Scales of Weights for May, Daily Racing Form, 1925-05-22

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Scales of Weights for May . | I K g a 5 ■ = 1 i 2 ? — I a i ? Agel. * I » H I ! : : * : : One -Half Hile. Two olds R7 «7 S7 «7 *7 Three rear olds lift IM U« IH li1 Four oMh IM M* l-« l-t; I* Iivi j*-ar olds and uimard . . IL6 16 Hi l-» l-1 , Three -Quartors Hile. Two vear olds »0 90 00 00 00 Tliree y.-ar nils 11J 11» 11 » H» 1 Four vear olds 130 IM 130 IM IM Five year olds and upward. 132 132 132 132 132 One Mile. Two year ol In Three ye-ir olds 112 112 112 112 112 Kcur year old* 127 127 127 127 127 Five year s,lds and upward. .12S 128 128 12S 12S One Mile r.nd a Quarter. Two vear olds Three year olds Ml Ml IM IM 10-i Four -year olds 127 127 127 127 127 Five yi ar -olds and upward.. 127 127 127 127 127 1 On* Mile and a Half. Three Tear olds 10.". 10G 105 105 10.". Four year .-Ids 127 127 127 127 127 Five year oids and upward 128 128 12S 12S 12S Two Miles. Three year olds 102 102 102 102 102 I i Four-yenr .dels 12»i IM IM 12-t IM Five yt-ar olds and upward.. 128 128 128 128 128 THE JOCKKV CLLI1. In races of Intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distances shall be i carried. In races exclusively for three-year-olds or fodr- car-olds the weight shall be i2G pounds .ind for two-year-olds 122 pounds. 1 Except in handicaps and in races where I the conditions expressly state to the con-trary, fillies two ye;trs old shall be allowed I three pounds and fillies and mares three years old and upward shall be allowed li.. , pounds before Stptembcr 1 and three pounds thereafter. Welter weights shall be 2S pounds added to the weight -for-age. In all handicaps, except ; selling handicap??, when the added money exceeds |fMa Um top uvight shall net be Im , than 120 pounds. No gehiing three years old or over shall be qualified to start in any race closing seventy-two hours or more before the date of running, except handicaps and selling races. This rule shall not apply to horses , gelded prior to February 13, 1919. ; Xo horse shall carry less than 84 pounds in any race. i KBITVCn STATE ItACTXG COMMISSION. I In races of intermediate lengths the i j weights for the shorter distances shall be carried. In races exclusively for three-year-olds or four-year-olds the weight shall be 12G pounds, and for two-year-olds 122 pounds. Kxcept in handicaps and in races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary, fillies two years old shall be allowed three pounds and fillies and maris three years old and upward shall be allowed lire pounds before B pttiub. r 1 and three pounds thereafter. No horse shall carry less than ! SI pounds. Welter weights shall be 2S pounds added o the weight-for-age. In heavy handicaps the top weight shall not be less than 140 pounds. In all handicaps, when the added money exceeds 1925.sh00, the top weight shall not be less than 120 pounds. •j i MARYLAND UA IN. COMMISSION". In races of intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distances shall be, carried. I In races exclusively for three-year-olds or four-y ear-olds the weight shall b»* 120 pounds and for two-year-olds 122 pounds. Kxcept in handicaps and in races where the conditions expressly statu to the contrary, fillies two years old shall be allowed three pounds and lillies and mares three y.-ais old and upward shall be allowed five pounds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter. Wetter weights shall be 2S pounds added to the weight-fcr-age. In all handicaps, except telling handicaps, when the added money exceeds 1925.sh00. the top Weight shall not be less than HO pounds. No gelding three years old or over shall be cpjulified to start in any race closing seventy-two hours or more before the date of running, except handicaps and selling races. This rule shall not apply to horses gelded prior to February 13, 1919. j No horse shall carry less than S4 pounds in any race. ■ CANADIAN RACING ASSOCIATIONS. In races of intermediate lengths the weight for the shorter distances shall be carried. In races exclusively fcr three-year-olds or four-year-olds the weight shall be 120 pounds, and for two-year-olds 122 pounds. Kxcept in handicaps and In races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary, fillies two years old shall be allowed three pounds and fillies and mares three years old and upward shall be allowed five pounds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter. Mares of all ages shall be allowed three pounds. Welter weights shall be 2S pounds added to , the weight-for -age. In heavy handicaps the top weight shall not be less than 140 pounds. i i 1 I , ; , , ; i I i j ! •j i I j ■ , In a!I handicaps, when the added money l m ■ ds 1925.sh00, the top weight shall not bo ioss than 120 pounds. CUBA-AMEHICA JOCKEY CLUB. In races of intermediate lengths the weights for shorter distances shall be carried. In races exclusively for two-year-olds. 113 pounds. In races exclusively for three-year-olds, 122 pounds. , In races exclusively for four-year-olds. 126 pounds. Fillies two years old allowed three pounds. Fillies and mares three years old and upward allowed five pounds before September 1. Fillies and mares three years old and upward allowed three pounds after September 1. TIJUANA JOCKEY CLUB. In races of intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distances shall bo ca:ried- In a race exclusively for two-year-olds the weights shall be 118 pounds. In a race exclusively for three-year-olds or four-year-olds the weights shall be 122 pounds. Kxcept In handicaps and in races where the weights are fixed absolutely in the conditions, fillies two years old and geldings of all ages shall be allowed three pounds, and fillies and marcs three years old and upward shall be allowed five pounds before Septem-i ber 1 and three pounds thereafter. Welter weights shall be 26 pounds added to the weight-for-age. In heavy handicaps the top weight shall not be less than 140 pounds. I.OI ISIAN V JOCKEY CLUB AND JEFFERSON PARISH FAIR ASSOCIATION. In races of intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried. In races exclusively for two-year-olds the weight shall be 122 pounds. In races exclusively for three-year-olds or four-year-olds the weight shall be 120 pounds. In handicaps, when the added money exceeds»o. the top weight shall not be less than 116 pounds. Kxcept in handicaps and in races where the conditions state to the contrary. Mllei two years old shall be allowtd tht p unds, and fillies and mares three y.ars old and upward shall be allowed five pounds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter. STEEPLECHASE WEIGHTS. At the eastern tracks all steepl -« hasp races are run under the rules of the National Steepleehase and Hunt Association, which provides these weights: For steeplechases less than three miles — From January 1 to August SI, inclusive, three years, 135 pounds ; four years, 149 [pounds; five years, 157 pound:;; six years and over, 102 jvounds. From September 1 to I m ember 31, inclusive, for three years. 137 pounds; four years, 154 pounds; five years. 160 pounds; six years and over. 162 pounds. For steeplechases of three miles and over— From January 1 to August 31. inclusive, foenr years, 143 pounds; five years. IK pounds; six y. ns aud over, 100 pounds. From September ;1 to December 31, inclusive, for four years. 14t pounds; five years, 15S pounds; six years land ever, 160 pounds. For hurdle races— From January 1 to August 31, inclusive, three years. 135 pounds; fottr y .us, 142 pounds; five yuiis, 1~ 1 pounds; six years and over. 150 pounds. From September 1 to December 31. inclusive, three years, 142 pounds; four years, 155 pounds ; five years and over. 101 poeMefe In ra es exclusively for three-year-olds the en ight shall be 135 pounds. Kxcept in handicaps and in races ivhere tho en iLhts are fi--d absolutely in the conditions, mares shall be allowed five pounds b* - fore September 1 and three pounds then alt r. For races on the flat meter Hunt Club auspices the scale of weights ad pt d by TlM Jockey Club shall govern and in respect of such races, welter weights shall be 23 pound -j above the weight for age. In the West the weights spe. ified by th Wi etetet Jockey Club and the American Turf Association were identical and are as follows : J:in. April July Oct. Age. Feb. May Aug. Not. M.-ireli June Sept. Dec. :i . ir olds IM 129 134 14il 4 olds 117 149 151 154 5 year olds 1T.7 1C0 103 104 0 year elds :ind up.. 168 170 172 17J The rules ot the Canadian Racing Associations governing steeplechases and hurdle, races provide that no horse shall be permitted to start in any steeplechase or hurdle race canning less than 130 pounds. When a scale of weights for age is not fixed by the regu- la t ions of any course or by the conditions of a meeting or race the following scale shall govern : For steeplechases and hurdle races less i»han three mihs — From January 1 to July 31. inclusive, four years, 145 pounds; five years. 150 pounds; six y. ars and over. 166 pounds. , From August 1 to Dec-mb r XI, inclusive. j three years. 13S pounds ; four years, 155 pounds ; five years. 163 pounds ; six years and .over. 166 pounds. For steeplechases of three miles and over— From January 1 to August 31, inclusive. f. ur ;,«.irs. l:;S pounds; fic years. 157 pounds; six years and over, 100 pounds. From Septernb. r jl to L eccmber 31, inclusive, four years, lit pounds; five scars, 161 pounds; six years and over. 100 pounds. Kt ept in handicaps and in all races where-tho conditions expressly state to the contrary, mar* s sh all b* allow* d tiv*- pounds before the first of September and three pounds thereafter. Geldings allowed three p unds.

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Local Identifier: drf1925052201_12_3
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