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Latest Workouts 275 LATONIA, Ky., Oct. 18. Todays training gallops here included the following: LATONIA. Weather clear; track fast Half Mile. 147-Aftcmoon Tea. 50 271-Encrgy 51 240-Bassorah 49 and 263-Oh Susanna ...49 Five-Eighths Mile. 270- Amir 1:02 207-Enrico 1:03 2G5-Announcemt 1:00 273 P. De Coursy.l:02 Three -Quarters Mile. 272-Audacious ...1:15 274-Magic Wand. 1:16 2G2-Bargain Day. 1:14 189-Promg Tom .1:19 2G7-Bedicts Vowl:14 2G9-Rothermel ...1:20 272- Bob Cahill ..1:13 2G8-R. E. Clark .1:15 Buzzy Wua ..1:16 270-RosabelIa 1:15 2G7-Down Town .1:15 271-Singlehand ..1:1C 273- Deccitful 1:15 272-SIiark .......1:14 271- Lucerne 1:16 273-Tilka 1:15 271-Moss Fox 11.1:16 272-Vanishg Boy.l:19 264- Mamoud ....1:11 273-Whirl g Dun. 1:19 Seven-Eighths Mile. 271- Little Ann ..1:32 One Milo. 272- n.E.Coleman 1:46 268-MooreflcId ..1:45 207-La Tafna ...1:42 271-Sam Loreh ..1:44 273- Monifee 1:42 Bob Cahill did a very good work. Menifee ran a nice mile unextended. Mamoud and Shark worked on even terms. Announcement showed high speed. YONKERS, N. Y., Oct 18. Todays training gallops at Empire City included the following : EMPIRE CITY. Weather clear ; track fast Three-Eighths Milo. 273-George De Mar36 273-Treo Top 37 263-Rosa Yeta ...39 274-Trevelyau 3S 271- Summer Time 35 Half Mile. 272- Ceylon Prince 50 273-Lcopardess 47 273- Camouflage ...50 251 -Martha Martin49 273-Evelyn 51 263-Parvcnn 53 2G2-Escoba dOro 49 225-Pique 49 2GS-Insulate 51 242-ViIna 50 2C8-Jedburg Abbey50 271-War Mask 50 Five-Eighths Mile. 225-Bright Steel 1:01 270-Socrates 1:04 236-Flyg Mmentsl:03 220-Spugs ..." 1:03 273 -Gertrude D. 1:02 239-Sweet Grass 1:07 2G7-Margin 1:02 2G4-Vanity Pair 1:04 273-Noia Hayes .1:04 273-Witchbroom .1:04 192-Hoyal Airmanl:07 271-Whitewash ..1:02 270-Spectacle ...1:02 Three -Quarters Mile. 270- Cpfire Talesl:15 2C6-Little Ammie 1:20 271- Comic Song 1:18 267-Misn Whisk 1:16 233- Chcsterbrook 1:17 2CS-MHI Wick ...1:20 271-East Indian 1:18 210-Ormesvale ...1:18 273-Flying Al ..1:20 26S-Perroquet ...1:20 271-IIcndrick 1:18 263-Rocky Ford 1:17 249-Half Pint ..1:20 203-Sleepy Head 1:16 lS4-Juno 1:17 226-Ttppanitc ...1:18 273-Joc Mone 111.1:17 205-Variation ...1:16 Seven-Eighths Mile. 271-Byron 1:31 273-Slieveconard 1:32 One Mile. 204- Cano 1:44 273-.Tcroboam 1:4G 265- Demijohn ...1:46 273-Lng Point .1:47 270-Despot 1:46 273-Prince Jamesl:42 109-Fair Light ..1:40 274-Stampdale ...1:44 273-Fraternity 11.1:47 2G8-Sandy Hatch 1:43 263-Intrcpid 1:46 273-Wynnewood .1:47 Mile and an Eighth. 257- Supcrbnm ...2:01 14S-St. Lawrence2:01 Summer Time showed good speed. Miss Whisk was under restraint all the way. Spectacle and Margin worked together. Leopardess did an exceptional speed test. Long Point galloped an easy mile. Stampdale had an easy gallop. Prince James ran well. Chesterbrook looks good. LAUREL, Md., Oct 18. Todays training gallops here included the following: . LAUREL. Three-Eighths Mile. Weather clear ; track fast 273-Alchemy 36 267-Gray Gables ..37 273-Black Shasta 36 258-Gymnast 37 234- Battle Field ..37 268-Infinite 36 258- Dr. Hickman 40 271-No Lady 36 259- Gymkhana 36 Half Mile. 218- Bumble Bee .51 215-Heeltaps 50 267-Caduceus 49 216-Lunetta 50 273-Dr. Jim 53 221-Reply 51 270-Dr. Chas. Wells53 257-Sun Sabre ...52 206- Don Juan 51 271-The Archer ..53 298-Eleanor S 52 22S-Vandcrburg ...50 Five-Eiehths Mile. 266- Advocate 1:03 222-Manifold 1:03 26S-Arcady 1:04 268-Mary Ann ..1:05 205- Duckling 1:07 240-Over All 1:01 265-Jimson 1:04 137-Pce of Powerl:02 254-Kirah 1:00 259-Rags 1:06 ICS-Monarchist 4:03 Throe -Quarters Mile. Alma Dell ..1:16 267-Gad 1:17 265-Ampolac ....1:18 272 Mother Goosel:21 273- Belle Artistel:lS 270-Maclean 1:15 263-Blackstone ..1:18 273-M. at Arms 1:19 274- Bcst Bclovcdl:18 273-Peter Piper 1:16 273- Bonaparte ...1:16 Prince Ahmedl:19 2G5-151ue Moon ..1:16 274-Panic 1:15 267- Beatricc 1:19 267-Red Hawk ..1:18 251- Cote dOr ..1:20 208-Rejection ...1:18. 274- Crinkle 1:18 264-Snow Drop 1:17 270-Cor.rageous ..1:15 273-Spot Cash ..1:10 Conscription 1-20 274-Tcscanelli ..1:18 2C0-Foyle 1:18 251-Trappoan 1:18 219- Flivver 1:19 268-Westwick ...1:16 One Mile. 207- Arlington ...1:46 273-K. Smns Sll:45 253- Arbitraticn .1:43 273-Lovable 1:46 273-Belario 1:47 274-Mensis 1:44 252- Bar One 1:49 96-Owasco 1:48 25-Dan 1:48 26S-Staunch 1:45 111-Dadbobit 1:45 273-Scnalado 1:45 254- Hallucination 1:48 266-The Roll Calll:43 270-Jacques 1:48 85-Waukeag ....1:49 Mile and an Eighth. 268- Watch Charm 1:58 Dr. Hickman ran well. Infinite galloped fast Dangerous and Battle Field galloped well together. Gymkhana had early speed. Alchemy ran well. Sun Sabre had early speed. Caduceus galloped fast.