untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-09-12


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LONG SHOT BURNS BOOM 303, 23 DUANE STREET NEW YORK CITY ; - .00 DAILY STRICTLY ONE HORSE DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY TODAY BEAT A 10-1 SHOT AT BELMONT 4 HORSES GIVEN 3 WINNERS, 1 SECOND THIS WEEK 00 PLAY WON OVER ,000 Yesterdays Only Horse: ANNA MARRONE II ....... 4-1; 7-5 2ND Wednesdays Only Horse: SPIC AND SPAN 7-10 WON Tuesdays Only- Horse: SPOT CASH .13-10 WON Mondays Only Horse: BLUE WARBLER .... ; 8-1 WON Also Gave the Following Big Winners: BLUE WARBLER 10-1; 4-1 2ND SYLVAN SPRING 9-2 WON MISS BELLE 7-2; 1-1 2ND BIFF BANG 18-5 WON GAD 4-1 WON CLOUDLAND 20-1 WON REPULSE .20-1 WON HAYWARD 7-1 WON MASTER CHARLIE 30-1 WON TERMS one a day ONLY: 0.00 -weekly. Just like those above. Only one a day. Wire at once Western Union or call at office. Ask about BIG SPECIAL TRANSACTION SCHEDULED FOR TODAY. I HAVE A 10-1 SHOT TODAY. A HORSE THAT IS AN ABSOLUTE CINCH, what yon might call a SURE WINNER. Dont fail to see me today. L. BURNS Boom 303, 23 Duane St. NEW YORK CITY 1416 BROADWAY NEW YORK, N. Y. Wm. K. HODGE 0.00 FOR SIX DAYS OR 0.00 A DAY STRICTLY ONE HORSE A DAY EVERY DAY A WINNING DAY AT ANY TRACK I OPERATE AT Yesterdays One Horse: Fluvanna 8-5 Won Wednesdays One Horse: Atlantida 5-2 Won Tuesdays Dorval One Horse: Thessaly ....80- 2nd Mondays Dorval One Horse: Miss Claire ..15- Won For previous winners see previous issues of the Daily Racing Form. I guarantee you a winning week on a straight flat play for 0 for six days or following six days free. All subscribers are hereby notified my second 00 Special this year goes for the money today. Wire your subscription. Terms are the same as on: Lithuania 12-1 Won POSITIVELY NO PROPOSITIONS CONSIDERED WIRE 0 in advance and additional 0 after horse wins at 6 to 1 or better. As usual, horse is guaranteed to win or next 00 Special FREE, which will start at Latonia. Wire 0 for six days service. One big horse daily. Pete Hartley CANADIAN INFORMATION STRICTLY ONE A DAY IM KNOCKING THEM OVER 4 STRAIGHT LONG SHOTS Yesterdays Investment: What Is It .50- Won Wednesdays Investment: Jocose 7.95- Won Tuesdays Investment: Sea Fairy 3.65- Won Mondays Investment: Sweep By 4.80- Won OVER 60-1 FOR YOUR MONEY THAT IS WHAT WE ARE AHEAD SO FAR THIS WEEK 0 a day would bring back 00. Hot dogs, but that is what you call hitting them. TRY ME TODAY. Get my investment. It is bona fide information. Every angle is covered and the price should be right. TERMS: DAILY; 0 WEEKLY Wire immediately 0 and get one long shot each day for 6 days. Get busy, friends; win big money. Wire Western Union or Postal. PETER HARTLEY 106 PARK ROW, ROOM 509 NEW YORK CITY . SUBSC1UBE lor DAILY RACING FORM I Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad and a two -cent stamp to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach, fla. UNIVERSAL TURF NEWS Suite 615, 39th and Broadway Bldg. NEW YORK CITY 0.00 Weekly or .00 Daily for Our Daily Track Wire Yesterdays Track Wire: Barney Google . . . .6-1 Won Just another demonstration of our ability to dig up good-priced winners. Wednesdays Track Wire: Little Chief. . .. 8-1 Won Tuesdays Track Wire: Sea Fairy ...3.65- Won Mondays Track Wire: Blue Warbler 8-1 Won Boys, we have been established since 1917 and are still going strong. See yesterdays ad for last weeks results. Our Advice Again Today Is to Plunge all Straight and Rest Easy WIRE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION 0 FOR SIX DAYS We are all set for the big opening day at Latonia Saturday, Sept. 13th. Our Kentucky track men have been on the ground for the past three weeks and they promise us another very successful season at the Kentucky tracks. , Be sure to include your correct street number and address where telegrams will reach you promptly. WIRE 0 FOR SIX DAYS Monthly Form Book of August Racing NOW ON SALE I IMPORTANT NOTICE TO S. 0. SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS it Ho Waiting for Code. Horse Sent When Subscription Is Received. 1 o OUR NEXT 0 ONE-HORSE SPECIAL WILL GO TOMOR- 0 ROW, SATURDAY, AT LATONIA 1 Nothing sent oat yesterday or today, as our connections are oh their way to 4 o Kentucky to clean up. !T Wednesdays 0 One-Horse Special Was: o BEATRICE 10-1 WON Tuesdays One-Horse Special Was: PIQUE ;.. 15-1 WON o All our specials arc filed In advance -with this paper. o Mondays Special met interference but ran second at good price. o il TOMOKltOW AT LATONIA, FROM THE SAME SOURCE THAT SENT US 4 THE FOLLOWING WINNERS AT THE LAST KENTUCKY MEETING: o Cream Puff . . .0.40- Won Lass o Mine .0.30-" Won o Jt W. Knows Me 1.00- Won Dutch Girl ...1.00- Won o Sweep Park . .9.50- Won Exodus 1.00- Won o And many others at better than 5-1, all filed in advance ivith this paper. o 15-1 -WE EXPECT 15-1 SATURDAY 15-1 Jt No waiting for code. Horse sent when subscription is received. Saturdays Special must win or our next two Specials FREE. o WE NEVER SEND MORE THAN ONE HORSE o Our ads hare been before the public for the last six months and our phenomenal o success is due to the fact that we are connected with shrewd horsemen who know O that it Is impossible to send a winner every day and, therefore, wait for right spots with big priced horses. Tomorrow even a small play should show a big profit. O Wire 510 by Western Union; no Postal here. S. O. SERVICE o O JAMAICA, N. T. O NOTE: Tell telegraph company to send your address; It prevents delay. o JACK ROWE 1GC W. WASHINGTON ST. FEDERATION BLDG., ROOM 705 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS DIRECT INFORMATION FROM LATONIA TO YOU Big Super Special SATURDAY, SEPT. 13 From Latonia Jack Rowe advised this office over long distance phono that his big special has not won a race in many a day, but has been -working in excellent style and seems to he placed in the right spot, -where -wo should get a good price. Howe says that he looks for his big special to make every post a -winning one on Saturday. He also informed me to advise all clients to go the limit on this horse. Back to Old Kentucky where Jack Howe is at his best. There ar.e plenty of good things that will be sent after the monoy at Xatonia, and I advise everybody not to miss a single day. Here is a good opportunity to get in with a real horseman, who knows the game from A to Z. Step right into my office today and subscribe for a week and. I. feel you will be sounding my praises to the sky before your weeks subscription is up. Also a BIG SPECIAL MONDAY Connections have been waiting patiently for some time and Monday is the day they have selected and I want each and every horse player that has followed me to be sure to get down stronger than Saturday. Terms: For Latonia, .00 daily, 5.00 weekly. Special Notice: No information will be released for Latonia from my Chicago office until II a. in. The only place to get my Latonia information is at my office. JACK ROWE j FRANK FAY 510 A WEEK 6 DAYS OPPORTUNITY ONE LIVE HOUSE DAILY Yesterdays Winner: What Is It .5Q- Won CAN YOU STAND PRO SPERITY ! If so, then line up with mo, as I am in a position to let you in on some of the best and biggest killings that will bo made at the coming meeting which starts Saturday, Sept. 13th. I beg you not to miss my big Special for the opening day. Wednesdays Winner: Georgia May . . .7.25- Won Tuesdays Winner: Exit ;.2.15- Won Mondays Winner: Goldlands 2.55- Won AND 4 OUT OF C WINNEKS LAST WEEK To those who follow the races and want to get aboard good reliable information, subscribe at once for my one horse daily and be a winner at the end of the week. Wire money WESTERN UNION or Postal Telegraph. 429 6th Ave., Room 602 New York City SPECIAL NO. 228 REPORTER 1032 ALL NEWSSTANDS, 35c. MAILED, 3 WEEKS, . THE TURF REPORTER 22 W. GUINCY ST. Estab. 1904 CHICAGO, ILL. Supreme Flash "WIZARD OF TURFDOM" Two Horses a Day 0.00 Weekly MY NEXT SUPER-SUPREME SPECIAL GOES SATURDAY. SEPT. 13. All those who havo remitted for last Super will receive same "FREE," Saturday. All new clients rush 5.00 for this Super. Owing to the tremendous expense in obtaining this special, I am compelled to charge 5.00 for same. Horse should win and pay better than 3 to 1. Rush your subscription for this special. No propositions accepted. Yesterdays Winning Double Header: What Is It ......50- Won Amber Fly . . . .3.30- Won SOME OF MY RELEASES: GOLDEN RULE .75 - WON TICACEY ....95- WON NOTE O LOVE .50- WON SHUFFLE ALONG 3RD MIRYACHIT .40- WON MISSIONARY .00- WON STAGE COACH S9.20-S2 WON NOTE 0 LOVE 2ND MY BIDDY $ 4.40- WON IVY 3-1 WON GOLDEN RULE .$ 4.95- WON MANILA $ 4.15-2 WON LADY MARIAN $ 7.65- WON DEPUTY 0.80- WON WELLFINDER 7-1 WON LUGS 5-1 WON WRAITH $ 7.95- WON SANOLA 4-1 WON HOPELESS 5.20- WON BODY GUARD 7-2 WON WEDDING PRINCE 2.30- WON BEAR SHOT , .7-1 WON DOC GAIETY 8.40- WON SWEET NOTE 3.95- WON BALBOA ...12-5 WON PRUDY 4.95-?2 WON HOY 8-1 WON CORDELIER 4.15- WON MARK MASTER 4-1 WON Only weekly subscription will be accepted. Rush 0 at once BY WIRE for one weeks service 6 days. Dont remit by mail. Wire your correct name and address to avoid delay. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 168 West 23rd Street, Suite 15, New York City Alf Diestel THE OLD TIMER .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY ONE HORSE ONLY , THE OLD BOY DID IT AGAIN Yesterdays Cinch: Amber Fly 3.30- Won LOOK, LOOK, TODAY! I HAVE A 0 FOR SHOT And it will only cost or 0 for 6 days of LONG SHOTS. How can you stand idle and let these go by Wednesdays Cinch: Georgia May . . .7.25- Won Tuesdays Cinch: Exit 2.1 5- Won Mondays Cinch: Goldlands 2.55- Won Figure it out; is it worth 0 to get a week of long shots that you can be sure of, or is it advisable to have that few dollars and lose ten times as much trying to dope them out? THINK IT OVER MAKE HASTE Get in line; rush money today via W. U. Never more than one horse a day. A. DIESTEL Suite 532, 158 Fulton St. Hew York City FREE SPECIAL TODAY FIRST RACE YOUNG AL McATEE RIDES STRAIGHT ONLY I havo a long shot for Saturday that will be ready and trying should pay 10-1. Wire 0 at once. I am on the inside of many good things. HAL L0M0RE C9 ORCHARD STREET. JAMAICA, N. Y. All business by Western Union Subscribe for Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924091201/drf1924091201_15_2
Local Identifier: drf1924091201_15_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800