7th Race [7th Omaha, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-22

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"71U DA PC Ille ami TO Yards. 4-year-olds and upward. lloivances. /Ill nfUC June SS, tSSS 1 :4G 2-5 7 111. CAAMANO, ch. g, 9 107 By Celt — Cantaloupe, by Hastings. Trainer. J. Moss. Owner, L. Knifong. Breeder. W. Garth. 8034 2 Omaha lmTOy l:47%kry 22 107 712 J Young 8 Docod, Balfour. D uble Van 80165 Omaha lmTOy l:51Vjmud 30 108 510 B Young 7 Mayrose, Maniikin, Pinecrest 80058 Omaha 3-4 |:S||Ml 21 107 6 W Young 0 B»b.Allen. St. Angelina, Aryanna 77810 Tijuana lmTOy 1 :4T fast 50 104 2 S 7"- 551 G Ellis 10 FrankFogty, Romulus, WWinni 77620 Tijuana lmTOy 1:47 fast 20 110 9 11 95.5S1G Ellis 11 Plunger, PrinceDirt, Freecuti 77487 Tiiuana 1 1-16 1:50 fast 1 112 1 6 421 1= G Ellis 7 Scv.Seas, J.Rufus, ClareFrances LAWRENCE MANNING, b. g. 5 112 By Hessian— Erla Lee, by Hindoo. Trainer, G. Arvin. Owner, R. L. Baker. Breeder. R. L. Baker. S0308 Omaha lm70y l:«*%CMt 8-5 110 ll27 E Fator 11 Orleans Girl. Lothair, Manokin 80004 Omaha 3-4 l:15%fast 3-2 112 2nk E Fator 11 Spicebush, Madson. Sea Beach 78467 Tijuana 3-4 l:13%fast 6f 113 5 7 8l 10»J E Fator 13 Dovesrst, JkFountn, Mor.Ctle 78329 Tijuana 1 1-10 l:41Vigood 8 107 5 2 2- 3i E Fator 8 P.Pierson, Plunger, Fireworth 78186 Tijuana lmTOy l:4G%sood 5 109 1 1 l1 2b E Fator 8 DiamdDick, Mizanna, LyLeonid EL ROBLE, ch. g, 4 107 By Honeywood — Pepperwood, by Eddie Jones. Trainer. C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. Breeder. McKeon and Christenson. 80203 Omaha 3-4 l:15«sfa«t 25 106 5SJ F Weiner 8 TopothMorng. Feodor, ThCol. 77866 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:47%fast 51 107 1 S 73 S22 J Berg 8 FrankFogarty, ByRight, Flycast 77533 Tijuana 11-16 1:49 fast 24 108 3 2 5l 71 O ClarU 7 Ten Can, Lady Lillian. Whiff 77471 Tijuana 1 1-1G 1 MSt-vst 3 104 3 2 2U 6°i O Clark 7 Lisette, The Lamb. Mart Bunch 77384 Tijuana lmTOy l:45%fast 27-10 103 7 13" 5»2 O Clark 10 Loc-tLves. PeterPrson, Lizetto BILLY GIBSON, ch. g, 4 107 By Everest— lily Trayne, by Pradwarfllne. Trainer. C. Sawyer. Owner. C. Sawyer. Breeder. A. E. Hundley. 80268 Omaha 51fl:09%slow 30f 110 87i E Neal 11 F.Gloriosus, BlueVan, Hdoostan 80102 Omaha 1 1-16 1:53 hvy 43 107 618 J Gerrity 7 J.Heffering. JohnArbor. F. Again ■;9956 Omaha 3-4 l:16Vislow 28 110 7" M Slaugr 7 Repent, Fernandos. Bill Head 79862 Omaha 51 f 1:08 fast 38 U5 74J M Slght rll M.Em.G., Ves. Bells, RosaAtkin 79696 Omaha 3-4 l:13%fast 24 115 712 J Gerrity 7 Dovesroost, B. Allen, M.EmmaG. 78103 Tijuana lmTOy 1:49 mud 11 101 11 8 7» 7« O Clark 11 PlowSteel, Yermak, Daintylady 78003 Tijuana 11-16 1:51 mud 34 103 9 7 71 710 J Smith 11 MarohLad, Mary.L Baker, D.Dix 77988 Tijuana 5-8 l:02%mud 27-10f 112 12 12 10l 9»1 P Mart nzl3 Franks.. Akassin, WildThghts CORK. b. g, 9 112 By Harrigan — Flarney, by Greenan. Trainer, C. Jones. Owner, C. Jones. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 80239 Omaha 1 1-16 LSS.mud 40 112 34 J Shafer 7 Pinecrest. Manokin, Yermak K0101 Omaha 1 1-16 1 :51- .hvy 36 112 43 C McCkle S Cannzel. Title, Ella Wcm d 80002 Omaha 3-4 l:14fast 30 112 7«1 C McCklel2 MoonWinks, Pmpadour, Restful 76669 Cul.City 1 1-8 1:55 good — 106 37 C Gnwood C Tutt. Topmast, Bill Sparks 76093 Phoenix 1 l:43.fast 8 106 ll C Gr wood 7 Ykshirc-Maid, .Reliable, tJDmf 76085 lhoenix 1 l:42%fast 11 113 34 W Mclnre 9 T.Brks, It. William, YkshireM. 75952 lhoenix lm20y l:44vsgood 25 113 5S1 W Mclnre 7 Prairie, Bill Sparks, Flro BOND. ch. g, 10 107 By Ethelbert— Boudoir, by Octagon. Trainer, R. Mapes. Owner, M. Dumphry. Bred in France by A. Belmont. 80237 Omaha 5 f l.llVimud 91 107 S4 J Shafer 8 Fullanti, L.Gentry, FaithfulC.irl 80161 Omaha 51 f 1:11 mu l 10 115 5«3 J Shafer 11 Marg.Elnora. HstenOn, Full.inti I 74161 Omaha 5-8 l:03.mud 7 106 3 3 21 2 J Speedy ! B.Cont.or. Mal/.avt na, K-n.Wait.- 73782 Omaha 3-4 l:lS%mud 5 113 fi 4 8 87 E IVtzoidt 8 MoonWinks. Bonliox. TheDesert 72125 Hawthne 1 ltfast 15 113 6 5 7 717 R Hali h 7 Courtship, Vorick, iriselda 72059 Hawthne t-4 VSI%t*Wt 12 107 3 3 G1 7,s H Zander 8 Salton. lourtsliip. A. Alexander 71045 Omaha 51 f lTgood 5 113 5 2 3 4 ■ H Bnes 8 Mab.Rttle, F.G.Corley. SIr.Kruter 70966 Omaha 51 f l:0J:,f.ist 2 113 3 I l1 l2 ■ H Bnrs 7 Hiiidstan. In-vatn. U.M.Brown i VANLOO. b. g. 4 112 By Tellurium — Third Chance, by St. Avonicus. Trainer, K. A. Gonian. Owner, S. Thatcher. Breeder. J. M. Van Orden. 80302 Omaha 3-1 1:14 fast lOf 115 S10 C Buel 12 Jack Fountain. Virgo, MissPaige ■ 78355 Tijuana 1 1-1C 1 :18%fast 7f 104 G 4 G1 l*| W Moltersl4 Hartelle, Colonel Lit, Tennilee 78092 Tijuana 1 1-1G ! SPftmd 16-5 106 4 1 Is l2 D Jones 6 TomOwens. Promenade, J. Arbor 78001 Tijuana 3-4 LlGmud I 112 7 7 51 32J C Corbett 14 Chet ., Sir John Jr., Pavlowa 77815 Tijuana 3-4 l:15Vifast 5 111 7 6 31 21 P Walls 14 S.ottishl.id, Sev.-nSeas, llartillc 77684 Tijuana 6-8 l:02%fast 9 113 7 5 51 4J P Walls 13 Ft.Churchill. Mayo B., SeaBeach i 77530 Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast 25 108 11 10 81 6« G Abel 14 Siiiihow. La muted t. Sly Fox 17336 Tijuana «-4 1:14%fast it 10T 13 11 6 5J G Abel 14 Rungeorge, CalyLad, GoldBryan I ! I : POMPADOUR, b. f, 4 102 By Hesperus — Bella Mayes, by Borgia or BorghesU Trainer. W. B. Blind. Owner. Elander Bros.. Breeder. A. K. Macomber. 80002 Omaha 3-4 l:ll%fast 11 102 21 J Gormleyl2 MoonWinks, Restful, BrwnDick 79773 Omaha 1 l:41/fefast 61 99 32i J Gormley 8 Encrinite, Pembroke, Bay AtkiO 78444 Tijuana 1 1-8 l:55%fast 202 103 2 3 81 1211 G Abel 14 MarthaL., Col. Lit, GreenSpring 78169 Tijuana lm70y l:47%fast 14 102 6 6 6l 5"! T Wilson 7 T.Owens.Sevn Seas.Mildd Ruth BOOKWORM, b. m. 6 102 By Von Tromp — Candlewick, by Candlemas. Trainer. J. Rose. Owner, C. H. James. Breeder. E. Cebrian. 80304 Omaha 3-4 l:13%fast 35 100 7»1 C Whitgn 9 Melchoir, Spicebush. Fernandos 80268 Omaha 51 f l:09%slow 13 105 46 C Whitgnll F.Gloriosus, BlueVan, Hdoostan 80200 Omaha 51fl:08%fast 23 95 7J C WhitonlO Mar.Elnora, "ball, Col Hsburg 78501 Tijuana lmTOy 1:47 fast 12 105 2 1 11 5«i C Corbett 13 Col. Lit, Mary Doe, Mrs. Pat 78491 Tijuana 3-4 l:ll%fast 9f 102 3 5 21 21 K Hglandl4 Good Hope. Pay Off. Bridgette 78354 Tijuana 51 f 1 :07%fast 17 102 5 2 21 3l C Corbett 11 Preservator, PayOff. Miss Jan« HEAVY WEAPON, ch. g, 7 112 By Uncle— Planutess, by Planudes. Trainer, B. A. Moore. Owner, R. Warfield. Breeders, Headley and Miller. 80371 See todays chart. ,79958 Omaha 3-4 l:15%sIow 43 105 92« L Boser 10 Col.Hapsburg, Settee, AUBright 73541 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast lOf 118 12»l P Wilson IS G.Bryan, AliceByers, I.W.Hper 46330 Jefferson lmTOy 1:51 hvy 7 92 4 3 21 5° A Richcrk 7 Opportunity, Peccant, Warsaw 46238 Jefferson lm70y l:45%fast 9-5 95 4 1 1! 1" S Wida 7 Kimpalong, Orderly, Orenzo 46155 Jefferson lm70y l:46%fast 6 92 1 1 l5 ll S Wida 7 Nperban. Gol.Dawn. StsP.ridge ALL BRIGHT, cb. g, 9 112 By Peep oDay — Sena Goodrich, by Goodrich. Trainer, N. F. Sale. Owner, N. F. Sale. Breeder, Gorham Bros. 80302 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast lOf 115 5» P Hum 12 Jack Fountain. Virgo. MissPaige 80128 Omaha lmTOy l:49%hvy 16 106 55 A Rodgz ■ It. Royal, N.MKinney, Pembroke 80097 Omaha 51 f l:ll*ihvy 18-5f 109 31 P Hum 11 Cannball, SoaReaoh, StarCIoudy 79958 Omaha 3-4 l:15%slow 60 110 31 C McCklelO Col.Hapsburg. Settee, OrlnsGirl SAN STEFANO. br. g. 5 M 112 By Delhi— High Degree, by His Highness. Trainer, H. C. Lamunyon. Owner, H. C. Lamunyon. Breeders. J. D. Carr and Bro. 80371 See todays chart. 80237 Omaha 51 f l:liy5mud 49 107 T2i E Neal 8 Fullanti. L.C.entrv FaithfnlCirl 80160 Omaha 51 f l:ll%mud 15 115 8»« E Neal 11 EllaWaldo, Kkwood, Innovation 80056 Omaha 51 f 1:11 mud 21 115 3" E Neal 7 Pure Dee, Expressive. L. of Uold 79814 O naha 51 f l:10V5hvy 51 112 871 T Jarvis 10 Aryanna, Hazel Dale, Clip 74158 Omaha 5-8 1:04 mud IT 111 I 7 9 9D1 C Gross 11 Lent, apt. Tom. Mary Mallon 73875 Omaha 5-8 1 :05%mud 17 11110 11 H: r11 H Zander IV T.Ellison, Stylish Miss. Voima 72736 Aurora 3-4 l:16%slow 8 103 2 4 42 4« A Roach 9 BddieJr., Joe Campbell, Casey TWELVE BELLS, b. m. 9 112 By Inferno— Bride Lane, by St. Amant. Trainer, W. J. Kerns. Owner, W. A. Davenport. Breeder. Joseph E. Seagram. 80341 Omaha lmTOy l:4S%hvy 23 112 7° C Martin 8 Hardman. Yermak. Itill Head 80302 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 14 115 10 C Martin 12 Jack Fountain. Virgo, MissPaige 80165 Omaha lmTOy l:51Vfemud 51 105 4" C McCkle 7 Mayrose, Manokin. Pinecrest 80007 Omaha lmTOy l:47%tast 11 112 421 C McCkle 8 TomOwens, JohnArbor, Pinecrst GEN. BYNG, br. g, 8 112 By Brummel — Florida Rose, by Farandole. Trainer, R. L. Spicer. Owner, R. L. Spicer. Breeder, H. McCarren, Jr. 80376 See todays chart. 80274 Omaha 1 l:12%slow TO 112 2« R Spicer 7 Grandest, Sea Beach, Yukon 80206 Omaha 1 1-16 l:4S%fast 73 110 711 R Spicer 8 Encrinite, F xyMac. WarWinner 80007 Omaha lmTOy l:4T%fast 39 111 Gl R Spicer 8 TomOwens. JohnArbor. Pinecrst 79770 Omaha 1 1:41 fast 51 114 812 R Spicer 10 Praise, Full Again, Ella Wood 74224 Omaha 1 1-4 2:11 mud 40 109 6 7 62 610 J Speedy 7 Arravan, Jolly Cephas, Doubful

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924062201/drf1924062201_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1924062201_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800