Daily Racing Form Handicaps, Daily Racing Form, 1924-10-03

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Daily Racing Form Handicaps 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 C c 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 3 1 2 2 3 4 4 E 5 6 1 1 2 , 3 r 5 6 1 . 1 1 5 . I t 1 AURORA The horses which seem best in Fridays : : races are: Aurora, 111., October 2, 1924. 1 Parnell Lad, Anna RT. Dougherty, Billy Welch. 2 Sir Lawnfal, Simplicity, Top o th Morning. 3 ONTARIO, Brown Rock, Sequel. 4 Dorius, Elias O., Margaret Ware. 5 Peter Brown, Diomed, Auntie Millin. 6 Hasty Miss, Martha Moore, Lendonia. W. Roderlclc. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 ANNA M. DOUGHERTY, Parnell Lad, Black Dinah, Billy Welch. 2 Long Green, Double T., Sir Lawnfal, Boys Believe Mc. 3 Poppye, Ontario, Virge, Brown Rock. 4 Margaret Ware, Stone Age, Arrowhead, Lieut Colonel. 5 War Zone, Auntie Millin, Prince K., True American. C Lendonia, Faber, Climax, Marine Corps. Chicago Handicap. Bay Dingle, Black Dinah, Intake, Gloom Girl. Simplicity, Top o th Morning, Sir Lawnfal, Boys Believe Me. BROWN ROCK, Sequel, Poppye, Lavinia. Lieut. Colonel, Elias O., Virginius, Heavy Artillery. Auntie Millin, Peter Brown, Theo, Prince K. Marine Corps, Faber, Martha Moore, Lendonia. Cincinnati Handicap. Anna M. Dougherty, Parnell Lad, Billy Welch, Black Dinah. Top o th Morning, Long Green, Double T., Sir Lawnfal. 3Poppye, Lavinia, Joe Tag, Brown Rock. 4Vong Bok, Margaret Ware, "Virginius, Stone Age. PETER BROWN, Auntie Millin, Theo, Prince K. Faber, Climax, Marine Corps, Vanishing Boy. Observers Handicap. Parnell Lad, Black Dinah, Anna M. Dougherty, Billy Welch. , Boys Believe Me, Sir Lawnfal, Top o th Morning. Simplicity. BROWN ROCK, Poppye, Ontario, Sequel: Wong Bok, Elias O., Virginius, Dorius. Peter Brown, Auntie Millin, Prince K., Diomed. Lendonia, Faber, Climax, Little Ed. Consensus of Handicaps. Anna M. Dougherty, Parnell Lad, Bay Dingle, Black Dinah. Sir Lawnfal, Long Green, Simplicity, Top o th Morning. ! Brown Rock, Poppye Ontario, Sequel. 4Vong Bok, , Dorius, Mragaret Ware, Lieut. Colonel. PETER. BROWN, War Zone, Auntie Millin, Prince K. Lendonia, Hasty Miss, Marine Corps, Faber. LATONIA The horses which seem best in Fridays raies ::re: Latonia, Ky., October 2, 1924. 1 SUAVE PRINCE, Newmarket, Naughly Nisba. 2 Sari, Speckled Beauty, Eight Sixty. 3 Slicker, Beautiful Addie, Waukulla. 4 Columbia, Lathrop, Pegasus. 5 Dare Say, Bedford, Guest of Honor. C Rockland Princess, Bignonia, Rothermel. 7 Minus, Pure Dee, Plus Ultra. J. L. Dempsey. New York Handicap. 1 Suave Prince, Spats, Naughty Nisba, Newmarket. 2 Betty Star, Sari, Outcast, Promising Laura. 3 Slicker, Waukulla, Beautiful Addie, Devil Girl. 4 Columbia, Pegasus, Bradleys Toney, Pricemaker. 5 BEDFORD, Graeme, Dare Say, Beginners Luck. 6 Rockland Princess, Rothermel, Bignonia, Bridesmaid. 7 Plus Ultra, Pure Dee, Minus, Finday. Chicago Handicap. 1 Suave Prince, Naughty, Nisba, Jupiter, , Uncle Bert. 2 Outcast, Sari, Betty Star, Phils Sister. . : : ! , 3 Waukulla, Peter Maloney, Beautiful Addie. Slicker. 4 Snooksie Bradley, Pegasus, ..Columbia, , 5 Bradleys Toney. 5 BEDFORD, Graeme, Just David, Bourbon Boy. e Rockland Princess, Kitty Pat, Rothermel, Rural Route. 7 Pure Dee, Minus, Oo La La, Wida, Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Suave Prince, Newmarket, Hullo, Naughty Nisba. 2 Sari, Outcast, Backbiter, Speckled Beauty. 3 Waukulla, Slicker, Devil Girl, Peter Maloney. 4 Columbia, Pegasus, Bradleys Toney, Pricemaker. 5 Dare Say, Bedford, Beginners Luck, Graeme. - - 6 BRIDESMAID, Rockland Princess, Adorable, Rural Route. 7 Minus, Plus Ultra, Pure Dee, Finday. Observers Handicap. 1 SUAVE PRINCE, Newmarket, Spats, HuHo. 2 Outcast, Sari, Backbiter, Betty Star. 3 Waukulla, Devil Girl, Peter Maloney, Beautiful Addie. 4 Columbia, Pegasus, Snooksie Bradley, Lathrop. 5 Bedford, Dare Say, Graeme, Beginners Luck. 6 Rockland Princess, Bridesmaid, Bignonia, Rural Route. 7 Minus, Pure Dee, Finday, Plus Ultra. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 SUAVE PRINCE, Newmarket, Naughty Nisba, Spats. 2 Sari, Outcast, Betty Star, Backbiter. 3 Waukulla, Slicker, Beautiful Addie, Devil Girl. 4 Columbia, Snooksie Bradley, Pegasus, Lathrop. 5 Bedford, Dare Say, Graeme, Beginners Luck. 6 Rockland Princess, Bridesmaid, Bignonia, Rural Route. 7 Minus, Plus Ultra, Pure Dee, Finday. JAMAICA The horses which seem best in Fridays races are: iNew York, 2f. Y., October 2, 1924. 1 Bright Idea, Hendrick, Bill Winfrey. 2 Akbar, Gipsy Flyer, Tailteaan. 3 SKYSCRAPER, Blue Moon, Dry Moon. 4 Skyscraper, Rigel, Athelstan. 5 Bowman, High Commander, Sword. 6 Martha Martin, Sancy, Pleasant Memories. C. J. Connors. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 Bright Idea, Hendrick, Kumonin, Battle-man. 2 Akbar, Gipsy Flyer, Adrianople, Golden : Locks. 3 Blue Moon. Skyscraper, Dry Moon, Swope. 4 COCKNEY, Rigel, Athelstan, Rejection. 5 Flying Devil. Bowman, Gay Ben, High Commander. C Martha Martin, Gnome Girl, Pleasant Memories, Gamble. Cliicngro Handicap. 1 Bright Idea, New Hope, Cordon Rouge, Bill Winfrey. 2 Adrianople, Gipsy Flyer, Grace Troxjer, . Tailteann. 3 Dry Moon, Skyscraper, Blue Moon, Swope. 4 ATHELSTAN, Forest Flower, Cockney, Costigan. 5 Gay Ben, Sword, High Commander, Flying Devil. C Gamble, Maibird, Martha Martin, Witch-broom. Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Bright Idea, Hendrick, Kumonin, Battle-man. 2 Akbar, Gipsy Flyer, Adianopole, Grace Troxler. 3 Skyscraper, Dry Moon, Blue Moon, Swope. 4 Rigel, Athelstan, Rejection, Prince James. 5 High Commander, Flying Devil, Gay Ben, Black Wand. 6 MAIBIRD, Martha Martin, Pleasant Memories, Gnome Girl. Observers Handicap. 1 Bright Idea, Hendrick, Bill Winfrey, Cordon Rouge. 2 Akbar, Gipsy Flyer, Adrianople, Grace Troxler. 3 DRY MOON, Skyscraper, Blue Moon, , Swope. 4 Rigel, Athelstan, Cockney, Rejection. 5 Flying Devil, Gay Ben, Black Wand, High Commander. , : . , 6 Pleasant Memories. Martha Martin, Maibird, Gnome Girl. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 BRIGHT LDEA, Hendrick, Bill Winfrey, Kumonin. 2 Akbar, Adrianople, Gipsy Flyer Tailteann. 3 Skyscraper, Dry Moon, Blue Moon, Swope. 4 Rig2l, Skyscraper, Cockney, Athelstan. 5 Flying Devil, Bowman, Gay Ben, High Commander. , 6 Martha Martin, Gamble, Maibird, Pleasant Memories. HAVRE DE GRACE The horses which seem best in Fridays races are: Havre dc Grace, Md., October 2, 1924. 1 VOLANTE, Sun Tess, Orpheus. 2 Byng, Roi Craig, Jim Coffroth. 3 Muskallonge, Oakwood, Gay Boy II. 4 Chink, Saratoga Maje, Chrysalis. 5 Noel, Prince of Umbria, Bonaparte. 6 Master Hand, Scoop, Craigthorne. 7 Bucado, Normal, Woodlake. T. K. Lynch. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 Sun Tess, Volante, Wavecrest, Uncle Dud. 2 Byng, Lollipop, Roi Criag, Surf. 3 Beau Nash, Muskallonge, Lagoon, Belle K. 4 Saratoga Maje, Chink, Westover, Hurry Inn. 5 NOEL, Ten Sixty, Prince of Umbria, Sun-magrie. 6 Master Hand, Scoop, Craigthorne, For-novo. 7 Normal, Episode, The Archer, Doctor Jim. Chicago Handicap. 1 Volante, Sun Tess, Uncle Dud. Suburban. 2 Boatman. Roi Graig, Byng, Warrenton. 3 Muskallonge, Gay Boy II., Picnic, Beau Nash. 4 Dress Goods, Retire, Saratoga Maje, Alex Woodliffe. 5 NOEL, Prince of Umbria, Ten Sixty, Maclean. 6 Master Hand, Soggarth Aroon, Scoop, Humboldt. 7 Normal, Triumph, Woodlake, Bucado. Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Uncle Dud, Volante, Sun Tess, Suburban. 2 Roi Craig, Boatman, Warrenton, Lollipop. 3 Muskallonge, Poor Sport, Kitty Troxell, Beau Nash. 4 Saratoga Maje, Chrysalis, Dress Goods, Westover. 5 Noel, Prince of Umbria, Sunmagne, Shamrock. 6 MASTER HAND, Scoop, Soggarth Aroon, Fornovo. 7 Normal, Episode, Doctor Jim, Triumph. Observers Handicap. 1 Volante, Sun Tess, Uncle Dud, Wavecrest. 2 Byng, Roi Graig, Boatman, Lollipop. 3 Muskallonge, Beau Nash, Gay Boy H., Antonia. 4 Retire, Dress Goods, Alex Woodliffe, Chink. 5 NOEL, Sunmagne, Prince of Umbria, Maclean. C Soggarth Aroon, Scoop, Master Hand, Humboldt 7 Normal, Episode, Triumph, Doctor Jim. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Volante, Sun Tess, Uncle Dud, Wavecrest. 2 Byng, Boatman, Roi Craig, Lollipop. 3 Muskallonge, Beau Nash, Gay Boy II., Oakwood. 4 Saratoga Maje, Chink, Dress Goods, Re- tire. 5 NOEL, Prince of Umbria, Sunmagne, Ten Sixty. 6 Master Hand, Soggarth Aroon, Scoop, Craigthorne. 7 Normal, Bucado, Episode, Triumph. BROOKLYN PARK The horses which seem best in Fridays races are: Cleveland, Ohio, October 2, 1924. 1 Flitterbelle, Flying Lula. Timely Thoughts. 2 P. T. Barnum, Spring Vale. Rubien. 3 Futen, Castlereagh, Red. 4 Times Up, Daddy Wolf, Copyright. 5 Fair Rowena, Buckhorn II., Perhaps. 6 Knot Grass, Chile, Tableau dHonneur. 7 BRIAN KENT, Carnarvon, Bill Head. J. J. Murphy. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 Flitterbelle, Chloe D., Miss Laura, Flying Lula. Continued on fifteenth i:ige. Daily Racing Form Handicaps Continued from seeend pap. 2 Spring Vale, P. T. Barnum, Beckna, Seths Ak-Sar-Ben. 3 Futen, Propaganda, Castlereagh, Red. 4 Copyright, Times Up, Daddy "Wolf, Arthur Middleton. 5 Buckhorn II., Fair Rowena, Blackolia, Grandest. 6 KNOT GRASS, Asa Jewell, Chile, Banker Brown; 7 Brian Kent, Cavalcadour II., Carnarvon, Bill Head. Chicago Hnmlioap. 1 Flitterbelle, Miss Laura, Chloe D., Flying Lulu. 2 P. T. Barnum, Spring Vale, Rubien, Seths Ak-Sar-Ben. 3 Red, Castlereagh, Futen, American Sol dier. 4 Copyright, Times Up, Daddy Wolf, Ar thur Middleton. 5 Blackolia, Fair Rowena, Perhaps, Buck- horn II. 6 KNOT GRASS, Chile, St. Angelina, Red wood. 7 Sagamore, Cavalcadour II., Carnarvon, Braircliff. Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Fitterbelle, Miss Laura, Chloe D., Flying Lula, 2 Spring Vale, P. T. Barnum, Rock Court, Lenora P. 3 Futen, Castlereagh, Propaganda, Red. 4 Times Up, Arthur Middleton, Hazel Dale. Dont Bother Me. 5 Perhaps, Fair Rowena, Blackolia, Buck- horn II. 6 Knot Grass, Asa Jewell, Chile, St Ange lina. 7 BRIAN KENT, Cavalcadour II., Saga more, Carnarvon. Observers Handicap. 1 Flitterbelle, Chloe D., Miss Laura, Timely Thoughts. 2 P. T. Barnum, Spring Vale, Seths Ak- Sar-Ben, Margaret Atkin. 3 Futen, Castlereagh, Rd, In Doubt. 4 Copyright. Arthur Middleton, Times Up, Hazel Dale. 5 FAIR ROWENA, Blackolia, Buckhorn It., Perhaps. C Knot Grass, Chile, Asa Jewell, St Angelina. 7- Brian Kent, Casey, Carnarvon, Briarcliff. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Flitterbelle, Miss Laura, Chloe D., Flying Lula. 2 P. T. Barnum, Spring Vale, Seths Ak- Sar-Ben, Rubien. 3 Futen. Red, Castlereagh, Propaganda. 4 Copyright, Times Up, Arthur Middleton, Daddy Wolf. 5 Fair Rowena, Buckhorn II., Blackolia, Perhaps. C KNOT GRASS, Chile, Asa Jewell, St. Angelina. 7 Brian Kent. Sagamore, Carnarvon, Cavalcadour II. DUFFERIN PARK The horses which seem best in Fridays races are: Toronto, Ont, Oclober 2, 192J. 1 Meddling Seth, Trixycal .Blue Pest 2 Shasta Express, My Biddy, Dolly Dun bar. 3 Roy C, Royal Dick, Avion. 4 James F. OHara, Fast Mack, Beljoy. 5 MARIE MAXIM, Rhinestone, Colando. C Mary Contrary, Maurie Cohen, Scraps. 7 Magician, Walk Up, Devonite. E. Galvin. AKRON The horses which seem best in Fridays races are: Akron, Ohio, October 2, 1924. 1 Kendall, Forty Two, Chow. 2 Boss Man, Hopeful, Miles S. 3 Reluctant Pat Hampson, Lottie Lorain. 4 Satana, Bodanzy, Fictile. 5 Amber Fly, Stella Maris, Silk Sox. C ROUGH AND READY, Blue Streak, Lady Longridge. 7 May Girl, Pembroke, Evelyn White. F. H. Sproule.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924100301/drf1924100301_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1924100301_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800