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| , i i , R. RETEY ONE BEST EACH DAY SENT BY PREPAID TELEGRAM To reach you before noon. TERMS: SIX DAYS— TEN DOLLARS GET RICH WITH RETEY LAST WEEKS RESULTS SATURDAYS HORSE WITHDRAWN Fiiiays Ons Best: Who Knows Me. . .1.10- Won Thursdays One Best: Queen Charming. . ..20- Won Tuesday and Wednesday I Lost. Mondays One Best: White Star 4.50- Won All filed in advance with this paper. WEEK BEFORE LAST FLAT PLAY WON 01 WEEK BEFORE THAT FLAT PLAY WON 24 WEEK BEFORE THAT FLAT PLAY LOST WEEK BEFORE THAT ?5 FLAT PLAY Won 02 I SELDOM HAVE A LOSING WEEK I have ono cf the biggest followings of any one in this business and all my followers should be setting rich. Another Ions one goins Monday and many at big: prices during the week. Thousands of clients make it possible for me to sell this information at prices within roach of the small bettor and, remember, RETEY PREPAYS TELEGRAMS. SIX DAYS, 0.00 Rush your subscription. No service unless you send your address. R. RETEY 15 161st STREET JAMAICA, N. Y. i i i 1 1 1 1 i 1 ! M. Maxim St. Denis Bid?. Broadway and 11th St. New York City Our proposition is to those that will deal square and cend us the winnings of a ten dollar play fol-1 lowing morning. No excuses. Wo will show you a way of making plenty of money in this business. Those agreeing to cur terms, rush two dollars at once, enrolling you and establishing confidence in each other. Send correct address and code will follow. Our recent wires; RAIDER .10- WON PHIDIAS .o0- WON ACTUARY 4.60-$:! WON SWAY 3.10-0 WOH HINTKR .40- WON Mcintosh .co- won PLOWBB SHOP 2.70- WON MOO 11 FIELD .;0- WON M. MAXIM CO. St. Denis Bid*. Broadway and 11th St. I Now York City