Here and There on the Turf, Daily Racing Form, 1924-10-03


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; 1 1 Here and There 2 2 on the Turf 3 4 . - 5 5 The Passing of Zev. C c Acid Test for Jockeys. Another International 1 1 Candidate. 2 2 Loss of El Kantara. 3 : ; 4 Zev has failed again, and it would seem that 5 5 the one-time champion cannot be brought back 6 to the magnificent form that carried him to .the top last year. In his triumphant march as a three-year-old Zev placed himself among 3 1 the noted American thoroughbreds, and will 2 2 aways be a bright figure in turf history, for 3 .the money that he earned while racing, but 4 4 ihe cannot be rated as one of the greatest E 5 American thoroughbreds. None earned more 6 money, but there was not the same money-earning opportunity that was enjoyed by the 1 1 son of The Finn and Miss Kearney. 2 , Last fall, before he went into retirement, 3 Zev was beginning to become cunning, and it was something of a task to fit him for a race. r 5 He was not a cheerful work horse and in the fall his temper was not always dependable. 6 This year Hildreth has gone along slowly with Zev and, probably, has accomplished more with him than would have been possible by any other trainer, but it is evident that Hildreth himself has naturally lost some of the confidence that he had in the colt last year. The fact that he is raced one day in blinkers and the next day without, would tend to show that Hildreth is not altogether sure 1 -of his horse. He has raced well both with and without the blinkers, but Zev has come -to a place where the equipment cannot be blamed for his failures. It is true that in the Interborough Handicap he was attempting to give away considerable . weight to good-class horses and ran a 1 good race, but it was not the race that should 1 be expected of the Zev of 1923. Then it was remarked that he wore bandages on both forelegs. Bandages suggest a weakness, and it is evident that Zev is slipping back. He has 5 :donc wonderful things in a racing way already, . and he has earned his right to a I high place in the hall of equine fame. It t is always regrettable to see a good horse slip back. There is real regret that Zev as a 1 four-year-old did not race, up to the brilliant promise held out by his three-year-old performances. With three winners in five mounts at Havre de Grace Wednesday, Johnny Maiben continues to hold a front position among the flat riders, but it is not so much the number of races won by a rider as the company in which he is riding that is an index to his skill in the saddle. Many a veritable "Garrison" on the half mile ring or "in the bushes," as the small tracks were called in the old days, makes good when he comes into fashionable company. The acid test is when a rider can hold his own with the best in New York, Kentucky and Maryland. The best jockeys are attracted to those sections and it is there that the real rider must be graduated. This is forcibly shown by the fact that in the winning jockey list for the week that ended last Saturday, W. Molters showed the best record when in the six days he had twelve victories to his credit. But Molters has been riding at Brighouse Park, Vancouver, B. C. Just where Molters would fit in with the riders that have been making good over the big courses remains to be seen. It is possible that Molters has real skill and must be commended for topping the list where he is riding, but it is natural that he would not be pitted against the same skill at Brighouse Park that he would be at La-tonia, Jamaica or Havre de Grace. Too often the sensation of a smaller track is brought on to the big company and fails utterly. But there have been exceptions, and Johnny Maiben is one that really showed to better advantage among the good riders than when he was riding where the competition was not so keen. Ivan Parke, from a modest beginning, stood the acid test well, and Steve ODonnell did not have any stage fright when he met the best that could be sent against him in New York. There are many others, but after all the winning jockey list is not always anything like a real index of riding skill. One must always take into consideration just where the riding records have been made. And it is the same with horses. The "Hindoo" of the small track has scant chance in big company, and he does well to remain where he belongs, as many a disappointed trainer can testify. They all have their places, both riders and horses, but it is only at headquarters that real merit is established. There is a chance that another good filly will be in the field when Epinard is sent to the post for the third International Special at Latonia, October 11. This one is Princess Doreen of the Audley Farm Stable, winner of the Kentucky Oaks and one of the best longdistance running fillies of the year. Princess Doreen has been working well in preparation for the big race and the present intention is to send her to the post. By this time most of the eligibles for the International are at Latonia, making ready for the big event and their training operations hnd additional interest to the sport in Kentucky. One notable candidate will not be shipped from New York until Saturday, when Max Hirsch will send along Sarazen, the three-year-old son of High Time and Rush Box that is to bear the colors of Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilts Fair Stabb. Sarazen is having his first -chance as a defender, being barred from the other! races by reason of his being a gelding. It was a real hardship to Mrs. Vanderbilt that he was not eligible for the thrae-quarters at Belmont Park, for it is generally admitted that he is the best-sprinter in this country, but Sarazen has shown Hirsch enough to warrant the hope that he will maintain his speed for the mile and a quarter and no horse has had a more careful preparation for the running. Everything points to the mile and a quarter being a greater race than either of the magnificent Internationals that have gone before, and Latonia will be hard pressed to take care of the immense throng of visitors who will be on hand to view the running of the race. The Greentree Stable suffered a serious loss when El Kantara was destroyed as a result of his fall in the Woodbine Steeplechase last Saturday. This good five-year-old was one of the most brilliant horses raced through the field this year, and the fact that he was one of the "subscription" jumpers spoke volumes for the scheme that brought these horses over. He raced with such success under the colors of Joseph E. Davis that he was sold for a big price to the Greentree Stable and continued his success under those popular racing colors until his untimely end. Fortunately, Barret Haync3, who suffered a broken rib as a result of the fatal fall of El Kantara, is out of the hospital, but it may be some time before he is seen in the saddle again. The GreenJrec horses will be raced at the Laurel meeting, which is to begin October 7, where the cross-country racing will attract all of the best stables.

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Local Identifier: drf1924100301_2_2
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