Daily Racing- Form, hour* in advance. Only ONE HORSE advised on any day I have information to release. Everything was set for Fridays horse which was: WHO KNOWS ME 1.10- WON Again all my followers won handsomely. Thursday: Thursday: Lady Astor . 7.00- Won jm s. Jordan. . .7.60- Won Wednesday: Wednesday: Mistress Mary. 0.10- 2nd Blowg Bubbles 8.30- Won Banner Bearer. 5.00- Won Monday: Monday: Ballot Brush . .$ 9.70- Won White Star . . 4.50- Won Saturday: Nothing released Crayon 5.90- Won Tuesday or Friday EIGHT WINNERS AND ONE SECOND OF THE LAST NINE HORSES RELEASED which show a net profit of over ,000 on a 0 straight bet. AGAIN LET ME STATE THAT EVERYTHING 18 SET FOR TODAYS HORSE. ANOTHER SENSATION PROMISED FOE. TODAY. No time to lose; get in line with ma and WIN. TERMS — $£0, in advance, for TODAYS HORSE. Wire money order right now, or, if in town, call personally. 1 i i : IMPORTANT NOTICE TO S. O. SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS All subscriptions expired with todays One Horse Special which was: WHO KNOWS ME 1.10- WON Our next 0 One Horse Special goes today in last race AT LATONIA — GO THE LIMIT — I STRAIGHT ONLY. Next two 0 Specials FREE if it does not win. Our last four 0 Spscials were: June 20— WHO KNOWS ME 1.10- Won June 18— ANNIHILATOR $ 8.10-S2 Won June 17— CREAM PUFF 0.40- Won June 16 — OUR SPECIAL, at 40-1, lost through interference. Our 0 Special consists of one horse only. All our Specials filed in advance with Racing Form. We do not have them every day, but wait for right spot. ON NO ACCOUNT MISS TODAYS ONE HORSE SPECIAL lis hoTse gees in the last race at Lat?n:a and those in a position to make even a moderate wager should profit handsomely as he has been specially prepared for just this spot. Any kind of a track wiU suit this horse today and he should pay 20-1. We have made arrangements for additional telegraphic service from Jamaica so all subscribers will receive their wire in ample time. Rush yenr subscription, and if this horse does not win today we will protect you by sending our next 1WO 0 Specials, FREE. We deal in big priced horses only, so that onr crowd can pull ont when we do happen on a leser. A few cf our recent 0 One Horse Specials were: DUTCH GIRL. 1.00- Won; EXOI.TJS. 2.00 - Won; PERSIAN MAID, 6.00- Won; BREECHLOADER. 6.00- Won; DAN BOLIING. i, 31.00 Won: MABEL K.. 4.00- Won, and many others at better than 5-1. Tomorrows 0 Ore Horse Special should also win at a big price. Wire at once so we can rush this long shot in last race at Latcnia to you. Wire 0 at once by Western Union no Postal here. S. O. SERVICE -:- -:- JAMAICA, N. Y. NOTE — Tell Western Union to send your address; it prevents delay. I Winning Occasional I receive first -clars information two or three times a week. Each horse sent me is known to be in first-class condition and is expected by the trainer and betting connections to win easily. I will send you this information for the winnings of play on each horse. Send me your correct name and address, enclosing for prepaid telegram. GEORGE RANKIN 1400 Broadway, New York City. . Sun Flag, 1.30 J2 *on; Lady Astor. 7 00 . tod. given in our latest book, besides many other . WINNERS at shorter prices; 35 cents at all newsstands. TODAYS CODE SPECIAL: April Orange -21-13 88-28 STANDARD TURF GUIDE, 403, 22 ▼. ftuincy St., Chicago, HI. TWOBIG LIVE-bNES_TODAY Absolutely only TWO A DAY NINE WINNERS out of 12 on our Daily One* Host. Just think, for the ridiculously small sum of 60 cents daily at r.ll newsstands, 50 cents. QH yours early before your newsdealer sells out. Marled the uight before, 1 week, 00 2 weeks. $." .CO. NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER 411, 22 West quincy Street Chicago. 111. How a telegraph operator discovered the I I [FREE secret of making money on the races. For I details, mail this ad. with a two -cent stamp. I J. X. WILLIS B 225 3Dth Street Miami Beach, Florida ■ ADVERTISE ]N RACING FORM THE REVIEW ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS, ALL CITIES 50 CENTS — 50 CENTS IMPORTANT NOTICE We have completed arrangements with the Metropolitan News Co., Suite 708 Putnam Bldg., Chicago, Ills., to handle The Review in the West. LOOK! LOOK! YESTERDAYS SHEET GAVE: WHO KNOWS ME 1.10- WON PARODY $ 4.40-S2 WON OUR RECORD ON 50 CENT SHEET LAST FIVE DAYS: WHO KNOWS ME 1.10- WON NEW GOLD 2.10- WON PARODY $ 4.40- WON LADY ASTOR 7.00- WON BOB CAHILL 4.10- WON BUTTIN IN 1:70- WON SLICKER $ 9.30- WON PLEASURE $ 5.90- WON Remember we give only three horses daily. We also have a .00 Special daily that is wired each day at noon. Again it won. Her* is our record on Daily .00 Wire: Yesterdays .00 Wire: BENEDICT VOW $ 5.40- WON Thursdays .00 Special. ROSABELLA $ 7.30- WON Wednesdays .00 Wire: ANNIHILATOR $ 8.10- WON Tuesdays .00 Wire: AGNES CALL 0.10- WON Mondays .00 Wire: BOBS MARY 2.90- WON Five straight days a winner on our .00 Wire. We are getting these Specials from excellent source*, Terms for These Wires: Six .00 Wires, 0.00 SEND 0.00 RIGHT NOW FOR SIX WIRES TO THE REVIEW CARE METROPOLITAN NEWS CO. SUITE 706 PUTNAM BUILDING, CHICAGO, ELL. Master Ratings 35 CENTS— AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Published by the SPORTING LEADER. AGAIN WE WON ! Yesterdays Adv. Outstanding: Lee 0. Cotner, .80-, Won WE HAVE NOW Won Heavily PAST 2 WEEKS— ON A 0 PLAY ON EVERY OUTSTANDING HORSE Think It Over A Handsome Winner Think it over. It means that the DAILY MASTER RATINGS ARE THE GREATEST RATINGS you SAW or HEARD OF. How you can afford to be without them, thats what it means. Yesterday Outstanding Won Day Before Outstanding Won Day Before Outstanding Won Better go right now to your newsdealer and ASH for the DAILY MASTER RATINGS for TODAY Latonia Outstanding Best is a MIGHTY SMART trick and yon SIMPLY CANT AFFORD to overlook this one. PRIMED AND ALL SET I know this is your CHANCE. Go right now to your newsdealer and ask for DAILY MASTER RATINGS 60 Cents. If your dealer hasnt got it MAILED FDR 2 WEEKS to 440 S. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. DETROIT— FOR SALE: Triangle Newsstand, Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. Family Theatre Newsstand. Cadillac Sq. CHICAGO— FOR SALE: Leading Nedwsstands where "Form" is sold. "Bud" Edwards ONE HORSE DAILY. .00 DAILY; 0 FOR C DAYS. OH, OH, LOOK: Who Knows Me. 1.10- Won And Bud did it again. Every day its the same old stiry. My friends are so used to winning they are rushing subscriptions for three and four weeks in advance. Over ,000 WON yesterday by some of the big players fallowing my One Horse. Thursdays Winner. Lady Astor . . . .7.00- Won Wednesdays Winner: New Gold 2.1 0- Won Tuesdays Wire: MARIONETTE 3.80, 1.80- 2ND Mondays Wire: PRETTY POLITICIAN 2.50, .30- 3RD Last Week Big Winner. KING TUT $ 8.00- WON SWAY 3.10- WON BEST PAL .60- WON I have the interest of tho player uppermost in mind and always give long-priced horses. No favorites from me. TERMS— 0.00 FOR SIX DAYS Rush it right in; use W. U. or Postal and be in time for A BIG 15-1 SHOT TODAY You will be glad to connect with me; that I guaraats*. H. EDWARDS 158 Fulton St., 3rd floor, New York City. Gars Weekly 35 Cents at All Newsstands TODAYS FREE CODES: DORVAL: Maine-Water-Lilac-Duck. LATONIA: Maine-Brick-Dark-Black. Cleaning Up! Every day we are CLEANING UP BIG. Thursdays Big Long Shot: TURNBERRY, 9.85- WON The Chief raved about this one strong enough. Yesterdays Advertised Grand Special: Lee 0. Conner, .30- WON Today Occasional — Free On my Daily 50o Sheet. Here is the one I have raved about for an entire week. Under no consideration miss this one. This one is a big maiden, ready to win, so by all means DONT fail to GET IT. For this one, ask your newsdealer for GARS DAILY 60 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. Mailed 2 weeks for so you get it FIRST THING in the morning. Take advantage of this offer and mail money order right away to GAR PUB. CO., 438 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. DETROIT— For sale only at Triangle Newsstand, Griswold and Lafayette; Family Theatre Newsstand, Cadillac Square. ST. LOUIS— Laser, 711 Market; Foster, 410 Washington St. OMAHA— Meyer Coren, 1411 Farnam St. CLEVELAND, O — Schroeder, 213 East Superior. CHICAGO— All leading newsstands. OH, BOYS, LOOK! This System is still picking the long shots. Here are a few: GUELPH, 0.16-; NAPOO. 4.20--MONTDALE. 7.40-; BLUE VAN. 25.80--WEST PITTSTON. 5.50-; BANNER BEARER 5.00-: BELPHRIZONIA, 10-1: SHERMAN 7-1-SEA MASTER, 7-1; TOM OWENS. 6.60-; SUN-SINI. 25-1. place; BOBS MARY. 2.90-; FIRE-TOMA, 7.70-; SWAY, 3.10-, and a laree number of others. SYSTEM NO. 2 This wonderful System only had 7 losers in the last meetings at Louisville. Aqueduct and Oon-naught combined; the Best Bet only had 2 losers in 30 days. In the first 12 days at Latonia same System only had 13 losers out of 61 bets; Best Bets all cashed In one week at the different tracks this System only had 11 losers out of 86 bets; Best Bet only had 1 loser. ■ Get these Systems and pick your own winners-can be played at or away from the track. Price in full for both only 0.00. Then, after you get them and if they have not done just as I advertisa. 1 will gladly return your money. J. H. CROSMAN BOX 26 PALMYRA, IND. WORTH WHILE Want to do business with a few reliable people who would be satisfied to operate once or twice a week. Those appreciating quality in preference to quantity are tha people I desire to do business with. To get acquainted I am going to furnish first two winners to prospective investors for the winnings of a .00 straight bet on each for ms. REMEMBER, MY INFORMATION IS BONA FIDE —NO GUESSING Wire or write at once. Will release a horse Tuesday, June 24. Remember, my original terms are the winnings of a .00 straight bet on each for me after I furnish first two winners. D. L. SHANNON 432 7th Ave., Bet. S3d and 34th Sts., New York City City clients call, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. PHONE— LACKAWANNA 7123