Stables at New Orleans: Turfmen Assembling for Opening of the Winter Racing Season, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-14


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STABLES AT NEW ORLEANS Turfmen Assembling for Opening of the Winter Racing Season. Improvements at Jefferson Park and Fair Grounds Arc Being Rushed to Rapid Completion by Management. NEW ORLEANS, La., Nov. 13. "With tho extensive improvements at Jefferson Park and the Fair Grounds being rushed to rapid completion, NeAV Orleans is beginning to take on its usual Avinter aspect Turfmen aro arriving almost daily from Kentucky and eastern racing points. The city is filling up rapidly Avith tourists for the forthcoming season. Many of the sportsmen Avho plan to make the Crescent City their Avinter abode already have located and are only Avaiting for Thanksgiving Day, Avhen the Jefferson Park meeting Avill get under Avay. One of the features of the improvements at Jefferson Park is the elimination of the so-called "turtle-back" arrangement of the course. Superintendent Rouprich has had a force of men at AA-ork on the track Avith a view of having the racing strip at its very best for opening day. Among the numerous improA-ements at Jefferson Park is the installation of a new lighting system for the wagering quarters, so as to give patrons of the course more freedom in reading the jockey board. RECENT ARRIVALS. Almost eAery day finds horses arriving for the season. Among the recent arriA-als are the horses of T. O. "Webber, winch raced AA-ith considerable success in the east; N. Loscalzo, C. N. Freeman, O. E. Pons, C. A. Applegate, Charles Houbre. James Robertson. W. V. Casey, T. J. Carroll, "W. J. Potter, R. L. Carter, J. A. Coburn and Milo Shields. A division of the stable which AndreAV G. Blakely Avill train for William Daniel, the Chicago sportsman and owner of Master Charlie, the crack juvenile, is quartered at the Fair Grounds. The arrival of S. N. Holman a few days ago, Avith his pretentious string to folloAV from Kentucky, Avill eA-entually find the Holman stock in its own barn. Holman has arranged Avith the management of the Business Mens Racing Association to erect his OAvn barn, Avhich Avill be one of the most complete in tho Avay of appointment at the course, and part of Avhich will contain sleeping accommodations for the stables help. Stable accommodations at Jefferson Park are at a premium. General Manager Eddy has been SAvamped during the past fortnight with requests for stable room.

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Local Identifier: drf1924111401_12_3
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