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DAILY RACING VOllM VOLUME XXXI. MUMBEB 141 l.ntcirri an si-rom! - 1 ! •* mattt-r, April -. 1S9G. a* tlie |K st-offire at Chicago. Illinois, under Act afl Hart I. 1S79. W. J. McM-.irray. Publisher and General Minarer m _ • PailT Pnrlnr Winter Honliia Daily Eirept Sunday r.ilance of thr- Year. A lfc.ilr naflartlsa of the Americ.ia Turt by IVIearmri UMily KAUNti rUKM HUbLlbrtlNli tU 441 PLYMOUTH COHKT - CHICAGO ILL. 157-159 EAST 32nd ST.. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT «»n r»ST THIRD STRFET CINCINNATI OHIO M liW till"! KI.N 11V HUM ll.ASS HAIL: M.iy to Norrmber. Inclnxire 00 per inontli l-crember to April. Imlmjivo M per inontli rAYAIII.R IN ADVANCE n«CK oiMiFns iiy mail, is prats mrn Ihl.KIim.NK l-u«7 llAaUUaaM For tiiisineea i.nil rhcnlntion purposes only. TliN trlrphotie una no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot be used to rniiimmicatc with tlien-