7th Race [7th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-22

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1 Mile and TO Yards. 4- ear-ol«ls and upward. Claiming. mnipr nAUt Nov. 3, 1SM7 1:41 4-T ll 12G. JOHN HOSHOR, b. g, 6 110 By Light o m* Life— Imprint, by Knight of th« Trainer, F. Brooks. Owner, T. V. Mountjoy. Thistle. Breeder. G. Gray. 80111 Iatonia 1 1-16 1 :4635fa.«t 30 108 1 1 31 6= W Fronk 11 Sway. Flying Prinop. Lugs 79888 Latonia 3-4 l:ll%fast 13 105 3 8 7- 7"1 W Fronk St Inquisition, Rapid Day. Ararat 79386 CliJichill 1 1:39 fast 71 115 6 6 7 7::l M Garner 7 Lugs. War Prize, Privilege 79175 Churchill 1 1-1C l:49slop 6 114 4 4 58 0!*J Pevic I Peqiiot. Quesad:]. Blanche Mae 79038 Churchill 1 l:39%good 14-5 110 3 4 32 3» J Pevic 1 AimtieMay. Mist Mary, M.Crel 78803 Loxton 1 1-8 1:53 fast 8 110 1 1 1 . 2 J "evic 7 Begonia, Huonec, Quesada 78754 Lexgton 1 1-10 1 :47fast 12 109 1 1 2-- 2» W Fronk • Neddani. Esc: rpolette, iinhurn 78608 lexgton 3-4 1:17 hvy 23 112 5 6 6 51 E Pool G BallotBrush, C.lyn, Pullet Proof 77452 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15%hvy 15 105 4 9 ll1 13° J Heupel 13 Colonel Winn. Mcintosh, Stamp THE ARCHER, h. g, 7 110 By Uncle — Busy Lass, by Meddler. Trainer. J. Moore. Ownf. R. A. Mason. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 80116 I.atonia 1 1-16 1 :45%fast 8J 105 11 10 10" 11=« L McDottll Opulent. Lieut. Colonel, Westwd 79632 Churchill 1 l:39%fast 2 1* 8 3 33 i*i J Corcorn !» Brother John, Raider, Lucidus 79339 Churchill 1 1 :4iVsgoo.l 91 110 5 3 3« : E Pool 7 Sway, Repeater. Willow Tree 79093 Churchill 1 1-16 1:47 fast 21 11417 5 6 7i J D Mney 7 MissMeise. Aug. Maid. WhoK.Mc 77630 F.C.inds 1 3-16 Olgood 3 106 2 1 l| 22 B Breningll Huonec, Gondolier, Insulate 77410 F.Grnds lmTdy ltfast 50 1111 f 8 7" 681 J 11 Burke 8 Thimble. Roseatell., RkBottom 77324 F .Grnds 1 1-16 l:49%slow 60 109 6 6 6 62t J H Burke 6 Pequot, Raffles, Freezy Sneezy OEM. b. m, 6 107 By Berrilldon — Emerald Gem, by McGee. Trainer, D. McDermid. Owner, W. M. Cain. Breeders. W. and L. Garth. 80248 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45%iast 4 109 2 5 3J 3= M Garner 11 Jouett, Mistress Mary, Lucidus I 77197 FGrnds 1 1-1C 1 :47%good 4 1C1 7 1 1- Is L Lang 8 Normal, Kklevington, R. Charlie | 77190 F.Grnds 1 1-2 1 :57hvy 8 102 3 2 9 5J E Blind 5 LWinck. llonoliilto.v, WessieB. 77101 F.Grncis 1 1-16 1 :47=fast 3-2 100 1 3 31 3 I Parke 11 Tempting, iem, High Gear 77061 F.Grnds 11-8 1:55 fast 6 100 2 8 61 Gl D Mergler 11 Bendita, Kimpalong, Sun. Due-row I 75162 I.atonia 13-16 1:59 fast 20 109 4 8 10 10:u E Scobie 10 Oo La La. Golden Billows, Pumps . DUST FLOWER, ch. f. 4 105 By Peter Quince — Stick Pin, by McGee. Tiaincr. J. C. Milan-.. Ownir. J. C. Milam. Breeder. J. C. Milam. 80316 I.atonia 3 4 1 12%fast 1 110 7 6 H 542 W Kelsny 12 W.KnowsMe, Blclntosh. D.Glenn l 80113 I.atonia 3 4l:1l%iast 21 115 2 3 51 68i L McDottlO Br. Tomorrow, Pegasus, Racket 79888 Lalonia 3-4 l:ll%iast 10 99 4 3 4 4ai B Wiams 9 Inquisition, Rapid Day, Ararat j 79722 Latonia 3-t 1:15 mud 21 95 4 5 31 310 B Wiams 7 Certain, Glyn, Climax 78725 Lex stem 3-4 l:13Vt,good 33 10S 2 I 53 5"J J Pevic « Liveen, Ten-I.ee, AliceBlueGwn , 73728 Lexgton 3-4 1 :12l4fast 12 97 4 4 4» ~,~h I Parke 0 R.onTime. Mar.May, Prec i.ula 73682 Lexgton 3-4 1.12%fast 20 107 9 9 10 10= M Garner 12 Dr. Hickman, Translate, LilyM. 72762 Saratoga 3-4 l:127tgood 20 112 5 7 7 7" M Garner 7 Avisaek. Fair Phantom, Possible ! TED S PLUM. ch. f, 4 105 By Trevisco — Plum Pudding, by Plaudit. Trainer. S. West. Owner, Borsman and Bills. Breeder. K. D. Alexander. 80180 I.atonia I 4 l:U%UUt 12 105 12 2= 64J B Kenndyl2 lle-asure. Pyx, Flower Shop 75557 Churchill 3 1 1 :13fast 8 103 7 7 7 712 B Harvey I Macbeth, Beg Pardon, Litlle-llopc 7524."» latonia 3 4 1:15%hvy 5 110 11 7 Q S° T KoernerTJ Poppye, WinelgTIirougli .lonJou .4894 I.atonia lm70y 1:45 fast 9 96 3 3 21 32 F Hstings S MissMeise. OoLili, Megan 74770 Iitonia linTfly 1 :4tVfefast 21 99 3 1 4"t 5s F Hstingsll Vntried. Mistiess Mary Hoy 73032 Dorval 3-4 l:12%fast 21 101 2 1 l1 1« P Walls 7 11. Artillery, Foxtail, IraWilson LONGBOAT, b. g, 4 105 By Wrack— Marathon II.. by Thrush. Trainer. L. Johnson. Owner. W. H. Whitehouse. Bveeder. C. T. Gravson. 80035 I.atonia 3-4 l:17«4hvy 14 105 7 6 4= 3« F Hstings 8 Melnth. Sandalwd, Rpgllome 79939 Latonia 3-4 l:K%mud 10 110 I 7 4» 46i F Hstings 7 Tin- Kimt. Ciivno--, Celfiu 79581 Churchill 7-S 1:27 fast 17-5 113 5 2 2 2J J Corcorn 9 Sunny Ducrow, Bob, Jupiter 79467 Churchill 3-4 l:i:%hvy 12 102 6 8 7e 71 D Jones 9 Winding Through. Seeii:el. Hn.lo i 79380 Churclull 7-8 l:24ifast 61 102 8 7 4 4» F TheJyke 8 NtyNiaba, Bob. Shea, J.Q.Kelly 79298 ClURClull 3-4 1:12Hfast 11 105 7 4 • 32 F Thdykeir. Jak.Hay, KalPalm, NhtyNisba 1 79061 Chuicliill 3-4 1 12*ifast 10 106 6 4 3i 4* F Tniyke 12 Cobweb. Seemel. Modna 78976 Churchill 3-4 1:15 mud 71 106 6 3 31 22 F Tn dyke 10 Sundalw d. R.E.Clark, Col.Winu , BOLDGOLD, ch. f, 4 105 By Mentor — Rustle, by Russell. Trainer, J. H. Moodv. Owner. T. E. Mueller. Bred bv estate of O. F. Steifel. 80116 Latonia 1 1 -16 1 :45fast 28 92 7 4 81 8" R Wiamsll Opulent. Lieut. Coloned, Westwd 1 79982 Latonia I10J 1:M%— d 36 101 5 3 35 31 B Wiams 7 Flower Shop, Ten Sixty, BI.Mae i 79888 Latonia 3-4 l:ll%fast S3 93 9 9 8s 812 E OBrien 9 Iwiuisition, Rapid Day, Ararat t 79527 Churchill I l:41«r,hvy 29 105 6 0* 3 .!- J Wood S ynotation. War Prize-, .laekFrost t 79380 Cliurehill 7-S 1 :25*5fast 27 105*5 8 8 8,= A Pickens 8 NtyNisba, Bob. Shea, J. Q. Well I 79257 Churchill 1 1:40 good 29 105 6 3 61 6" A Pickens U Modna, Westuood, Widgeon CASH. ch. g, 4 112 By Ogden— Priscilla. by Star Shoot. Trainer, J. Shields, Owner, E. E. Mooar. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 77521 F.Gr nds 1 I fc 1 :51%fast 12 11112 U 12 12so E Pool 12 S. of Pleasure. Coo.lN Uhl. Rupe-e " 77412 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:49 fast 4 104 2 8 21 11 J Wallace 13 K.Emhr.v. Waywasmo. Renvsprit t 77281 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2.02 fast 11 I 112 9 4 32 2"* I Parke 10 Dustpiouf. Juno. S.-eretary 77153 F.Grnds 11-16 1:48 fast S 110 12 6 4« 4J ■ Pool 12 Dr.Whitehst, Widgeon. R. Crown ! 77084 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :47H,fast 7 111 7 5 31 4- K Poo! 7 SixPene-e-. RoyalCrown, Pieelmont t 76408 .I.fferson 1 1-16 1:49 good 31 106 7 7 !■ 714 B Harvey 8 Jack I -airuiai:. Bark, Hon. Boy I 76389 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 good 13-5 101 6 4 6" 43J I Parke 7 Repeate-r, CurtEveuts, Piedmont I HUONEC. br. g, 6 112 By Huon— Anecdote. Vy Tom Ochiltree. Owner, Mrs. J. Diebold. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 80186 Latonia 1 IS 1 r,lU,fast 27 KB 9 10 Id" 8" D JOM 11 S: Blowing Bul.ldes. Sway y 80110 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :45%fast 26 97 5 I l«| 4" 1 Jones 11 Opulent, Lieut.Colonel. Westwd i 79760 Latonia lm7iy l:51thvy 14 115 7 7 7 717 E Martin 7 yia.lation. Se-a touit, Mooifelel 1 79632 Churchill 1 l:397sfast 71 110 6 6 P 6% 1 Parke 9 Brother John. Raider, l.ue-idus 78977 Chmrchill 11-S l:56«0mud 19-5 111 7 2 4 5-H Stutts 7 Qiies.id.i, Fdle mllii. Kiiklevon a 78803 Lexgton 1 1-8 1:53 fast 31 10 3 3 41 35 II Stutts 7 Begonia, John Moslieir, Ouesada i 78751 Lexgton 1 1-16 1 :47*0fast 14-5 108 6 6 6 5-L MeUotc ». Neeldam. Johnkaslii i . tmtmttpU. 77892 JeflercOC I l-M l:51 .-.iud 8 101 6 5 6 5 1 Parke 6 Sog.Aroon, Calcutta, W.TakeAU 1 _ t * " ] ; 7 ? •; j I ; i . ; 5 j J j ■ . , . • , I | I . l j , ! CAUTIOUS, b. m, 5 105 By The Manager— Caution, by Flanudei. Trainer. W. L. Drake. Owner. W. L. Drake. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 80180 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 23 110 4 6 7 8»1 A Pickensl2 Pleasure. Pyx, Flower Shop 79063 Churchill 1 l:39%fast 3 110 1 8 71 7" A Pickens 8 Lugs, Oo La La, Breeehlor.der 78772 Lexgton 11-16 1:47 fast 17 104 3 1 11 1" A Picken-12 StoneAge, KritishLiner, Repter 77728 Havana I t lTTHlUgl 6 105 3 2 6 4»1 W McCabe 8 Finday, RachelD., CrestwdBoy 77463 Havana 1 1-16 l:47%fast 2 106 3 1 U l1 A Pickens 6 GreenBriar, EyeBright. Debadou 77396 Havana 1 1-16 l:47%fast 21 102 1 1 2» 3s W Fronk 8 CaptainAdams, Fincastle, Haiti 77331 Havana 11-16 1:48 fast 2 100 6 4 6! 6«J W Fronk 12 Fincastle, Approval, Cap. Adams 76416 Havana 1 1-16 l:45%fast 8 101 3 5 6» 610 R Cheatm 7 J.Morrill. UillinaiiC. By Jimiuy REEL FOOT, ch. g, 4 110 Br Sapid Water— Nigella. by Ornament. Trainer. F. Gering, Sr. Owner, F. Gering, Jr.. Breeder. W. E. Caskey. Jr. 80038 Latonia lm70y 1:52 hvy 5 113 6 4 4» 321 B Kenndy 6 Chaplet, Napoo, Carnarvon 79938 Iatonia lm70y l:49%mud 39 111 6 5 3 S" D Hum 9 Quesada. Over Kre. Ben Valet 79720 Latonia lm70y 1:48 mud lOf 1041 2 9 8" 610 B Kenndy 11 Wrangler. Quesada, Sway 78459 Huntton 3-4 l:17%mud It 110 471 L Montry 7 The Lister, Lura, Fayelle 77611 F.Grnds 1 1-4 2:12 hvy 7 108 7 6 and* 5" J Kederis 8 Majority, Col.Whaln, CncleVelo 77580 F.Grnds 11-16 1:51 mud 25 10617 7 65 3»1 J Kederis 7 Gen. Cadorna, Eddie Jr., Lierre 77325 F.Grnds lm70y I:49%slow 7 106 4 5 6" 5 J Heupe: 7 HighC.ear. Yorick. Kirklevington 76969 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :50%mud 15 102 9 7 7* 67i H Farland 9 S ofPsure, Cur.Events, Grgetto 76815 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:59%mud 8 104 5 5 6« 4" F Lee « AlStebler, Cur.Events, DukeJohn 76365 Jefferson 11-16 1:51 good 7 110 11 9 13 13;» I Parke 13 Dentaria. Juno. IIkleberryFinn 75900 Jefferson 61 f 1:13 hvy 11-5 98 7 4 3 2 I Parke 9 Wireless, Royal Maid, Silence ALARD, ch. g, 4 115 By Tony Bonero — Bose Pompon, by Royal Flush III. Trainer, E. C. Crockett. Owner, W. Doll. Breeder. T. B. Jonea. 80352 See todays chart. 80141 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 34f 112 t 11 101 10« H Gray 12 Brunswick, EasBells. Inquition 77847 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:48%fast 8 105 3 5 5 V* B Brening 5 Llewellyn. T.dHonur, Isosceles 77803 Jefferson 11-16 1:48 fast 8 112 3 12 125 12™ E Blind 13 TanSon, Escarpole-tte, RylDuck 77720 F.Grnds 1 1-8 1:54 fast 12 103 1 2 2» 1J B Brening 9 Ramkin, Fannie Bean, Bucado 77675 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :48Mifast 7 111 3 10 10 10" J Wallace 10 Bucado, Tan Son, Normal 77319 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:48 fast 10 110 2 1 1» l3 G Brening 9 Bendita, Wiilnutllall. KingJohn 77057 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 20 112 3 8 5h 4J J Corcoranll Coral Reef, Guvnor, Daydue 76990 F.Grnd3 1 1-16 l:52?eihvy 20 113 5 8 8« 821 J Corcoran 9 HonoluBoy, L. Wrack, StumpJr. 76863 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49%fast 6 104 3 1 V l1 J Wallace 7 llena. Superlative, Ilaidee COLONEL WINN. b. g, 5 110 By Sweep— Droll, by Dick Welles. Trainer. B. J, Brannon. Owner. B. J. Brannon. Breeder. W. W. Darden. 79843 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 9 108 5 4 4a 45 E Pool 7 NhtyNisba, Roy. Palm, MItosh 78976 Churchill 3-4 1:15 mud 11 113 1 2 21 4* P Groos 10 Sandalwd, Lmgboat, R E.Clark 77783 Jefferson 1 l:40%fast 30 107 6 7 7 7° G Walls 7 Sympathy, MissForfe, Llewellyn 77675 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :48«fcfast 8 108 2 4 5»M! B BreninglO Bueado. Tan Son, Normal 77607 F.Grnds 3-4 1:16 hvy 6 109 2 4 ll ll G Cooper 9 Piedmont, Poppye, Times Fp 77452 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15%hvy 6-5 103 7 3 2* l»k I Parke 13 Mcintosh, Stamp. Gen. Cadorna 77234 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 5 110 5 2 21 21 I Parke 13 S.Frdman, T. Official, M.Orge JACK FROST, br. g. 4 105 By Tea Caddy— Higb Stakes, by Fair Play. Trainer, J. Everman. Owner, C. E. and J. Hamilton. Breeder, F. B. Foster. 79632 Churchill 1 l:39%fast 63 105 4 7 9 9" E OBrien 9 Brother John, Raider. Lucidus 79527 Churchill 1 l:41%hvy 111 110 3 3 4» 4" ■ OBrien S Quotation. War Prize. Roldgold 79300 Churchill ll:38%fast 31 102 6 4 5 51 E OBrien 6 Opulent, Lucidus, S. of Pleasure 79061 Churchill 3-4 l:12*fefast 18f 106 4 7 6» 7 " E OBrien 12 Cobweb. Seeiuel. Modna 79010 Churchill 1 1:40 good 50 112 o 5 51 4*3 E OBrien 8 Westwood, Runqnoi, Lierre 78941 Churchill 2-4 1:15 hvy 66 107 7 7 8 7»3 E OBrien 8 The Runt, Sequel, Napoo 78754 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:47%fast 31 97 5 4 5 6" E OBrien 1 Neeldam, JoluiKaslier. Escarpte 78640 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 good 1S9 105 6 7 7* 7" E OBrien 8 Welcome. Finday, Anntie Miliin 78C14 Lexgton lm70y I WUhlf 68 107 4 6 6 65 E OBrien C Kirklevington, Lylntz. Repter TULSA, b. g, 7 110 Bv Ivan the Terrible — Useeit, by Bonnie Joe. Trainer, C. J. Brockmiller. Oner, C. J. Brockmiller. Breeder. Mrs R. M. Hoots. 80248 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45%fast XI 105 11 11 11 ll33 R Willmslt Jouett. Mistre ss Mary. Gem 80116 Latonia I 1 M 1 B%ftnt 30f 102 S 7 11 102» F Hstingsll Opulent. Lieut.Colonel. Westwd 78930 Colmbs lm70y l:49Vifast 15 105 31 O Atwell 11 Hercules, Forewarn. Lank 78822 Colmbus 11-16 1:55 slow 12 112 9" J Smlwdll Tamper, Hercules. Forewarn 78740 Colmbs lm70y Lilslow Tl-10 106 5T J Majestic 9 Bojul, Wauke-ag, Tomahoi 78659 Colmbus 1 1-16 l:513fcgood 27-10 102 4 1 D McAffe 9 Overstep, Nig, Ardella 78600 Colmbus 1 1-16 l:51%fast 12 104 21 D McAufe 9 Glenn, Tamper, UeorgeWashton COYNE, br. g, 6 110 By Dick Finnell — Alice Baird. by Woolsthorpe. Trainer, W. B. Finnegan. Owner, Harned Bros.. Breeder, R. H. Anderson. 66887 Havana 1 l:39fast K 110 I 1 41 4° R McDott 0 SeaPrine e. Cromwell, Tony Bean 66640 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 15 108 6 6 5 4° J Kederis 7 Ararat. SiiavePrinee, White-Star 66582 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45%fast 17 105 1 2 2t 5*2 J Corcoran 10 Kew.ONeil. Jouette, Baigneur 66482 I atonia 1 1-8 1 :52Vs f ast 85 103 4 4 73 7C3 J Kederis 10 Lady Astor. Baigneur, Radio 66349 Latonia 1 l:38fast 83 105 1 2 51 6°i W Pool 12 Kstero, Billy Star, Sway 6694 Latonia 3-4 l:12V5fast 6 108 3 4 6 6* J Kederis 6 SiiThomasKean. Buster, Pegasus 60013 Hthorne 61 f l:13,hvy 31 118 1 4 4 4"1 J Kederis 4 MossFoxIL. l»rdAllen. Tuscola 65973 Hthorne lm70y l:54slop 7-5 118 1 1 31 4»1 J Kederis 5 Croupier, Kuklux, Ten Can YOUNG ADAM ch. h. 8 110 By Adams Express or Frederick L. — Maesie, by Trainer. T. F. Devereauz. Owner, S. A. Cowan. Breeder, E. C. Hollenbeck. 80352 Seo todays chart. 179553 M. Hghts 11-16 1:48 slop 18 108 12 3 4" H Kaiser I Lady Inez, Halu, Murray 79491 M.Hhts lm70y l:42%fast 12 111 3 4 51 6° H Kaiser • .* cut Perkins. SamReh, Colossus 79404 M.Lghts 3-4 1:13 good 63 109 7 9 82 7«3 H Kaiser 9 AIlRightSir, Diff.Eyes, MessKit 79240 M light 7-8 l:2SV4fast 23 116 8 9 91 1013 H Kaiser 10 Dalton, LittleHorenee, Proceeds 78587 Lexgton lm70y 1 :4S mud 88 111 9 9 9« 93 H Kaiser 10 Quesada. Permarco, Kinburn 77781 Jefferson 1 1:42 fast L-0 115 14 15 15 13" H Kaiser II Omnipotent, Servitor, Mr. Beck 77763 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:0°%fast 40 109 2 10 10= 915 H Kaiser 12 BuddieKcan. Bowsprit. Attorney 77714 F.Grnds 1 1-8 1:55 fast 20 106 6 7 9 8" J Heupel 10 Yorick, Col. Whallen, T.Chberln CAPE CLEAR, ch. c, 4 110 By Celt— Sand Dune, by Rock Sand. Trainer, W. L. Young. Owner, L. L. Hanks. Breeder. Mrs. L. Viau. 76933 Havana 51 f 1:10 mud 10 102 1 6 6 6« A Yeirat 6 Marionette, Perhaps, G.Boyll. ■56787 Havana 3-4 1 :17Hnvy 10 K16 I 6 6 C=« A Yerrat 6 S. Maiden, Ferguson, G.Boyll. 74047 Aqueduct 6J f 1 :20fast 41 112 3 13 35 G Lavine 9 C.deLion, Bucado, Stacy Adams 73857 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fast 31 105 111= 1 G Lavine 6 Anniversary, Fusee, Bucado 73759 Aqueduct 61 f 1 :19%fast 3-2 103 2 2 2* 331 E Legiere 7 CumSah. StoneJug, B.Leghton 73580 I.elmt 6J f MC 1 :19Vffast 3J 120 4 3 3J 3» G Babin II Yankee 8tar, Keenan, GoodTime 73129 Saratoga 3-4 1:12%mud 2 97 4 4 4« 3*1 F Hstings B LyBoss. Marionette. Dexterous 72987 Saratoga 3-4 1:12 fast 8 108 6 12 71 13M F Smith 15 Ore us. MissMeise. Capt.Ccstigan

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924062201/drf1924062201_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1924062201_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800