untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-10-03


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Master Clocker AT ALL NEWSSTANDS HURRAH! AGAIN WE CLEANED UP ! ! I tell you, from COAST to COAST they are SAVING about the- MASTER CLOCKER; and SMALL WONDER, the way we have been slamming em over has been nothing short of sensational. YESTERDAYS ADV. SPECIAL: BR0WNSUGAR,.70-,W0N And believe us, the GANG- was down for the LIMIT. Look ! Look ! TODAY 5-1 AT HAVRE I toll you, this one comes from the SAME SOURCE that gave TUESDAYS BIG SPECIAL: SCOOP ... 8.80- WON Under no consideration whatever fail to get in line with the boys, for this ono is RED HOT. Hero is your chance to Grab Some Soft Dough RUSH right now to your newsdealer and ask for the Daily Master Clocker AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Mailed, 2 weeks, ; 1 week, Address: 440 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. DETROIT FOR SALE Triangle Newsstand Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. Family Theatre Newsstands Cadillac Square. CHICAGO FOR SALE AT ARCADE NEWS, 74 Madison St. and other newsstands. FRANK GREEN 504 Gaiety Theatre Bldg. 1547 Broadway NEW YORK CITY I am now in search of new connections. I am not satisfied with the service I am receiving from the people with whom I am now doing business hence the change. It has always been my policy to give my clients the best that I can obtain and connections with reliable people will soon be made. Watch this paper for developments. Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad and a two-cent stamp to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach. f!a. My Connections Advise a winner Friday. Agree to -wire mo winnings of a five dollar straight play and the information is yours. Send name, address and telephone. Clients outside Chicago, crust guarantee telegraph charges. Dont delay. W. L. BEL LIE RODGERS 309 S. CLARK ST. CHICAGO, ILL. KLEANUP SERVICE Fridays Code Horse: X S. RACE C, MARYLAND Yesterdays Code Horse: ADOLPHUS Scratched Big 0 Special Goes Saturday This 0 Special will be wired FREE to all wiring 5 for six days codes, KLEANUP SERVICE 147 West 41st St. NEW YORK CITY TU EVERYWHERE SPECIAL AND 50 CENT LETTER THE SENSATION OF THE YEAR Again We Won "WE ARE MAKING PLAYERS OUT OF LAYERS YESTERDAYS SPECIAL: Bradleys Toney . .90- Won Our followers -were down for the WORKS and they cleaned up plenty. YESTERDAYS ONE BEST BET: Colored Boy . . . .00- Won We told you that we Bad the word direct to GO GET YOURS. WEDNESDAYS SPECIAL: TEN-LEC .60- WON TUESDAYS ONE BEST BEST: KING TUT .30- WON TUESDAYS 00 FREE SPECIAL. COLORED BOY .30- WON r ETry the -players all over the country are getting rich following the Bugles Special and . 50 Cent Letter. A FEW RECENT WINNING SPECIALS: SSmSJJ CARDINAL . . ..00-82 WON UNCLE HUGH 3.80- AVON JTV 1.60- WON LADY MIRIAM 5.10-52 WON ?JLtN7,ELl1 .00- WON RONDELLE G.40-S2 WON BEAUTIFUL ADDIE 2.70- WON MENIFEE ..60- WON Every one of these Specials was filed with this paper hours before the race. The above horses were given since Latonia opened two weeks ago. REMEMBER, WE GIVE ONLY ONE SPECIAL DAILY TODAYS SPECIAL x5 ?B test of meetin- 1 sot the word he should PAY 5 to in the mutuels: Hero is the chance of a lifetime. Go right now to your newsdealer and ask him for the BUGLES SPECIAL AND 50 CENT LETTER A One Best Bet and 00 Free Special on the 50 Cent Letter. FOR SALES AT ALL NEWSDEALERS EVERYWHERE CHICAGO PLAYERS, ATTENTION: Principal dealer, Arcade Newsstand, 74 West Madison Street, and all other newsstands. Also at our office, 20 West Jackson Blvd. By mail, overnight, in a Special Delivery Plain Envelope, 0 for one week, both Special and Daily 50 Cent Letter. Send 0 to BUGLE PUBLISHING COMPANY SUITE 1711, GREAT NORTHERN BUILDING CHICAGO, ILL. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO S. 0. SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS OUR NEXT 0 ONE-HORSE SPECIAL GOES SATURDAY This horse must win or onr next two Specials free. Old subscribers are urged to wire new subscription immediately on expiration of old subscription. By so doing they, will avoid missing good ones. YESTERDAYS 0 ONE-HORSE SPECIAL WAS: FRANK GAILOR, 7.00-, WON WEDNESDAYS 0 ONE-HORSE SPECIAL WAS: Beauty Slave, .60-, Won Both filed in advance, with Daily Racing Form. Saturdays horse comes from the same source that sent us yesterdays 0 Special and also gave us WATERFLAG, 0.80-, whick we gave as a 0 Special last week. Ot our last four Specials, three won and one ran second, at 6-1. 15-1 WE EXPECT 15-1 ON FRIDAY 15-1 We do not have a Special every day, but wait for right spots. That Is the reason we have stayed in the business and held onr clients for over three years, while others, who have shot at the moon every day, have passed and are forgotten. Players of intelligence, who realize that it is impossible for us to send a big-priced winner every day, arc hereby Invited to join our organization, with the assurance that Saturdays horse should prove a big paying investment to the player of even moderate means. Order at once so that wc may wire you early. Wire 0 by Western Union no postal here. S. O. SERVICE JAMAICA, NEW YORK Note: Tell telegraph company to send yojir address; it prevents delay. GLOBE SYNDICATE MORTON BUILDING, 538 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS YESTERDAYS SENSATION: DRUMBEAT . . .90- WON YESTERDAYS MEMBERS SPECIAL: PAT CASEY . . . 8-1 WON MR. PLAYER - Lets you and I have a real good straight-frpm-thc-shoulder talk. We will assume that you are in my office, or I in yours. . Has it occurred to you just how serious this business is buying information! You and I know there are two kinds good and bad. We also know just how wide the gulf is between them. The good will make you; likewise, the bad will break you. TODAY COME UP TO MY OFFICE TODAY" AND LET ME PROVE TO YOU THAT WE HAVE DIRECT INFORMATION FROM THE TRACKS. YOU CANT BEAT THE RACES BUT YOU CAN BEAT A RACE TODAY TODAY TODAY SPECIALLY" PREPARED AND SHOULD BE JUST AS GOOD AS TUESDAYS SENSATION, WHICH WAS SCOOP 8.80- WON OUR OFFICE IS OPEN AT 9 A. M. DAILY. Those out of the ity may telegraph or use the long distance telephone. CSS SOUTH DEARBORN STREET PHONESHARRISON 5522, 0979 Subscribe for Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924100301/drf1924100301_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1924100301_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800