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HARVEY AMES EARLE BUILDING »| BROADWAY AT 62D STREET NEW YORK CITY I i YESTERDAYS "HARVEY TRANSACTION" BLOWING BUBBLES, .20-, WON BLOWING BUBBLES, yesterdays "Harvey Transaction," was the only horse advised. Due to the fact that ten horses were withdrawn shorter odds had to be accepted, although the result would have been the same. The morning line against BLOWING BUBBLES was 10 to 1. Five "Harvey Transactions" were advised last week, with the following results: MONDAY: WAR MASK, 1 -, WON TUESDAY: BANNER BEARER, 5-, WON WEDNESDAY: DAZZLER, 2.90-, WON THURSDAY: BONTAUD, - WON SATURDAY: BLOWING BUBBLES, .20-$ WON A 50 investment on each of these five "Harvey Transactions" shows a net profit, after deduction of cost of the information, of over | ,400 I iv 9 Several "Harvey Transactions" now in preparation, one will start TOMORROW— MONDAY Subscription, 00, for each "Harvey Transaction" must be telegraphed promptly as all "Harvey Transactions" are limited to territory. Since results speak for themselves no further comment is necessary. The outlook for the coming week, we are assured, is equally promising. TELEPHONES— CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 THE EASTERN HANDICAPPER .00 Special and 50 Cent Letter Metropolitan News Co. of Chicago WESTERN GENERAL AGENTS Mondays .00 Special must win and pay 0.00 for .00 or better, or you get our Special, free, for the rest of the week. We made good for our followers this week. Here is one of the long shots we gave them: DAZZLER 2.90- WON A 75 to 1 Parlay goes on our 50 Cent Sheet. Dont miss it For sale today, Sunday, for Monday at all newsstands wherever the Racing Form is sold. Chicago followers, come up to our office Monday from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Metropolitan News Co. of Chicago ROOM 706 PUTNAM BLDG. 10 NORTH CLARK STREET DETROIT— For sale: BAGLEY NEWSSTAND Cor. Woodward and Monroe Sts. CLEVELAND— For sale: O. C. SCHROEDER 212 East Superior Ave. ST. LOUIS— For sale: -WM. LASER 711 Market St. CINCINNATI— For sale: RAY PIERCE Cor. Fifth and Vine DAYTON— For sale: EUPHRATS 129 South Jefferson LATONIA Ttoal sportsman who can handle three investments on real information. Probable odds : 7 to 15 to 1. Two of these are three-year-old maidens. One should run 3-4 mile better than 1:11. One should run a mile better than 1 :37. These speed marvels have been carefully fitted for getaway good things. TK K.MS — Profits of a 0.00 straight play on parti one. Send me .00 to prepay telegrams with your correct name and street address. Iteply today if you wish to profit handsomely during the coming two weeks. Kl« 11 HII LIS Apt. 2 Brittany JJldg. .Cincinnati, Ohio THE ADMIRAL SYSTEM The Employed Mans Sheet-Anchor A STRAIGHT FLAT BET ONLY AT NEW YORK AND KENTUCKY WON 01.00 Week Ending- May 31 WON 31.00 Weok Ending June 7 WON 28.00 Week Ending June 14 AN ABSOLUTE NEW IDEA You axe under no obligations when you inquire for full details and tabulated actual past results. THE ADMIRAL COMPANY 306 Stewart Bldg. Baltimore, Md. An Authoritative Clearing House Covering the Greatest of All Out-door Sports Compiled, Edited And Published Hy A Staff Of Expert Horsemen And Turf Students. Its So Far Ahead Of Others, Its Lonesome. Everybody Is Talking About It. From Ioast To Coast It Has Met With A Tremendous Reception. THE UNIVERSALLY RECOGNIZED JOURNAL OE AMERICAN TIRFITES. TO THE TURF WORLD WHAT DINS OR HRADSTREETS IS TO THE MERCANTILE WOULD. We deem it eminently proper to extend thanks to our thousands of readers who have attested their appreciation of our lifes work by becoming yearly subsoribcrs. He assured that we will retain your splendid support by continuing to publish the sort of information you have always wanted, but have never before been able to obtain, for strip it of all trimmings and you will find "the player" the life blood of the entire racing fabric. ,000.00 WORTH OF TLRF INFORMATION FOR .fl.OO. THE ONLY I»I IILICATION OF ITS KIND IN EXISTKNCE, AND BACKED WITH AN A I THORIZED CAPITAL STOCK OF 00,000.00 Thirty years turf exp Tienee collated for safe, sane investment. Bused on exact proven principles. Not a glossary of opinion, but an accurate, official compilation of racing facts, knowledge, methods, pointers of vital importance to either novice or veteran. Embraces all angles of the turf and solves the problems that are constantly coming to the surface. Its the master key that unlocks the secret chambers of "inside" turf knowledge and brings to playeis what they need to know for a broader visi«,n and deeper understanding, that has heretofore come enly through the hard school of experience. The magazine carries the Montee Trade-mark and guarantee for the integrity of its contents. In the gathering ami editing of the vast volume of information and statistics the most efficient turf organization in the world is kept constantly at work at a tremendous outlay in salaries alone. Our trackmen and correspondents are bona fide horsemen of highest standing at all race tracks and can be depended upon to keep our readers in touch with important conditions and happenings at the scenes of action. Thats why the word ••Montee" is synonymous to "best" in the world of sjHjrting journalism. OUTSTANDING FEATURES OF JULY ISSUE. ITS OVERFLOWING WITH GENUINE, EXCLUSIVE FEATURES. PRINTED IN BIG READABLE TYPE THAT IS KIND TO YOUR EVKS. Racing Can Be Beaten. Hie Turf As A Field For Investment. Current Kvents. News. Views. K.di-torials. Point And Pointers. Turf Nuggets, "Hoof Beats," Sportorials, Statistics. Recoids. Percentage Tables, Turf Swindles. Sultscrihers Forum, Cnbiased And Cninftuenced Opinions. Wonderful Racing Stories And Serials By Famous Turf Writers, Interesting Articles Concerning Stewards, Judges. Owners, Trainers, Jockeys. Bookmakers. Handicappers. Tipsters, Complete Exposition Of Best Known Advertised Systems And Modern Methods Of Play. System Play Agaiust Other Ilay, Successful Methods Of Investment, Betting Tactic*. Bookmakers Deadly Percentage, How It Can Be Overcome. Current Turf Events In Pictures. The Mcssiges Of Americas leading Advertisers. And Page After Page Of Authentic, Salient, Valuable, Enlightening, Indispensable Information, Reflections And Turf Knowledge Of Vital Interest And Benefit To All Turf Enthusiasts, That Newspapers Are Not Organized To Obtain. Katingx on All Turf Propositions. This Department informs you of the reliability or unreliability of any advertising tipster, information or sytem concern. We make it our business to be accurately posted on their methods and results. Many of them we pronounce dangerous and worthless. Subscribers Service Bnrean of Expert Advice. Every Investor. Large or Small, Needs Intelligent Counselling. Primarily You Operate On Racing To Increase Your Income. No Matter If You Are Operating Some System. Either Bought Or Of Your Own Origination. It Is Well To Have The Same Tested From Every Angle And From Time To Time To Make A Careful Audit And Inventory. We Have A Special Analytical Division For The Sole Purpose Of Executing Work Of This Character. Whenever You Are Puzzled In Your Turf Problems, Consult With This Department For Advice. Our business is conducted in a big, dignified manner. In gathering the Facts For You, Expense Is Ignored. We give racing and its various branches our hearty support, but any time we discover anything anywhere does not spell CLEANLINESS in capital letters, look to us for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, regardless of who is involved. The National Turf Digest is published on the first of each month. In the TT. S. Single copies .00; Yearly 0.00. Canada. Single copies .l.r : Yearly 2.50. Europe. Single copies .20: Yearly :t.50. Mailed direct in plain sealed wrapper. For sale by all representative, responsible, wide-awake newsstands. See your newsdealer immediately and avoid finding him sold out. IF he does not carry The National Turf Digest, ask him if he is endeavoring to outsletp Rip Van Winkle. NEWSDEALERS ! ! CANVASSING REPRESENTATIVES ! ! We have an extremely attractive proposition for you. Unsold copies are practically unknown, but if there are any, they are fully returnable. Write today for BIG MONEY MAKING particulars. MONTEE PUBLISHING CO, INC. The "Ford" of tbe Turf Publishing World 511 F Oakland Ave. Baltimore, Md. ANNOUNCING GREAT WESTERN HANDICAPPER will be on all newsstands June 22nd. Our source of information is second to none, and we do not limit our information to one track. We will have information at Canada, New York, Kentucky and, of course, Hawthorne, when it opens. We are issuing a Fifty Cent Letter and a guaranteed .00 Special. If this horse does not win, you receive the next one free. From your dealer, our subscription price is 0.00 for both .00 Special and Fifty Cent Sheet. Rush your subscription at once, Suite 901, 54 W. Randolph Street, or 74 W. Madison Street. We are not connected, in any way, with any other publication whatever. Out of town dealers wire or write for the exclusive sale of this publication, at once. We will also have telephone service on our publications. CHICAGO PLAYERS, ATTENTION ! Great Western Handicapper OFFICE HOURS: FROM 9:00 A. M. TO 3:00 P. M. These sheets are on sale at 74 WEST MADISON STREET Sunday, for Monday races Superior System and Handicap Tables A scientific method of handicapping any race, -which has just been perfected by Mr. loote after years of study. ELIMINATES GUESSWORK and enables you to obtain an unusually high percentage of winners. IT MUST BE GODD Read what Mr. Harry D. Stringer, internationally known handicapper and racing editor, says in the Washington Iost of June 13, 1924: "James D. Foote and A. F. Miller, two Washington students of racing, have compiled a handicap table giving track variants, weight allowances and other information of use to handicappers which represents years of study. A system for beating the races has yet to be devised, but simple arithmetic comes closer to it than anything else, and the Foote-Miller table will be found a valuable help to those who like to figure the horses." With the help of this system any turf student should beat the races. Koine of its users are averaging over Go per cent, on a fast track. Valuable Information for Beginners Furnished With Each System This system will be mailed to you prepaid fur J.Y00. Vse it for five days and if you arc nut satisfied with its results, your money will be cheerfully refuuded. Addicss SUPERIOR SYSTEM F. O. Box 3101 You St. Station Washington, D. C. LATONIA RACES COL.J.J.SCHREINER AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER 30 Years Experience as Clocker YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU j 5 FOR ANY TEN DAYS RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION— DONT FAIL TO SEND YOUR ADDRESS From Me You Get Track Conditions and No Scratched Horses, but Fit Horses. My many clients will vouch for my marvelous success at Kentucky tracks. Consult a specialist of the game. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 oclock. Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in letter. Propositions Not Considered. Strictly Cash Only HAVLIN HOTEL Cincinnati. Ohio ARE YOU 9 Interested in Racing • The San FTancisco Home Stretch, a weekly journal devoted exclusively to the thoroughbred, calls your attention to the fact that five of Americas foremost turf writers writ© a story each week about the thoroughbred that will interest you. SINGLE COPY 15 CENTS Three months trial subscription. .00. We can uso a few more reliable newsdealers in the city of Chicago. Liberal commissions paid and unsold copies returnable. Address: The Home Stretch Pub. Co., Phclan Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. rMM— — — — FREE I How a telegraph operator discovered the I secret of making money on the races. Fcr I details, mail this ad. with a two-cent stamp, J. K WILLIS M 2C5 3:th Street Miami Beach. Florida I