untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-14


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JACK MURRAY ORIGINAL KENTUCKY JACK TERMS 5.00 a week. Weekly subscriptions only. Again Jack Dynamited the Layers YESTERDAYS DYNAMITE HORSE: COUNTRY PRINCESS 29.10-2 Won What a slamming- Jacks followers handed the layers yesterday. WEDNESDAYS DYNAMITE HORSE: McCULLOCH 8.70- Won Dont burn up your money. This is the kind you get whan you string with JACK MURRAY. TUESDAYS DYNAMITE SPECIAL: SANDS OF PLEASURE 4.70- Won MONDAYS DYNAMITE SPECIAL: GOLDEN RULE 6.60- Won SATURDAYS DYNAMITE SPECIAL: RANDEL 2.10- Won Jack Murray gets information from most confidential sources. Start now and become a successful turf follower. FREE! FREE! MONDAY 17th 00 SPECIAL FREE TO ALL WEEKLY SUBSCRIBERS SEND 5, FOR ONE WEEK, TO JACK MURRAY 1051 42ND STREET, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Tom Bracken "THE TWO HORSE MARVEL" 420 SIXTH AVE. NEW YORK CITY ROOM 602 5.00 WEEKLY ONLY 5.00 WEEKLY ONLY STOP! STOP! Losing your good money. Let me show you how to make your money multiply right from the scene of action. We receive two good wires a day, containing some choice turf information. Get information from those who really know. Start winning. Just give me a weeks trial and let me prove to you that you can win and ho convinced of the value of this big two-horsa wire service. YESTERDAYS HORSES: Peter Paul 4.30- Won Auntie Millin . . . .5.40- Won Todays horses SHOULD PAY AT LEAST 10-1 OR BETTER. Dont fail to subscribe. WEDNESDAYS HORSES: Hats Up 3.00- Won Dimmesdale 2.90- Won TUESDAYS HORSES: Edinburgh 5.80- Won Alice Blue Gown .0.50- Won MONDAYS HORSES: Golden Rule 6.60- Won Danby 4.50- Won Send money by Western Union or Postal, or call at office. TWO BIG GETAWAY SPECIALS Word comes from our track experts that readers can look forward to both of the horses herein mentioned comirg through with bang-up races. WE HAVE ASKED FOR REAL LIVE ONES Representatives of Turf Light have had special assignments to unearth specially prepared horses and forward them on to our readers. HERE IS WHAT THEY SEND. Turn to page two 2, column three 3, tako the fifth 5 horso down, name begins with P. This one goes at Loxinjton and will be hard to teat in any company. On the same page in the same column under Top Line Horses, take tho sixth 6 horse" down, name begins with G. "Bob" S. will uncork this ono very shortly is a classy animal. A COUPLE ON PAGE THREE. On page three 3, column three 3, aro two boxed articles. They contain "info" on two real live ones. WRITE US CONCERNING OUR DAILY SERVICE You always find a fund of knowledge of horse racing of interest to the turf fan. ALL STANDS. 15 CENTS. ALL CITIES. TURF LIGHT, 135 W. 42nd Street. New York City. Reliable Turf Information For the Tijuana meet I have real connections that i will send through only the best horses. One or two horses each week that will be primed and set for the event. Any business man wishing to get connected can ; do so by wagering 0 for me on each horse sent through. References must be exchanged. There is no guesswork. It is strictly business 5 with me, and I can convince you of the fact. Write. A. C. Schultz 3412 N. HAMILTON AVE. 1 CHICAGO, ILL. HARVEY AMES EAIiLE BLDO. BROADWAY AT 52D STREET NEW YORK CITY Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" WON NOTE IT WAS NOT THE FAVORITE. Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction," and the only horse advised, WON, at odds of better than four to one 4 to 1 . This makes the fourth consecutive winning "Harvey Transaction" this week. Wednesdays only horse advised paid better than four to one 4 to1. Tuesdays only horse advised paid better than five to one 5 to 1 . Mondays only horse advised paid better than six to one 6 to 1. Harvey Transaction" Tomorrow Nothing will be advised today, but there will be a "Harvey Transaction" tomorrow. This means strictly ONE HORSE. Terms: 00, in advance, payable by telegraph or in person. No further comment is necessary. Let us prove again that there are DAYS AND DAYS. This office deals strictly in Results, not Illusions TELEPHONES CIRCLE 2591, 2592. 2593 and 5749 BOB WARD 131 WEST 39th ST. ROOM 201 NEW YORK CITY SERVICE CONSISTS OF TAVO IIORSES DAILY, 5.00 WEEKLY SIX DAYS YOU CAN MAKE EVERY WEEK A WINNING WEEK! Twenty-Eight Winners FOUR SECONDS ONE LOSER OF THIRTY-THREE MOUNTS RELEASED Responding to the numerous requests from my loyal followers for daily service, I have com- pleted all arrangements to release two horses daily for the nominal sum of 5. One weeks trial will prove the caliber of my information. WARDS RELEASE YESTERDAY: COUNTRY PRINCESS 9.10- Won MARGIE K $ 6.70- 2nd WARDS RELEASE WEDNESDAY: HATS UP 3.00-52 Won CHERRY PIE $ 8.20-52 Won WARDS TUESDAY RELEASE: EDINBURGH 5.80-52 Won ALICE BLUE GOWN 0.50-52 Won WARDS MONDAY RELEASE: ABU BEN AHDEM 5.50-52 Won BARLEYCORN $ G.80- Won WARDS SATURDAY RELEASE: COMIXA 519.10-52 Won RAND EL 522.10-52 Won If you appreciate real winning information, DONT HESITATE, BUT RUSH YOUR REMITTANCE AT ONCE BY WESTERN UNION OR POSTAL, giving your correct address. v .1 THE GREATEST ORGANIZATION RELEASING RELIABLE TURF INFORMATION IN THE COUNTRY NATIONAL ALL INFORMATION RELEASED ABOUT 11:30 A. M. WIRE REMITTANCE TO AVOID DELAY YESTERDAYS WIRE: COUNTRY PRINCESS 9.10-52 Won AUNTIE MILLIN 521.50- Won BROADWAY JONES 57.30-52 Won MARGIE K .70-82 2nd SUN ALTOS 3rd CLONASLEE Lost WEDNESDAYS WISE: HATS UP 3.40-52 Won CHERRY PIE 5S.20-52 Won CAMPFIRE TALES 1.10-52 Won McCULLOCII 8.70-52 Won VRANA .50-52 Won PRIMROSE .30-52 Won TUESDAYS WIRE: ROTHERMEL 522.G0-S2 Won ADVOCATE 58.40-52 Won EDINBURGH 5.80-52 Wno ALICE BLUE GOWN 0.50-52 "Won RAPID DAY .10-52 2nd CARLTON 5C.30-52 2nd MONDAYS WIRE: DANBY 4.00-52 Won VEXATION ....90-52 Won BOUNCE 55.80-52 2nd SENALADO .30- Won If you are any kind of a player, large or small, this is your opportunity to receive the best information " obtainable. All information is released about 11:30 a. m. Terms are 0.00 weekly. Rush your remittance at once, by wire, to avoid delay. NATIONAL SERVICE -:- Room 222, 799 Broadway, New York City i ; 5 TOM OHARA AMERICAS PREMIER SPOT PICKER G14 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. NEXT BIG GETAWAY SPECIAL Goes Saturday, November 15 The terms aro the same as always, 0, in advance, and tho winnings of a 0 play, to be remitted I after horse wins. After your remittance is received you will be eligible, without advance payment, for the next big GETAWAY SPECIAL WHICH GOES AT BOWIE. MY LAST TWO GETAWAY SPECIALS BOTH WON LAUREL GETAWAY: DREAM OF THE VALLEY 5.10- Won EMPIRE CITY GETAWAY: AVISPA 4-1 Won I never handle more than one special at any ono meeting, but I always make sure of the horse I am advising. These are selective spots that are picked by experts at the game who very seldom make a mistake. Old clients will receive their prepaid telegram as usual. New clients, wire money by Western Union or money order. Telegram will reach you by noon Saturday. Do not wait until tho last minute to subscribe, but rush your subscription, as it takes time to make up telegraph lists. J.OTICE All clients who wish to Call may do so, from 10 to 12" a. m. and from 6 to 8 p. m.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924111401/drf1924111401_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1924111401_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800