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" The Pink Sheet " Price: Ten Gents ELUSIVE 7.30-2 WON REGRENS RECORD THURSDAY DUDLEY $ 6.70- WON FLYING EBONY Regrens Best.. $ 4.30- WON FANCY FREE $ 4.90- WON SKY SCRAPER II 2-1 WON CLAVICHORD t 2-1 WON JULIE $ 7.00- WON JACQUES $ 6.30- WON JOSEPHINE C $ 7.80- WON SATAN A $ 3.80- WON RECOUP Regrens Best 3.20- WON NOSE DIVE $ 5.00- WON SATURDAY Sweep Park, 9.50-, WON MISS MISCHIEF $ 6.1 0- WON I JOUETT $ 3.60- WON 1 MAD PLAY 7-1 WON VOX POPULI II ....4-1 WON I OLD WELBOURNE 3-1 WON I SWINGING 7-10 WON I DAILY RACING GUIDE IS FIRST WITH WINNERS-FIRST E ON THE STREET. WITH ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES-BUY IT WHEN ON YOUR WAY HOME An Authoritative Clearing House Covering the Greatest of All Out-door Sports Compiled, Edited And Published By A Staff Of Expert Horsemen And Tnrf Students. Its So Far Ahead Of Others, Its Lonesome. Everybody Is Talking About It. From Coast To Coast It Has Met With A Tremendous Reception. j THE UMIYEHSALIiT RECOGNIZED JOURNAL OF AMERICAN TURFITES. TO THE TURF WORLD WHAT HUNS OR BRADSTREETS IS TO THE MERCANTILE WORLD. We deem It eminently proper to extend thanks to our thousands of readers who hare attested their appreciation of our lifes work by becoming yearly subscribers. Be assured that we will retain your splendid support by continuing to publish the sort of information you have always wanted, but have never before been able to obtain, for strip it of all trimmings and you will find "the player" the life blood of the entire racing fabric. ,000.00 WORTH OF TURF INFORMATION FOR fl.OO. TIIE ONLY PUBLICATION OF ITS KIND IN EXISTENCE, AND BACKED WITH AN AUTHORIZED CAPITAL STOCK OF 00,000.00 Thirty years turf experience collated for safe, sane investment. Based on exact proven principles. Not a glossary of opinion, but an accurate, official compilation of racing facts, knowledge, methods, pointers of vital importance to either novice or veteran. Kmbraces all angles of the turf and solves the problems that are constantly coming to the surface. Its the master-key that unlocks the secret chambers of "inside" turf knowledge and brings to players what they need to know for a broader vision and deeper understanding, that has heretofore come only through the hard school of experience. The magazine . carries the Montce Trade-mark and guarantee for the integrity of its contents. In the gathering and edit- 1 ing of the vast volume of information and statistics the most efficient turf organization in the world is kept constantly at work at a tremendous outlay in salaries alone. Our trackmen and correspondents are bona fide horsemen of highest standing at all race tracks and can be depended upon to keep our readers ! in touch with important conditions and happenings at the scenes of action. Thats why the word "Montee" is synonymous to "best" in the world of sporting journalism. OUTSTANDING FEATURES OF JULY ISSUE. ITS OVERFLOWING WITH GENUINE, EXCLUSIVE FEATURES. PRINTED IN BIG READABLE TYPE THAT IS KIND TO YOUR EYES. Racing Can Be Beaten. The Turf As A Field For Investment. Current Events, News, Views, Edl-j torials. Point And Pointers, Turf Nuggets, "Hoof Beats," Sportorials, Statistics, Records, Percentage , Tables, Turf Swindles, Subscribers Forum, Unbiased And Uninfluenced Opinions, Wonderful Racing Stories And Serials By Famous Turf Writers, Interesting Articles Concerning Stewards. Judges, Owners, Trainers, Jockeys, Bookmakers, Handicappers, Tipsters, Complete Exposition Of Best Known Advertised Systems And Modern Methods Of Play, System Play Against Other Play, Successful Methods Of Investment, Betting Tactics, Bookmakers Deadly Percentage, How It Can Be Overcome, Current Turf Events In Pictures, The Messages Of Americas Leading Advertisers, And Page After Page Of Authentic, Salient, Valuable, Enlightening, Indispensable Information. Reflections And Turf Knowledge Of Vital Interest And Benefit To AU Turf Enthusiasts, That Newspapers Are Not Organized To Obtain. Ratings on All Tnrf Propositions. , This Department informs you of the reliability or unreliability of any advertising tipster, information or sytem concern. We make it our business to be accurately posted on their methods and results. Many of them we pronounce dangerous and worthless. Subscribers Service Bureau of Expert Advice. Every Investor, Large or Small, Needs Intelligent Counselling. Primarily You Operate On Racing To Increase Your Income. No Matter If You Are Operating Some System, Either Bought Or Of Your Own Origination, It Is Well To Have The Same Tested From Every Angle And From Time To Time To Make A Careful Audit And Inventory. We Have A Special Analytical Division For The Sole Purpose Of Executing Work Of This Character. Whenever You Are Puzzled In Your Turf Problems, Consult With This Department For Advice. Our business is conducted in a big, dignified manner. In gathering the Facts For Yon, " Expense Is Ignored. We give racing and its various branches our hearty support, but any time wo discover anything anywhere that docs not spell CLEANLINESS in capital letters, look to us for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, regardless of who is involved. . The National Turf Digest is published on the first of each month. In the XJ. S. Single copies .00; Yearly 0.00. Canada, Single copies .15; Yearly 2.50. Europe, Single copies .20; Yearly 3.50. Mailed direct in plain scaled wrapper. For sale by all representative, responsible, wide-awake newsstands. See your newsdealer immediately and avoid finding him sold out. IB he does not carry The National Turf Digest, ask him if he is endeavoring to outsleep Rip Van Winkle. NEAVSDEALERS ! ! CANVASSING REPRESENTATIVES ! I We have an extremely attractive proposition for you. Unsold copies are practically unknown, but If there are any, they are fully returnable. Write today for BIG MONEY MAKING particulars. y MONTEE PUBLISHING CO., INC. The "Ford" of the Turf Publishing; World 511F Oakland Ave. Baltimore, Md. 10-1 PARLAY BY MAIL 10-1 Goes July 7th Dont Miss It Crayon 5.90- Won Shark 7.90- Won Bobs Mary . . .2.90- Won Pindar Peel . . ..20- Won" Hopeless 0.00- Won Lady Astor . . .7.00- Won 1 were all Riven Gallops Weekly readers. Now. on July 7, we will have an- otber Special mail parlay which will be a TWO-HORSE "WIN" parlay which will be mailed to all subscribers. Our price for this information is only and we believe that the parlay SHOULD WIN AND PAY AT LEAST 10-1 In fact, so sure are we that we will have two winners at fair odds, that, If the parlay we mail you does not prove a winner and PAY lO to 1 at least, we will mail you ABSOLUTELY FREE GALLOPS WEEKLY for four weeks and GALLOPS regular Monday mail specials for Monday, July 14, FREE. Act quickly to get your subscription to us in time. Dont miss this special parlay. Send Sj51 today and say, "For yonr SPECIAL 10-1 PARLAY BY MAIL." GALLOPS 219 S, Death St, CHICAGO, 11. R. RETEY ONE BEST EACH DAY SENT BY PREPAID TELEGRAM. To reach you before noon. TERMS SIX DAYS TEN DOLLARS. GET RICH WITH RETEY Attention Attention Darin? the Hawthorne meeting I will in-olude FREE, with my one best, one horse each day at Hawthorne. My representative is now at Hawthorne with both ears wide open and his mouth shut. All clients should profit handsomely during Hawthorne meeting. LAST TWO WEEKS One Bests showed enormous profits. I GAVE THESE ONE BESTS: Saturdays Results Unknown. Night Shade .70- Won Brunswick ..30- Won Boby Shea1.00- Won W. Knows Me 1- Won White Star ..4- Won And many other winners at good prices. AU filed in advance with this paper. Week before last flat play won 01. Week before that flat play won 01. Week before that flat play won S124. i Week before. that flat play won 102. I roldom have a losing week. I have one 1 of the biggect followings of any one in this i busness and all my followers should be get-t ting rich. Another long shot going Monday and many i at bi-r prices during the week. Thousands of ! clients mako it possible for mo to sell this information at prices within reach of the j small bettor, and remember ! "RETEY PREPAYS TELEGRAMS" 1 SIX DAYS 0 RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS ! No service unless you send your address. R. RETEY 15 161st St. JAMAICA, N. Y. What Percentage of Winners DID YOU GET? The Superior System and Handicap Tables will enable you to accurately handicap any race. Soma users of this system are getting as high as 80 por cent winners. Road what Mr. Harry D. Stringer, internationally known handicaper and racing editor, says in the Washington Post of June 13, 1924: "Jamos T. Foot and A. F. Miller, two "Washington students of racing, have compiled a handicap table giving track variants, weight allowances and other information of use to handicappers which represents years of study. A system for boating tho races has yet to bo dovised, but simple arithmetic comes closer to it than anything else, and tho Foote-Miller table will bo found a valuable help to those who like to figure the horses." i Wo will mail this system prepaid for .00 with, tho understanding that if you are not satisfied with its results within five days wo will cheerfully J return your money, upon receipt of system. .j t Mai! your .00 today and use the cash that you have been paying the tipsters to play the winners that you will be able to pick, with the help of the Foote-Miller tables. SUPERIOR SYSTEM P. 0. Box 3101 U St. Station Washington, D. CJ " ARE YOU 1 Interested in Racing Tho San Francisco Home Stretch, a weekly journal devoted exclusively to the thor- i oughbred, calls your attention to tho fact that five of Americas foremost turf writers ! write a story each week about the thor- i oughbred that will interest you. J SINGLE COPY 15 CENTS J Three months trial subscription, .00. We can use a few more reliable newsdealers in tho city of Chicago. Liberal commissions paid and unsold copies returnable. Address: Tho Homo Stretch Pub. Co., Phelan Bldg., San Francisco, Calif.