untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-29


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116 Nassau St., New York City, Room 401 United Turf News SEMI-WEEKLY Price, .00 Price, .00 Published every Wednesday and Saturday. On sale at all newsstands everywhere. Special terms mailed monthly, nine Issues, .00. Mondays Big Code Special 23-5-18-29 FAIR SATURDAYS BIG CODE SPECIAL Pretty Politician. ,.50- 2nd DAILY OCCASIONAL .00 DAILY. 0.00 WEEKLY. SATURDAYS BIG OCCASIONAL Erne 4.80- Won FRIDAYS BIG OCCASIONAL :Miss Mazie 3.10- Won i THURSDAYS BIG OCCASIONAL , Deeming 3.70- Won United Turf News Going Big Again With Winners MONDAYS LATONIA, KT., OCCASION j AL BEST THING OF MEETING. Will nol fee favorite, second or third choice. i . Start off with us on Monday If you art not a client. Two private specials coming off this free! free to all clients. 0.00 weekly, .00 dally, our terms. On of town wire money Western Union or Fosta Telegraph Company. ft Jim Drake 1452 Broadway New York City Suite 305 0.00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY Yon cant boat all the races, but yon can beat an occasional race. Tomorrow Monday Is tho day selected by my connections for what should prove to be one of the safest propositions that I have ever handled. His most recant sensational work in preparation for tomorrows race was 6 furlongs in 1:13, hard held, with heavy weight up. This one will be labeled 00.00 Free Special No. 4 and will bo given free to all who subscribe -for my regular daily horse. My last three 00.00 Specials all won at big odds and I expect oven a bigger price tomorrow. In fact, I believe a small investment on Mondays horse should net you about PT" ,000 TOMORROW Most all of my followers aro now financially well off; They know that Jim Drake is the man who can make them win. Two horses sent out yesterday. Yesterdays 00 Free Special No. 3: Swope 15-1 Won Yesterdays Daily Horse: Tod Renr .2.00- Won Fridays 00 Free Special No. 2, Only Horse: i Miss Mazie 3.1 0- Won Thursdays 00 Free Special No. 1, Only Horse: 1 Snowden ..9.80- Won Wednesdays Only Horse: 1 -Brave Bob ..30- Won Tuesdays Only Horse: Ten Sixty .2.90- Won I Mondays Horse: BobVShea1.00- Won t Seven straight winners is my record. I defy competition. Those of yon who are not already on my books will do well to a consider the wisdom of subscribing at once for a week. If you had subscribed last week and taken advantage of my information, you C would now be financially independent. Dont miss Mondays big proposition. All arrangements have been completed and X will wire horse as soon as your remittance is t received. Wire your subscription by Weat- j em Union or Postal Telegraph. V- KENTUCKY TURF BUREAU 1416 Broadway, Suite 615 New York City Get-Away Week! AT LATONIA We have the O. K. on some horses that will be cut loose this week and our big horse Monday. We expect TEN TO ONE ON MONDAYS GETAWAY SPECIAL. Saturdays Wire: SAYNO .20; .60- 3rd FOUR WINNERS, ONE SECOND THIS WEEK. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH HORSES LIKE THESE RECENT WINNERS? BRAVE BOB ,.$ 9.30- WON ACTUARY ,4.60- WON FLOWER SHOP 2.70- WON MISS MEISE $ 7.10- WON OVER FIRE ,..3.40- WON LEE O. COTNER 8.00- WON and numerous other winners during preceding week at Latonia. Wire us 0 for six days wire service and get our winning information. y , ,, . ,,., , , i V i ,., a HARVEY AMES EAItLE BUILDING BBOADWAT AT 52D STREET NEW TOBK CITY YESTERDAYS "HARVEY TRANSACTION" Minto IL, Finished Second Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction," a well prepared good thing was more than well intended as will be seen by a glance at the chart This horse had not been in the money in previous starts and could not have come from stronger sources. "HARVEY TRANSACTION" TOMORROW Mondays "Harvey Transaction," as in the case of MINTO II., has received a careful preparation for the event. No attention should be paid to last performance. Subscription, 00, payable in advance by telegraph or in person-Positively no service to anyone unless subscription is received. The expense involved will not permit a continuance of this service unless hearty cooperation of our subscribers can be depended upon. TELEPHONES CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 MASTER RATINGS 35 Cents At All Newsstands HURRAH!! We sure are GETTING THE MONET. I tell yon they are Talking About the Master Ratings FROM COAST TO COAST They sure aro the GREATEST RATINGS we ever saw or heard of for giving unexpected winners. AT DEVONSHIRE SATURDAY Right On Time, .00- Won AT LATONIA IN THE DERBY Chilhowee - - .30- Won And the figures showed him the best. TODAY DEVONSHIRE OUTSTANDING "A REAL PIPPIN" I tell yon here is one that will make them sit up and take notice. Smartest Plater on the Ground "We got the O. K;; under NO consideration whatever, if you are in Detroit, go to DEVONSHIRE without this trick. DETROIT FOR SALE AT Triangle Newsstand. . .Griswold and Lafayette Bo til. Family Theatre Newsstand .Cadillac Squaro CHICAG0ANS For sale Sunday at Post Office News, 74 W. Madison St.; Dans, 65 W. Randolph; Newsstand, Quincy and State. Monday on all newsstands. Sporting Leader 25 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS New Issue Out Today TODAYS FREE CODES: Devonshire Dayton-Fold-Flora-Petard -Launch Latonia Memphis-Mount-Pinch-Might-Might And, believe me, sir, the FREE CODE AT DEVONSHIRE is SOME PIPPIN. Under NO consideration go to Devonshire without this one; Comes just as strong as last FRIDAYS HAMILTON FREE CODE: Night Shade - .70- Won You can buy the SPORTING LEADER, 25 cents, in Detroit For Sale at Triangle Nowsstand, Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. Family Theatre Newsstand Cadillac Square, Chicago: For Sale Sunday Post Office News 74 W. Madison St.; Dans 65 W. Randolph; Nowsstand Quincy and State, and on Monday at all newsstands everywhere. NOTICE ! I have not sent any information since the last meeting at HAWTHORNE. I will handle this meeting1 and opening day I will send you a probable WINNER, barring: an accident. My track man has been on the job past two weeks and I have several that will WIN first out. You all know me, past I twenty years my ad has appeared in this papepr. Terms for OPENING SPECIAL Guaranteed to Win or next one FREE. About three a week on this service. My handicap is on sale at office only. Terms .00 daily, one horse to a race. Ennf said; join me and be a WINNER. E. J. MARSHALL 5 NORTH CLARK ST; CHICAGO, ILL. LATONIA GET-AWAY "WEEK Mr. Horse Player ATTENTION Have a two-year-old maiden, all primed and ready to win "Wednesday. Expect at least 10 to 1. Have waited all meeting with this one. Can use few reliable parties who will bet 0.00 for ns and wire winnings day after race. Horse and rider now filed with this paper. "Wire address at once. J. A. BURKE 1113 "W. Madison St. Covington, Ky. Wonderful Winning System A cool, conservative method, wherein success is assured. Can be played at or away from the track, -with large or small capital. It gives a few select plays each week. Won big money on a- straight flat play. Stood the acid test with WONDERFUL SUCCESS for seven years. My system gives many good-priced winners. Whetstone 5-1 Elusive 7.30 Watch Charm... 13.90 Redstone 1.25 Sunspero 3.70 Ball Gee 1.60- Florence W 2.80 Pegasus 0.00 Small payment down; balance as you win. Facts regarding systems that will open your eyes, FREE. Write. " WATSON CORNELL 1341 West 45th St. Room 201 New York City CHILHOWEE .30- WON was Yesterdays Long Shot. JOUETT .. .60- WON was Yesterdays Best. Just think of getting the Latonia Derby Winner for tho small sum of 50c. You had better wake up -and deal with people who know the game. More good ones coming. Absolutely only 2 A DAY. 60o . daily at all newsstands, 50c. Sailed the night be- fore. 1 week, .00. 2 weeks .00. MISS MISCHIEF .20- WON was Yesterdays .00 Occasional. Next one goes Tuesday. Dont miss it. NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER 411. 22 W. auincy St., CHICAGO. ILL. FREE I How a telegraph operator discovered the I secret of making money on the races. For I details, mail this ad. with a two-cent stamp, to J. K. WILLIS 225 30th Street Miami Beach, Florida FORTUNES are lost daily because of lack of knowledge Send me your name and address and I will mail you, without cost or obligation, a common-sense letter, which should prove of vital importance if you are interested in racing. GORDON LEE CLEVELAND HOTEL CLEVELAND, OHIO THE SYSTEM PLAYERS MONTHLY JULY ISSUE -"The Incomparable." The perfect system. Fart I. in this issue. The first instalment of this great play. Read the primary rules on which this live forever system is based. .00 BY MAIL .00 THE SYSTEM PLAYERS MONTHLY 499 Ridgewood Ave. BROOKLYN, N. Y. The American Racing Manual for 1924 now on sale

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924062901/drf1924062901_15_2
Local Identifier: drf1924062901_15_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800