untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-14


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PRESENT AND PAST MASTER 50 TEARS ON THE XtJRF HONEST OLD ANDY OCCASIONAL. 10.00 DAILY; 5.00 FOR G DAYS SUPERS, 5.00 DAILY 0.00 FOR SIX EAJfS ENTIItE SERVICE, 0 FOIl SIX DAYS SAVE S100 LONG LIVE OLD ANDY HITS TWO MORE YESTERDAYS 5 SUPER MY EIGHTH DAY: Auntie Millin 5.40- Won YESTERDAYS 10.00 OCCASIONAL MY EIGHTH DAY: Repeater 0.50- Won 15 WEDNESDAY MY SEVENTH DAY 10: CAMPFIItE TALES S41.10-S2 Won VRANA $ 9.50- Won 15 TUESDAY MY SIXTH DAY 10: C03IEDY 29.10- Won ALICE BLUE GOWN 0.50- Won 15 MONDAY MY FIFTH DAY 10: DANBY 4.60-02 Won ABU BEX AIIDE3I 5.50- Won 15 SATURDAY MY FOURTH DAY 10: HANDEL S22.10-S2 Won COMIXA 9.40-2 Won 15 FRIDAY MY THIRD DAY 10: MISS VAAL 9.90-82 Won STIMULUS 0.S0- Won 15 THURSDAY MY SECOND DAY 10: COMIXA 1.20-52 Won SEQUPL 5.70- Won 15 WEDNESDAY MY FIRST DAY 10: NOIHOD 7.70- Won LEATHER-WOOD 522.20-82 Won Are you convinced? Read this: j 8 Days ,5QO Profit And over that "was made on a 25 flat play. Where on earth can you duplicate this record for such a small feet jpjpFREE ,000.00 GOOD CHEER-g This is one of the sweetest and ripest under cover good things that I ever handled in my 50 years on the turf. The stage is all set and when it goes over you will hear the books growl. We will rock them from coast to coast. Wo know something. This gigantic cleanup will bo given absolutely FREE to weekly subscribers. GET BUSY NOW. Subscriptions will be limited to territory. Subscribers will be notified. A BIG OPPORTUNITY! GET YOUR SHARE! Also, dont miss a single day this week. Connections expect to break many a book. Get your share. Get the winning habit. Follow an old timer. SUBSCRIBE NOW Mail or wire your remittance with your correct address. MR. ANDY -:- -:- 171 Broadway, New York City GEORGE P. WHITE Room 204. 126 Maiden Lane, New York City TWO HORSES DAILY 10 WEEKLY THE KING OF BONA FIDE "INFO" I LEAD THEM ALL ON WINNERS AT LONG ODDS YESTERDAYS TWO SPECIALS: COUNTRY PRINCESS 9.10- Won PETER PAUL .4.30- Won WEDNESDAYS TWO SPECIALS: FRIDAYS TWO SPECIALS: FRENCH CANADIAN 1.50- Won STIMULUS ifHKi? n aWIN GI G 0.00- Won -v-fw potti GOLD $ 5 7 ,.60-hB fin so Won Ton THURSDAYS TWO SPECIALS: TUESDAYS TWO SPECIALS: BOO BOO 7.60- Won EDINBURGH S15.S0-S2 Won COMIXA S41.20- Won CHUCKLE 53.90-S2 Won WEDNESDAYS TWO SPECIALS: LADY GLASSEN 0.S0- Won MONDAYS TWO SPECIALS: THUNDERBOLT 0.20- Won ABU BEX AIIDEM 5.50- Won TUESDAYS TWO SPECIALS: 5ENALADO $ 6.30- Won LATHROP 8.50- Won PHIL 3IcCANN 7.60- Won .mTTT,T,.,r!C, nmTn c-r.-rc, SATURDAYS TWO SPECIALS: MONDAYS TWO SPECIALS: RANDEL S22.10-S2 Won STARBECK S54.C0-S2 Won ETHEREAL BLUE $ 8.40-52 Won WATCHFUL 2.30-82 Won SPECIAL OFFER Just to permit each and every average player to get an idea of the caliber of service my clients receive daily, I am offering, specially, for the remainder of this week only, my two horses daily, for the sum of 10 per week. This service is worth ten timss the money I ask, and am doing this only to convince the general racing public that I am a producer of winners, and to provo that I am the long shot king, known for the past 25 yeaTS, and that this service is known for its genuineness. TODAY I have two winners that are winners, and both these horses should pay at least TODAY 50 TO 1 OR BETTER PARLAY TODAY Remit, at once, 10, for one weeks service, by Western Union or Postal telegraph, to avoid delay. M. E. KUHNER SUITE 416 1454 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY "PARLAYS PAY PLENTY" Terras: One Parlay, 0. Five Tarlays, 3. As my connections have raised the ante, I have to secure more clients to help cover my big expenses in securing information. Yesterday my parlay was: Country Princess, 9.10- Won Ormesvale, $ 4.10- 2nd WEDNESDAYS PARLAY WAS: CAMPFIRE TALES .1.10- Won HATS UP 3.00- Won Every day this week a big winning day. All my parlays are filed in advance with this paper. Rush your order at once for my Special Offer of SIX PARLAYS for 25. I tell you honestly I cannot give you a big winning parlay every day. That is why I make a special offer for six parlays; so that you give me a chance to really satisfy you and hold you for a steady customer. As the season nears a close a good many good parlays should go over; so rush your subscription I and I will at once wire you on receipt of same. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form Advertise in Daily Racing Form OLWinley Ak 9 1.00 SHEET SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS fc 5.00 SPECIAL WIRED FROM OFFICE YESTERDAYS BIG CLEANUP: LESTER DOCTOR 8.70- Won WAS OUR BIG 85 SPECIAL Last Call for 5.00 Special . Free to those who subscribe for our Daily Sheet and Special, for six days. The rato Is only 5. Wire at once, to COL. WINLEY, SUITE 416, CRILLY BUILDING, 35 SOUTH DEARBORN ST. PHONE, DEARBORN 490S. CHICAGO PLAYERS Call at our office. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. P. S. Those who have received our letter answer at once by Western Union. Col. Winleys Dollar Sheet for sale at our agents. You know wlio- they are. HENRY WELSH S06 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY I am right back at the close of the eastern racing with the same good information that made my, . followers clean up for the past ten years. Yesterday I gave to all my following, on the nose only and in it came: FETER PAUL 4.30- Won Wednesday: BLUE AND RED 0.30- Won Today I expect another big one, and if ycu have been a loser then get right in line and get your holiday money. I shall surely have the long shots for the balance of Maryland; also a couple at the Kentucky getaway, which will be given free to my weekly subscribers. Wire quickly 20.00 for six days and two Kentucky Specials by Western Union or Postal. My motto: "Small ads; big winners." WEEKLY ROOK. 35 cents, mailed 10 weeks, DAILY SPECIALS, 1, at all newsstands New Weekly Out Today 10-1 Shot Free Code LEXINGTON: Utica-Jewell-Launch-Human-Launch. Heres a BIRD in the AIR; dont miss it. Sharpest HARD BOOTS are down here for a GETAWAY. Rush right now and GET the NEW WEEKLY of the MASTER CLOCKER, only 35 cents at all newsstands. THURSDAYS BOOK SPECIAL: My Valet 9.80- Won And, Al Gern told you this was the BEST THING of the week. Did you get it 1 Today 15-1 Maiden at Lexington Right now let me tell you that THIS MAIDEN has been Saved for Today And, WHATS COMING OFF HERE. I tell you GET this one today; will be WELL WORTH YOUR TROUBLE; dont let stop you from getting this thing. I tell you, its the FINAL WORD from AL GERN. I got this EXTREMELY STRONG and I have ALL THE CONFIDENCE in the world in these people. NOW, RUSH right now to your newsdealer and ASK for the Daily Master Clocker , MAILED 1 WEEK, Address, 440 S. Dearborn St. CHICAGO, ILL. Announcement Everything Is Set for Tomorrows 00 Special Free Code Which goes tomorrow at Lexington. Remember LAST SATURDAYS 00 FREE CODE: Bridesmaid, .30- Won So dont FAIL to get the NEW MASTER CLOCK-! ERS WEEKLY for this 5100 FREE CODE tomor-row. Will be given in Code in tomorrows RACING FORM ADV., and you can LOOK UP CODE in the NEW WEEKLY on pago 2. SUNRISE SERVICE 156 FULTON STREET NEW YORK CITY SUITE 536 TERMS .00 DAILY; 0.00 WEEKLY YESTERDAYS RELEASE: Pogonip .50- Won TODAY AT PIMLICO Our connections, who have had their tents pitched down here for some time, report this speedster on "RAZOR" edge. They say that a fitter appearing horse than this one never faced the barrier. These people slipped us many a long one at this track this fall and we have an abundance of confidence in their ability to make good on this one. We expect our clients to make another winning on this HORSE, so you had better get in line and join them. SAVE TIME AND MONEY. Subscribe 0.00, for one weeks service. Wednesdays release ran second. TUESDAYS RELEASE: EDINBURGH 5.S0-S2 Won SATURDAYS RELEASE: COMIXA 9.40- "Won FRIDAYS RELEASE: SWINGING 0.00- "Won THURSDAYS RELEASE: SATELLITE S12.90- Won WEDNESDAYS RELEASE: LUCKY DRIFT 5.10-52 Won TUESDAYS RELEASE: ARBITRATION 1.S0- Won MONDAYS RELEASE: INSULATE 7.50-52 Won SATURDAYS RELEASE: PKINCESS ADELE 6.70-52 Won FRIDAYS RELEASE: JOHNNY JEWELL 8.10- Won THURSDAYS RELEASE: LEXINGTON 3IAID 521.50-52 Won NOTICE TODAY BIG 0.00 SUPER SPECIAL 10-1 OR BETTER EXPECTED Dont miss this big Special today. The above horses filed with this paper and also released to all my clients, who have reaped a fortune on this information. THIS WEEK SHOULD BE OUR BEST, AS WE HAVE WORD ON SEVERAL LIVE ONES THIS WEEK. WE RELEASE AS SOON AS YOUR REMITTANCE IS RECEIVED AT OFFICE. SO DONT HESITATE. RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. City clients, call. Out-of-town clients, wire fee with address. SUNRISE SERVICE 15G FULTON ST. SUITE 536 NEW YORK CITY Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad and a two-cent stamp to J. K. WILLIS I 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach. Fla.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924111401/drf1924111401_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924111401_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800