Latest Training Operations, Daily Racing Form, 1924-09-12

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Latest Training Operations 238 AURORA, 111., Sept 11. Todays training gallopes here included the following: AURORA. Weather cloudy ; track muddy Three-Eighths Milo. 213- Billy Star 44 237-Parncll lad .-.44 236-Marsdalc 43 233-Red Squirrel ..44 225-Prince Tii Tii .42 234-TrueAmeriean 41 Five-Eighths Mile. Doctor Sisk .1:13 Three -Quarters Mile. 233-CIevcr Seth .1:27 23G-Simpleton ...1:28 219- Kirah 1:26 215-ShiningGold 1:30 232-Polvo 1:26 . 208-TbascoSauce 1:30 222 Sadduce ....1:30 One Mile. 220- DoriuB 1:59 233-LocustLcavcs 1:57 LATONIA, Ky., Sept 11. Todays training gallops here included the following: LATONIA. Weather clear; track fast Throe-Eighths Mile. 155- Asaph 34t 203-Dndley 87 192- Broten Glass 38 23G-Fire On 38and BridgetOGrady 36 179-Just David 36 236-Col. Stewart ..34 197-Fhenol 37 Drowsy Waters 36 217-Prudy 37 Half Mile. 236-Anne Lee 51 205-Lady Finnell .48 214- Betsy Bacon ..52 203-Lady Horn-less 48 79-Boy Frm Home 51 230-Phoebe Snow .49 22S-Boot Ring 51 236-Resistance 50 154-Bobs Hope ...52 235-Rapid Da ...47 194-Brunnell 50 236-Reputation 48 225-Calembonr 48 236-Sporty McGee 50 137-Donna Santa ..49 Tinanmon 48 235-Hizabeth Ryan 51 193-Uncle Jay 48 Five-Eighths Milt. 169-Annonncemt 1:03 235-Mr. repp ...1:02 122-Annio Lyle ..1:03 182-MyDestiny ..1:03 235- Btifnl Addie 1:03 235-Xewmarket .1:05 197-RillyGardner 1:03 183-OccanCurrent 1:06 220-First Light .1:04 224-Pandosto 1:02 109-Friend 1:03 170-QuiTero 1:03 188-G!oriaQuayle 1:07 233-Rib Grass ..1:06 150-Glyn 1:01 235-Romp 1:04. 236- Ice 1:02 13G-Stage Coach 1:00 Immodest ...1:06 207-Statler 1:07 197-Lucerne .....1:03 191-SilentLillian 1:07 193- MissAmcriea 1:07 22S-War Idol ...1:02 235- Muldraugh ..1:07 228-Warfare 1:01 236- Melvina 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile 230-Annihilator ..1:14 ISS-JgeCstlemn 1:21 lS9-Bclprc 1:16 192-Lay in Gold 1:23 236-Bona Vera ..1:16 235-Mark Master 1:16 173-Black Gold .1:15 117-Muskeg 1:23 235- Blue Nose ...1:15 235-MissRosedale 1:15 173-Braedalbane .1:16 192-Midwcstern .1:14 177-Brave Bob ..1:16 235-Mad Boy 1:17 236- Bankrupt ....1:15 194-NghtNisba 1:17 235-Begonia 1:16 182-Orlova 1:15 235-Barragc ....1:16 Pr the Scbe 1:16 186-Brinkley 1:16 173-reterMTney 1:16 168-Blanche E. ..1:14 233-Pillager 1:18 235-Bridesmaid ..1:17 230-Quoin 1:17 436-Calvin 1:22 Queen Mario 1:18 Charcoal 1:18 157-Roeket 1:15 223-Cnp Bearer ..1:15 151-RoyalPrcess 1:20 230-ChiIliowee ...1:14 163-Russell Cave 3:22 235-Dr.A.L.Brgs 1:17 163-Rosamond ...1:17 154-Dr. Tanner ..1:17 219-Raider 1:21 156- Elector 1:16 23G-Tender Seth 1:17 134-Flying Lulu 1:19 51-Step by Step 1:19 444-Filibustcr ...1:23 235-Son of John .1:18 235-Flyatit 1:17 233-Sagamook ...1:18 235-Fgn Relatns 1:15 23o-The Count .1:15 235-Georgia Rose 1:20 212-Traymore ...1:17 235-Honor Man .1:17 Waponeta ...1:16 235-HeIen Carter 1:16 Seven-Eighths Mile. 235-Atta Boy II. 1:29 235-Bc!zoni 1:31 One Mile. 235-Altawood 1:42 220 -Max Brick ..1:53 194- Bean King ..1:44 236-Napoo 1:44 235-Delsan 1:45 236-Opulent 1:44 235-Colored Boy 1:44 185-Prbviderit ...1:43 235- Chaperone ...1:46 235-Privilese 1:44 237- Col. Wagner 1:45 16S-Svay 1:46 236- Doughoregan 1:52 235-Taylor Hay .1:45 235-Fantoche 1:44 235-Trapnet 1:41 228-King Tut ..1:43 235-WaukuUa ...1:42 235- Miss Meise ..1:45 Chilhowee was under restraint Annihilator did a rattling work Reputation galloped easily. Altawood did a useful mile handily. Black Gold was only cantering. Rapid Day showed good speed. Midwestern did an extra move. Braedelbane was only cantering. NEW YORK, N. Y., Sept. 11. Todays training gallops here included the following: BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 236- Comic Artist ..30 233-Star Bright ...38 234-Cyclop3 36 236-Storm Cloud ...38 226-Golden Locks 3G 234-Stormalong ...36 236-Little One 38 231-Worthmore ...35 Half Mile. Brice Patricia 50 212-Lawless 49 221-Big Blaze 50 234-Mad Play 51 236-Chrysalis 49 234-Mad Hatter ...47 230-Campre Tales 49 231-Panic 50 230- Cardiff 4! 183-Royal Girl 51 231- Coronation 49 232-Rival 49 234-Epinard 50 23G-Repnlse 4S 236-Finn Lag 4S 229-Snowdrop 49 224- namadan 48 233-Senalado 49 210-HeckIer 50 234-Sonia 49 Honey Pot ...49 234-Sarzana 43 233- Half Pint 49 23C-Swope 49 230- IIistoricus 51 23G-Sarazcn 48 120-Jackson ... 51 234-Titan 4D 234- Lelia 49 225-Whiskalong ...50 233- Lucky Play ...49 233-Wilderness 51 234- Lady Diana ...4S 234-Zer 47 Five-Eighths Mile. 90-Carlton 1:C5 234-Ky. Cardinal 1:06 231- Faddist 1:04 Random 1:04 229-Hidalgo 1:02 232-Sanford 1:04 Three-Quarters Mile. 233-Broomficld ..ia G.LeighsB.G.l:16 231- Beau Nash ..1:17 236-King Jimmy 1:18 233-Blue and Redl:21 230-Maibird 1:16 214-Bruns 1:18 222-Martha Mtlnl:16 Delaphine ...1:19 186-Rocky Ford ..1:19 23G-E.ttra Dry ..1:15 234-Watts 1:10 233- Fst Flower 1:18 One Mile. 232- Barbary Bushl:50 231-Pepp ;.1:45 231- Enchantment 1:50 232-Transmute ..1:50 236-Gold Bug 1:43 225-Whetstone ..1:45 232- Initiate 1:50 JAMAICA, N. Y., Sept 11. Todays training gallops here included the following: JAMAICA. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 236-Avisack 39 233-Master Mind... 38 187-Bear Grass 37 236-Oowah 37 229- Bill Winfrey ..37 186-reter King ..38 235- Gold Trap 40 230-Pat Casey 38 236- Handsome 37 Spectacles 39 235-IIopalon!r 37 235-Tuxedo 42 2C6-Miss Whisk. 39 Half Mile; 237- BIackstone 50 235-Orpheus 50 235- Escoba dOro...50 236-Old. Welbourne.52 236- Good Will 50 235-Pilgrim 52 235-Grace Troxler. .50 237-Soldier Tnic ..52 235-Hendricks ....49 Young Al 49 Five-Eighths Mile. 230- Akbar 1:02 230-MaryldBclIe 1:04 218-Aragon 1:07 237-SwpgAway 1:04 235- Falling Star.. 1:06 237-Vivandiere ..1:03 234- Gold Brick... 1:04 Three -Quarters Mile. 236- Buck rond...l:16 237-Miss Star 1:15 233- Flying Devil. 1:18 234-Manzana 1:16 152-Gad 1:18 237-Tarraycc C. .1:20 235- Joe MVncIII.l:14 234-T. Delare 11.1:14 230- Lighter 1:15 221-Wildrake ...1:22 23C-Lady Boss ..1:18 235-Wynncwood .1:24 Mile and a Half. 170-My Tlay 2:35 Buck Pond worked fast The Delaware II. ran well. Joe Marrone III. was not fully extended. Manzana was in hand all the way. My Play went handily all the way. AQUEDUCT, N. Y., Sept 11. Todays training gallops here included the following: AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track good Half Mile. 225- Fabian" 4S TTrbana 50 Tallman 50 232-Valor 52 Three-Quarters Mile. 231- Aga Khan ..1:21 232-Pas Seul 1:14 236- C. Pantages .1:21 236-Trappean 1:19 .236-Comic Song .1:19 224-Tcn Eyck ...1:19 236-Gov. Smith ..1:21 234-Vineyard ...1:17 234- Jyntee 1:16 200-Wattle 1:16 Seven-Eighths Mile. 236-Delmor ......1:28 One Mile. 229- High Comderl:47 236-Seastake 1:47 230- Prince James 1:46 236-Sunshot 1:50 , 234- Rockpocket ..1:43 235-Vulnad 1:47 Mile and an Eighth. 236-My Own 1:53 MONTREAL, Que., Sept 11. Todays training gallops here included the following: BOItTAL PARK. Weather cloudy ; track sloppy Threo-Eighths Mile. 233-Black Wand ..38 233-Wraith 39 211-Miss Claire . . .40 23G-Watch Charm 40 209-Peter Piper ...39 22S-Wych Elm 39 Half Mile. 230-Capt. Clover ...53 161-Rei Gaiety ...56 235- Cordon Rouge 53 235-War Man 54 235- Push Pin ..... 55 Three-Quarters Mile. 236- Harry Baker 1:20 236-Peter Paul ..1:29

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Local Identifier: drf1924091201_16_2
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