Another for Bradley: Idle Hour Stock Farm Colors in Front at Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1924-09-12


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ANOTHERFORBRADLEY Idle Hour Stock Farm Colors in Front at Belmont Park. Breakfast Bell Carries Them to Victory in Nassau Stakes Fluvanna Gamely. BELMONT PARK, NEW YORK, N. T., Sept. 11. Edward R. Bradleys Idle Hour Stock Farm supplied the Avinner of the Nassau Stake Avhich featured the program at Belmont Park this afternoon Avhen jockey R. Williams had Breakfast Bell home by a nar-now margin oA-er the mile route, beating P. S. P. Randolphs King Albert, Avhile Rigel from the Rancocas Stable, Avas third. Ten starters accepted the conditions to compete for the stake AAhich netted ,505 to the Avinner. The start Avas a poor one and Banter waa the one to show the Avay during the first part. Breakfast Bell raced in closest pursuit while Rigel and King Albert Avere always in close attendance. Modo and Alchemy were prac-ticaly eliminated at the start Avhile the others AArere Avell matched. At the far turn Rigel racing on the inside met Avith interference and Avas forced to take up. Banter continued to sIioav the Avay until the stretch Avas reached Avherc he began to falter and King Albert moved up on the outside Avhile Breakfast Bell slipped through on the rail Avitli Rigel in between. The three leaders were closely bunched at the furlong pole and it was a drive to the Avire. Rigel Avas the first to weaken from early interference Avhile Breakfast Bell and King Albert dreAV away. Through the final seventy yards King Albert appeared to have the best chance but Williams rode hard, and Avas Avinner in the final stride. Rigel Avas a good third. L. Fator lodged a complain of foul against Breakfast Bell, AAhich Avas not alloAved by the stewards after interviewing patrol judge McLaughlin. There Avas a decided improvement in overhead conditions and as a result an increased attendance. The track AAas in good condition and the program furnished an afternoon of interesting racing. BARNEY GOOGLE BY NOSE. A nose finish came out of the running of the first race Avhich engaged a field of sixteen tAVo-year-olds at five and a half furlongs and to add to the excitement the placing judges displayed the Avrong horse third, Avhich aroused no end of criticism Avhen George De Mar AAas placed behind Edward, Arlingtons Barney Google, and R. L. Gerrys" Dick Whit-tington. The oAersight Avas quickly remedied and Myrtle Belle, J. E. Maddens recent acquisition, AA-as put in her proper position. The start Avas delayed for considerable time and AAhen the barrier rose the field left in good alignment Myrtle Belle AAas the one to first show out of the bunch and she drew aAvay into a commanding lead. Barney Google raced in closest pursuit Avhile DIck Whittington and" the others Avere closely bunched. Swinging for home Myrtle Belle enjoyed her advantage Avhile botli Barney Google and Dick Whittington had cut down her lead. The Gerry starter took command a feAV yards from the finish but tired rignt at the end, Barney Google outgamed him. Myrtle Belle had a length advantage over Orphelin at the end, Avhile George De Mar Avas fifth. The placing judges acknoAvledged their mistake and rectified the error. IRISH-BRED WINNER "Melra, an Irish bred daughter of Corcyra Melmond, sporting the colors or A. C. Bost-Avick, Avas an easy Avinner of the Grenadier Steeplechase at two miles, AAhich brought together a field of four to the post Woodley II. from the W. J. Salmon stable finished second Avhile J. K. L. Ross Top Notch Avaa a staggering third ahead of the Greentree Stables Pirate Gold. The Avinner shoAved fine form over the jumps and fine speed on the flat and Avhen ready cut down the lead of Top Notch and at the end Avas going easy. Top Notch, Avhich carried the colors of the Canadian breeder for the first time on a Metropolitan track in seA-eral years, Avas rushed into a long lead and through the turn of the field threatened to make a runaAA-ay affair of the race. Woodley II., Pirate Gold and Melra Avere racing well together. Going to the seventh fence Melra moved after tne tiring leader and before the tenth jump Avas reached AAas in command of the position. From there on to the finish the Bostwick steeplechaser never left the result in serious doubt. Mahoney used the exhausted Top Notch unnecessarily through the final quarter and Woodley II., had but to respond to urging to take second place. FluAanna from the Salburia stable, ridden by Jockey G. Babin, Avas the Aviner of the Kcav Gardens Handicap, Avhich Avas fashioned for mares of all ages in a hard drive from tho Marrone Stables Anna Marrone II., at the end of the three-quarters course, Avhile the Greentree Stables Leopardess Avas third. It AAas a field of seven that accepted the conditions and Fluvanna avus installed the popular choice. To Avin she proved to be much the best and at the end her margin should Continued on sixteenth page. ANOTHERFORBRADLEY Continued from first page. have been much wider. Babin, her rider, was forced to keep his position on the outside of the field and at the turn when he made his move he was on the outside of Anna Mar-rone II. The latter was bearing out and before the eighth post was- reached Babin took back and came to the inside. In the meantime. Leopardess had moved into serious contention displacing Bobs Mary and Off Color which had benefitted greatly when the leaders went wide. Through the final sixteenth Fluvanna closed resolutely but was doing her best at the end while Anna Marrone II. finishing under the judges stand was bearing out slightly. leopardess having given up her best hung right at the crucial moment but was an easy third. Mary Agnes racing for W. L. Hernstadt and ridden by jockey B. Breuning was winner of the sixth race which engaged a field of platers at one mile in easy fashion from Sledge while Poor Sport was third. The winner dominated the running from the start and held her opponents safe for speed all the way and at no stage of the running left the result in serious doubt Sledge, from a slow beginning moved up courageously but was unable to wear down the leader but out-gamed Poor Sport at the end. The latter followed the pace closely and no excuses can be offered for his failure. The running of the Roxbury supplied the biggest surprise of the afternoon when the Fair Stables Nicholas finished a poor last in a field of six. R. L. Gerrys Peanuts was winner in a .drive from Woods Stockstons Retire, while W. J. Boths Socrates was third. The winner came from behind the pace and was going away in the final drive. A

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Local Identifier: drf1924091201_1_6
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