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BELMONT FUNERAL SERVICE Held Friday Afternoon in Cathedral of St. John the Divine. . Leaders of Financial, Social and Snorting? AVorlil Present It u rial Saturday At Xewport, It. I. 1 XEA" YORK, X. Y., Dec. 12. Funeral services for the late Major August Belmont, chairman of the Jockey Club, were held in the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine thi3 afternoon, while interment will be in the family plot at Island Cemetery, Xewport. R. I., tomorrow. Bishop Manning of the Cathedral conducting the service, assisted by the Rev. Karl Reiland of St. Georges Episcopal Church. Long before the hour set for the service, the cathedral was crowded by men and women prominent in the financial, social and sporting world. Floral, pieces of magnificent designs wer banked about the chapel, while the collin was covered with flowers. The full cathedral choir, fifty voices, sang during the service. The body was followed to the chapel by members of the family and intimate friends. As a tribute to Mr. Belmont, tra flic was halted on the elevated and subways for ona minute during the service. The pall betrers were chosen from his most intimate friends and included Jcseph S. Auerbach. AVilliam Aroodward. Harry K. Knapp, E. C. Potter. Oliver AV.. Bird," Taiil Danna. Richard Delafield, Francis R. Apple-ton, Cornelius Aanderbilt, Seymour L. Cromwell, Francis Key rcndleton, Frank li. Polk. Frank K. Sturgis, Delancey Xicoll and Edward J. Berwind. Among these who attended the services were J. 1. Morgan. AA. J. Salmon, Oliver Harriman, Joseph E. AVidener, George D. Widener, A. S. Fanshaw. John McEntee Bowman. II. A. Buck, A. B. Hancock, T. C McDowell. A. J. Joyner, Mr. and Mrs. 3. C. Hildrcth, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sande, James Rowo. Max Hirsch, -T. -J. Shaw. James Beat-tie, Edward Madden, John E. Madden, Com. J. K. L. Ross. George H. Bull, Joseph Rilev, J. Simon Healy, L. McAtee, C. II. Pettin-giil. Captain Thornhill, Harrv M. Stevens Frank Stevens, John J. Cavanaugh, Louis Feustel. C. J. Fitzgerald, II. S. A"reeiand. Mars Cassidy. AA. A. Shea. Larry AATaterburv. Christy Sullivan. Tim Mara. Charles II Thierot, r. T. Chinn. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oots and J. MeCrlmmon.