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Latest Training Operations " . 163 LATONIA, Ky., June 28. Todays training gallops here included the following: LATONIA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 159-Cnp Bearer ...33 159-Million .......35 161-Cliniax 30 160-My Destiny 36 147-Elizabeth K. ..37 110-Ited Seth 36 159-Elvina 35 159-Snakcbite ...:.35 147-Forn Relations35 153-Trantula 30 159-Hessianna ....35 151-Thc Count ...36 159-LlttIe Visitor. .39 . 161-Weno 36 Half Mile. 159-Ada Blackjack48 160-Miss Bosedale.48 159-Bean King 47 159-Napoo 49 161-Belpre 48 159-Opulent 49 159-Bccky Thher.48 lCO-Precious One. .49 159-Burgundy 49 IGO-Pepper Day ...48 158-Bit o Honey. .47 lCl-Rosamond ....48 161-Bad Luck 50 158-Resislance 52 ICO-Brownie 48 160-Require ......48. 147-Oountry Prin848 160-Receiver 43 159- Elizabeth Kegn4S 159-Rapid TraTelrSO 149- French CanadnSl 158-Sakah 48 161-Fuo 47 133-Sarl 48 159-Gaffney .48 149-Sam Mengel ..47 158- Gliding Fox 47 Sincere ..50 Great Bock ...47 160-Spandor .49 157-Molly R, !49 151-Uncle Jay 49 Mamond ......48 446-Uncle Bert 50 142-Miss Banana.. 51 Five-Eighths Mile. ICO-Alicc Lang ..1:03. 1156-IIoming Birdl:04 IGO-Balboa ......1:02 155-Lumber Jack.l:03 IGO-Blue Warblerl:03 155-Loving Cup 1:03 153- Boones Knolll:03 155-Mary Johnnel:01 150- Bob Tail 1:00 162-Pandosta ....1:00 157- Bridesmaid .1:00 163-Pink Tea ...1:04 159- Broomiola ..1:01 lOl-Hhidias 1:03 155-Briar Hill ..1:03 159-Pillagcr 1:02 159-Captiva 1:04 159-Kothennel ..1:00 Deceitful ...1:02 154-Sun Spot ...1:04 149- Federalist ..1:02 156-Sunspero ....1:03 ICO-Fanny de Cyl:00 156-Vallette ....1:00 155-Granite Warel:03 Three -Quarters Mile. 152-Bygohc Days 1:14 156-Loretta Brksl:16 159-Beauty Slave 1:14 147-Mah Jong ...1:13 100-Bucko 1:15 09-Old Bourbon 1:16 158- Baffling 1:18 159-President ...1:14 154- Blotter 1:13 157-Pleasure ....1:10 147- Bobs Mary ..1:13 160-Queen Bess ..1:15 159- Corinth 1:18 160-Kockminister 1:19 152-Conway 1:18 130-Bussell Cave 1:18 161-Centimeter ..1:16 159-Royal Palm 1:15 152- Dust Flower 1:15 155-Reputation ..1:16 160- Every Day ..1:16 161-Sophia Marie 1:14 155- First Light ..1:18 154-Spods 1:15 161- Goshawk ...1:13 151-Stamp 1:17 155-Humorette ...1:15 151-Tomtella 1:19 159-Ivy 1:14 156-The Comptorl:15 161-Just David 1:15 149-The Tramp ..1:16 155- John Hoshor 1:15 158-Waterflag ..1:16 161-Ldon Smoke 1:15 Five -Eighths Mile. 156- Atomin 1:01 156-Kentky Rose 1:03 120-Adjuster 1:03 160-Lotto 1:03 151- Barragc 1:01 Lass 1:01 158- Beguine 1:01 152-Miss Emmert 1:01 159- Bobs Hope 1:04 152-Modcsta 1:04 159-Cheer Leader 1:01 154-Mighty 1:01 156-Col. Stewart 1:02 159-Mr. Pat 1:01 159-Capt. Hal 59 161-Pirouette 1:03 61-Everglade ...1:03 160-Rose Girl ...1:02 161-Follies 1:00 161-Ueturn 1:01 161- Frank Gailor 1:00 Surprise 1:01 100- Escapader ...1:01 152-Smudge 1:02 156- Full of Pep 1:01 IGO-The Runt ..1:00 15S-Hobson 1:02 155-Vcra Vennie 1:01 150- Hgs Grahaml:01 157-Wahkeena ..1:04 162- How Clever 1:01 159-Wine O"Wynl:01 101- Hitrump 1:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 150-Auntie May 1:15 159-Fantoche 1:15 159- Corpus Juris 1:16 Seven-Eighths Mile. 161-Coync 1:20 155-Guvnor 1:32 Flying 1:35 One Mile. 160- Bclzoni 1:44 153-Makc Up ....1:41 157- Be Good 1:45 152-Mr. Kid 1:43 148- Bobbic Shea 1:49 158-Niagara 1:42 159- Brunell 1:43 150-New Pink ..1:42 153- Bet Mcsic ..1:43 159-Pickpocket ..1:42 161- Banr Bearer 1:42 157-Romping Maryl:45 132-Cyprcme ...1:53 153-Runquoi 1:44 161-Delectable ...1:43 152-Simpleton ..1:44 152- Dusty Mary .1:47 160-Surf Rider ..1:46 160- Green Briar.. 1:46 150-The Archer .1:44 159-H.E. Colcmanl:48 160-Tip Toe Inn 1:45 158- Lexton Maid 1:42 100-Uncle Hugh .1:44 159- Locust Lcavesl:41 160-Wild Life ...1:45 Milo and an Eighth. 161- Lady Astor 1:53 162-Pcs Doreen 1:51 Blotter worked extra well. Mah Jong was unextended in good trial. Coyne did an excellent move. Goshawk ran fast without an effort. Princess Doreen did a remarkable work. NEW YORK, N. Y., June 28. Todays training gallops over New York tracks included the following: AQUEDUCT. Weather cloudy; track muddy Throe-Eighths Mile. 161-Idle Thoughts. 35 Half Mile. IGO-Extremc 49 lCl-Scottish Chief.49 Beatrice ......49 Five-Eighths -Mile. Antiquarian 1:02 163 -Warn tali ...1:03 147-Kumonin ...1:05 101-Youthful ...1:05 Sarga Majc.l:02 Three -Quarters Mile. 101-C. Pantages.l:17 101-Sunny Sal ..1:18 IGO-Moon Dream. 1:19 151-Wcstwick ...1:15 Seven-Eighth Mile. 161-Dry Moon ..1:28 101-Roman Girl .1:32 158-Feysun- 1:29 161-Vulnad 1:31 161-Pr. Leopold.. 1:30 One Mile. 158-Ceylon Princcl:45 158-Pris. Ruiey. .1:49 156-Donnelly ....1:48 BELMONT PARK. Weather cloudy; tracks muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 153- Frosty Dawn ..43 Trappe 40 Half Mile. 158-Bracadale 53 McGigglc 49 144-Clear View ...52 161-Mons Meg ...54 161-Devonshire ....51 155-Mad Hatter ..56 158-Decree 52 158-Nocturne 54 142-Equable 53 161-Pep to Peep .51 156-Edinburgh ....52 148-Tcdagogne ....52 161-Foolscap 52 139-Polyanthus ...52 161-Hidalgo 51 133-Rimrock 52 158- Jcdbgh Abbey.52 142-Reparation ....52 147- Kirkfield 49 159-Senor 49 156-Master Crump. 54 150-Sing On 52 Five-Eighths Mile. 142- Rean Nash ..1:07 161-Jacq. Julian 1:08 159- Broomfield ..1:07 160-Vanity Fair .1:08 158-Br. Princess 1:06 153-Wine Jug ...1:06 Three-Quarters Mile. 161-Ascyrca ....1:19 139-Ranock 1:19 148- Gasper 1:19 160-Sledge 1:25 101- Honor 1:20 101-Suncar ......1:19 150-Lucky Play .1:18 155-Tick Tock ..1:22 143- Nellie Gough.l:19 158-Witchbroom .1:22 One Mile. 161-Eaglet 1:50 160-Negrina ....1:54 154- Hazel Dawn. 1:50 159-Price 1:45 158- Ladkin 1:56 101-Wampce 1:50 No good works were recorded on the muddy track today. JAMAICA. Weather cloudy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. . 159- Fredcricktown .37 157-Ormcsvale .....37 Half Mile. 161-Arno 53 158-Lawyers Day .51 159-Antonia 52 161-Littc Fal 51 141-Battleman 53 Ill-Miss Babe 51 159- Bill Dwyer 54 161-Miss Greble ..49 160- Cant Say No ..51 141-Maric Dattner 53 102- Fred Taral 50 157-Red Wingfield 54 159- Flying Al 54 140-Rosa Ycta 53 100- Hopalong 49 159-Swingalong ....53 Five -Eighths Mile. 101- Bonaparte ..1:04 161-J. Marrone 1111:02 102- Evil Mamma 1:04 160-Mand Muller 1:01 100- Excelsis 1:00 143-Rigoletto ...1:04 161- Home Star ..1:02 1 Three-Quarters Mile. 162- Amor Patriae 1:17 159-Escoba dOro 1:21 IGO-Buck Pond .1:18 Lizzie N 1:23 161- Carol 1:19 160-Pathan 1:25 One Mile. 160- Canyon 1:46 162-Gladys V. ..1:47 152-Episodc 1:50 101-Wynncwood .1:52 Joe Marrone III. worked well in the going. HAMILTON, Ont., June 28. Todays training gallops here included the following: HAMILTON. Wather clear; track fast Half Mile. Fairbanks 52 Gold Rock ...51 454-Gcn. Thatcher.49 305-Lady Heart ...52 Five-Eighths Mile. 160-Goldcn Poppy 1:03 153-War Tank ...1:03 Toppanite ...1:04 Three-Quart 2rs Mile. 160-Fair Lavinia 1:10 Pelf 1:20 159- Fornova 1:21 107-Racket 1:20 97-J. F. OHara. 1:17 126-Suppliant 1:18 162-John Finn ...1:21 160-Warman 1:17 160- Lilt 1:17 Seven-Eighths Mile. 159- Delusive 1:30 125-Post Haste ..1:31 125-Lathrop 1:29 One Mile. . 150-Fast Mack ..1:46 160-Scraps 1:53 160- Flt Princess 1:46 359-Stone Jugi ...1:48 160-Hallucination 1:43 141-Vrana v,..v.. 1:43 101- Roy. Visitor 1:45 leO-Wheatstick . .1:46 General Thatcher has his speed. f Hallucination worked impressvely. Fleet Princess and Fast Mack worked well together. Lathrop was under restraint. Poste Haste ran fast. Lilt was under restraint. Delusive galloped fast.