Latest Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-14

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Latest Workouts 301 LEXINGTON, Ky Nov. 13. Todays training gallops here included the following: LEXINGTON. Weather clear; track fast-Three -Eighths Mile. : 290-Atirora 37 292-Lady Huon ...37A 299-Itattie On 39 294-My Destinv ...37it 280-lusty Mary ...38 29S-Mary Johnston 30 206-1113 38 299-Mit 37 j.-93-Fire On 37 295-Ncwniarket ...37 -S-Gaffncy 30 299-Statler 3S 294-Goldcn Ages .38 271 -Sam Mengel ..37 293- IIobson 37 199-Seclusion 30 29j-John Hager ...30 299-TuIalip 3S Half Mile. 203-Arragosa 50 199-Medina B2 299-IMIly Welch ..50 299-Procious One .49 298- Iare Say 50 291-Kockarden ....5l 2S9-Ielsau 51 29S-Spandor 50 -"99-Klm 51 272-Uncle Jay ....49 Five-Eighths Mile. Just Fine ...1:05 221 -My Biddy ..1:05 299- ken. Cardinall:02 299-Qcen Estiier.l:03 -9S-La Tafna ...1:03 294-Watchful ...1:00 Three-Quarters Mile. 299- Cuilds riay.l:15 299-Presidcnt ...1:18 2S"wre ?7 "1:22 278-Paul Mieou..l:20 .7Mr- Kld 1:21 298-Persn Maid 1:18 dOO-Pure Dee ...1:17 300-Simoon 1:20 One Kilo. 300- Loxton Maid.l:41 280-Untried 1:42 Lexington Maid did a rattling good work. Untried ran a nice mile handily. Watchful moved impressively. Kentucky Cardinal was well under restraint. BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 13. Todays training gallops here included the following: PIMLICO. Weather clear; track fast-Three -Eighths Mile. 290- AIchemy 30 285-Just 30 1?,.eld 3C 287-Leatl.crwood ...35 o-n"1,!?"!0 o",MIaC irlday -30 295-My Own 3S -99-thesterbrook ..37 299-Miss Domino ..37 -99-Dangerous 30 299-Tester 30 299-Fraternity II.. 30 " Half Mile. 3SAmr Patrlac--M 299-Judge Fuller ..50 294- Dam. ltunyon .49 208-Xoel 49i S00-pr. Hickman .52 283-Kanock 51 SfGu.?.pI 01 293-Valador 50 298- Imtiate 52 299-Van Patrick ..52 Five-Eighths Mile. 299- Dry Moon ...1:04 299-IIccItaps ....l:0t wriS"?.6", -J:03 -SS-Marsdale ....1:03 -CG-Gold IJnck ..1:04 290-Speetaele ...1:04 294- Gymkhana ...1:04 Three -Quarters Mile. 293-Appellato ...1:10 295-Noah l-ic -S3-Champignol .1:1S 290-Opperman ...ills 291- Emissary .. 1:19 294-Swinging ....1:20 r,-ly,ln Cloud. 1:17 299-Sandhurst ...1:10 -.3-Jolly 1:17 Ono Mile. 295- Arbitration .1:43 300-Royal Oak ..1:43" SS6?!?1.. 1:4R -95-Sumpter ....1:45 290-Faddist 1:50 Mile and a Half. 295-My Own 2:42 ML0wn S110"03 three-eighths of a mile m :38 and repeated mile and a half in -42 handily. Valador ran well. Damon Runyon showed speed. Arbitration raced well. Royal Oak ran well. Judge Fuller worked fast. Marsdale was under restraint. Dr. Hickman was not extended.

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Local Identifier: drf1924111401_2_4
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