Youngstown, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-29

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YOUNGSTOWN TOTJNGSTOWN, Ohio, Saturday, June 23, 1924. Southern Park One-half mile. Seventh day. Southern Park Recreation Association. Spring meeting of 10 days. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward, A. G. Leonard. Judges, C. Stands, 1. E. Callen and S. S. Bender. Starter, Lester Dean. Racing Secretary, S. S. Bender. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:30. 80590 FIEST RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Eq. Odda Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 80415sLura 107 1 W Smith 210-100 80412 Melvina 103 2" O Abel 1163-100 80071 Rita B. 104 31! P Woodstk 830-100 796701 Zululand 112 4 J Dominick 403-100 74867 Miss Orb 103 5 J Connors 2600-100 80069 Arapahoe 107 6s L Monmery 160-100 80413 King B. 110 7 C.Labello 5770-100 Time, 1 :22. Track muddy. mutuels paid Lura, straight, .20 place, .40 show; Melvina, .40 place, .80 show; Rita li., .80 show. Equivalent booking odds Lura, 210 to 100 straight, CO to 100 plaee; 20 to 100 show; Melvina, 270 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Rita B., 90 to 100 show. .... AVinner J. Shaws b. m, G, by Sir nuon Hor-tense, by Alvcscot trained by E. Rice; bred by Mr. George J. Long. AVent to post at 2:18. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. Scratched S04803Auntie Em, 105; 805033Lucky Dollar. 99; 79S153Pilades, 103; 80546 Enos, 103; S04123Sam, 101; 80180 Coat of Arms, 100. Overweights Lura, 4 pounds; Rita B., 1. 80591 SEC0ND RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50 second, 0; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 80452 Josio M. 107 lnt W Smith 230-100 8050G1 Reluctant 103 2 F AVoodstk 270-100 80 168 Col. Pat 107 3l K Hoagland 880-100 ! 80448 Cltilo 107 4k o Icrnia 950-100 80537 Oneida 98 5 J Dolln 1000-100 79972 Evelyn AVhito 110 6 J Connors 300-100 80476 Col. Tex 103 7 L Parfgton 1900-100 Time, 1:21. Track muddy. mutuels paid Jrsie M., .60 straight, .80 place, .40 show; Reluctant, .C0 place, .00 show; Col. Pat, .0 show. Equivalent booking odds Josic M., 230 to 100 straight. CO to 1C0 place, 70 to 1C0 show; Reluctant, 80 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Cel. Pat, 110 to 100 show. AVinner B. f, 4, by Ralph Amccras, by Florist trained by M. Sanders; bred by Mr. George J. Long. AAent to post at 2:43. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but Evelyn AViiitc. AVon driving: second and third the same. Scratched 80389 Spring Aale.. 1015; 804"5Wcc Toddler, 103; 80303 Jacobean, 103; 79582 Batch o Grass. 113; 790GG Uncle Jerry, 112; S0306 Betty Currie, 103. Overweights Jcsie M., 4 pennds; Chile 2. l . 80592 THIHD RACE Ahout 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 5-year-olds and upward. Horses and Geldings. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Eq. Odds Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 80388001 Em 113 H C Labelle 2S0-103 80388 Thirty Seven 115 21 F AVoodstk 1580-100 80501 Lancelot US 2 J Ccnnors 230-100 80501 Tom Norris 115 42 AV Fmith 440-100 80414 Machiavelli 115 5i G AVilliams 380-100 80473 Sky Man 113 63 AV Manders 810-100 80413 Hubbub 115 7 E Hileman 1920-100 80537 Loyalty 115 83 T Cameron 3290-100 80414 Eddie Tranter 115 9 L Gray 3220-100 Tims, 1:02. Track muddy. mutuels paid Get Em, .60 straight, .20 place, .80 show; Thirty Seven, 0.20 place, .40 show; Lancelot, .20 show. Equivalent booking olds Get Em, 3S0 to 100 straight. 100 to 103 place, 93 to 100 show; Thirty Seven, 410 to 100 place, 170 to 100 show; Lancelot, 60 to 100 show. AVinner O. L. Fosters b. g, G, by Marse Abe Dircctn, by Ainctor trained by O. L. Foster; bred by Mr. Edward Cebrian. AArent to post at 3:14. At post 1 minute. Start gcod and slow. AAon handily; second and third driving. Scratched S04S0 Jazz, 113; 80539 Kayman, 115; S0473 Star Time. 115; 80178 Iiriareliff, 115; 80447 3 British Isles, 115; 8033S Squire Charlie, 115. Overweight Lancelot, 3 ptunds. 80593 FOURTH RACE About 5-8 Mile. Purso 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Eq. Odds Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 80478AVilton Flannal02 11 J Jones 640-103 80449 Sweet Cookie 97 21 K Hoagland 340-100 80501 Josephine C. 97 34 J Dnlin 540-100 805053Hughio 103 4l J C.mway 1050-100 80505 Be Trueman 107 51 AV Smith 140-10C 77875 Lecarno 112 G C Labelle 900-100 Time 1:02. Track muddy. mutuels paid Wilton Flanna, 4.80 straight, .C0 place, .20 show; Sweet Cookie, .20 place, .00 show; Josephine C, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds AAilton Flanna, G40 to 100 straight, 200 to 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Sweet Cookie, 110 to 100 place, 50 to 1C0 show; Josephine C, 70 to 100 show. AVinner W. C. Dalys b. m, 5, by Danger Rock Aery Apt, by Arlington trained by D. C. Daly, Jr.; bred by Mr. George P. Fennigan. AVent to post at 3:42. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. Scratched 804493Sister Susie, 107; 80449 Miss Caltha, 107; 80478 Knot Grass. 101; 803853Flip, 107; 80473 Glory of the Seas II., 97; 80501 The Mule-skinner, 104; 804733Pentecosts Last, 102. Overweight Hnghie, 1 pound. 80594 FIFTH RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Vindi cator Purse. Purse 30. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 804503Crystal Ford 108 11 J Connors 190-100 8017213Fast Boy 97 2 R Holecko 490-100 8041 6 Fair Rowena 103 33 F AVoodstk 510-100 80450 3The Plainsmanl07 43 AV Smith 9GO-100 80390 3Faber 101 54 O Pernia 770-100 80450 Pony Express 111 G3 G AVilliams f37C-100 80390 Trafalgar 97 7 J. Monmery t 80504 Primus 104 8 K Hoagland 1600-100 Coupled as J. A. and Miss D. Parsons entry. Time, 1:28. Track muddy. mutuels paid Crystal Ford, .80 straight, .40 place, .20 show: Fast Boy, .80 place, .00 show; Fair Rowena, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Crystal Ford. 190 to 100 straight. 120 to 100 place. CO to 100 show; Fast Boy, 140 to 100 place. 100 to 100 show; Fair Rowena. CO to 100 show. Winner W. Sankes ch. g, 7, by Clifford Glim-merglcss, by Chucktanunda trained by H. Stuart; bred by Mr. John Sanford. Went to post at 4:12. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched 80416 Forewarn, 107. Overweights Crystal Ford, 1 pound; Fair Rowena. 5; The Plainsman, 4. 80595 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile "and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-lds and upward. Claiming. Net value to -winner 25; sscond, 0: third, 5. 80418 Timbrel 107 1 W Smith 230-100 80507 3Bristow HI 2 G AVilliams 120-103 80476 Hard Guess 109 3 J Connors 1560-100 80071 Melancholia 111 41 E Hileman 2350-100 "8047G" Eaii Gallie 107 5h O Pernia 1380-100 80415 Lucky Pearl 104 Gl L Monmery 500-100 80418 Dickie AA. 106 73 F AAoodstk 2990-100 79971 D. Bother MelOt S3 J Dolin 2990-100 80502 Country 106 9 L Parfgton 6080-100 Time, 1:E6. Track muddy. mntiiels paid Timbrel, .60 straight, .00 place, .00 show; Bristow, .60 place, .60 show; Hard Guess. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Timbrel, 230 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place, 50 to 100 fehow; Bristow, 30 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Hard Guess, 150 to 100 show. AVinner O. Chaneys blk. g, 5, by Zeus Black Swan, by Herbert trained by 0. Chaney; bred by Mr. W. Garnette. AVent to post at 4:44. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. Scratched 79S21 Lank, 100; 80391 Happy Moments, 107. Overweights Timbrel, 1 pound; Melancholia, 5; Bristow. 5. 80596 SEVEN RACE 1 1-4 Miles. Purso 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Claim-inr. Net value to winner 00; second, 0: third. 0. 80507Waukeag 103 11 F AVoodstk 100-100 80451 Ovorstep 99 23 L Monmery 240-100 805411Yankee Boy 95 3l K Hoagland 1770-100 80452Puzzlo 107 4 J Connors 390-100 80477sBright Trash 107 5 AV Smith 1090-100 Time, 2:21. Track muddy. mutuels paid Waukeag. .00 straight,. .80 place, .60 show; Overstep, .20 place, .60 show; Yankee Boy, .00 show. Equivalent booking oddT Wankcag, ICO to 100 straight, 40 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Overstep, CO to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Yankee Boy, 100 to 100 show. C. N. Freemans br. g, 10, by Ogden Lady Vincent, by St. Blaise trained by C. N. Freeman; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. AVent to post at 5:15. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. Scratched 0452 Cruces, 96. Overweight Bright Trash, 1 pound. Owing to severe storm in vicinity of Youngtown, the following summary of the last race Saturday only was available for this edition: Eighth Race 1 Mile- and 70 Yards. Purso 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Horse. AAt. Jockey. Straight Flace Show Walter Turnbow, 109, Smith.. .40 .80 .80 Rog, 109, Williams 4.M 3.20 Gypsy Light. 105, Hoagland. 4.60 Time, 1:56. Track muddy. Also ran Copyright, Coley McDevitt, Polite, Jake Feld, Plurality, Lewis B. and Judge Price.

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Local Identifier: drf1924062901_14_2
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