By Auto to Laurel Park: New Road from Baltimore to Track Will Save Time-Parking Space for 4,000 Cars, Daily Racing Form, 1924-09-12


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BY AUTO TO LAUREL PARK New Road From Baltimore to Track Will Save Time Parking Space for 4,000 Cars. LAUREL, ML, Sept.. 11. Ingress and egress to Laurel Park, home of the Maryland State Fair, which will conduct its annual race meeting from Oct. 7 to Nov. 1, inclusive, will be much better for motorists during the 23-day meeting of the sport next month. Spalding Lowe Jenkins, president and general manager of the plant, has felt that auto-mobilists have not had the proper facilities for reaching and departing from the popular tri-country plant. There was only one way to better the congested conditions and that was by the purchasing of 12 acres of land between the "Washington Boulevard and Laurel ParK. Title to this property was acquired soon after the close of the meeting last year and plans then were made for the construction of a road. This new piece of macadam highway will be completed sometime this month and motorists from Baltimore will save time both going and returning from Laurel Park. The cut-in from Washington Boulevard has been made just before the bridges to Laurel itself is reached. The road will run along the Patuxent river, beneath the Baltimore and Ohio R. R. bridge and thence into the park proper, paralleling the old road to the clubhouse. When the road is completed it will be eighteen feet wide on the straightaway and twenty-two feet on the curves, which will permit a double traffic system. Parking space formerly accommodated about three thousand machines, but with the new road built room will be made for one thousand additional cars. President Jenkins said today that the new road will be open for two-way traffic only in the morning, but that at noon no machines would be allowed to leave Laurel Park enclosure or would be permitted to enter an hour before the last race is run. This method, he pointed out, would permit the ingress and egress of motorists without interruption. The new road will be for the use exclusively of automobilists going from and to Baltimore. The regular road through Laurel proper will be used by machines going from and returning to Washington. These two inlets and outlets to and from Laurel Park should expedite traffic and enable persons using machines to return home quicker than formerly from the October meeting

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Local Identifier: drf1924091201_15_1
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